Oracle8i Parallel Server Setup and Configuration Guide
Release 8.1.5






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Administering Oracle Parallel Server

This chapter describes how instances are managed through initialization files and Oracle Parallel Server Management.

Specific topics covered in this chapter are:

Understanding the Initialization Files

An initialization parameter file is an ASCII text file containing a list of parameters.

Each node consists of an initialization parameter file named INITSID.ORA with parameters unique for an instance and an initialization parameter file named INITDB_NAME.ORA with common parameters shared from node-to-node.

Figure 6-1 Instance Initialization Files

Purpose of INITSID.ORA

The INITSID.ORA instance initialization parameter files point to the INITDB_NAME.ORA file for common parameters and define the following for each instance:

The SID is the value of the DB_NAME parameter in the INITDB_NAME.ORA file and the thread ID. For instance, if the DB_NAME is OP, and the first node has a thread ID of 1, its SID is OP1; the second node uses the SID OP2 to identify its instance; and so on.

Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3 show the contents of an initialization files for two nodes with node numbers of 1 and 2 were created by the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant:

Figure 6-2 INITOP1.ORA

rollback_segments = (rbs1_1,rbs1_2)

Figure 6-3 INITOP2.ORA

rollback_segments = (rbs2_1,rbs2_2)

The parameters are described below

Parameter   Description  


Identifies the path and name of the INITDB_NAME.ORA to include.  


Specifies one or more rollback segments to allocate to this instance.  


Specifies the number of the redo thread that is to be used by the instance. Any available redo thread number can be used, but an instance cannot use the same thread number as another instance. Also, an instance cannot start when its redo thread is disabled. A value of zero causes an available, enabled public thread to be chosen. An instance cannot mount a database if the thread is used by another instance or if the thread is disabled.  


Identifies the name of instance and is used to uniquely identify a specific instance when multiple instances share common services names. INSTANCE_NAME should not be confused with the Oracle System ID (SID), which actually uniquely identifies the instances shared memory on a host.  


Specifies whether Oracle checks for a password file and how many databases can use the password file. This parameter must be set to EXCLUSIVE. EXCLUSIVE specifies that only one instance can use the password file and that the password file contains names other than SYS and INTERNAL. It allows multiple users (other than INTERNAL and SYS) to start up a database.  


INITDB_NAME.ORA database initialization file is called by the individual parameter files through the IFILE parameter.

Figure 6-4 Common Initialization Files

For Oracle Parallel Server, some initialization parameters must have the same values for every instance, whether individual or common parameter files are used. By referencing the common parameter file using the IFILE parameter within the individual parameter files, instances that have individual parameter files can use the correct parameter values for those that must be identical. This also allows individual parameter files with different values.

Figure 6-5 shows a INITDB_NAME.ORA file (INITOP.ORA) created for a Hybrid database through the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant:

Figure 6-5 INITOP.ORA

db_name = op
db_domain =
service_names =
db_files = 1024
control_files = ("\\.\op_ctl1", "\\.\op_ctl2")
db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8
db_block_buffers = 2843
shared_pool_size = 15728640
log_checkpoint_interval = 10000
log_checkpoint_timeout = 0
processes = 50
parallel_max_servers = 5
log_buffer = 32768
max_dump_file_size = 10240  # limit trace file size to 5M each
global_names = true
oracle_trace_collection_name = ""
background_dump_dest = C:\Orant3\admin\op\bdump
user_dump_dest = C:\Orant3\admin\op\udump

db_block_size = 8192

distributed_transactions = 10
compatible =
sort_area_size = 66560

Parameters to take note of:

Parameter   Description  


Specifies the name of the database, OP, entered during installation or database creation.  


Specifies the database domain, .US.ORACLE.COM, in which the database is located entered during installation or database creation. When possible, Oracle Corporation recommends that your database domain mirror the network domain.  


Specified the names of the database service on the network, OP.US.ORACLE.COM. By default, the Oracle Universal Installer and the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant create a service name that includes the entire global database name, a name comprised of the database name (DB_NAME) and domain name (DB_DOMAIN), entered during installation or database creation.

