Oracle8i Data Cartridge Developer's Guide Release 8.1.5 A68002-01 |
This chapter describes the interfaces that are visible to the user and specifies the prototypes of all user-defined functions and procedures:
has been enhanced to show the user-defined CPU and I/O costs for domain indexes in the OTHER
column of PLAN_TABLE
. For example, suppose we have a table Emp_tab
and a user-defined operator Contains
. Further, suppose that there is a domain index EmpResume_indx
on the Resume_col
column of Emp_tab
, and that the indextype of EmpResume_indx
supports the operator Contains
. Then, the query
SELECT * FROM Emp_tab WHERE Contains(Resume_col, 'Oracle') = 1
might have the following plan:
The index hint will apply to domain indexes. In other words, the index hint will force the optimizer to use the hinted index for a user-defined operator, if possible.
A new hint, called ORDERED_PREDICATES
, will be introduced. This hint will force the optimizer to preserve the order of predicate evaluation (except those used for index keys) as specified in the WHERE
clause of a SQL DML statement.
Consider an example of how the statistics functions might be used. Suppose, in the schema SCOTT
, we define the following:
CREATE OPERATOR Contains binding (VARCHAR2(4000), VARCHAR2(30)) RETURN NUMBER USING Contains_fn; CREATE TYPE stat1 ( ..., STATIC FUNCTION ODCIStatsSelectivity(pred ODCIPredInfo, sel OUT NUMBER, args ODCIArgDescList, start NUMBER, stop NUMBER, doc VARCHAR2(4000), key VARCHAR2(30)) return NUMBER, STACTIC FUNCTION ODCIStatsFunctionCost(func ODCIFuncInfo, cost OUT ODCICost, args ODCIArgDescList, doc VARCHAR2(4000), key VARCHAR2(30)) return NUMBER, STATIC FUNCTION ODCIStatsIndexCost(ia ODCIIndexInfo, sel NUMBER, cost OUT ODCICost, qi ODCIQueryInfo, pred ODCIPredInfo, args ODCIArgDescList, start NUMBER, stop NUMBER, key VARCHAR2(30)) return NUMBER, ... ); CREATE TABLE T (resume VARCHAR2(4000)); CREATE INDEX T_resume on T(resume) INDEXTYPE IS indtype; ASSOCIATE STATISTICS WITH FUNCTIONS Contains_fn USING stat1; ASSOCIATE STATISTICS WITH INDEXES T_resume USING stat1;
When the optimizer encounters the query
SELECT * FROM T WHERE Contains(resume, 'ORACLE') = 1,
it will compute the selectivity of the predicate by invoking the user-defined selectivity function for the functional implementation of the Contains
operator. In this case, the selectivity function is stat1.ODCIStatsSelectivity
. It will be called as follows:
stat1.ODCIStatsSelectivity (
ODCIPredInfo('SCOTT', 'Contains_fn', NULL, 29),
ODCIArgDesc(ODCIConst.ArgCol, 'T', 'SCOTT', '"resume"'),
Suppose the selectivity function returns a selectivity of 3 (percent). When the domain index is being evaluated, then the optimizer will call the user-defined index cost function as follows:
stat1.ODCIStatsIndexCost ( ODCIIndexInfo('SCOTT', 'T_resume', ODCIColInfoList(ODCIColInfo('SCOTT', 'T', '"resume"', NULL, NULL))), 3, cost, NULL, ODCIPredInfo('SCOTT', 'Contains', NULL, 13), ODCIArgDescList( ODCIArgDesc(ODCIConst.ArgLit, NULL, NULL, NULL), ODCIArgDesc(ODCIConst.ArgLit, NULL, NULL, NULL), ODCIArgDesc(ODCIConst.ArgLit, NULL, NULL, NULL)), 1, 1, 'ORACLE')
Suppose that the optimizer decides not to use the domain index because it is too expensive. Then it will call the user-defined cost function for the functional implementation of the operator as follows:
stat1.ODCIStatsFunctionCost ( ODCIFuncInfo('SCOTT', 'Contains_fn', NULL, 1), cost, ODCIArgDescList( ODCIArgDesc(ODCIConst.ArgCol, 'T', 'SCOTT', '"resume"'), ODCIArgDesc(ODCIConst.ArgLit, NULL, NULL, NULL)), NULL, 'ORACLE')The following sections describe each statistics type function in greater detail.
User-defined ODCIStats
functions are used for table columns, functions, package, type, indextype or domain indexes. These functions are described below.
User-defined statistics are collected by defining a function with the prototypes:
FUNCTION ODCIStatsCollect(col ODCIColInfo, options ODCIStatsOptions, statistics OUT RAW) return NUMBER FUNCTION ODCIStatsCollect(ia ODCIIndexInfo, options ODCIStatsOptions, statistics OUT RAW) return NUMBER
The function returns ODCIConst.Success
, ODCIConst.Error
, or ODCIConst.Warning.
This function should be implemented as a static type method.
User-defined statistics are deleted by the ANALYZE
command by calling the following user-defined functions:
FUNCTION ODCIStatsDelete(col ODCIColInfo) return NUMBER FUNCTION ODCIStatsDelete(ia ODCIIndexInfo) return NUMBER
Parameter | Meaning |
column for which statistics are being deleted |
domain index for which statistics are being deleted |
, ODCIConst.Error
, or ODCIConst.Warning.
This function should be implemented as a static type method.
A user-defined selectivity function can be specified for a user-defined function or type method. The prototype for a user-defined selectivity function is as follows:
FUNCTION ODCIStatsSelectivity(pred ODCIPredInfo, sel OUT NUMBER, args ODCIArgDescList, start <function_return_type>, stop <function_return_type>, <list of function arguments>) return NUMBER
, ODCIConst.Error
, or ODCIConst.Warning.
This function should be implemented as a static type method.
The cost of a function is computed by a function with the following prototype:
FUNCTION ODCIStatsFunctionCost(func ODCIFuncInfo, cost OUT ODCICost, args ODCIArgDescList, <list of function arguments>) return NUMBER
, ODCIConst.Error
, or ODCIConst.Warning.
This function should be implemented as a static type method.
The cost of using a domain index is computed by a function with the following prototype:
FUNCTION ODCIStatsIndexCost(ia ODCIIndexInfo, sel NUMBER, cost OUT ODCICost, qi ODCIQueryInfo, pred ODCIPredInfo, args ODCIArgDescList, start <operator_return_type>, stop <operator_return_type>, <list of operator value arguments>) return NUMBER
, ODCIConst.Error
, or ODCIConst.Warning.
This function should be implemented as a static type method.