Oracle8i Replication API Reference Release 8.1.5 A67793-01 |
This chapter illustrates how to manage your replication environment using the Replication API set. The following topics will be discussed:
As your data delivery needs change due to growth, shrinkage, or emergencies, you are undoubtedly going to need to change the configuration of your replication environment. This section is devoted to managing the master sites of your replication environment, which will help you alter and reconfigure your master sites.
Many replication administrative tasks can only be performed from the master definition site. Use the DBMS_REPCAT.
RELOCATE_MASTERDEF procedure to move the master definition site to another master site. This API is especially useful when the master definition site becomes unavailable and you need to specify a new master definition site (see "Option 2" below).
If all master sites are available, complete the following:
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Any Master Site
Replication Status: Normal
CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.RELOCATE_MASTERDEF ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', old_masterdef => 'ORC1.WORLD', new_masterdef => 'ORC2.WORLD', notify_masters => TRUE, include_old_masterdef => TRUE); END; /
If the old master definition site is NOT available, complete the following:
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Any Master Site
Replication Status: Normal
CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.RELOCATE_MASTERDEF ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', old_masterdef => 'ORC1.WORLD', new_masterdef => 'ORC2.WORLD', notify_masters => TRUE, include_old_masterdef => FALSE); END; / See "RELOCATE_MASTERDEF procedure" for more information on using this procedure.
As your replicated environment expands, you will need to use the ADD_MASTER_DATABASE procedure to add additional master sites to an existing master group. Executing this procedure will replicate existing master object to the new site.
Before you add a new master site, be sure that you properly setup your new master site for replication. Make sure that you follow the steps described in the "Setup Master Site" section .
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Master Definition Site
Replication Status: Quiesced
CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.ADD_MASTER_DATABASE ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', master => 'ORC4.WORLD', use_existing_objects => TRUE, copy_rows => TRUE, propagation_mode => 'ASYNCHRONOUS'); END; / --NOTE: You should wait until the DBA_REPCATLOG view is empty. Execute --the following SELECT statement in another SQL*Plus session to monitor --the DBA_REPCATLOG view: -- --SELECT * FROM dba_repsites WHERE gname = 'SCOTT_MG'; BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.RESUME_MASTER_ACTIVITY ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG'); END; /
When it becomes necessary to remove a master site from a master group, use the REMOVE_MASTER_DATABASES procedure API to drop one or more master sites.
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Master Definition Site
Replication Status: Quiesced
CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.REMOVE_MASTER_DATABASES ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', master_list => 'ORC4.WORLD'); END; / --NOTE: You should wait until the DBA_REPCATLOG view is empty. Execute --the following SELECT statement in another SQL*Plus session to monitor --the DBA_REPCATLOG view: -- --SELECT * FROM dba_repcatlog WHERE gname = 'SCOTT_MG'; BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.RESUME_MASTER_ACTIVITY ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG'); END; /
Snapshot replication provides you with the flexibility to build data sets to meet the needs of your users, security configuration, and front-end applications. The following two sections will describe how you can create multiple data sets of the same target master group at a single snapshot site. You will also learn how to manually push your snapshot's deferred transaction queue.
Specifying a group owner when you define a new snapshot group and its related objects allows you to create multiple snapshot groups based on the same master group at a single snapshot site. See "Organizational Mechanisms" in Chapter 3 of the Oracle8i Replication manual for a complete discussion on using group owners and the advantages of using multiple data sets.
