Oracle8(TM) Getting Started for Windows NT
Release 8.0.3





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This guide is your primary source of introductory, post-installation, configuration and administration information for Oracle8 for Windows NT.

Specific topics discussed are:


This guide assumes that you are familiar with:

Intended Audience

This guide is necessary for anyone installing, configuring, or administering Oracle8 for Windows NT.


This guide describes only the features of Oracle8 software, formerly known as Oracle Workgroup Server, that apply to the Windows NT operating system. For information about Oracle8 that is applicable to all operating systems, see Oracle8 Server Concepts, and other documentation included in your package. A list of included documentation is available in Chapter 1, "Getting Started with Your Documentation".  

How This Guide Is Organized

This guide is organized as follows:

Chapter 1, "Getting Started with Your Documentation"

Introduces you to the Oracle documentation set. Oracle Corporation recommends that you read this chapter before installing or using Oracle8 for Windows NT.

Chapter 2, "Introducing Oracle8"

Describes the basic components of Oracle8 for Windows NT.

Chapter 3, "Starter Database Contents"

Describes the contents of the preconfigured starter database.

Chapter 4, "Database Tools"

Provides a list of preferred tools, among the many tools available to you, to perform common database administration tasks.

Chapter 5, "Database Co-existence and Migration"

Describes how to install Oracle7 and Oracle8 databases in the same Oracle home and how to migrate Oracle7 data to an Oracle8 database.

Chapter 6, "Configuration Tasks"

Describes the configuration tasks you must perform before using products, such as Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle8 ConText Cartridge.

Chapter 7, "Oracle8 Integration with Windows NT"

Describes the close integration of Oracle8 with Windows NT.

Chapter 8, "Understanding Oracle Enterprise Manager"

Provides an overview of Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle's suite of products for managing Oracle8 databases over a distributed network.

Chapter 9, "Creating a Database"

Describes how to create a database automatically using Oracle Database Assistant, or manually, using command line tools and the CREATE DATABASE SQL statement.

Chapter 10, "Administering a Database"

Describes how to administer a database.

Chapter 11, "Monitoring a Database"

Describes how to monitor Oracle8 for Windows NT.

Chapter 12, "Backing Up and Recovering Database Files"

Provides recommendations and procedures for backing up and recovering database files.

Chapter 13, "Applications Development"

Describes Windows NT-specific issues for applications developers.

Chapter 14, "Oracle8 ConText Filters, Demos, and Workbench"

Describes Oracle ConText Filters, Demos, and Oracle ConText Cartridge Workbench components.

Appendix A, "Directory Structures"

Lists default directory structures for Oracle8 components installed on Windows NT and Windows 95 operating systems.

Appendix B, "Initialization Parameter Files"

Describes Oracle8 for Windows NT initialization parameters, how to edit them, and Windows NT-specific defaults (and ranges) for them.

Appendix C, "Configuration Parameters and the Registry"

Describes the use of the registry for various Oracle8 components. Additionally, it lists the defaults and ranges for configuration parameters.

Appendix D, "Messages and Codes"

Lists the error messages, causes, and corrective actions specific to installing and using Oracle8 for Windows NT.

Appendix E, "National Language Support"

Explains the NLS_LANG configuration parameter and its components and lists the available options.

Appendix F, "Distributing and Managing Oracle Software"

Describes how to install Oracle8 products using Oracle Client Software Manager (OCSM) and Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS).

Appendix G, "Troubleshooting"

Describes how to diagnose and troubleshoot common error messages. It also describes how to contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support if you cannot resolve these problems.


The following conventions are used in this guide:

Convention   Example   Meaning  

All uppercase plain  


Indicates command names, SQL reserved words, and keywords, as in ALTER DATABASE. All uppercase plain is also used for directory names and file names  


Italic used to indicate a variable:

MIG80 CFILE="C:\ORACLE_HOME\filename\"

Italic used for emphasis:

The WHERE clause may be used to join rows in different tables.  

Indicates a value that you must provide. For example, if a command asks you to type filename, you must type the actual name of the file.

Italic is also used for emphasis in the text and to indicate the titles of other guides.  

Horizontal ellipsis ...  

CHKVAL fieldname value 1 value 2... valueN  

Indicates that parts of the statement or command not directly related to the example have been omitted.  

Vertical bar |  

..DEFINE [ macro1 | macro2 ]  

Represents an `or' option between several options. You must enter only one of the options. Do not enter the vertical bar. The set of alternative choices is enclosed by curly braces if one of the items is required, or by square brackets if the item is an optional alternative.  

Curly braces {}  

..DEFINE { macro1 | macro2 }  

Encloses required items. You must choose one of the alternatives.  

Square brackets [ ]  

cvtcrt termname [outfile]


Encloses optional items. You can choose one or none of the alternatives.

Square brackets also indicate a function key, for example [Enter].  

Oracle8 database  


The database component of Oracle8.  



Represents the Windows NT command prompt of the current hard disk drive. Your prompt may differ and may, at times, reflect the subdirectory in which you are working. Referred to as the MS-DOS command prompt in this guide.  

Oracle home  

Go to the ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory.


Oracle home is the top level directory where your Oracle software is installed. By default, the Oracle home directory for Windows NT products is ORANT and for Windows 95 products is ORAWIN95. In this guide, the convention ORACLE_HOME is used to indicate your Oracle Home directory, which may be ORANT, ORAWIN95, or whatever you may have called your Oracle home.

In Server Manager commands you may see %ORACLE_HOME%. Server Manager is able to locate your Oracle Home directory using the %ORACLE_HOME% variable. This convention can be used in Server Manager, SQL*Plus, Export and Import.  

Backslash (\) before a directory name  


Indicates that the directory is a subdirectory of the root directory.  


period .

comma ,

hyphen -

semicolon ;

colon :

equal sign =

backslash \

single quote `

double quote "

parentheses ()  

Symbols other than brackets and vertical bars must be entered in commands exactly as shown.  



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All Rights Reserved.



