Oracle8(TM) Getting Started for Windows NT
Release 8.0.3





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Database Co-existence and Migration

This chapter describes tasks you need to perform if you decide not to perform a migration and instead have Oracle7 and Oracle8 databases co-exist on the same server (in the same Oracle home). It also describes how to migrate the contents of an existing database (either Oracle7 or Microsoft Access) to an Oracle8 database.

Specific topics discussed are:

Database Co-existence and Migration Overview

When you install Oracle8 for Windows NT, you can:

Co-existence and Migration Decisions

If you have an existing Oracle7 database(s) on your system and you want to install an Oracle8 database(s), you must decide to:

Consider the following issues before you decide which of the above procedures is most suitable for your requirements.

Oracle7 and Oracle8 Client and Server Configuration

Oracle7 and Oracle8 clients can communicate with Oracle7 and Oracle8 databases. This functionality gives you maximum flexibility when designing your network and deciding when to:

Install Oracle7 and Oracle8 in the Same Oracle Home

Install an Oracle7 and Oracle8 database on the same server (in the same Oracle home directory) and have both Oracle7 and Net8 clients connecting to both databases. See the section, "Installing an Oracle7 and Oracle8 Database in the Same Oracle Home" for instructions. The figure below gives an example of this network configuration.

Install Oracle7 and Oracle8 on Separate Servers

Install Oracle7 and Oracle8 databases on separate servers and have both Oracle7 and Oracle8 clients connecting to both databases. See Oracle8 Installation for Windows NT CD-ROM Insert for information on how to perform a fresh installation of Oracle8 software. The figure below gives an example of this network configuration.

Migrate Oracle7 Data to an Oracle8 Database

Migrate your Oracle7 data to an Oracle8 database and have both Oracle7 and Oracle8 clients connecting to the Oracle8 database. See the section, "Using Oracle Data Migration Assistant" or the section, "Using the Migration Utility (MIG80)" for instructions. The figure below illustrates this network configuration.

Upgrade Oracle7 Clients to Oracle8

Upgrade some or all of your Oracle7 clients to Oracle8 and migrate your Oracle7 database to an Oracle8 database at a later date. See Oracle Networking Products Getting Started for Windows Platforms for instructions. The figure below illustrates this network configuration.

Co-existence and Migration Networking Issues

If you decide to co-exist databases or migrate your database, there are specific networking issues to be resolved. Oracle Installer automatically resolves some of the issues. The Network Administrator may also need to perform some manual tasks.

Co-existence Issues

Oracle7 clients configured with SQL*Net version 2.x should migrate to Oracle8 clients configured with Net8 when their applications are upgraded to version 8. Until client applications upgrade to version 8, clients using SQL*Net Client version 2.x can connect to Oracle8 databases. SQL*Net version 2.x can co-exist with Net8 in the same Oracle home directory.

Oracle Installer Tasks

If you are installing Net8 on the same computer where SQL*Net version 2.x exists, Oracle Installer automatically performs these tasks to enable co-existence:

  1. Configuration files are copied from ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN and saved into ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN.
  2. Oracle Names version 8 listener is set up as Manual Startup. The Net8 listener is not started.

Network Administrator Tasks

To use the version 8 listener, you may need to change your network configuration on either the SQL*Net version 2.x or Net8 configurations to prevent a conflict. For example, you may need to change:

You may also need to start the version 8 listener and change the status to Automatic Startup, depending upon your network needs. If you make changes to the listener, you must make changes to client configuration files to reflect those listener changes.

SQL*Net version 2.x uses configuration files from ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN, while Net8 uses files from ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN by default. If you want SQL*Net version 2.x and Net8 to use configuration files from the same directory, you can set the registry variable TNS_ADMIN.

Migration Issues

Oracle7 clients configured with SQL*Net version 2.x should migrate to Oracle8 clients configured with Net8 when their applications are upgraded to version 8.

Oracle Installer Tasks

If you are migrating SQL*Net version 2.x to Net8, Oracle Installer automatically performs these tasks:

  1. Configuration files are copied from ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN and saved into ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN.
  2. SQL*Net version 2.x listener is stopped. The startup type is changed from Automatic to Manual.
  3. Net8 listener is set up as Automatic Startup and is started.

Installing an Oracle7 and Oracle8 Database in the Same Oracle Home

You can install an Oracle8 database in the same Oracle home as an existing Oracle7 database and run both simultaneously. In the following instructions, an Oracle release starter database called ORACLE with a SID of ORCL is already installed in D:\ORANT. Now, create an Oracle release database called PROD with a SID of PRD1 in D:\ORANT.


Ensure you do not use the same SID for the database as you used for the database. Be careful that you do not use the default SID ORCL as this will overwrite the starter database.  