--The following procedures must be executed by the snapshot administrator --at the remote snapshot site. CONNECT snapadmin/ --The master group that you specify in the GNAME parameter must match the --name of the master group that you are replicating at the target master site. --The GOWNER parameter allows you to specify an additional identifier that lets --you create multiple snapshot groups based on the same master group at the same --snapshot site. BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', master => 'ORC1.WORLD', propagation_mode => 'ASYNCHRONOUS', GOWNER => 'bob'); END; / --The GOWNER value used when creating your snapshot obects must match the GOWNER --value specified when you created the snapshot group (previous procedure). In --this example, you will specify BOB as the group owner to add these objects to --the SCOTT_MG snapshot group owned by BOB. --WARNING: You need to make sure that each object created has a unique name. --When using a GOWNER to create multiple snapshot groups, duplicate object names --could become a problem. To avoid any object naming conflicts, you may want to --append the GOWNER value to the end of the object name that you are create, as --illustrated in the following procedures (i.e. create snapshot SCOTT.BONUS_bob); --such a naming method will ensure that you do not create any objects with --conflicting names. BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPOBJECT ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', oname => 'BONUS_bob', type => 'SNAPSHOT', ddl_text => 'create snapshot SCOTT.BONUS_bob refresh fast with primary key for update as select * from SCOTT.BONUS@orc1.WORLD', min_communication => TRUE, GOWNER => 'bob'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPOBJECT ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', oname => 'DEPT_bob', type => 'SNAPSHOT', ddl_text => 'create snapshot SCOTT.DEPT_bob refresh fast with primary key for update as select * from SCOTT.DEPT@orc1.WORLD', min_communication => TRUE, GOWNER => 'bob'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPOBJECT ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', oname => 'EMP_bob', type => 'SNAPSHOT', ddl_text => 'create snapshot SCOTT.EMP_bob refresh fast with primary key for update as select * from SCOTT.EMP@orc1.WORLD', min_communication => TRUE, GOWNER => 'bob'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPOBJECT ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', oname => 'SALGRADE_bob', type => 'SNAPSHOT', ddl_text => 'create snapshot SCOTT.SALGRADE_bob refresh fast with primary key for update as select * from SCOTT.SALGRADE@orc1.WORLD', min_communication => TRUE, GOWNER => 'bob'); END; / --After you have completed building your snapshot group, you should add your --snapshots to a refresh group. See Chapter 5, "Create a Snapshot Group" --(step 6) for more information about adding snapshots to a refresh group.
If you do not automatically propagate the transactions in your deferred transaction queue during the refresh of your snapshot, you will need to complete the following steps to propagate changes made to the updateable snapshot to its master table.
--The following procedures must be executed by the snapshot administrator --at the remote snapshot site. CONNECT snapadmin/ --Propagation of the deferred transaction queue is based on the destination of --the transaction. Execute the following SELECT statement to view the deferred --transactions and their destinations (each distinct destination and the number --of transactions pending for the destination wil be displayed): SELECT DISTINCT(dblink), COUNT(deferred_tran_id) FROM deftrandest GROUP BY dblink; --You will need to execute the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.PUSH function for each master --site that is listed as a destination for a deferred transaction. DECLARE temp INTEGER; BEGIN temp := DBMS_DEFER_SYS.PUSH ( DESTINATION => '', STOP_ON_ERROR => FALSE, DELAY_SECONDS => 0, PARALLELISM => 0); END; / --Repeat the above procedure for each destination that was returned in the above --SELECT statement.
There may be many different reasons why you need to drop replication activity at a snapshot site. Perhaps the data requirements have changed or an employee has left the company. In any case, as a DBA you will need to drop the replication support for the target snapshot site.
The process for dropping a snapshot group that was created by instantiating a deployment template at a snapshot site is slightly different than the following methods described in the next couple of sections. Before you drop the snapshot group at the remote snapshot site, you need to execute the DROP_SITE_INSTANTIATION procedure at the target master site for snapshot group. In addition to removing the meta data relating to the snapshot group, this procedure will also remove the related deployment template data regarding this site.
There is a public and a private version of the DROP_SITE_INSTANTIATION procedure. The public version allows the owner of the snapshot group to drop the snapshot site, while the private version allows the replication administrator to drop a snapshot site on behalf of the snapshot group owner.
The following steps are to be performed by owner of the snapshot group.
Executed As: Snapshot Group Owner
Executed At: Master Site for Target Snapshot Site
Replication Status: Normal
CONNECT scott/ --If you need to drop a snapshot site that was instantiated on an Oracle8i Lite --database, see the Oracle8i Lite documentation for information. DBMS_REPCAT_INSTANTIATE.DROP_SITE_INSTANTIATION( REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME => 'personnel', SITE_NAME => ''); / --After you have executed the DROP_SITE_INSTANTIATION procedure, you should --connect to the remote snapshot site and drop the snapshot group (if you are --not able to connect to the remote snapshot site due to loss or theft, the --target snapshot group will not be able to refresh, but the existing data will --still remain at the snapshot site). CONNECT snapadmin/ --If you want to physically remove the contents of the snapshot group, be sure --that you specify TRUE for the DROP_CONTENTS parameter. DBMS_REPCAT.DROP_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP ( GNAME => 'scott_mg', DROP_CONTENTS => TRUE); /
The following steps are to be performed by the replication administrator on behalf of the snapshot group owner.