It is possible to provide multiple services names (by individual SERVICE_NAMES entries) so that different usages of a instance can be identified separately. Service names can also be used to identify a service that is available from multiple instances through the use of replication.  

See Oracle8i Reference for a description of the other parameters. 

Setting Initialization Parameters

This section describes the following:

GC_* Global Constant Parameters

Initialization parameters with the prefix GC (Global Constant) are relevant only for an Oracle Parallel Server. These parameters are specified in the INITDB_NAME.ORA file.

Global constant parameter settings determine the size of the collection of global locks that protect the database buffers on all instances. The settings you choose affect the use of certain operating system resources.

Of the instances (OP1, OP2, and so on), the first instance to start up in shared mode determines the values of the global constant parameters for the other instances. The control file records the values of the GC_* parameters when the first instance starts up.

When another instance attempts to start up in shared mode, the Oracle Server compares the values of the global constant parameters in its parameter file with those already in use and issues a message if any values are incompatible. The instance cannot mount the database unless it has the correct values for its global constant parameters.

The global constant parameters for an Oracle Parallel Server are:

Parameter   Description  


Gives the mapping of hashed and fine-grain locks to blocks within each data file.

The meaning of this parameter has changed. Previously, files not mentioned in this parameter (or files added later) were assigned the remaining hash locks. Files not mentioned in this parameter use DBA locking. You can now have multiple entries of GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS.  


Sets the number of locks which will be used for DBA locks.  


For each rollback segment, specifies the number of instance locks available for simultaneously modified rollback segment blocks.  

Parameter Notes for Multiple Instances

Multiple instance issues concerning initialization parameters are summarized in the following table:

Parameter   Parallel Server Notes  


In Oracle Parallel Server, your database can have more datafiles. To speed up checkpoints, enable the CHECKPOINT_PROCESS parameter.  


If set to TRUE, this parameter can potentially reduce pinging between instances.  


This parameter must be identical on all instances only if set to zero.  


If specified, this parameter must have unique values for different instances.  


You must include the thread number.  


If you want commits to be seen immediately on remote instances, you may need to change the value of this parameter.  

NLS_* parameters  

This parameter can have different values for different instances.  


To enable a database to be started in Oracle Parallel Server mode, this parameter must be set to TRUE in the initialization file.  


This parameter must have a value large enough to allow for all background processes and all user processes in an instance. Some operating systems can have additional DBWR processes. Defaults for the SESSIONS and TRANSACTIONS parameters are derived directly or indirectly from the value of the PROCESSES parameter. If you do not use the defaults, you may want to increase some of these parameter values to allow for optional background processes.  


To speed up the roll forward or cache recovery phase, you can set this parameter.  


Specify the private rollback segments for each instance.  


If specified, this parameter must have unique values for different instances.  

Identical Parameters on Each Instance

Certain initialization parameters are critical at database creation or affect certain database operations. These parameters must have the same value for every instance in an Oracle Parallel Server specified in each INITDB_NAME.ORA file for each instance. For example, the values of DB_BLOCK_SIZE and CONTROL_FILES must be identical for every instance.

The following initialization parameters must have identical values (unless noted otherwise) for every instance in an Oracle Parallel Server.


LM_LOCKS (identical values recommended)  


LM_PROCS (identical values recommended)  


LM_RESS (identical values recommended)  













Setting LM_* Parameters

Set values for the LM_* initialization parameters. Note that the resources, locks and processes configurations are per Oracle Parallel Server instance. For ease of administration, these parameters should be consistent for all the instances.

Parameter   Description  


Number of locks. Where R is the number of resources, N is the total number of nodes, and L is the total number of locks, the following calculation is used:

L = R + (R*(N - 1))/N  


Number of processes. The value of PROCESSES initialization parameter multiplied by the number of nodes.  


This parameter controls the number of resources that can be locked by the Lock Manager. This parameter covers the number of lock resources allocated for DML, DDL (data dictionary locks), and data dictionary cache locks + file and log management locks.  

