PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference Release 8.1.5 A67842-01 |
There are six essentials in painting. The first is called spirit; the second, rhythm; the third, thought; the fourth, scenery; the fifth, the brush; and the last is the ink. --Ching Hao
The previous chapter provided an overview of PL/SQL. This chapter focuses on the small-scale aspects of the language. Like every other programming language, PL/SQL has a character set, reserved words, punctuation, datatypes, rigid syntax, and fixed rules of usage and statement formation. You use these basic elements of PL/SQL to represent real-world objects and operations.
You write a PL/SQL program as lines of text using a specific set of characters. The PL/SQL character set includes
.. Z
and a
.. z
.. 9
PL/SQL is not case sensitive, so lower-case letters are equivalent to corresponding upper-case letters except within string and character literals.
A line of PL/SQL text contains groups of characters known as lexical units, which can be classified as follows:
For example, the line
bonus := salary * 0.10; -- compute bonus
contains the following lexical units:
and salary
and ;
- - compute bonus
To improve readability, you can separate lexical units by spaces. In fact, you must separate adjacent identifiers by a space or punctuation. The following line is illegal because the reserved words END
and IF
are joined:
IF x > y THEN high := x; ENDIF; -- illegal
However, you cannot embed spaces in lexical units except for string literals and comments. For example, the following line is illegal because the compound symbol for assignment (:=
) is split:
count : = count + 1; -- illegal
To show structure, you can divide lines using carriage returns and indent lines using spaces or tabs. Compare these IF
statements for readability:
IF x>y THEN max:=x;ELSE max:=y;END IF; | IF x > y THEN | max := x; | ELSE | max := y; | END IF;
A delimiter is a simple or compound symbol that has a special meaning to PL/SQL. For example, you use delimiters to represent arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction. Simple symbols consist of one character. A list follows:
Symbol | Meaning |
subtraction/negation operator |
Compound symbols consist of two characters. A list follows:
Symbol | Meaning |
multi-line comment delimiter (begin) multi-line comment delimiter (end) single-line comment indicator |
You use identifiers to name PL/SQL program items and units, which include constants, variables, exceptions, cursors, cursor variables, subprograms, and packages. Some examples of identifiers follow:
X t2 phone# credit_limit LastName oracle$number
An identifier consists of a letter optionally followed by more letters, numerals, dollar signs, underscores, and number signs. Other characters such as hyphens, slashes, and spaces are illegal, as the following examples show:
mine&yours -- illegal ampersand debit-amount -- illegal hyphen on/off -- illegal slash user id -- illegal space
The next examples show that adjoining and trailing dollar signs, underscores, and number signs are allowed:
money$$$tree SN## try_again_
You can use upper, lower, or mixed case to write identifiers. PL/SQL is not case sensitive except within string and character literals. So, if the only difference between identifiers is the case of corresponding letters, PL/SQL considers the identifiers to be the same, as the following example shows:
lastname LastName -- same as lastname LASTNAME -- same as lastname and LastName
The length of an identifier cannot exceed 30 characters. But, every character, including dollar signs, underscores, and number signs, is significant. For example, PL/SQL considers the following identifiers to be different:
lastname last_name
Identifiers should be descriptive. So, avoid obscure names such as cpm
. Instead, use meaningful names such as cost_per_thousand
Some identifiers, called reserved words, have a special syntactic meaning to PL/SQL and so should not be redefined. For example, the words BEGIN
and END
, which bracket the executable part of a block or subprogram, are reserved. As the next example shows, if you try to redefine a reserved word, you get a compilation error:
DECLARE end BOOLEAN; -- illegal; causes compilation error
However, you can embed reserved words in an identifier, as the following example shows:
DECLARE end_of_game BOOLEAN; -- legal
Often, reserved words are written in upper case to promote readability. However, like other PL/SQL identifiers, reserved words can be written in lower or mixed case. For a list of reserved words, see Appendix E.
Identifiers globally declared in package STANDARD
, such as the exception INVALID_NUMBER
, can be redeclared. However, redeclaring predefined identifiers is error prone because your local declaration overrides the global declaration.
For flexibility, PL/SQL lets you enclose identifiers within double quotes. Quoted identifiers are seldom needed, but occasionally they can be useful. They can contain any sequence of printable characters including spaces but excluding double quotes. Thus, the following identifiers are valid:
"X+Y" "last name" "on/off switch" "employee(s)" "*** header info ***"
The maximum length of a quoted identifier is 30 characters not counting the double quotes. Though allowed, using PL/SQL reserved words as quoted identifiers is a poor programming practice.
Some PL/SQL reserved words are not reserved by SQL. For example, you can use the PL/SQL reserved word TYPE
statement to name a database column. But, if a SQL statement in your program refers to that column, you get a compilation error, as the following example shows:
SELECT acct, type, bal INTO ... -- causes compilation error
To prevent the error, enclose the uppercase column name in double quotes, as follows:
SELECT acct, "TYPE", bal INTO ...
The column name cannot appear in lower or mixed case (unless it was defined that way in the CREATE
statement). For example, the following statement is invalid:
SELECT acct, "type", bal INTO ... -- causes compilation error
Alternatively, you can create a view that renames the troublesome column, then use the view instead of the base table in SQL statements.
A literal is an explicit numeric, character, string, or Boolean value not represented by an identifier. The numeric literal 147
and the Boolean literal FALSE
are examples.
Two kinds of numeric literals can be used in arithmetic expressions: integers and reals. An integer literal is an optionally signed whole number without a decimal point. Some examples follow:
030 6 -14 0 +32767
A real literal is an optionally signed whole or fractional number with a decimal point. Several examples follow:
6.6667 0.0 -12.0 3.14159 +8300.00 .5 25.
PL/SQL considers numbers such as 12.0
and 25.
to be reals even though they have integral values.
Numeric literals cannot contain dollar signs or commas, but can be written using scientific notation. Simply suffix the number with an E
(or e
) followed by an optionally signed integer. A few examples follow:
2E5 1.0E-7 3.14159e0 -1E38 -9.5e-3
stands for "times ten to the power of." As the next example shows, the number after E
is the power of ten by which the number before E
must be multiplied (the double asterisk (**
) is the exponentiation operator):
5E3 = 5 10**3 = 5 1000 = 5000
The number after E
also corresponds to the number of places the decimal point shifts. In the last example, the implicit decimal point shifted three places to the right. In this example, it shifts three places to the left:
5E-3 = 5 10**-3 = 5 0.001 = 0.005
As the following example shows, if the value of a numeric literal falls outside the range 1E-130
.. 10E125
, you get a compilation error:
DECLARE n NUMBER; BEGIN n := 10E127; -- causes a 'numeric overflow or underflow' error
A character literal is an individual character enclosed by single quotes (apostrophes). Character literals include all the printable characters in the PL/SQL character set: letters, numerals, spaces, and special symbols. Some examples follow:
'Z' '%' '7' ' ' 'z' '('
PL/SQL is case sensitive within character literals. For example, PL/SQL considers the literals 'Z'
and 'z'
to be different. Also, the character literals '0'
are not equivalent to integer literals but can be used in arithmetic expressions because they are implicitly convertible to integers.
A character value can be represented by an identifier or explicitly written as a string literal, which is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed by single quotes. Several examples follow:
'Hello, world!' 'XYZ Corporation' '10-NOV-91' 'He said "Life is like licking honey from a thorn."' '$1,000,000'
All string literals except the null string ('') have datatype CHAR
Given that apostrophes (single quotes) delimit string literals, how do you represent an apostrophe within a string? As the next example shows, you write two single quotes, which is not the same as writing a double quote:
'Don''t leave without saving your work.'