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Master Site for Target Snapshot Site
Replication Status: Normal
CONNECT repadmin/ --If you need to drop a snapshot site that was instantiated on an Oracle8i Lite --database, see the Oracle8i Lite documentation for information. DBMS_REPCAT_RGT.DROP_SITE_INSTANTIATION ( REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME => 'personnel', USER_NAME => 'scott', SITE_NAME => ''); / --After you have executed the DROP_SITE_INSTANTIATION procedure, you should --connect to the remote snapshot site and drop the snapshot group (if you are --not able to connect to the remote snapshot site due to loss or theft, the --target snapshot group will not be able to refresh, but the existing data will --still remain at the snapshot site). CONNECT snapadmin/ --If you want to physically remove the contents of the snapshot group, be sure --that you specify TRUE for the DROP_CONTENTS parameter. DBMS_REPCAT.DROP_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP ( GNAME => 'scott_mg', DROP_CONTENTS => TRUE); /
The most secure method of removing replication support for a snapshot site is to physically drop the replicated objects and/or groups at the snapshot site. The following two sections will describe how to drop these objects and groups while connected to the snapshot group.
Ideally, these procedures should be executed while the snapshot is connected to its target master site; a connection will ensure that any related metadata at the master site is removed. If a connection to the master site is not possible, be sure to complete the procedure described in the "Cleanup Master Site" to manually remove the related metadata.
When it becomes necessary to remove a snapshot group from a snapshot site, use the DROP_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP procedure to drop a snapshot group. When you execute this procedure and are connected to the target master site, the meta data for the target snapshot group at the master site will be removed (if you are not able to be connected, see "Cleanup Master Site" for more information).
Executed As: Snapshot Administrator
Executed At: Remote Snapshot Site
Replication Status: N/A
CONNECT snapadmin/ --If you want to physically remove the contents of the snapshot group, be sure --that you specify TRUE for the DROP_CONTENTS parameter. DBMS_REPCAT.DROP_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP ( GNAME => 'scott_mg', DROP_CONTENTS => TRUE); /
When it becomes necessary to remove an individual snapshot from a snapshot site, use the DROP_SNAPSHOT_REPOBJECT procedure API to drop a snapshot. When you execute this procedure, the meta data for the target snapshot at the master site will be removed. When you execute this procedure and are connected to the target master site, the meta data for the target snapshot group at the master site will be removed (if you are not able to be connected, see "Cleanup Master Site" for more information).
Executed As: Snapshot Administrator
Executed At: Remote Snapshot Site
Replication Status: N/A
CONNECT snapadmin/ --If you want to physically remove the contents of the snapshot, be sure --that you specify TRUE for the DROP_CONTENTS parameter. DBMS_REPCAT.DROP_SNAPSHOT_REPOBJECT ( SNAME => 'scott', ONAME => 'bonus', TYPE => 'SNAPSHOT', DROP_OBJECTS => TRUE); /
If you are unable to drop snapshot group or snapshot object while connected to the target master site, you will need to manually remove the related metadata at the master site. Cleaning up the metadata will also ensure that you are not needlessly maintaining master table changes to a snapshot log. The following sections will help you cleanup your master site after dropping a snapshot group or object.
If you have executed the steps described in the "Drop Snapshot Group at Snapshot Site" section and were not connected to the master site, you are encouraged to complete the following steps to cleanup the target master site.
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Master Site for Target Snapshot Site
Replication Status: Normal
CONNECT repadmin/ DBMS_REPCAT.UNREGISTER_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP ( GNAME => 'scott_mg', SNAPSITE => ''); / --After you unregister the snapshot group, you should purge the snapshot logs --of the entries that were marked for the target snapshots. The --PURGE_SNAPSHOT_FROM_LOG procedure will need to be executed for each snapshot --that was in the snapshot replication group. --NOTE: If for some reason unregistering the snapshot group fails, you are still --encouraged to complete the following steps. DBMS_SNAPSHOT.PURGE_SNAPSHOT_FROM_LOG ( SNAPOWNER => 'scott', SNAPNAME => 'emp', SNAPSITE => ''); / DBMS_SNAPSHOT.PURGE_SNAPSHOT_FROM_LOG ( SNAPOWNER => 'scott', SNAPNAME => 'dept', SNAPSITE => ''); / DBMS_SNAPSHOT.PURGE_SNAPSHOT_FROM_LOG ( SNAPOWNER => 'scott', SNAPNAME => 'bonus', SNAPSITE => ''); / DBMS_SNAPSHOT.PURGE_SNAPSHOT_FROM_LOG ( SNAPOWNER => 'scott', SNAPNAME => 'salgrade', SNAPSITE => ''); /
If you have executed the steps described in the "Drop Individual Snapshot at Snapshot Site" section and were not connected to the master site, you are encouraged to complete the following steps to cleanup the target master site.
