Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface Release 8.0 A54656_01 |
This appendix covers issues of compatibility between Oracle7 and Oracle8 OCI applications and Servers. It also discusses issues involved in upgrading applications from the 7.x OCI to the 8.0 OCI.
The appendix contains the following sections:
Release 8.0 of the Oracle Server provides support for applications written with either the 7.x OCI and the 8.0 OCI.
The remaining sections of this chapter discuss changes in the OCI library routines, issues concerning compatibility between different versions of the OCI and Server, as well as issues involved in migrating an application from the release 7.x OCI to the release 8.0 OCI.
Release 8.0 of the Oracle Call Interface contains an entirely new set of functions which were not available in release 7.3. The earlier calls are still available, but Oracle recommends that existing applications start using the new calls to improve performance and provide increased functionality.
Table 1-1 lists the 7.x OCI calls with their release 8.0 equivalents. For more information about the 8.0 OCI calls, see the earlier chapters of this volume. For more information about the 7.x calls, see the Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interface, Release 7.3. These calls are obsolescent, meaning that Oracle may not support these calls in future versions of the OCI.
Note: In many cases the new OCI routines do not map directly onto the 7.x routines, so it may not be possible to simply replace one function call and parameter list with another. Additional program logic may be required before or after the new call is made. See the remaining chapters of this guide for more information.Table 1-1 Obsolescent OCI Routines
See Also: For information about the additional functionality provided by new release 8.0 functions not listed here, see the remaining chapters of this guide.
Some OCI routines that were available in previous versions of the OCI are now obsolete, meaning that they are not supported for Release 8.0. They are listed in Table 1-2
This section addresses compatibility between different versions of the OCI and Oracle Server.
Existing 7.x applications with no new release 8.0 OCI calls have two choices:
In either case, the application will work against both Oracle7 and Oracle8 servers. The application will not be able to use Oracle8's object features, and will not get any of the performance or scalability benefits provided by the Oracle8 OCI.
New applications written completely in the release 8.0 OCI will work seamlessly against both Oracle7 and Oracle8 servers with the following exceptions:
Programmers who wish to incorporate new release 8.0 functionality into existing OCI applications have two options:
This manual, along with Volume I, should provide the information necessary to rewrite an existing application to use only new OCI calls.
The following guidelines apply to programmers who want to incorporate new Oracle8 datatypes and features by using new OCI calls, while keeping 7.x calls for some operations:
Note: See the description of OCIServerAttach() on page 13-84 and the description of OCISessionBegin() on page 13-88 for information about the logon calls necessary for applications which are maintaining multiple sessions.
Note: If there are multiple service contexts which share the same server handle, only one can be in Oracle7 mode at any time.
This approach allows an application to use a single connection, but two different APIs, to accomplish different tasks.
You can mix and match OCI 7.x and OCI 8.0 calls within a transaction, but not within a statement. So you can execute one SQL or PL/SQL statement with OCI 7.x calls and the next SQL or PL/SQL statement within that transaction with OCI 8.0 calls.
Warning: You can not open a cursor, and parse with OCI 7.x calls and then execute the statement with OCI 8.0 calls.
This section discusses issues related to application linking, including the use of non-deferred linking and single-task linking with various OCI versions.
Application developers are cautioned that Oracle plans to desupport non-deferred mode linking beginning with the release of Oracle9 (it will continue to be supported with all the releases of Oracle8). Recognizing these plans, application developers should no longer use non-deferred mode linking in developing new applications. Version 7.3 of the OCI supports two linking modes:
Deferred mode linking therefore significantly reduces the number of round trips between the client and the server and as a result improves the performance and scalability of OCI applications. The default behavior of Version 7 OCI connected to the Oracle7 server is deferred mode linking. However, Version 7 OCI also supports non-deferred linking by setting specific link time options.
Further, Version 8 OCI has two types of calls: first, all the Version 7 OCI calls are supported with Version 8 OCI i.e. they will work with a Version 8 OCI client by relinking the version 8 OCI libraries. Second, there are additional Version 8-specific OCI calls. The default mode with the first type of calls continues to be deferred mode linking; however, non-deferred mode linking is supported for these calls through all releases of Oracle8 by setting link time options. However, Version 8-specific calls use a different paradigm and as a result non-deferred mode linking is not necessary.
The various combinations of client-side libraries and server with which non-deferred linking is currently supported are summarized in the following table:
Oracle will continue to support deferred-mode linking with all the releases of Oracle8 (all 8.* releases). This has the following implications:
Since the Version 6 OCI library is not supported against the Oracle8 database, applications using the Version 6 library cannot be run against an Oracle8 database.
Applications using Version 7 OCI libraries can run in two configurations against an Oracle8 database:
Applications using Oracle8- specific OCI calls, such as those used to access Oracle8's object types, do not need to use non-deferred mode linking since the Version 8 OCI uses a different paradigm. Applications using only Version 7 OCI calls will be able to use non-deferred mode linking but only through release 8.1
Single-task linking is a feature used by a limited number of Oracle's customers primarily on the OpenVMS platform. Application developers are cautioned that Oracle will continue to support single-task linking with all the releases of Oracle8 (all 8.* releases) but will desupport it beginning with the first release after Oracle8.
With single-task linking, Oracle supports two configurations to link Oracle products and user-written applications against the Oracle database:
Oracle will continue to support single-task linking with all the releases of Oracle8 (all 8.* releases) but will desupport it beginning with the first release after Oracle8. Application developers who would like to use single-task linking to run their applications will not be able to do so against the first server release after Oracle8.