PL/SQL is case sensitive within string literals. For example, PL/SQL considers the following literals to be different:
'baker' 'Baker'
Boolean literals are the predefined values TRUE
, and NULL
(which stands for a missing, unknown, or inapplicable value). Remember, Boolean literals are values, not strings. For example, TRUE
is no less a value than the number 25
The PL/SQL compiler ignores comments, but you should not. Adding comments to your program promotes readability and aids understanding. Generally, you use comments to describe the purpose and use of each code segment. PL/SQL supports two comment styles: single-line and multi-line.
Single-line comments begin with a double hyphen (--
) anywhere on a line and extend to the end of the line. A few examples follow:
-- begin processing SELECT sal INTO salary FROM emp -- get current salary WHERE empno = emp_id; bonus := salary * 0.15; -- compute bonus amount
Notice that comments can appear within a statement at the end of a line.
While testing or debugging a program, you might want to disable a line of code. The following example shows how you can "comment-out" the line:
Multi-line comments begin with a slash-asterisk (/*
), end with an asterisk-slash (*/
), and can span multiple lines. Some examples follow:
BEGIN ... /* Compute a 15% bonus for top-rated employees. */ IF rating > 90 THEN bonus := salary * 0.15 /* bonus is based on salary */ ELSE bonus := 0; END If; ... /* The following line computes the area of a circle using pi, which is the ratio between the circumference and diameter. */ area := pi * radius**2; END;
You can use multi-line comment delimiters to comment-out whole sections of code, as the following example shows:
You cannot nest comments. Also, you cannot use single-line comments in a PL/SQL block that will be processed dynamically by an Oracle Precompiler program because end-of-line characters are ignored. As a result, single-line comments extend to the end of the block, not just to the end of a line. So, use multi-line comments instead.
Every constant and variable has a datatype, which specifies a storage format, constraints, and valid range of values. PL/SQL provides a variety of predefined datatypes. A scalar type has no internal components. A composite type has internal components that can be manipulated individually. A reference type holds values, called pointers, that designate other program items. A LOB
type holds values, called lob locators, that specify the location of large objects (graphic images for example) stored out-of-line.
Figure 2-1 shows the predefined datatypes available for your use. The scalar types fall into four families, which store number, character, Boolean, and date/time data, respectively.
This section discusses the scalar types and LOB
types. The composite types are discussed in Chapter 4. The reference types are discussed in Chapter 5 and Chapter 9.
Number types allow you to store numeric data (integers, real numbers, and floating-point numbers), represent quantities, and do calculations.
datatype to store signed integers. Its magnitude range is -2147483647 .. 2147483647. Like PLS_INTEGER
values require less storage than NUMBER
values. However, most BINARY_INTEGER
operations are slower than PLS_INTEGER
A base type is the datatype from which a subtype is derived. A subtype associates a base type with a constraint and so defines a subset of values. For your convenience, PL/SQL predefines the following BINARY_INTEGER
The subtypes NATURAL
let you restrict an integer variable to non-negative or positive values, respectively. NATURALN
prevent the assigning of nulls to an integer variable. SIGNTYPE
lets you restrict an integer variable to the values -1, 0, and 1, which is useful in programming tri-state logic.
You use the NUMBER
datatype to store fixed-point or floating-point numbers of virtually any size. Its magnitude range is 1E-130
.. 10E125
. If the value of an expression falls outside this range, you get a numeric overflow or underflow error. You can specify precision, which is the total number of digits, and scale, which is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The syntax follows:
To declare fixed-point numbers, for which you must specify scale, use the following form:
To declare floating-point numbers, for which you cannot specify precision or scale because the decimal point can "float" to any position, use the following form:
To declare integers, which have no decimal point, use this form:
NUMBER(precision) -- same as NUMBER(precision,0)
You cannot use constants or variables to specify precision and scale; you must use integer literals. The maximum precision of a NUMBER
value is 38 decimal digits. If you do not specify precision, it defaults to 38 or the maximum supported by your system, whichever is less.
Scale, which can range from -84 to 127, determines where rounding occurs. For instance, a scale of 2 rounds to the nearest hundredth (3.456 becomes 3.46). A negative scale rounds to the left of the decimal point. For example, a scale of -3 rounds to the nearest thousand (3456 becomes 3000). A scale of 0 rounds to the nearest whole number. If you do not specify scale, it defaults to 0.
You can use the following
subtypes for compatibility with ANSI/ISO and IBM types or when you want a more descriptive name:
Use the subtypes DEC
to declare fixed-point numbers with a maximum precision of 38 decimal digits.
Use the subtypes DOUBLE
to declare floating-point numbers with a maximum precision of 126 binary digits, which is roughly equivalent to 38 decimal digits. Or, use the subtype REAL to declare floating-point numbers with a maximum precision of 63 binary digits, which is roughly equivalent to 18 decimal digits.
Use the subtypes INTEGER
to declare integers with a maximum precision of 38 decimal digits.
You use the PLS_INTEGER
datatype to store signed integers. Its magnitude range is -2147483647 .. 2147483647. PLS_INTEGER
values require less storage than NUMBER
values. Also, PLS_INTEGER
operations use machine arithmetic, so they are faster than NUMBER
operations, which use library arithmetic. For better performance, use PLS_INTEGER
for all calculations that fall within its magnitude range.
have the same magnitude range, they are not fully compatible. When a PLS_INTEGER
calculation overflows, an exception is raised. However, when a BINARY_INTEGER
calculation overflows, no exception is raised if the result is assigned to a NUMBER
Because of this small semantic difference, you might want to continue using BINARY_INTEGER
in old applications for compatibility. In new applications, always use PLS_INTEGER
for better performance.
Character types allow you to store alphanumeric data, represent words and text, and manipulate character strings.
You use the CHAR
datatype to store fixed-length character data. How the data is represented internally depends on the database character set. The CHAR
datatype takes an optional parameter that lets you specify a maximum length up to 32767 bytes. The syntax follows:
You cannot use a constant or variable to specify the maximum length; you must use an integer literal in the range 1 .. 32767.
If you do not specify a maximum length, it defaults to 1. Remember, you specify the maximum length in bytes, not characters. So, if a CHAR(n)
variable stores multi-byte characters, its maximum length is less than n
characters. The maximum width of a CHAR
database column is 2000 bytes. So, you cannot insert CHAR
values longer than 2000 bytes into a CHAR
You can insert any CHAR(n)
value into a LONG
database column because the maximum width of a LONG
column is 2147483647 bytes or 2 gigabytes. However, you cannot retrieve a value longer than 32767 bytes from a LONG
column into a CHAR(n)
Note: Semantic differences between the CHAR
base types are discussed in Appendix B.
has the same range of values as its base type. That is, CHARACTER
is just another name for CHAR
. You can use this subtype for compatibility with ANSI/ISO and IBM types or when you want an identifier more descriptive than CHAR
You use the LONG
datatype to store variable-length character strings. The LONG
datatype is like the VARCHAR2
datatype, except that the maximum length of a LONG
value is 32760 bytes.
You use the LONG
datatype to store binary data or byte strings. LONG
data is like LONG
data, except that LONG
data is not interpreted by PL/SQL. The maximum length of a LONG
value is 32760 bytes.
You can insert any LONG
value into a LONG
database column because the maximum width of a LONG
column is 2147483647 bytes. However, you cannot retrieve a value longer than 32760 bytes from a LONG
column into a LONG
Likewise, you can insert any LONG
value into a LONG
database column because the maximum width of a LONG
column is 2147483647 bytes. However, you cannot retrieve a value longer than 32760 bytes from a LONG
column into a LONG
columns can store text, arrays of characters, or even short documents. You can reference LONG
columns in UPDATE
, and (most) SELECT
statements, but not in expressions, SQL function calls, or certain SQL clauses such as WHERE
. For more information, see Oracle8i SQL Reference.