Parameter Descriptions

Chapter 18, "Administering Multiple Instances," of the Oracle8i Parallel Server Concepts & Administration includes descriptions of the initialization parameters.

Location of Initialization Files

The database for which the instance is started must have access to the appropriate initialization parameter files. Oracle Parallel Server uses the initialization parameter files located in:

Editing Initialization Files

To customize Oracle Parallel Server databases functions, you need to edit the initialization parameter files. Use any ASCII text editor to modify the files.

Managing Instances Using Oracle Parallel Server Management

Oracle Parallel Server Management allows you to perform a variety of management tasks on your Oracle Parallel Servers, distributed systems, and databases. The Enterprise Manager Console provides a central point of control for the Oracle environment through an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) that provides drag-and-drop system management.

The Console enables you to manage a heterogeneous environment as easily as a homogeneous one. You can schedule jobs on multiple nodes simultaneously or monitor groups of services together.

A database or system administrator can thus handle all nodes in an Oracle Parallel Server as a single entity. For example, you can configure Oracle Enterprise Manager to execute a job across all nodes of an Oracle Parallel Server.

This section is meant to only describe Oracle Enterprise Manager administration for Oracle Parallel Server. Use this section as a supplement to general information contained in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide. This section covers the following topics:

See Chapter 5, "Installing and Configuring Oracle Parallel Server Management", for configuration information.

Starting the Console

To use the Console, start the following components:

See "Step 4: Start Oracle Enterprise Manager Components" for instructions.

Displaying Oracle Parallel Server Objects in the Navigator Window

From the Navigator window, you can view and manage both single-instance and multiple-instance databases. The information available for Oracle Parallel Servers is the same as for single-instance databases.

The Navigator displays all the network objects and their relationships to other objects including a direct view of objects such as user-defined groups, nodes, listeners, servers, databases, and database objects.

From the Navigator window, Oracle Parallel Servers are located in the Databases folder which contains entries for single-instance and Oracle Parallel Server databases. Each Oracle Parallel Server folder contains the objects for data files, in-doubt transactions, profiles, redo log groups, roles, rollback segments, schema objects, tablespaces, and users.

Note: :

If preferred credentials were not set for the database, as described in "Step 6: Specify Preferred Credentials for Nodes and Oracle Parallel Server Database", the Database Connect Information dialog prompts you to enter database connect information.  

An Oracle Parallel Server database's subfolders, such as Datafiles and Users, behave just as they do for single-instance databases. By right-clicking the mouse on these objects, property sheets can be accessed to inspect and modify properties of these object just as for single-instance database. For example, right-clicking on the Redo Log Groups folder and choosing Create to add a new redo log group

The Oracle Parallel Server database and each discovered Oracle Parallel Server node contains a Parallel Server Instances folder that can be expanded to display the instances belonging to the database or node.

Using the Right-Mouse Menu

Right-clicking on a Oracle Parallel Server brings up the Oracle Parallel Server right-mouse menu:

This menu contains entries for the following functions:

Option   Description  


Connects to the database. In the Database Connect Information dialog box, enter the database user name, password and privileges. If you want to perform a startup or shutdown, a user with SYSDBA privileges must be specified.  


Terminates a connection to the database.  


Starts the database. See "Starting an Oracle Parallel Server Database" for Oracle Parallel Server-related instructions.  


Shuts down the database. See "Shutting Down an Oracle Parallel Server Database" for Oracle Parallel Server-related instructions.  


Displays startup and shutdown results, as described in "Viewing the Parallel Server Operation Results".  


Allows inspection of the state of the Oracle Parallel Server, including which instances are active. See "Viewing Oracle Parallel Server Status" for Oracle Parallel Server-related instructions.  


Deletes the database object and its related services. This should only be performed if it is no longer necessary to monitor or manage a database from Oracle Enterprise Manager.  

Related Tools  

Contains access to other tools which have been enabled for Oracle Parallel Server.  

Starting an Oracle Parallel Server Database

The Console allows you to start an Oracle Parallel Server database or individual instances.