The use of multiple Oracle homes is not supported on Windows NT or Windows 95. You must install both databases into the same directory, for example, D:\ORANT.  

To install an Oracle8 database into the Oracle home of an existing Oracle7 database:

  1. Ensure you have enough hard disk space and RAM for both databases. You need to add the system requirements for Oracle7 Server and Oracle8 to determine the total system requirements.
  2. Ensure all Oracle7 services are stopped.
  3. Install Oracle8 for Windows NT from the CD-ROM disc.
  4. Additional Information:

    See Oracle8 Installation for Windows NT CD-ROM Insert for complete installation instructions.  

    The Oracle Installation Settings dialog box appears:

  5. Set the Oracle home directory location to the same directory where release is already installed. In this example, D:\ORANT.
  6. The Oracle8 dialog box appears:

  7. Select Oracle8 from the Oracle8 dialog box.
  8. The Data Migration dialog box appears indicating that Oracle Installer has detected an earlier version of the database. You are asked if you want to migrate your Oracle7 database to release using Oracle Data Migration Assistant.

  9. Select No. You do not want to migrate the Oracle7 data to the Oracle8 database.
  10. The Starter Database Installation Option dialog box appears:

  11. Select Custom using Oracle Database Assistant.
  12. Complete Oracle8 Installation. At the end of installation the Oracle Database Assistant is launched. The following screen appears:
  13. Choose the Oracle8 ConText Cartridge if you want to include it with your Oracle8 database. Click Next. The following screen appears:
  14. Select the size of database you want to create: Small, Medium, or Large. Ensure the Compatible Parameter is set to Click Next. The following screen appears:
  15. The above screen by default shows information for the existing database. You must change the information in this screen to reflect your requirements for the database. See the following table for example information you can enter in this screen.

    Database Name  




    Initialization Parameter File  



    When you change the information in the initialization parameter file field, your new file name is reflected in all file name fields in subsequent screens of this assistant.  

  16. Proceed to the last Oracle Database Assistant screen and complete the creation of the Oracle8 database.

Using Oracle Data Migration Assistant

Oracle Data Migration Assistant helps you migrate data from an Oracle7 database to an Oracle8 database. During installation of Oracle8, you are prompted to migrate a database with this wizard if Oracle Installer detects that a database exists on your system. If you do not want to migrate a database during the installation process, you can choose to use this wizard at a later date.


Oracle Data Migration Assistant does not migrate Oracle8 release 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 Beta releases to release 8.0.3. If you need to migrate these Beta releases, see the README.DOC file in the ORACLE_HOME\RDBMS80 directory.  

Additional Information:

See Oracle8 Installation for Windows NT CD-ROM Insert for information on how to install Oracle Data Migration Assistant.  

Before you use this wizard, ensure the Oracle7 database to be migrated meets these requirements:

To migrate a database using Oracle Data Migration Assistant:

  1. Choose Start>Programs>Oracle for Windows NT>Oracle Data Migration Assistant.
  2. The Oracle Data Migration Assistant welcome screen appears:

  3. Proceed to the last Oracle Data Migration Assistant screen and complete the migration of the Oracle7 database.
  4. Additional Information:

    Click Help to access the online documentation.  

Using the Migration Utility (MIG80)

This section describes how to use the Migration Utility (MIG80) to migrate your Oracle7 database to an Oracle8 database. While following these instructions, you are frequently asked to refer to Oracle8 Server Migration for additional migration information.


In the following sections you are asked to enter commands at the SQL*DBA or Server Manager prompt. Remember to use the appropriate version of SQL*DBA or Server Manager for your version of Oracle7 Server.  

If you are migrating from Oracle7 version:

The steps to migrate a database using MIG80 are:

Step 1: Shut Down the Oracle7 Database

Step 2: Back up the Oracle7 Database

Step 3: Prepare the Oracle7 Database for Migration

Step 4: Install MIG80

Step 5: Migration Procedure for Oracle7

Step 6: Migration Procedure for Oracle8

Step 7: Cancel the Migration

Step 8: Remove Oracle7 Software (Optional)

Step 1: Shut Down the Oracle7 Database

  1. Read the instructions in the following sections of Oracle8 Server Migration before starting the migration process:
  2. Start Server Manager or SQL*DBA at the MS-DOS command prompt. If you are migrating from:
    1. version 7.1, enter:
    2. C:\> SQLDBA71 MODE=LINE
    3. version 7.2, enter:
    4. C:\> SQLDBA72 MODE=LINE
    5. version 7.3, enter:
    6. C:\> SVRMGR23
  3. Connect to the Oracle7 database. For example:
    1. Additionally, for version 7.1 only, enter the following commands:
    3. Additionally, for version 7.1 only, set the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE to EXCLUSIVE or SHARED in the INITSID.ORA file.
  5. Shut down the database. For example:



    If the database is not shut down before migration starts, MIG80 stops and issues an error message during "Step 5: Migration Procedure for Oracle7".  