You use the RAW
datatype to store binary data or byte strings. For example, a RAW
variable might store a sequence of graphics characters or a digitized picture. Raw data is like VARCHAR2
data, except that PL/SQL does not interpret raw data. Likewise, Net8 does no character set conversions when you transmit raw data from one system to another.
datatype takes a required parameter that lets you specify a maximum length up to 32767 bytes. The syntax follows:
You cannot use a constant or variable to specify the maximum length; you must use an integer literal in the range 1 .. 32767.
The maximum width of a RAW
database column is 2000 bytes. So, you cannot insert RAW
values longer than 2000 bytes into a RAW
column. You can insert any RAW
value into a LONG
database column because the maximum width of a LONG
column is 2147483647 bytes. However, you cannot retrieve a value longer than 32767 bytes from a LONG
column into a RAW
Internally, every database table has a ROWID
pseudocolumn, which stores binary values called rowids. Each rowid represents the storage address of a row. A physical rowid identifies a row in an ordinary table. A logical rowid identifies a row in an index-organized table. The ROWID
datatype can store only physical rowids. However, the UROWID
(universal rowid) datatype can store physical, logical, or foreign (non-Oracle) rowids.
Suggestion: Use the ROWID
datatype only for backward compatibility with old applications. For new applications, use the UROWID
When you select or fetch a rowid into a UROWID
variable, you can use the built-in function ROWIDTOCHAR
, which converts the binary value into an 18-byte character string. Conversely, the function CHARTOROWID
converts a UROWID
character string into a rowid. If the conversion fails because the character string does not represent a valid rowid, PL/SQL raises the predefined exception SYS_INVALID_ROWID
. This also applies to implicit conversions.
Physical rowids provide fast access to particular rows. As long as the row exists, its physical rowid does not change. Efficient and stable, physical rowids are useful for selecting a set of rows, operating on the whole set, and then updating a subset. For example, you can compare a UROWID
variable with the ROWID
pseudocolumn in the WHERE
clause of an UPDATE
statement to identify the latest row fetched from a cursor. See "Fetching Across Commits".
A physical rowid can have either of two formats. The 10-byte extended rowid format supports tablespace-relative block addresses and can identify rows in partitioned and non-partitioned tables. The 6-byte restricted rowid format is provided for backward compatibility.
Extended rowids use a base-64 encoding of the physical address for each row selected. For example, in SQL*Plus (which implicitly converts rowids into character strings), the query
SQL> SELECT rowid, ename FROM emp WHERE empno = 7788;
might return the following row:
ROWID ENAME ------------------ ---------- AAAAqcAABAAADFNAAH SCOTT
, has four parts:
: The data object number (AAAAqc
in the example above) identifies the database segment. Schema objects in the same segment, such as a cluster of tables, have the same data object number.
: The file number (AAB
in the example) identifies the data file that contains the row. File numbers are unique within a database.
: The block number (AAADFN
in the example) identifies the data block that contains the row. Block numbers are relative to their data file, not their tablespace. So, two rows in the same tablespace but in different data files can have the same block number.
: The row number (AAH
in the example) identifies the row in the block.
Logical rowids provide the fastest access to particular rows. Oracle uses them to construct secondary indexes on index-organized tables. Having no permanent physical address, a logical rowid can move across data blocks when new rows are inserted. However, if the physical location of a row changes, its logical rowid remains valid.
A logical rowid can include a guess, which identifies the block location of a row at the time the guess is made. Bypassing a full key search, Oracle uses the guess to search the block directly. However, as new rows are inserted, guesses can become stale and slow down access to rows. To obtain fresh guesses, you can rebuild the secondary index.
You can use the ROWID
pseudocolumn to select logical rowids (which are opaque values) from an index-organized table. Also, you can insert logical rowids into a column of type UROWID
, which has a maximum size of 4000 bytes.
statement helps you track the staleness of guesses. This is useful for applications that store rowids with guesses in a UROWID
column, then use the rowids to fetch rows. However, when fetching from highly volatile tables, it's a good idea to use rowids without guesses.
Note: To manipulate rowids, you can use the supplied package DBMS_ROWID
. For more information, see Oracle8i Supplied Packages Reference.
You use the VARCHAR2
datatype to store variable-length character data. How the data is represented internally depends on the database character set. The VARCHAR2
datatype takes a required parameter that specifies a maximum length up to 32767 bytes. The syntax follows:
You cannot use a constant or variable to specify the maximum length; you must use an integer literal in the range 1 .. 32767.
datatype involves a trade-off between memory use and efficiency. For a VARCHAR2(>= 2000)
variable, PL/SQL dynamically allocates only enough memory to hold the actual value. However, for a VARCHAR2(< 2000)
variable, PL/SQL preallocates enough memory to hold a maximum-size value. So, for example, if you assign the same 500-byte value to a VARCHAR2(2000)
variable and to a VARCHAR2(1999)
variable, the latter uses 1499 bytes more memory.
Remember, you specify the maximum length of a VARCHAR2(n)
variable in bytes, not characters. So, if a VARCHAR2(n)
variable stores multi-byte characters, its maximum length is less than n
characters. The maximum width of a VARCHAR2
database column is 4000 bytes. Therefore, you cannot insert VARCHAR2
values longer than 4000 bytes into a VARCHAR2
You can insert any VARCHAR2(n)
value into a LONG
database column because the maximum width of a LONG
column is 2147483647 bytes. However, you cannot retrieve a value longer than 32767 bytes from a LONG
column into a VARCHAR2(n)
subtypes below have the same range of values as their base type. For example, VARCHAR
is just another name for VARCHAR2
You can use these subtypes for compatibility with ANSI/ISO and IBM types.
Note: Currently, VARCHAR
is synonymous with VARCHAR2
. However, in future releases of PL/SQL, to accommodate emerging SQL standards, VARCHAR
might become a separate datatype with different comparison semantics. So, it is a good idea to use VARCHAR2
rather than VARCHAR
Although the widely used 7- or 8-bit ASCII and EBCDIC character sets are adequate to represent the Roman alphabet, some Asian languages, such as Japanese, contain thousands of characters. These languages require 16 bits (two bytes) to represent each character. How does Oracle deal with such dissimilar languages?
Oracle provides National Language Support (NLS), which lets you process single-byte and multi-byte character data and convert between character sets. It also lets your applications run in different language environments.
With NLS, number and date formats adapt automatically to the language conventions specified for a user session. Thus, NLS allows users around the world to interact with Oracle in their native languages. For more information about NLS, see Oracle8i National Language Support Guide.
PL/SQL supports two character sets called the database character set, which is used for identifiers and source code, and the national character set, which is used for NLS data. The datatypes NCHAR
store character strings formed from the national character set.
You use the NCHAR
datatype to store fixed-length (blank-padded if necessary) NLS character data. How the data is represented internally depends on the national character set, which might use a fixed-width encoding such as US7ASCII or a variable-width encoding such as JA16SJIS.
datatype takes an optional parameter that lets you specify a maximum length up to 32767 bytes. The syntax follows:
You cannot use a constant or variable to specify the maximum length; you must use an integer literal in the range 1 .. 32767.
If you do not specify a maximum length, it defaults to 1. How you specify the maximum length depends on the national character set. For fixed-width character sets, you specify the maximum length in characters. For variable-width character sets, you specify it in bytes. In the following example, the character set is JA16EUCFIXED, which is fixed-width, so you specify the maximum length in characters:
my_string NCHAR(100); -- maximum length is 100 characters
The maximum width of an NCHAR
database column is 2000 bytes. So, you cannot insert NCHAR
values longer than 2000 bytes into an NCHAR
column. Remember, for fixed-width, multi-byte character sets, you cannot insert NCHAR
values longer than the number of characters that fit in 2000 bytes.