Once all Oracle Parallel Server instances are up, the Oracle Parallel Server database is considered to be up.

To start up an Oracle Parallel Server database:

  1. Right-click on an Oracle Parallel Server database under the Databases folder in the Navigator window.

    A menu appears with options for the database.

  2. Choose Startup from the menu.

    The Parallel Server Startup dialog box appears.

  3. Select the startup type:

    Option   Description  


    Shuts down the currently running Oracle instances with the SHUTDOWN mode, ABORT, before restarting them. If the instances are running and FORCE is not specified, an error results.

    Warning: You should not use the FORCE mode under normal circumstances. Use the FORCE mode only while debugging and under abnormal circumstances.  


    Makes the started instances accessible only to users with the RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege. Users already connected are not affected.  

    No Mount  

    Does not mount the database upon instance startup.  


    Mounts a database but does not open it.  


    (default) Opens the database.  

  4. If you want to start up all instances, click Startup. If you want to start up only selected instances, follow these steps:

    1. Select Instances.

      The Select Instances to Start dialog box appears:

    2. Select the instances to startup in the Available list, then click Add.

    3. Click OK to close the Select Instances to Start dialog box.

    4. Click Startup from the Parallel Server Startup dialog box.

    The Parallel Server Operation Results dialog box displays the progress of the startup operation, as described in "Viewing the Parallel Server Operation Results".

    If the instances were started successfully, the Parallel Server Started message dialog box appears with a successful message:

    Click OK in the Parallel Server Started message to acknowledge the message, then click Close in the Parallel Server Operation Results.

    If the startup fails, the Parallel Server Started message box appears with a failure message. Click View Details to view more information in the Parallel Server Operation Results dialog about why the shutdown failed, then click Close.

Shutting Down an Oracle Parallel Server Database

The Console allows you to shut down an Oracle Parallel Server database or individual instances.

Once all Oracle Parallel Server instances are shut down, the Oracle Parallel Server is considered to be shut down.

Note: :

Occasionally, an Oracle Parallel Server database may be completely down, but some of its services, such as the database listener, may remain running.  

To shut down an Oracle Parallel Server database:

  1. Right-click on an Oracle Parallel Server database under the Databases folder in the Navigator window.

    A menu appears with options for the database.

  2. Choose Shutdown from the menu.

    The Parallel Server Shutdown dialog box appears.

  3. Select the shutdown type:

    Option   Description  


    Waits for the currently connected users to disconnect from the database, prohibits further connects, and closes and dismounts the database before shutting down the instance. Instance recovery is not required on next startup.  


    (default) Does not wait for current calls to complete, prohibits further connects, and closes and dismounts the database.The instance is immediately shut down. Connected users are not required to disconnect and instance recovery is not required on next startup.  


    Proceeds with the fastest possible shut down. Connected users are not required to disconnect. The database is not closed or dismounted, but the instances are shut down. Instance recovery is required on next startup.

    Warning: You must use this option if a background process terminates abnormally.  

    Shutdown Database Only  

    (default) Shuts down the database only. The services required for an instance, such as the listener remain up and available.  

    Shutdown Database & Other Services  

    Shuts down the database and associated services, such as the listener.  

  4. If you want to shut down all instances, click Shutdown. If you want to start up only selected instances, follow these additional steps:

    1. Select Instances.

      The Select Instances to Stop dialog box appears:

    2. Select the instances to stop in the Available list, then click Add.

    3. Click OK to close the Select Instances to Stop dialog box.

    4. Click Shutdown from the Parallel Server Shutdown dialog box.

    The Parallel Server Operation Results dialog box displays the progress of the shutdown operation, as described in "Viewing the Parallel Server Operation Results".

    If the instances were shut down successfully, the Parallel Server Stopped message dialog box appears with a successful message.:

    Click OK in the Parallel Server Stopped message to acknowledge the message, then click Close in the Parallel Server Operation Results.

