|Summary |Design Structures |Sequential Statements |Concurrent Statements |Types and Constants |
|Declarations |Delay, Events |Reserved Words |Operators |System Tasks |Compiler Directives |
+ addition - subtraction * multiplication / division ** exponentiation % modulus > greater than relation // relations are 0 if false < less than relation // 1 if true and possibly x >= grater than or equal relation <= less than or equal relation == logical equality relation != logical inequality relation === case equality // x must match x, z must match z !== case not equal // comparison is made bit-wise && logical and || logical or ! logical negation & bit-wise and (also unary reduction and) ~& unary reduction nand | bit-wise or (also unary reduction or, event or) ~| reduction nor ^ bit-wise exclusive or (unary reduction xor) ~^ bit-wise equivalence (^~) (also unary reduction xnor) ~ bit-wise complement >> bit-wise logical right shift << bit-wise logical left shift >>> bit-wise arithmetic right shift <<< bit-wise arithmetic left shift ? : condition ? value-if-true : value-if-false ? compare equal on this bit * compare equal on group of bits = substitution <= non blocking substitution : separator , separator . selector .parameter(actual) module_name.local_name ; statement terminator ( ) grouping parenthesis, module instantiation, function and task call [ ] subscript, range as in [31:0] { } concatenation " " pair of quotes around strings @ event control ` compiler directive $ system task and functions /* start comment */ end comment // start comment to end of line (* start non simulation attribute *) end non simulation attribute ' constant width'radix value base is b B d D h H o O % format indication b B c C d D e E f F g G h H l L m M o O s S t T u U v V z Z %10.5E %0d \ escape sequences, quoted characters in strings \n \t \\ \" \ddd %%