If the NCHAR
value is shorter than the defined width of the NCHAR
column, Oracle blank-pads the value to the defined width. You cannot insert CHAR
values into an NCHAR
column. Likewise, you cannot insert NCHAR
values into a CHAR
You use the NVARCHAR2
datatype to store variable-length NLS character data. How the data is represented internally depends on the national character set, which might use a fixed-width encoding such as WE8EBCDIC37C or a variable-width encoding such as JA16DBCS.
datatype takes a required parameter that specifies a maximum length up to 32767 bytes. The syntax follows:
You cannot use a constant or variable to specify the maximum length; you must use an integer literal in the range 1 .. 32767.
How you specify the maximum length depends on the national character set. For fixed-width character sets, you specify the maximum length in characters. For variable-width character sets, you specify it in bytes. In the following example, the character set is JA16SJIS, which is variable-width, so you specify the maximum length in bytes:
my_string NVARCHAR2(200); -- maximum length is 200 bytes
The maximum width of a NVARCHAR2
database column is 4000 bytes. Therefore, you cannot insert NVARCHAR2
values longer than 4000 bytes into a NVARCHAR2
column. Remember, for fixed-width, multi-byte character sets, you cannot insert NVARCHAR2
values longer than the number of characters that fit in 4000 bytes.
You cannot insertVARCHAR2
values into an NVARCHAR2
column. Likewise, you cannot insert NVARCHAR2
values into a VARCHAR2
(large object) datatypes BFILE
, and NCLOB
let you store blocks of unstructured data (such as text, graphic images, video clips, and sound waveforms) up to four gigabytes in size. And, they allow efficient, random, piece-wise access to the data.
types differ from the LONG
and LONG
types in several ways. For example, LOB
s (except NCLOB
) can be attributes of an object type, but LONG
s cannot. The maximum size of a LOB
is four gigabytes, but the maximum size of a LONG
is two gigabytes. Also, LOB
s support random access to data, but LONG
s support only sequential access.
types store values, called lob locators, that specify the location of large objects stored in an external file, in-line (inside the row) or out-of-line (outside the row). Database columns of type BLOB
, or BFILE
store the locators. BLOB
, and NCLOB
data is stored in the database, in or outside the row. BFILE
data is stored in operating system files outside the database.
PL/SQL operates on LOB
s through the locators. For example, when you retrieve a BLOB
column value, only a locator is returned. Locators cannot span transactions or sessions. So, you cannot save a locator in a PL/SQL variable during one transaction or session, then use it in another transaction or session. To manipulate LOB
s, use the supplied package DBMS_LOB
. For more information about LOB
s and package DBMS_LOB
, see Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs).
You use the BFILE
datatype to store large binary objects in operating system files outside the database. Every BFILE
variable stores a file locator, which points to a large binary file on the server. The locator includes a directory alias, which specifies a full path name (logical path names are not supported).
s are read-only. You cannot modify them. The size of a BFILE
is system dependent but cannot exceed four gigabytes (2**32 - 1 bytes). Your DBA makes sure that a given BFILE
exists and that Oracle has read permissions on it. The underlying operating system maintains file integrity.
s do not participate in transactions, are not recoverable, and cannot be replicated. The maximum number of open BFILE
s is set by the Oracle initialization parameter SESSION_MAX_OPEN_FILES
, which is system dependent.
You use the BLOB
datatype to store large binary objects in the database in-line or out-of-line. Every BLOB
variable stores a locator, which points to a large binary object. The size of a BLOB
cannot exceed four gigabytes.
s participate fully in transactions, are recoverable, and can replicated. Changes made by package DBMS_LOB
or the OCI can be committed or rolled back. However, BLOB
locators cannot span transactions or sessions.
You use the CLOB
datatype to store large blocks of single-byte character data in the database, in-line or out-of-line. Both fixed-width and variable-width character sets are supported. Every CLOB
variable stores a locator, which points to a large block of character data. The size of a CLOB
cannot exceed four gigabytes.
s participate fully in transactions, are recoverable, and can replicated. Changes made by package DBMS_LOB
or the OCI can be committed or rolled back. However, CLOB
locators cannot span transactions or sessions.
You use the NCLOB
datatype to store large blocks of multi-byte NCHAR
data in the database, in-line or out-of-line. Both fixed-width and variable-width character sets are supported. Every NCLOB
variable stores a locator, which points to a large block of NCHAR
data. The size of an NCLOB
cannot exceed four gigabytes.
s participate fully in transactions, are recoverable, and can replicated. Changes made by package DBMS_LOB
or the OCI can be committed or rolled back. However, NCLOB
locators cannot span transactions or sessions.
The following types allow you to store and manipulate logical values and date/time values.
You use the BOOLEAN
datatype to store the logical values TRUE
, and NULL
(which stands for a missing, unknown, or inapplicable value). Only logic operations are allowed on BOOLEAN
datatype takes no parameters. Only the values TRUE
, and NULL
can be assigned to a BOOLEAN
variable. You cannot insert the values TRUE
into a database column. Also, you cannot select or fetch column values into a BOOLEAN
You use the DATE
datatype to store fixed-length date/time values. DATE
values include the time of day in seconds since midnight. The date portion defaults to the first day of the current month; the time portion defaults to midnight. The date function SYSDATE
returns the current date and time.
Valid dates range from January 1, 4712 BC to December 31, 9999 AD. A Julian date is the number of days since January 1, 4712 BC. Julian dates allow continuous dating from a common reference. You can use the date format model 'J'
with the date functions TO_DATE
to convert between DATE
values and their Julian equivalents.
In date expressions, PL/SQL automatically converts character values in the default date format to DATE
values. The default date format is set by the Oracle initialization parameter NLS_DATE_FORMAT
. For example, the default might be 'DD-MON-YY'
, which includes a two-digit number for the day of the month, an abbreviation of the month name, and the last two digits of the year.
You can add and subtract dates. For example, the following statement returns the number of days since an employee was hired:
SELECT SYSDATE - hiredate INTO days_worked FROM emp WHERE empno = 7499;
In arithmetic expressions, PL/SQL interprets integer literals as days. For instance, SYSDATE
+ 1 is tomorrow.
For more information about date functions and format models, see Oracle8i SQL Reference.
Each PL/SQL base type specifies a set of values and a set of operations applicable to items of that type. Subtypes specify the same set of operations as their base type but only a subset of its values. Thus, a subtype does not introduce a new type; it merely places an optional constraint on its base type.
Subtypes can increase reliability, provide compatibility with ANSI/ISO types, and improve readability by indicating the intended use of constants and variables. PL/SQL predefines several subtypes in package STANDARD
. For example, PL/SQL predefines the subtype CHARACTER
, as follows:
The subtype CHARACTER
specifies the same set of values as its base type CHAR
is an unconstrained subtype.