    If the shutdown fails, the Parallel Server Stopped message box appears with a failure message. Click View Details to view more information in the Parallel Server Operation Results dialog about why the shutdown failed, then click Close

Viewing the Parallel Server Operation Results

The Parallel Server Operation Results dialog displays information about the progress of the instance startup or shutdown operation you selected:

The operation results are presented in two views:

The Parallel Server Operation Results dialog box automatically displays during a startup or shutdown operation. It may also be initiated with the following steps:

  1. Right-click on an Oracle Parallel Server database under the Databases folder in the Navigator window.

    A menu appears with options for the database.

  2. Choose Results from the menu.

Status Details Tab

While the startup operation is running against an Oracle Parallel Server running on a UNIX system, the Status Details tab progress display is shown, with the status of object startup, and updated dynamically as the operation progresses:

The services managed by Oracle Parallel Server Management vary by platform and by version. The Oracle Parallel Server being managed in this example is release 8.0.4, so the GMS (Group Membership Service) is being started. In release 8.1, the GMS is built into the RDBMS kernel, so only instance and listener columns display.

When shutting down a Oracle Parallel Server, the tab displays only those nodes and instances that are being affected by the shutdown operation.


This tab is not available for Windows NT Oracle Parallel Servers, because OPSCTL on Windows NT does not generate status details.  

The following are the possible states that each component may experience:

State   Description  

Up (green flag)  

The component is running.  

Down (red flag)  

The component is not running.  

Can't determine (gray flag)  

Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot determine the state of the component. This state occurs typically when the component startup or shutdown operation has not completed.  

Component does not exist on this node (blank background)  

The component was not configured on the node.

Not all components (listener, instance) are required to exist on every node.  

Output Tab

The Output tab displays the commands executed by the Oracle Parallel Server node and any associated error messages in textual format.

Viewing Oracle Parallel Server Status

The Edit Parallel Server dialog box displays status information about the parallel database, such as instances available in the Oracle Parallel Server and status of Oracle Parallel Server components.


Because this dialog box requires a connection to an Oracle Parallel Server, this dialog box will not appear if the Oracle Parallel Server is down.  

To view status information about an Oracle Parallel Server database:

  1. Right-click on an Oracle Parallel Server database under the Databases folder in the Navigator window.

    A menu appears with options for the database.

  2. Choose Edit from the menu.

    The Edit Parallel Server dialog box appears.

The operation results are presented in two views:

Status Tab

The Status tab displays information about the currently running instances by querying V$ACTIVE_INSTANCES table. Oracle Enterprise Manager makes a connection to the Oracle Parallel Server, therefore, this tab will not appear if the Oracle Parallel Server is down.

Column Name   Description  

Instance Number  

The number assigned to the instance.  

Instance Name  

The name specified for the instance and the node it is running on. This name has the following format: node:instance_name.  

Status Details Tab


This tab is not available for a Windows NT Oracle Parallel Server, because OPSCTL on Windows NT does not generate status details.  

Displays an overall view of the state of the Oracle Parallel Server and related components. This tab displays the status of the various components, such as listeners, and instances for all nodes.

The following are the possible states that each component may experience:

State   Description  

Up (green flag)  

The component is running.  

Down (red flag)  

The component is not running.  

Can't determine (gray flag)  

Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot determine the state of the component. This state occurs typically when the component startup or shutdown operation has not completed.  

Component does not exist on this node (blank background)  

The component was not configured on the node.

Not all components (listener, instance) are required to exist on every node.  

Creating a Job for a Parallel Server or Parallel Server Instance

The job scheduling system provides a highly reliable and flexible mechanism for DBAs to schedule and automate repetitive jobs on both the Oracle Parallel Server database and Oracle Parallel Server instances.

The Console contains a full-featured scheduling tool which allows DBAs to come up with a customized schedule. This provides DBAs with true "lights out" management capability so that they can focus on other tasks. A rich selection of jobs is provided for Oracle Parallel Servers.

You can create a job with a Oracle Parallel Server database or an Oracle Parallel Server instance as the destination. To create a new job, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Create Job from the Job menu.