Step 2: Back up the Oracle7 Database

After a clean shutdown of the Oracle7 database, execute the following sequence of commands to create a complete database backup:

  1. Back up the entire Oracle7 Oracle home directory. Ensure the backup includes ORACLE_HOME and all of its subdirectories, which include the following:

Step 3: Prepare the Oracle7 Database for Migration

The following tasks must be performed to prepare the Oracle7 database for migration before you start the migration procedure.

  1. Remove all obsolete Oracle7 parameters from the INITSID.ORA file. Obsolete parameters can cause errors if used with an Oracle8 database.You must also alter any parameter whose syntax has changed in Oracle8. Refer to Oracle8 Server Migration for a list of new, changed, and obsolete parameters.
  2. Change all Oracle7 SQL scripts that created objects in the source database to conform to Oracle8 syntax. Refer to Oracle8 Server SQL Reference, Volume I and Oracle8 Server SQL Reference, Volume II for information.
  3. Check that your Oracle7 Server version can be directly migrated to Oracle8. MIG80 migrates only databases that are Oracle7, version 7.1 or later (at least patch release, to ensure more uniform migration success). If the production database is an earlier release (for example, version 6), migrate it to at least Oracle7, release before implementing the Oracle8 migration procedures.

Step 4: Install MIG80

Install MIG80 from the Oracle8 for Windows NT CD-ROM disc into the Oracle7 Oracle home directory, as follows:

  1. Start Oracle Installer by following the instructions in Oracle8 Installation for Windows NT CD-ROM Insert.
  2. Provide appropriate responses when prompted to enter a language, Oracle home directory, and company name.
  3. warning:

    You must select the Oracle7 Oracle home directory. If you use a new Oracle home, the Oracle7 software will become unusable, and migration will not be possible.  

  4. Select Custom Installation in the Oracle8 dialog box.
  5. The Software Asset Manager window appears.

  6. Select Oracle8 Utilities for installation (MIG80 is part of this).
  7. Exit when a message indicates that installation is complete.
  8. Note:

    MIG80 will not be able to connect to the Oracle7 database in "Step 5: Migration Procedure for Oracle7" if SQL*Net version 2.3 is not installed. Ensure that this product is installed, if not, install it from the Oracle8 for Windows NT CD-ROM disc.  

Step 5: Migration Procedure for Oracle7

  1. Ensure that you have DBA privileges, which are necessary to run MIG80.
  2. Ensure that no other DBA (connected as INTERNAL or SYS) with RESTRICTED SESSION privilege connects to the database while MIG80 is running. Normal users cannot connect to the database during this phase.
  3. Note:

    Do not start the Oracle7 source database. MIG80 starts it as part of its processing.  

  4. Start the Oracle7 service:
  5. C:\> NET START OracleServiceSID
  6. Enter the following at the MS-DOS command prompt to run MIG80:
  7. C:\> MIG80
    1. Additionally, for version 7.1 only, enter the following command:
      Additional Information:

      Enter MIG80 help=yes at the Server Manager prompt for a complete list of parameters that can be included with the MIG80 command.  

  8. Enter the password for INTERNAL when prompted.
  9. Stop the Oracle7 services when MIG80 has completed successfully:
  10. C:\> NET STOP OracleServiceSID
    C:\> NET STOP OracleStartSID
  11. Delete the Oracle7 services:

    where x is 1, 2, or 3 depending upon which Oracle7 version you are migrating.

Step 6: Migration Procedure for Oracle8

  1. Install Oracle8 products by following the instructions in Oracle8 Installation for Windows NT CD-ROM Insert.
  2. Choose None when prompted to install a database in the Starter Database Installation Options dialog box.
    1. Additionally, for version 7.1 only, copy the INITSID.ORA file from ORACLE_HOME\RDBMS71 to ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE.
  3. Create the Oracle8 service:

    where PASSWORD is the password for the new instance and users is the maximum number of users who can be granted SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges.

  5. Start the Oracle8 services:
  6. C:\> NET START OracleServiceSID
  7. Delete the database control files. They are re-created automatically as directed by the ALTER DATABASE CONVERT statement covered later in this section.
  8. Before starting Server Manager, avoid most possible future errors by verifying the following conditions:
    1. All data files and log files are accessible and in the right directories.
    2. All control files are deleted.
    3. Any INITSID.ORA file parameters that point to RDBMS71, RDBMS72, or RDBMS73 are changed to point to RDBMS80.
    4. The INITSID.ORA file COMPATIBLE parameter is deleted.
  9. Start the Oracle8 version of Server Manager:
  10. C:\> SVRMGR30 
  11. Connect to the Oracle8 database instance:
  13. Start an Oracle8 database instance without mounting the new Oracle8 database:

    Starting in any other mode will corrupt the database!  