You can define your own subtypes in the declarative part of any PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package using the syntax
SUBTYPE subtype_name IS base_type [NOT NULL];
where subtype_name
is a type specifier used in subsequent declarations and base_type
is any scalar or user-defined PL/SQL type. To specify base_type
, you can use %TYPE
, which provides the datatype of a variable or database column. Also, you can use %ROWTYPE
, which provides the rowtype of a cursor, cursor variable, or database table. Some examples follow:
DECLARE SUBTYPE BirthDate IS DATE NOT NULL; -- based on DATE type SUBTYPE Counter IS NATURAL; -- based on NATURAL subtype TYPE NameList IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(10); SUBTYPE DutyRoster IS NameList; -- based on TABLE type TYPE TimeRec IS RECORD (minutes INTEGER, hours INTEGER); SUBTYPE FinishTime IS TimeRec; -- based on RECORD type SUBTYPE ID_Num IS emp.empno%TYPE; -- based on column type CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM dept; SUBTYPE DeptFile IS c1%ROWTYPE; -- based on cursor rowtype
However, you cannot specify a size constraint on the base type. For example, the following definitions are illegal:
DECLARE SUBTYPE Accumulator IS NUMBER(7,2); -- illegal; must be NUMBER SUBTYPE Delimiter IS CHAR(1); -- illegal; must be CHAR
Although you cannot define size-constrained subtypes directly, you can use a simple workaround to define them indirectly. Just declare a size-constrained variable, then use %TYPE
to provide its datatype, as shown in the following example:
DECLARE temp VARCHAR2(15); SUBTYPE Word IS temp%TYPE; -- maximum size of Word is 15
Likewise, if you define a subtype using %TYPE
to provide the datatype of a database column, the subtype inherits the size constraint (if any) of the column. However, the subtype does not inherit other kinds of constraints such as NOT
Once you define a subtype, you can declare items of that type. In the example below, you declare a variable of type Counter
. Notice how the subtype name indicates the intended use of the variable.
The following example shows that you can constrain a user-defined subtype when declaring variables of that type:
DECLARE SUBTYPE Accumulator IS NUMBER; total Accumulator(7,2);
Subtypes can increase reliability by detecting out-of-range values. In the example below, you restrict the subtype Scale
to storing integers in the range -9 .. 9. If your program tries to store a number outside that range in a Scale
variable, PL/SQL raises an exception.
DECLARE temp NUMBER(1,0); SUBTYPE Scale IS temp%TYPE; x_axis Scale; -- magnitude range is -9 .. 9 y_axis Scale; BEGIN x_axis := 10; -- raises VALUE_ERROR
An unconstrained subtype is interchangeable with its base type. For example, given the following declarations, the value of amount
can be assigned to total
without conversion:
DECLARE SUBTYPE Accumulator IS NUMBER; amount NUMBER(7,2); total Accumulator; BEGIN ... total := amount;
Different subtypes are interchangeable if they have the same base type. For instance, given the following declarations, the value of finished
can be assigned to debugging
DECLARE SUBTYPE Sentinel IS BOOLEAN; SUBTYPE Switch IS BOOLEAN; finished Sentinel; debugging Switch; BEGIN ... debugging := finished;
Different subtypes are also interchangeable if their base types are in the same datatype family. For example, given the following declarations, the value of verb
can be assigned to sentence
DECLARE SUBTYPE Word IS CHAR; SUBTYPE Text IS VARCHAR2; verb Word; sentence Text; BEGIN ... sentence := verb;
Sometimes it is necessary to convert a value from one datatype to another. For example, if you want to examine a rowid, you must convert it to a character string. PL/SQL supports both explicit and implicit (automatic) datatype conversion.
To convert values from one datatype to another, you use built-in functions. For example, to convert a CHAR
value to a DATE
value, you use the function TO_DATE
, respectively. Conversely, to convert a DATE
value to a CHAR
value, you use the function TO_CHAR
. For more information about these functions, see Oracle8i SQL Reference.
When it makes sense, PL/SQL can convert the datatype of a value implicitly. This allows you to use literals, variables, and parameters of one type where another type is expected. In the example below, the CHAR
variables start_time
and finish_time
hold string values representing the number of seconds past midnight. The difference between those values must be assigned to the NUMBER
variable elapsed_time
. So, PL/SQL converts the CHAR
values to NUMBER
values automatically.
DECLARE start_time CHAR(5); finish_time CHAR(5); elapsed_time NUMBER(5); BEGIN /* Get system time as seconds past midnight. */ SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'SSSSS') INTO start_time FROM sys.dual; -- do something /* Get system time again. */ SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'SSSSS') INTO finish_time FROM sys.dual; /* Compute elapsed time in seconds. */ elapsed_time := finish_time - start_time; INSERT INTO results VALUES (elapsed_time, ...); END;
Before assigning a selected column value to a variable, PL/SQL will, if necessary, convert the value from the datatype of the source column to the datatype of the variable. This happens, for example, when you select a DATE
column value into a VARCHAR2
Likewise, before assigning the value of a variable to a database column, PL/SQL will, if necessary, convert the value from the datatype of the variable to the datatype of the target column. If PL/SQL cannot determine which implicit conversion is needed, you get a compilation error. In such cases, you must use a datatype conversion function. Table 2-1 shows which implicit conversions PL/SQL can do.
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
It is your responsibility to ensure that values are convertible. For instance, PL/SQL can convert the CHAR
value '02-JUN-92'
to a DATE
value but cannot convert the CHAR
to a DATE
value. Similarly, PL/SQL cannot convert a VARCHAR2
value containing alphabetic characters to a NUMBER
Generally, to rely on implicit datatype conversions is a poor programming practice because they can hamper performance and might change from one software release to the next. Also, implicit conversions are context sensitive and therefore not always predictable. Instead, use datatype conversion functions. That way, your applications will be more reliable and easier to maintain.
When you select a DATE
column value into a CHAR
variable, PL/SQL must convert the internal binary value to a character value. So, PL/SQL calls the function TO_CHAR
, which returns a character string in the default date format. To get other information such as the time or Julian date, you must call TO_CHAR
with a format mask.
A conversion is also necessary when you insert a CHAR
value into a DATE
column. So, PL/SQL calls the function TO_DATE
, which expects the default date format. To insert dates in other formats, you must call TO_DATE
with a format mask.
When you select a RAW
column value into a CHAR
variable, PL/SQL must convert the internal binary value to a character value. In this case, PL/SQL returns each binary byte of RAW
data as a pair of characters. Each character represents the hexadecimal equivalent of a nibble (half a byte). For example, PL/SQL returns the binary byte 11111111 as the pair of characters 'FF'
. The function RAWTOHEX
does the same conversion.
A conversion is also necessary when you insert a CHAR
2 value into a RAW
column. Each pair of characters in the variable must represent the hexadecimal equivalent of a binary byte. If either character does not represent the hexadecimal equivalent of a nibble, PL/SQL raises an exception.
When passed an uppercase character set name, the built-in function NLS_CHARSET_ID
returns the corresponding character set ID number. Conversely, when passed a character set ID number, the function NLS_CHARSET_NAME
returns the corresponding character set name.
If you pass the value 'CHAR_CS'
, it returns the database or national character set ID number, respectively. For a list of character set names, see Oracle8i National Language Support Guide.
Your program stores values in variables and constants. As the program executes, the values of variables can change, but the values of constants cannot.
You can declare variables and constants in the declarative part of any PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package. Declarations allocate storage space for a value, specify its datatype, and name the storage location so that you can reference it.
A couple of examples follow:
birthday DATE; emp_count SMALLINT := 0;
The first declaration names a variable of type DATE
. The second declaration names a variable of type SMALLINT
and uses the assignment operator to assign an initial value of zero to the variable.
The next examples show that the expression following the assignment operator can be arbitrarily complex and can refer to previously initialized variables:
pi REAL := 3.14159; radius REAL := 1; area REAL := pi * radius**2;
By default, variables are initialized to NULL
. So, these declarations are equivalent:
birthday DATE; birthday DATE := NULL;
In the declaration of a constant, the keyword CONSTANT
must precede the type specifier, as the following example shows:
credit_limit CONSTANT REAL := 5000.00;
This declaration names a constant of type REAL
and assigns an initial (also final) value of 5000 to the constant. A constant must be initialized in its declaration. Otherwise, you get a compilation error when the declaration is elaborated. (The processing of a declaration by the PL/SQL compiler is called elaboration.)
