Net8 Administrator's Guide Release 8.1.5 A67440-01 |
Net8 provides you with utilities through which you can control the listener, Oracle Names and Oracle Connection Manager through control utilities. This appendix lists the commands that are available with each utility, including any applicable prerequisites, passwords, syntax or argument rules, usage notes or examples to help you use them.
The three control utilities described in this appendix are:
The control utilities operate for the duration of runtime session. You can run utilities in one of three modes:
namesctl start namesctl status
control_utility @file_name
The Listener Control Utility (LSNRCTL) manages the listener. The general syntax of the Listener Control Utility is as follows:
lsnrctl command[
where listener_name is the name of the listener defined in the LISTENER.ORA file. It is not necessary to identify the listener if you are using the default listener, named LISTENER.
LSNRCTL contains several types of commands:
You can use the any of these utilities to perform basic management functions on one or more listeners. Additionally, you can view and change Oracle Names server parameter settings.
You can use the modifier SET to change some parameter values for a listener or the LSNRCTL environment during the LSNRCTL control utility session.
If the PASSWORDS.listener_name parameter is set in the LISTENER.ORA, the LSNRCTL control utility will require a SET PASSWORD command for any sensitive operations, such as starting or stopping the listener.
The following commands are available through the Listener Control Utility (LSNRCTL):
The Oracle Names Control Utility (NAMESCTL) is a tool that you run from the operating system prompt to start and control Oracle Names servers. It contains several types of commands:
You can use the NAMESCTL control utility to perform basic management functions on one or more Oracle Names servers. Additionally, you can view and change Oracle Names server parameter settings such as RESET_STATS_INTERVAL and TRACE_LEVEL.
When loading NAMESCTL, any valid parameter settings can be passed to the program to override the default or configured settings. For example:
namesctl namesctl.trace_level=admin
would load NAMESCTL and turn on tracing to the ADMIN level, regardless of the currently configured value of NAMESCTL.TRACE_LEVEL.
You can use the modifier SET to change some parameter values for an Oracle Names server or the NAMESCTL environment during the NAMESCTL control utility session. For example, the following sequence sets the node to control and changes its trace level.
namesctl> set server namesctl> set trace_level admin
The first modifier sets the node to DOLPHIN.COM. Subsequent commands are directed to DOLPHIN.COM. The second modifier sets the server DOLPHIN.COM's trace level. The server will then begin tracing at the ADMIN level.
The Oracle Names Control Utility operates on an Oracle Names server on the same machine as any other Oracle Names servers in the network. This is very useful when a single administrator is managing all of the Oracle Names servers in a region, or wants to check the availability of a specific Oracle Names server.
Most commands accept the name of an Oracle Names server as the last argument indicating which Oracle Names server to perform the command against. If omitted, the current SET Oracle Names server is used. For example:
show system_queries dolphin.acme
will display the system queries on the Oracle Names server DOLPHIN.ACME and when they will next occur. Prior to performing a series of commands against an individual Oracle Names server, enter
namesctl> set server onames_server
If the NAMES.PASSWORD parameter is set in the NAMES.ORA, the NAMESCTL control utility will require a SET PASSWORD command for any sensitive operations, such as starting or stopping the Oracle Names server.
If NAMESCTL.SERVER_PASSWORD parameter is set in the SQLNET.ORA file on the node running NAMESCTL, you will not be prompted to use the SET PASSWORD command each time a secure operation is performed.
If you are concerned with the security implications of explicitly putting an Oracle Names server password in the administrator's client SQLNET.ORA file, you can omit the NAMESCTL.SERVER_PASSWORD parameter and always use the command:
namesctl> set password
When passed over the network, the password is encrypted regardless of how it set in the NAMES.ORA file unless the NAMESCTL.INTERNAL_ENCRYPT_PASSWORD is set to FALSE in the SQLNET.ORA file. If this parameter is set to FALSE, the password is not encrypted.
Some of the NAMESCTL commands require your confirmation before they are executed. When you issue the command, you are prompted:
confirm:[yes or no]
Enter "yes" to execute the command; enter "no" to cancel the command.
You can turn confirmation mode off by using by setting the parameter NAMESCTL.NOCONFIRM = TRUE in SQLNET.ORA. Note that with this parameter set to OFF, all commands execute without asking for confirmation.
The following commands are available through the Oracle Names Control Utility (NAMESCTL):
Purpose: |
Registers the password for privileged Oracle Names server operations, such as RELOAD and STOP. |
Prerequisites: |
The NAMESCTL program must be loaded. |
Password required if one has been set: |
N/A |
Syntax: |
From the NAMESCTL program: password [password] |
Arguments: |
Text string matching the value encrypted in the NAMES.PASSWORD parameter in NAMES.ORA. |
Usage Notes: |
PASSWORD does not change the Oracle Names server's password. It simply sets a NAMESCTL variable. Then, the value stored is sent from NAMESCTL with any command request to the Oracle Names server, and the value is compared to the value configured on the Oracle Names server. If they match, operations requiring passwords are allowed. Only "privileged" operations are affected, that is, operations that alter the functioning of the Oracle Names server. Operations such as SHOW or STATUS are not considered privileged, and do not require a password. The password can either be passed as an argument of the PASSWORD command, or if no argument is given, it will be prompted for. Note that the input is not displayed on the screen as it is typed. When passed over the network the password is ALWAYS encrypted, regardless of how it is set. |
Example: |
namesctl> password open_sesame namesctl> password Enter name server password: |
The Oracle Connection Manager Control Utility (CMCTL) is a tool that you run from the operating system prompt to start and control Oracle Connection Manager. The general form of the Oracle Connection Manager Control Utility is:
CMCTL command [process_type
where the process_type is the type of process that the command is being executed on. The choices are:
(both CMGW gateway and CMADMIN administrative processes)
(only the CMADMIN process)
(only the CMGW process).
For example, to start both the administration and main processes, you would execute the following:
The following commands are available through the Oracle Connection Manager Control Utility (CMCTL):
EXIT | |
Purpose: |
To exit out of the CMCTL utility program. |
Prerequisites: |
None |
Example: |
cmctl> exit |