  15. Create a new Oracle8 database control file:

    All data files that are online are converted to Oracle8 format, and a new control file is built.


    Successful execution of this command is the point of no return to Oracle7.  


    If an error occurs during this step, you must correct the condition(s) that caused the error(s). See Oracle8 Server Migration and run the migration again by restarting at Step 1 of section, "Step 5: Migration Procedure for Oracle7".  

  17. Open the Oracle8 database:

    All rollback segments that are online when the Oracle8 database is opened are opened also and converted to the new Oracle8 format.

  19. Run a script to create some Oracle8 objects and convert SYSTEM tables (spool the results to a file for later verification of success):

    where %ORACLE_HOME% represents your drive letter and Oracle home directory.


    CAT8000.SQL drops the user MIGRATE to reclaim space. Objects in the MIGRATE user's schema are not needed after the conversion is complete. You can also delete the binary file (%ORACLE_HOME%\RDBMS80\CONVERT.ORA) that is used as part of the conversion process.  

  21. Run the PUPBLD.SQL script, which creates the user profile table:
  23. Turn off the SPOOL command.

    To create additional data dictionary structures, see Oracle8 Server Reference for a complete list and description of available scripts.


    Check the spool file (for this example, CATOUT.LOG) and verify that CAT8000 compiled every package or procedure successfully.  

  25. Run SHUTDOWN NORMAL on the Oracle8 database:


  27. Make a full backup of the Oracle8 database and software distribution.
  28. The Oracle7 database has now been migrated to the Oracle8 database and is ready for use.

Step 7: Cancel the Migration

The Database Administrator can run MIG80 multiple times and still return to the Oracle7 database. However, running MIG80 automatically eliminates the Oracle7 database catalog views. Therefore, to return to the Oracle7 database after MIG80 has run, the Oracle7 database catalog views must be restored by running the Oracle7 CATALOG.SQL script.

Additional Information:

See Oracle8 Server Migration for information on cancelling the migration.  


MIG80 upgrades Oracle7 version 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 databases to version 8.0. If the migration is run but cancelled before the conversion to Oracle8, the Oracle7 database is left with a dictionary that is apparently version 8.0. See Oracle8 Server Migration for information on how to downgrade from 8.0 to 7.1, 7.2, or 7.3 if required.  

Step 8: Remove Oracle7 Software (Optional)

You may remove Oracle7 software if you did not perform "Step 7: Cancel the Migration" and have successfully migrated to Oracle8.

To remove Oracle7 software:

  1. Stop all Oracle services.
  2. Choose Start>Programs>Oracle for Window NT>Oracle Installer to start Oracle Installer.
  3. The Software Asset Manager window appears.
  4. Select the product(s) you want to remove from the Installed Products window of the Software Asset Manager window.
  5. Click Remove.
  6. Oracle Installer warns you of any product dependencies that might cause problems if particular products are removed, and prompts you to confirm the de-installation.

Using Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access

Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access helps you migrate data from a Microsoft Access database to an Oracle8 database. Specifically, Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access:

Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access can migrate several types of Microsoft Access databases, including:

Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access can be used to migrate both 16-bit Access 2.0 databases and 32-bit Microsoft Access 7.0 databases.

To prepare a Microsoft Access database for migration:

  1. Compact and back up your Microsoft Access database files.
  2. If you want, separate your Microsoft Access data tables and referential integrity into a different .MDB file from the application (forms, reports, macros, and modules) and create attachments. The .MDB file containing the data tables and referential integrity is the .MDB file to migrate to Oracle8.
  3. Note:

    Microsoft Access tables with two or more MEMO or OLE datatype columns, which need to be mapped to a LONG or LONGRAW in Oracle8, are not converted. The Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access tries to convert these datatypes to a VARCHAR2(2000) so the table can be converted. However, if the existing data does not permit this, the Microsoft Access table is not converted. Change the Microsoft Access structure to move the additional MEMO or OLE columns to a separate table. Oracle8 does not support two LONG columns in one table.


To migrate a database using Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access:

  1. Choose Start>Programs>Oracle for Windows NT>Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access.
  2. The Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access welcome screen appears:

  3. Proceed to the last Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access screen and complete the migration of the Microsoft Access database.
  4. Additional Information:

    Click Help to access the online documentation.  

Known Problems, Restrictions, and Workarounds

This section lists known problems and restrictions with Oracle Migration Assistant for Microsoft Access.


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