You can use the keyword DEFAULT
instead of the assignment operator to initialize variables. For example, the declaration
blood_type CHAR := 'O';
can be rewritten as follows:
blood_type CHAR DEFAULT 'O';
for variables that have a typical value. Use the assignment operator for variables (such as counters and accumulators) that have no typical value. A couple of examples follow:
hours_worked INTEGER DEFAULT 40; employee_count INTEGER := 0;
You can also use DEFAULT
to initialize subprogram parameters, cursor parameters, and fields in a user-defined record.
Besides assigning an initial value, declarations can impose the NOT
constraint, as the following example shows:
acct_id INTEGER(4) NOT NULL := 9999;
You cannot assign nulls to a variable defined as NOT
. If you try, PL/SQL raises the predefined exception VALUE_ERROR
. The NOT
constraint must be followed by an initialization clause. For example, the following declaration is illegal:
acct_id INTEGER(5) NOT NULL; -- illegal; not initialized
Recall that the subtypes NATURALN
are predefined as NOT
. For instance, the following declarations are equivalent:
emp_count NATURAL NOT NULL := 0; emp_count NATURALN := 0;
declarations, the type specifier must be followed by an initialization clause. Otherwise, you get a compilation error. For example, the following declaration is illegal:
line_items POSITIVEN; -- illegal; not initialized
attribute provides the datatype of a variable or database column. In the following example, %TYPE
provides the datatype of a variable:
credit REAL(7,2); debit credit%TYPE;
Variables declared using %TYPE
are treated like those declared using a datatype specifier. For example, given the previous declarations, PL/SQL treats debit
like a REAL(7,2)
variable. The next example shows that a %TYPE
declaration can include an initialization clause:
balance NUMBER(7,2); minimum_balance balance%TYPE := 10.00;
attribute is particularly useful when declaring variables that refer to database columns. You can reference a table and column, or you can reference an owner, table, and column, as in
my_dname scott.dept.dname%TYPE;
Using %TYPE
to declare my_dname
has two advantages. First, you need not know the exact datatype of dname
. Second, if the database definition of dname
changes, the datatype of my_dname
changes accordingly at run time.
However, %TYPE
variables do not inherit the NOT
column constraint. In the next example, even though the database column empno
is defined as NOT
, you can assign a null to the variable my_empno
DECLARE my_empno emp.empno%TYPE; ... BEGIN my_empno := NULL; -- this works
attribute provides a record type that represents a row in a table (or view). The record can store an entire row of data selected from the table or fetched from a cursor or strongly typed cursor variable. In the example below, you declare two records. The first record stores a row selected from the emp
table. The second record stores a row fetched from cursor c1
DECLARE emp_rec emp%ROWTYPE; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM dept; dept_rec c1%ROWTYPE;
Columns in a row and corresponding fields in a record have the same names and datatypes. However, fields in a %ROWTYPE
record do not inherit the NOT
column constraint.
In the following example, you select column values into record emp_rec
The column values returned by the SELECT
statement are stored in fields. To reference a field, you use dot notation. For example, you might reference the deptno
field as follows:
IF emp_rec.deptno = 20 THEN ...
Also, you can assign the value of an expression to a specific field, as the following examples show:
emp_rec.ename := 'JOHNSON'; emp_rec.sal := emp_rec.sal * 1.15;
In the final example, you use %ROWTYPE
to define a packaged cursor:
CREATE PACKAGE emp_actions AS CURSOR c1 RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; -- declare cursor specification ... END emp_actions; CREATE PACKAGE BODY emp_actions AS CURSOR c1 RETURN emp%ROWTYPE IS -- define cursor body SELECT * FROM emp WHERE sal > 3000; ... END emp_actions;
declaration cannot include an initialization clause. However, there are two ways to assign values to all fields in a record at once. First, PL/SQL allows aggregate assignment between entire records if their declarations refer to the same table or cursor. For example, the following assignment is legal:
DECLARE dept_rec1 dept%ROWTYPE; dept_rec2 dept%ROWTYPE; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM dept; dept_rec3 c1%ROWTYPE; BEGIN ... dept_rec1 := dept_rec2;
However, because dept_rec2
is based on a table and dept_rec3
is based on a cursor, the following assignment is illegal:
dept_rec2 := dept_rec3; -- illegal
Second, you can assign a list of column values to a record by using the SELECT
statement, as the example below shows. The column names must appear in the order in which they were defined by the CREATE
DECLARE dept_rec dept%ROWTYPE; ... BEGIN SELECT deptno, dname, loc INTO dept_rec FROM dept WHERE deptno = 30;
However, you cannot assign a list of column values to a record by using an assignment statement. So, the following syntax is illegal:
record_name := (value1, value2, value3, ...); -- illegal
Although you can retrieve entire records, you cannot insert or update them. For example, the following statement is illegal:
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (dept_rec); -- illegal
Select-list items fetched from a cursor associated with %ROWTYPE
must have simple names or, if they are expressions, must have aliases. In the following example, you use an alias called wages
-- available online in file 'examp4' DECLARE CURSOR my_cursor IS SELECT sal + NVL(comm, 0) wages, ename FROM emp; my_rec my_cursor%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN my_cursor; LOOP FETCH my_cursor INTO my_rec; EXIT WHEN my_cursor%NOTFOUND; IF my_rec.wages > 2000 THEN INSERT INTO temp VALUES (NULL, my_rec.wages, my_rec.ename); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE my_cursor; END;
PL/SQL does not allow forward references. You must declare a variable or constant before referencing it in other statements, including other declarative statements. For example, the following declaration of maxi
is illegal:
maxi INTEGER := 2 * mini; -- illegal mini INTEGER := 15;
However, PL/SQL does allow the forward declaration of subprograms. For more information, see "Forward Declarations".
Some languages allow you to declare a list of variables that have the same datatype. PL/SQL does not allow this. For example, the following declaration is illegal:
i, j, k SMALLINT; -- illegal
The legal version follows:
The same naming conventions apply to all PL/SQL program items and units including constants, variables, cursors, cursor variables, exceptions, procedures, functions, and packages. Names can be simple, qualified, remote, or both qualified and remote. For example, you might use the procedure name raise_salary
in any of the following ways:
raise_salary(...); -- simple emp_actions.raise_salary(...); -- qualified raise_salary@newyork(...); -- remote emp_actions.raise_salary@newyork(...); -- qualified and remote
In the first case, you simply use the procedure name. In the second case, you must qualify the name using dot notation because the procedure is stored in a package called emp_actions
. In the third case, using the remote access indicator (@
), you reference the database link newyork
because the procedure is stored in a remote database. In the fourth case, you qualify the procedure name and reference a database link.
You can create synonyms to provide location transparency for remote schema objects such as tables, sequences, views, stand-alone subprograms, and packages. However, you cannot create synonyms for items declared within subprograms or packages. That includes constants, variables, cursors, cursor variables, exceptions, and packaged subprograms.
Within the same scope, all declared identifiers must be unique. So, even if their datatypes differ, variables and parameters cannot share the same name. For example, two of the following declarations are illegal:
DECLARE valid_id BOOLEAN; valid_id VARCHAR2(5); -- illegal duplicate identifier FUNCTION bonus (valid_id IN INTEGER) RETURN REAL IS ... -- illegal triplicate identifier
For the scoping rules that apply to identifiers, see "Scope and Visibility".