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Master Site for Target Snapshot Site
Replication Status: Normal
CONNECT repadmin/ DBMS_SNAPSHOT.UNREGISTER_SNAPSHOT ( SNAPOWNER => 'scott', SNAPNAME => 'bonus', SNAPSITE => ''); / --After you unregister the snapshot, you should purge the associated snapshot --log of the entries that were marked for the target snapshots. --NOTE: If for some reason unregistering the snapshot fails, you are still --encouraged to complete the following step. DBMS_SNAPSHOT.PURGE_SNAPSHOT_FROM_LOG ( SNAPOWNER => 'scott', SNAPNAME => 'bonus', SNAPSITE => ''); /
As an administrator of a replication environment, you should regularly monitor the error queue to determine if any deferred transactions were not successfully applied at the target master site.
To check the error queue, issue the following SELECT statement as the replication administrator when connected to the target master site:
SELECT * FROM deferror;
If the error queue contains errors, you should resolve the error condition and re-execute the deferred transaction. You have two options when re-executing a deferred transaction: you can re-execute in the security context of the user who received the deferred transaction or you can re-execute the deferred transaction with an alternate security context.
The procedure below will re-execute a specified deferred transaction in the security context of the user that received the deferred transaction. This procedure should not be executed until the error situation has been resolved.
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Site Containing Errors
Replication Status: Normal
CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_DEFER_SYS.EXECUTE_ERROR ( deferred_tran_id => '128323', destination => 'ORC2.WORLD'); END; /
The procedure below will re-execute a specified deferred transaction in the security context of the currently connected user. This procedure should not be executed until the error situation has been resolved.
Executed As: Connected User
Executed At: Site Containing Errors
Replication Status: Normal
CONNECT scott/ BEGIN DBMS_DEFER_SYS.EXECUTE_ERROR_AS_USER ( deferred_tran_id => '128323', destination => 'ORC2.WORLD'); END; /
As your database needs change, you may need to modify the characteristics of your replicated objects. It is important that you do not directly execute DDL to alter your replicated objects; doing so may cause your replicated environment to fail.
ALTER_MASTER_REPOBJECT procedure to alter the characteristics of your replicated objects. From the example below, you will see that you simply include the necessary DDL within the procedure call (see the DDL_TEXT parameter).
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Master Definition Site
Replication Status: Quiesced
CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.ALTER_MASTER_REPOBJECT ( sname => 'SCOTT', oname => 'EMP', type => 'TABLE', ddl_text => 'ALTER TABLE scott.emp ADD (site VARCHAR2(20))'); END; / --After you have inserted a new column into your replicated object, --you need to make sure that you re-generate replication support for --the affected object. This step should be performed immmediately --after you alter the replicated object. BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT ( sname => 'SCOTT', oname => 'EMP', type => 'TABLE', min_communication => TRUE); END; / --NOTE: You should wait until the DBA_REPCATLOG view is empty. Execute --the following SELECT statement in another SQL*Plus session to monitor --the DBA_REPCATLOG view: -- --SELECT * FROM dba_repcatlog WHERE gname = 'SCOTT_MG'; BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.RESUME_MASTER_ACTIVITY ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG'); END; /
Expanding established replicated environments can cause extreme network traffic when you add a new master or snapshot site to your replicated environment. This is caused by propagating the entire contents of the table or snapshot via the network to the new replicated site.
To alleviate such network traffic, you can expand your replicated environment by using the offline instantiation procedure. Offline instantiation takes advantage of Oracle's export and import utilities, which allows you to create an export file and transfer the data to the new site via another storage media (i.e. CD-ROM, tape, etc.).