  2. Complete the tabs of the Create Job property sheet.

  3. When you are satisfied with your job settings, click the Submit button to submit the job to the Oracle Intelligent Agent. The job appears in the Active Jobs window.

  4. Click the Save button to save the job. The job appears in the Job Library window. You can modify or submit a saved job at a later time.

    Note: :

    There is usually a slight delay between submitting the job and notification by the Oracle Intelligent Agent.  

Specifying Job Details

From the Create Job property sheet, you can specify the details of a new job. The Create Job property sheet contains these tabs:

Tab   Description  


Specify the job name, description, destination type, and destination.  


Choose the task(s) that you want the job to perform.  


Set the run-time parameters for the tasks. The parameters that appear on this tab depend on which task(s) you chose on the Task list box.  


Schedule the time and frequency you want Oracle Enterprise Manager to run the job.  


Specify the administrator to perform the job.  

The following tabs contain Oracle Parallel Server-specific options:

See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for general job scheduling information.

General Tab

From the General tab, specify the:

The General tab contains these options:

Parameter   Description  

Job Name  

Enter the name of the new job.  


Enter a description of the job.  

Destination Type  

Select a destination type from the drop-down list box. You can choose from the following options: parallel server, parallel server instance, database, listener, or node.  

Available Destinations  

The destinations are determined by your selection of the Destination Type. The destinations include parallel servers, parallel server instances, databases, listeners, and nodes.

Click the destinations of the job in the Available Destinations list, then click Add to move the destination to the Selected Destinations list. To remove a destination from a job, click the destination in the Selected Destinations list, then click Remove.  

Fixit Job  

Select this check box if you want to use this job as the fixit job for an event occurrence. The job cannot be scheduled.  

Tasks Tab

From the Tasks tab, choose the task(s) that you want the job to perform. The list of tasks that appear is different depending on whether you select an Oracle Parallel Server or an Oracle Parallel Server instance as your Destination Type from the General tab.

Move the tasks between the Available Tasks and Selected Tasks lists with the Add and Remove buttons.

Tasks for Parallel Server Destinations

If your Destination Type is a Parallel Server, you can choose from these tasks:

Tasks for Parallel Server Instance Destinations

If your Destination Type is a Parallel Server Instance, you can choose from these tasks:

For a description of these tasks and the parameters you need to set, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide.

Parameters Tab

From the Parameters tab, you can specify parameter settings for the job tasks you selected on the Tasks tab. The parameters which display vary according to the job task. Parameters for Oracle Parallel Server startup and shutdown tasks are described below. To find out what parameters you need to set for Oracle Parallel Server instance tasks, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide.

Parallel Server Startup Task

When you select the Startup Parallel Server task on the Tasks tab, the following displays:

Complete the parameters on the tab and click the Submit button to run the Oracle Parallel Server startup task.

The Parameters tab for Startup contains these options:

Parameters   Description  


Select the startup modes for the job from the drop-down list box.  

Connect As  

Specify the role.

Only Normal is allowed for Oracle7. For Oracle8i, SYSOPER and SYSDBA roles allow you the maximum database administration privileges. You require SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges to run job tasks such as shutdown or startup on the database. For more information about SYSOPER and SYSDBA roles, refer to the Oracle8i Server Administrator's Guide.

If you try to connect as SYSDBA and do not have SYSDBA privileges, an error message states that an invalid user name or password was entered. The error message should state that invalid login credentials were entered.  

Override Preferred Credentials  

You can use the preferred credentials that have been set up for the database, or you can enter another database user name and password.  

Parameters for the Parallel Server Shutdown Task

When you select the Shutdown Parallel Server task on the Tasks tab, the following displays.

Complete the parameters on the tab and click the Submit button to run the Oracle Parallel Server startup task.

The Parameters tab for Shutdown contains these options:

Parameter   Description  


Click the Immediate button (default) or the Abort button.  

Connect As  

Click the SYSDBA button (default) or the SYSOPER button.  

Override Preferred Credentials  

You can use the preferred credentials that have been set up for the database, or you can another database user name and password.  


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