Like all identifiers, the names of constants, variables, and parameters are not case sensitive. For instance, PL/SQL considers the following names to be the same:
DECLARE zip_code INTEGER; Zip_Code INTEGER; -- same as zip_code
In potentially ambiguous SQL statements, the names of database columns take precedence over the names of local variables and formal parameters. For example, the following DELETE
statement removes all employees from the emp
table, not just 'KING'
, because Oracle assumes that both enames
in the WHERE
clause refer to the database column:
DECLARE ename VARCHAR2(10) := 'KING'; BEGIN DELETE FROM emp WHERE ename = ename;
In such cases, to avoid ambiguity, prefix the names of local variables and formal parameters with my_
, as follows:
DECLARE my_ename VARCHAR2(10);
Or, use a block label to qualify references, as in
<<main>> DECLARE ename VARCHAR2(10) := 'KING'; BEGIN DELETE FROM emp WHERE ename = main.ename;
The next example shows that you can use a subprogram name to qualify references to local variables and formal parameters:
FUNCTION bonus (deptno IN NUMBER, ...) RETURN REAL IS job CHAR(10); BEGIN SELECT ... WHERE deptno = bonus.deptno AND job = bonus.job;
For a full discussion of name resolution, see Appendix D.
References to an identifier are resolved according to its scope and visibility. The scope of an identifier is that region of a program unit (block, subprogram, or package) from which you can reference the identifier. An identifier is visible only in the regions from which you can reference the identifier using an unqualified name. Figure 2-2 shows the scope and visibility of a variable named x
, which is declared in an enclosing block, then redeclared in a sub-block.
Identifiers declared in a PL/SQL block are considered local to that block and global to all its sub-blocks. If a global identifier is redeclared in a sub-block, both identifiers remain in scope. Within the sub-block, however, only the local identifier is visible because you must use a qualified name to reference the global identifier.
Although you cannot declare an identifier twice in the same block, you can declare the same identifier in two different blocks. The two items represented by the identifier are distinct, and any change in one does not affect the other. However, a block cannot reference identifiers declared in other blocks at the same level because those identifiers are neither local nor global to the block.
The example below illustrates the scope rules. Notice that the identifiers declared in one sub-block cannot be referenced in the other sub-block. That is because a block cannot reference identifiers declared in other blocks nested at the same level.
DECLARE a CHAR; b REAL; BEGIN -- identifiers available here: a (CHAR), b DECLARE a INTEGER; c REAL; BEGIN -- identifiers available here: a (INTEGER), b, c END; DECLARE d REAL; BEGIN -- identifiers available here: a (CHAR), b, d END; -- identifiers available here: a (CHAR), b END;
Recall that global identifiers can be redeclared in a sub-block, in which case the local declaration prevails and the sub-block cannot reference the global identifier unless you use a qualified name. The qualifier can be the label of an enclosing block, as the following example shows:
<<outer>> DECLARE birthdate DATE; BEGIN DECLARE birthdate DATE; BEGIN ... IF birthdate = outer.birthdate THEN ...
As the next example shows, the qualifier can also be the name of an enclosing subprogram:
PROCEDURE check_credit (...) IS rating NUMBER; FUNCTION valid (...) RETURN BOOLEAN IS rating NUMBER; BEGIN ... IF check_credit.rating < 3 THEN ...
However, within the same scope, a label and a subprogram cannot have the same name.
Variables and constants are initialized every time a block or subprogram is entered. By default, variables are initialized to NULL
. So, unless you expressly initialize a variable, its value is undefined, as the following example shows:
DECLARE count INTEGER; ... BEGIN count := count + 1; -- assigns a null to count
The expression on the right of the assignment operator yields NULL
because count
is null. To avoid unexpected results, never reference a variable before you assign it a value.
You can use assignment statements to assign values to a variable. For example, the following statement assigns a new value to the variable bonus
, overwriting its old value:
bonus := salary * 0.15;
The expression following the assignment operator can be arbitrarily complex, but it must yield a datatype that is the same as or convertible to the datatype of the variable.
Only the values TRUE
, and NULL
can be assigned to a Boolean variable. For example, given the declaration
the following statements are legal:
When applied to an expression, the relational operators return a Boolean value. So, the following assignment is legal:
done := (count > 500);
You can use the SELECT
statement to have Oracle assign values to a variable. For each item in the select list, there must be a corresponding, type-compatible variable in the INTO
list. An example follows:
DECLARE my_empno emp.empno%TYPE; my_ename emp.ename%TYPE; wages NUMBER(7,2); BEGIN ... SELECT ename, sal + comm INTO last_name, wages FROM emp WHERE empno = emp_id;
However, you cannot select column values into a Boolean variable.
Expressions are constructed using operands and operators. An operand is a variable, constant, literal, or function call that contributes a value to an expression. An example of a simple arithmetic expression follows:
-X / 2 + 3
Unary operators such as the negation operator (-
) operate on one operand; binary operators such as the division operator (/
) operate on two operands. PL/SQL has no ternary operators.
The simplest expressions consist of a single variable, which yields a value directly. PL/SQL evaluates (finds the current value of) an expression by combining the values of the operands in ways specified by the operators. This always yields a single value and datatype. PL/SQL determines the datatype by examining the expression and the context in which it appears.
The operations within an expression are done in a particular order depending on their precedence (priority). Table 2-2 shows the default order of operations from first to last (top to bottom).
Operator | Operation |
exponentiation, logical negation addition, subtraction, concatenation inclusion |
Operators with higher precedence are applied first. In the example below, both expressions yield 8 because division has a higher precedence than addition. Operators with the same precedence are applied in no particular order.
5 + 12 / 4 12 / 4 + 5
You can use parentheses to control the order of evaluation. For example, the following expression yields 7, not 11, because parentheses override the default operator precedence:
(8 + 6) / 2
In the next example, the subtraction is done before the division because the most deeply nested subexpression is always evaluated first:
100 + (20 / 5 + (7 - 3))
The following example shows that you can always use parentheses to improve readability, even when they are not needed:
(salary * 0.05) + (commission * 0.25)
The logical operators AND
, OR
, and NOT
follow the tri-state logic shown in Table 2-3. AND
and OR
are binary operators; NOT
is a unary operator.
x | y | x AND y | x OR y | NOT x |
As the truth table shows, AND
returns TRUE
only if both its operands are true. On the other hand, OR
returns TRUE
if either of its operands is true. NOT
returns the opposite value (logical negation) of its operand. For example, NOT
returns FALSE
returns NULL
because nulls are indeterminate. It follows that if you apply the NOT
operator to a null, the result is also indeterminate. Be careful. Nulls can cause unexpected results; see "Handling Nulls".
When you do not use parentheses to specify the order of evaluation, operator precedence determines the order. Compare the following expressions:
NOT (valid AND done) | NOT valid AND done
If the Boolean variables valid
and done
have the value FALSE
, the first expression yields TRUE
. However, the second expression yields FALSE
because NOT
has a higher precedence than AND
. Therefore, the second expression is equivalent to:
(NOT valid) AND done
In the following example, notice that when valid
has the value FALSE
, the whole expression yields FALSE
regardless of the value of done
valid AND done
Likewise, in the next example, when valid
has the value TRUE
, the whole expression yields TRUE
regardless of the value of done
valid OR done
When evaluating a logical expression, PL/SQL uses short-circuit evaluation. That is, PL/SQL stops evaluating the expression as soon as the result can be determined. This allows you to write expressions that might otherwise cause an error. Consider the following OR
DECLARE ... on_hand INTEGER; on_order INTEGER; BEGIN .. IF (on_hand = 0) OR ((on_order / on_hand) < 5) THEN ... END IF; END;
When the value of on_hand
is zero, the left operand yields TRUE
, so PL/SQL need not evaluate the right operand. If PL/SQL were to evaluate both operands before applying the OR
operator, the right operand would cause a division by zero error. In any case, it is a poor programming practice to rely on short-circuit evaluation.
