Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface Release 8.0 A54656_01 |
This Appendix describes attributes for OCI handles and descriptors, which can be read with OCIAttrGet(), and can be modified with OCIAttrSet().
The following handle types are included:
For each handle type, the attributes which can be read or changed are listed.
For each attribute the following information is included:
the following are the possible modes:
READ - the attribute can be read using OCIAttrGet()
WRITE - the attribute can be modified using OCIAttrSet()
READ/WRITE - the attribute can be read using OCIAttrGet(), and it can be modified using OCIAttrSet().
a description of the purpose of the attribute
The datatype of the attribute
In some cases an example is included.
Sets the maximum size (high watermark) for the client-side object cache as a percentage of the optimal size. The default value is 10%. See the section "Object Cache Parameters" on page 11-5 for more information.
ub4 *
Sets the optimal size for the client-side object cache in bytes. The default value is 200k bytes. See the section "Object Cache Parameters" on page 11-5 for more information.
ub4 *
Returns TRUE if the environment was initialized in object mode.
boolean *
Returns the function code of the last OCI operation on a handle. Each OCI function has a ub4 value.
The OCI function codes are listed in Table 2-1.
ub4 *
Table 2-1 OCI Function CodesREAD/WRITE
This attribute sets the value of OCI_PIN_DEFAULT for the application associated with the environment handle.
For example, if OCI_ATTR_PINOPTION is set to OCI_PIN_RECENT, then if OCIObjectPin() is called with the pin_option parameter set to OCI_PIN_DEFAULT, then the object is pinned in OCI_PIN_RECENT mode.
OCIPinOpt *
This attribute sets the value of OCI_DURATION_DEFAULT for allocation durations for the application associated with the environment handle.
OCIDuration *
This attribute sets the value of OCI_DURATION_DEFAULT for pin durations for the application associated with the environment handle.
OCIDuration *
Returns the code of the last SQL command processed on the service context handle. Each SQL command has a ub4 value.
The SQL command codes are listed in Table 2-2 on page B - 16.
ub2 *
returns the environment context associated with the service context.
OCIEnv **
When read, returns the pointer to the server context attribute of the service context.
When changed, sets the server context attribute of the service context.
OCIServer ** (READ) / OCIServer * (WRITE)
When read, returns the pointer to the authentication context attribute of the service context.
When changed, sets the authentication context attribute of the service context.
OCISession ** (READ) / OCISession * (WRITE)
When read, returns the pointer to the transaction context attribute of the service context.
When changed, sets the transaction context attribute of the service context.
OCITrans ** (READ) / OCITrans * (WRITE)
Allows you to determine whether an application has switched to Oracle7 mode (e.g., through an OCISvcCtxToLda() call). A non-zero (true) return value indicates that the application is currently running in Oracle8 mode, a zero (false) return value indicates that the application is currently running in Oracle7 mode.
ub1 *
The following code sample shows how this parameter might be used:
in_v8_mode = 0; OCIAttrGet ((dvoid *)svchp, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (ub1 *)&in_v8_mode, (ub4) 0, OCI_ATTR_IN_V8_MODE, errhp); if (in_v8_mode) fprintf (stdout, "In V8 mode\n"); else fprintf (stdout, "In V7 mode\n");
Returns the environment context associated with the server context.
OCIEnv **
Returns the function code of the last OCI operation on a handle. Each OCI function has a ub4 value.
The OCI function codes are listed in Table 2-1 on page B-14.
ub4 *
The external name is the user-friendly global name stored in sys.props$.value$ where name = `GLOBAL_DB_NAME'. It is not guaranteed to be unique unless all databases register their names with a network directory service.
Database names can be exchanged with the server in case of distributed transaction coordination. Server database names can only be accessed if the database is open at the time the OCISessionBegin call is issued.
text ** (READ) / text * (WRITE)
Sets the client database name that will be recorded when performing global transactions. The name can be used by the DBA to track transactions that may be pending in a prepared state due to failures.
text ** (READ) / text * (WRITE)
Allows you to determine whether an application has switched to Oracle7 mode (e.g., through an OCISvcCtxToLda() call). A non-zero (true) return value indicates that the application is currently running in Oracle8 mode, a zero (false) return value indicates that the application is currently running in Oracle7 mode.
ub1 *
See "Application Failover Callbacks" on page 7-30 for more information.