The following script is an example of how to perform an offline instantiation of a master site. This script can potentially save large amounts of network traffic cause by the normal method of adding a new master site to an existing master group.
Executed As: Replication Administrator
Executed At: Master Definition Site and New Master Site
Replication Status: Quiesced and Partial
/********************************************************************* SETUP NEW MASTER SITE You need to complete the steps illustrated in the "Setup Master Site" section. You will need to make sure that the appropriate schema and database links have been created before you perform the offline instantiate of your new master site. Be sure to create the database links from the new master site to each of the existing masters sites; you will also need to create a database link from each of the existing master sites to the new master site. After the database links have been created, make sure that you also define the SCHEDULED LINKS for each of the new database links (STEP 8: CREATE SCHEDULED LINKS). *********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* SUSPEND MASTER ACTIVITY You need to suspend master activity for the existing master sites before you export your master data and begin the offline instantiation process. *********************************************************************/ BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG'); END; / /********************************************************************* VERIFY THAT THERE ARE NO PENDING TRANSACTIONS This includes that you push any outstanding deferred transactions, resolve any error transactions, and/or push any administrative transactions. This step needs to be performed at each of the existing master sites. *********************************************************************/ --connect to master definition site CONNECT repadmin/ --Check for error transaction queue. SELECT * FROM deferror; --If any deferred transactions have been entered into the error queue, then --you need to resolve the error situation and then manually re-execute the --deferred transaction. BEGIN DBMS_DEFER_SYS.EXECUTE_ERROR ( deferred_tran_id => '128323', destination => 'ORC1.WORLD'); END; / --Check for outstanding administrative requests. SELECT * FROM dba_repcatlog; --If any administrative requests remain, then you can manually push these --transactions and/or wait for them to be executed automatically. You may need --to execute the DBMS_REPCAT.DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN API several times, since --some administrative operations have multiple steps. BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', all_sites => TRUE); END; / /********************************************************************* BEGIN OFFLINE INSTANTIATION PROCEDURE *********************************************************************/ --Connect as replication administrator to Master Definition Site connect repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_OG.BEGIN_INSTANTIATION ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', new_site => 'ORC4.WORLD'); END; / /* NOTE: You must wait until the DBA_REPCATLOG view is empty before continuing the steps in this script. Execute the following SELECT statement in another SQL*Plus session to monitor your DBA_REPCATLOG view: SELECT * FROM dba_repcatlog WHERE gname = 'SCOTT_MG'; */ PAUSE Press <RETURN> to continue. /********************************************************************* CONNECT AS SCOTT/TIGER TO EXPORT You will need to use the Oracle export utility to generate the export file that you will transfer to the new master site. The export file will contain the replicated objects to be added at the new master site. See the Oracle8i Utilities book for additional information. *********************************************************************/ EXP80 scott/ /********************************************************************* RESUME PARTIAL REPLICATION ACTIVITY Since it may take you some time to complete the offline instantiation process, you can resume replication activity for the existing master sites by executing the DBMS_OFFLINE_OG.RESUME_SUBSET_OF_MASTERS procedure after the export is complete. *********************************************************************/ --connect as replication administrator to master definition site. CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_OG.RESUME_SUBSET_OF_MASTERS ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', new_site => 'ORC4.WORLD'); END; / /********************************************************************* PREPARE NEW MASTER SITE After you have transferred the export file from the master definition site to the new master site, you must prepare the new site to import the data in your export file. *********************************************************************/ CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_OG.BEGIN_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', new_site => 'ORC4.WORLD'); END; / /********************************************************************* IMPORT DATA FROM EXPORT FILE Once you have imported the export file that you generated earlier, you will have transferred the data from your master definition site to your new master site. *********************************************************************/ IMP80 scott/ FULL=y IGNORE=y /********************************************************************* COMLETE LOAD PROCESS AT NEW MASTER SITE After you have imported the export file, you are ready to complete the offline instantiation process at the new master site. Executing DBMS_OFFLINE_OG.END_LOAD procedure will prepare the new site for normal replication activity. *********************************************************************/ CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_OG.END_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', new_site => 'ORC4.WORLD'); END; / /********************************************************************* COMPLETE INSTANTIATION PROCESS Once you have complete the steps at the new master site, you are ready to complete the offline instantiation process. Executing the DBMS_OFFLINE_OG.END_INSTANTIATION procedure will complete the process and resume normal replication activity at all master sites. *********************************************************************/ CONNECT repadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_OG.END_INSTANTIATION ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', new_site => 'ORC4.WORLD'); END; /
For the same reasons that you might want to perform an offline instantiation of a master site, you may also want to create a new snapshot group at a snapshot site using the offline instantiation process. In some cases, it is even more useful for snapshots considering that the target computer could very well be a laptop using a modem connection.