Comparison operators compare one expression to another. The result is always true, false, or null. Typically, you use comparison operators in conditional control statements and in the WHERE
clause of SQL data manipulation statements. Here are a couple of examples:
IF quantity_on_hand > 0 THEN UPDATE inventory SET quantity = quantity - 1 WHERE part_number = item_number; ELSE ... END IF;
The relational operators allow you to compare arbitrarily complex expressions. The following list gives the meaning of each operator:
Operator | Meaning |
greater than or equal to |
The IS
operator returns the Boolean value TRUE
if its operand is null or FALSE
if it is not null. Comparisons involving nulls always yield NULL
. Therefore, to test for nullity (the state of being null), do not use the statement
IF variable = NULL THEN ...
Instead, use the following statement:
IF variable IS NULL THEN ...
You use the LIKE
operator to compare a character value to a pattern. Case is significant. LIKE
returns the Boolean value TRUE
if the character patterns match or FALSE
if they do not match.
The patterns matched by LIKE
can include two special-purpose characters called wildcards. An underscore (_
) matches exactly one character; a percent sign (%
) matches zero or more characters. For example, if the value of ename
, the following expression is true:
ename LIKE 'J%SON'
operator tests whether a value lies in a specified range. It means "greater than or equal to low value and less than or equal to high value." For example, the following expression is false:
45 BETWEEN 38 AND 44
The IN
operator tests set membership. It means "equal to any member of." The set can contain nulls, but they are ignored. For example, the following statement does not delete rows in which the ename
column is null:
Furthermore, expressions of the form
value NOT IN set
yield FALSE
if the set contains a null. For example, instead of deleting rows in which the ename
column is not null and not 'KING'
, the following statement deletes no rows:
Double vertical bars (||) serve as the concatenation operator, which appends one string to another. For example, the expression
'suit' || 'case'
returns the following value:
If both operands have datatype CHAR
, the concatenation operator returns a CHAR
value. Otherwise, it returns a VARCHAR2
PL/SQL lets you compare variables and constants in both SQL and procedural statements. These comparisons, called Boolean expressions, consist of simple or complex expressions separated by relational operators. Often, Boolean expressions are connected by the logical operators AND
, OR
, and NOT
. A Boolean expression always yields TRUE
, or NULL
In a SQL statement, Boolean expressions let you specify the rows in a table that are affected by the statement. In a procedural statement, Boolean expressions are the basis for conditional control. There are three kinds of Boolean expressions: arithmetic, character, and date.
You can use the relational operators to compare numbers for equality or inequality. Comparisons are quantitative; that is, one number is greater than another if it represents a larger quantity. For example, given the assignments
number1 := 75; number2 := 70;
the following expression is true:
number1 > number2
You can also compare character values for equality or inequality. Comparisons are based on the collating sequence used for the database character set. A collating sequence is an internal ordering of the character set in which a range of numeric codes represents the individual characters. One character value is greater than another if its internal numeric value is larger. For example, given the assignments
string1 := 'Kathy'; string2 := 'Kathleen';
the following expression is true:
string1 > string2
However, there are semantic differences between the CHAR
base types that come into play when you compare character values. For more information, see Appendix B.
You can also compare dates. Comparisons are chronological; that is, one date is greater than another if it is more recent. For example, given the assignments
date1 := '01-JAN-91'; date2 := '31-DEC-90';
the following expression is true:
date1 > date2
In general, do not compare real numbers for exact equality or inequality. Real numbers are stored as approximate values. So, for example, the following IF
condition might not yield TRUE
count := 1; IF count = 1.0 THEN ...
It is a good idea to use parentheses when doing comparisons. For example, the following expression is illegal because 100
yields a Boolean value, which cannot be compared with the number 500:
100 < tax < 500 -- illegal
The debugged version follows:
(100 < tax) AND (tax < 500)
A Boolean variable is itself either true or false. So, comparisons with the Boolean values TRUE
are redundant. For example, assuming the variable done
is of type BOOLEAN
, the WHILE
can be simplified as follows:
When working with nulls, you can avoid some common mistakes by keeping in mind the following rules:
to a null yields NULL
, its associated sequence of statements is not executed
In the example below, you might expect the sequence of statements to execute because x
and y
seem unequal. But, nulls are indeterminate. Whether or not x
is equal to y
is unknown. Therefore, the IF
condition yields NULL
and the sequence of statements is bypassed.
x := 5; y := NULL; ... IF x != y THEN -- yields NULL, not TRUE sequence_of_statements; -- not executed END IF;
In the next example, you might expect the sequence of statements to execute because a
and b
seem equal. But, again, that is unknown, so the IF
condition yields NULL
and the sequence of statements is bypassed.
a := NULL; b := NULL; ... IF a = b THEN -- yields NULL, not TRUE sequence_of_statements; -- not executed END IF;
Recall that applying the logical operator NOT
to a null yields NULL
. Thus, the following two statements are not always equivalent:
IF x > y THEN | IF NOT x > y THEN high := x; | high := y; ELSE | ELSE high := y; | high := x; END IF; | END IF;
The sequence of statements in the ELSE
clause is executed when the IF
condition yields FALSE
. If neither x
nor y
is null, both IF
statements assign the same value to high
. However, if either x
or y
is null, the first IF
statement assigns the value of y
to high
, but the second IF
statement assigns the value of x
to high
PL/SQL treats any zero-length string like a null. This includes values returned by character functions and Boolean expressions. For example, the following statements assign nulls to the target variables:
null_string := TO_VARCHAR2(''); zip_code := SUBSTR(address, 25, 0); valid := (name != '');
So, use the IS
operator to test for null strings, as follows:
IF my_string IS NULL THEN ...
The concatenation operator ignores null operands. For example, the expression
'apple' || NULL || NULL || 'sauce'
returns the following value:
If a null argument is passed to a built-in function, a null is returned except in the following cases.
The function DECODE
compares its first argument to one or more search expressions, which are paired with result expressions. Any search or result expression can be null. If a search is successful, the corresponding result is returned. In the following example, if the column rating
is null, DECODE
returns the value 1000:
SELECT DECODE(rating, NULL, 1000, 'C', 2000, 'B', 4000, 'A', 5000) INTO credit_limit FROM accts WHERE acctno = my_acctno;
The function NVL
returns the value of its second argument if its first argument is null. In the example below, if hire_date
is null, NVL
returns the value of SYSDATE
. Otherwise, NVL
returns the value of hire_date
start_date := NVL(hire_date, SYSDATE);
The function REPLACE
returns the value of its first argument if its second argument is null, whether the optional third argument is present or not. For instance, after the assignment
new_string := REPLACE(old_string, NULL, my_string);
the values of old_string
and new_string
are the same.
If its third argument is null, REPLACE
returns its first argument with every occurrence of its second argument removed. For example, after the assignments
syllabified_name := 'Gold-i-locks'; name := REPLACE(syllabified_name, '-', NULL);
the value of name
is 'goldilocks'
If its second and third arguments are null, REPLACE
simply returns its first argument.
PL/SQL provides many powerful functions to help you manipulate data. These built-in functions fall into the following categories:
Table 2-4 shows the functions in each category. For descriptions of the error-reporting functions, see Chapter 11. For descriptions of the other functions, see Oracle8i SQL Reference.
You can use all the functions in SQL statements except the error-reporting functions SQLCODE
. Also, you can use all the functions in procedural statements except the miscellaneous functions DECODE
, and VSIZE
The SQL aggregate functions AVG
are not built into PL/SQL. Nevertheless, you can use them in SQL statements (but not in procedural statements).
Error | Number | Character | Conversion | Date | Obj Ref | Misc |