OCIFocbkStruct *
Specifies a username to use for authentication.
text *
Specifies a password to use for authentication.
text *
Can be used to establish or read a text string which identifies a transaction. This is an alternative to using the XID to identify the transaction. The text string can be up to 64 bytes long.
Can set or read an XID which identifies a transaction.
Returns the function code of the last OCI operation on a handle. Each OCI function has a ub4 value.
ub4 *
The OCI function codes are listed in Table 2-1 on page B-14.
Returns the number of rows processed so far. The default value is 1.
ub4 *
Returns the function code of the SQL command associated with the statement.
ub2 *
The SQL command codes are listed in Table 2-2 on page B - 16.
Returns the environment context associated with the statement.
OCIEnv **
The type of statement associated with the handle. Possible values are:
ub2 *
Returns the rowid of the current row inserted, updated or fetched in a character string format. If execute had been a multiple row operation then, len should contain the iteration number of the row the application is interested in. When connected to an Oracle7 server only the rowid of the last row inserted, updated, or fetched can be obtained.
OCIRowid **
This attribute can be used to get the number of columns in the select-list for the statement associated with the statement handle.
ub4 *
The following code sample shows how this attribute might be used:
/* Describe of a select-list */ text *selstmt = "SELECT * FROM EMP"; ub4 parmcnt; OCIParam *parmdp; err = OCIStmtPrepare (stmhp, errhp, selstmt,
(ub4)strlen((char *)selstmt),
(ub4) OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT); err = OCIStmtExecute (svchp, stmhp, errhp, (ub4)1, (ub4)0,
(const OCISnapshot*) 0, (OCISnapshot*)0, OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY); /* get the number of columns in the select list */ err = OCIAttrGet ((dvoid *)stmhp, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (dvoid *)
&parmcnt, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4)OCI_ATTR_PARAM_COUNT, errhp); /* get describe information for each column */ for (i = 0; i < parmcnt; i++) { OCIParamGet (dvoid *)stmhp, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, errhp, &parmdp, i); /* get the attributes for each column */ }
Sets the number of top level rows to be prefetched. The default value is 1 row.
ub4 *
Sets the memory level for top level rows to be prefetched. Rows up to the specified top level row count are fetched if it occupies no more than the specified memory usage limit. The default value is 0, which means that memory size is not included in computing the number of rows to prefetch.
ub4 *
Returns the function code of the last OCI operation on a handle. Each OCI function has a ub4 value. The OCI function codes are listed in Table 2-1 on page B-14.
ub4 *
See "Character Count Attribute" on page 5-28.
ub4 *
Character set ID of the bind handle.
ub2 *
Character set form of the bind handle.
ub1 *
See "OCI_ATTR_MAXDATA_SIZE Attribute" on page 5-27.
sb4 *
Sets the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for fields where the data type is SQLT_PDN.
ub2 *
Specifies a format string.
text **
This attribute returns the number of rows that are going to be returned in the current iteration when we are in the OUT callback function for binding a DML statement with RETURNING clause.
ub4 *
Returns the function code of the last OCI operation on a handle. Each OCI function has a ub4 value.
The OCI function codes are listed in Table 2-1 on page B-14.
ub4 *
Sets the number of characters in a character type data. This specifies the number of characters desired in the define buffer. The define buffer length as specified in the define call must be greater than number of characters.
ub4 *
The character set ID of the define handle.
ub2 *
The character set form of the define handle.
ub1 *
Sets the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for fields where the data type is SQLT_PDN.
ub2 *
Specifies a format string.
text **
Returns the number of parameters in the describe handle. When the describe handle is a description of the select list, this refers to the number of columns in the select list.
ub4 *
For a detailed list of parameter descriptor attributes, refer to Chapter 6, "Describing Schema Metadata".
Sets the internal LOB locator to empty. The locator can then be used as a bind variable for an INSERT or UPDATE statement to initialize the LOB to empty. Once the LOB is empty, OCILobWrite() can be called to populate the LOB with data. This attribute is only valid for internal LOBs (i.e., BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB).
Applications should pass address of a ub4 which has a value of 0; e.g., ub4 lobEmpty = 0
, then pass address &lobEmpty
ub4 *
For information about complex object retrieval, see "Complex Object Retrieval" on page 8-18.
The depth level for complex object retrieval.
ub4 *
Whether to fetch collection attributes in an object type out-of-line.
ub1 *
A type of REF to follow for complex object retrieval.
dvoid *
The depth level for following REFs of type OCI_ATTR_COMPLEXOBJECT_COMP_TYPE.
ub4 *