The following script describes the process of performing an offline instantiation for a new snapshot group.
Executed As: Replication Administrator and Snapshot Administrator
Executed At: Master Site and New Snapshot Site
Replication Status: Normal
/********************************************************************* SETUP SNAPSHOT SITE You need to complete the steps illustrated in the "Setup Snapshot Site" section. You will need to make sure that the appropriate schema and database links have been created before you perform the offline instantiation of your snapshot. *********************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** CREATE SNAPSHOT LOGS If snapshot logs do not already exist for the target master tables, you will need to create them at the target master site. ***************************************************************************/ CONNECT repadmin/ CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG ON scott.emp; CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG ON scott.dept; CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG ON scott.bonus; CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG ON scott.salgrade; /*************************************************************************** CREATE TEMPORARY SNAPSHOTS You will create temporary snapshots at the master site that will contain the data that you will transfer to your new snapshot site using the export file. NOTE: If you added any of the conflict resolution routines described in Chapter 6, "Conflict Resolution", you may have additional columns in your tables. Be certain to include these additional columns in the SELECT statements below; updatable snapshots require that you explicity select all columns in the master table (no SELECT *). ***************************************************************************/ CREATE SNAPSHOT scott.snap_emp REFRESH FAST WITH PRIMARY KEY FOR UPDATE AS SELECT empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno FROM; CREATE SNAPSHOT scott.snap_dept REFRESH FAST WITH PRIMARY KEY FOR UPDATE AS SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM; CREATE SNAPSHOT scott.snap_bonus REFRESH FAST WITH PRIMARY KEY FOR UPDATE AS SELECT ename, job, sal, comm FROM; CREATE SNAPSHOT scott.snap_salgrade REFRESH FAST WITH PRIMARY KEY FOR UPDATE AS SELECT grade, losal, hisal FROM; /********************************************************************* CONNECT AS SCOTT/TIGER TO EXPORT You will need to use the Oracle export utility to generate the export file that you will transfer to the new snapshot site. The export file will contain the base tables of your temporary snapshots. See the Oracle8i Utilities book for additional information. NOTE: The following example is to be used for Oracle8i databases only. Base tables in database versions earlier than Oracle8i will be preceded by the SNAP$ prefix (i.e. SNAP$_SNAP_EMP). *********************************************************************/ EXP80 scott/ TABLES='snap_emp','snap_dept', 'snap_bonus','snap_salgrade' /********************************************************************* DELETE THE TEMPORARY SNAPSHOTS After you have completed your export, you should delete the temporary snapshots that you created during the beginning of this procedure. *********************************************************************/ CONNECT scott/ DROP SNAPSHOT snap_emp; DROP SNAPSHOT snap_dept; DROP SNAPSHOT snap_bonus; DROP SNAPSHOT snap_salgrade; /********************************************************************* CREATE NECESSARY SCHEMA AND DATABASE LINK Before you perform the offline instantiation of your snapshots, you need to create the schema that will contain the snapshots at the new snapshot site (they need to be in the same schema that contains the master objects at the master site) and the database link from the snapshot site to the master site. *********************************************************************/ CONNECT system/ CREATE USER scott IDENTIFIED by tiger; GRANT connect, resource TO scott; CONNECT scott/ CREATE DATABASE LINK CONNECT TO scott IDENTIFIED by tiger; /********************************************************************* CREATE EMPTY SNAPSHOT GROUP You need to execute the DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP API at the new snapshot site to contain an empty snapshot group that you will add your snapshots to. *********************************************************************/ CONNECT snapadmin/ BEGIN DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', master => 'ORC1.WORLD', propagation_mode => 'ASYNCHRONOUS'); END; / /********************************************************************* PREPARE SNAPSHOT SITE FOR OFFLINE INSTANTIATION The DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.BEGIN_LOAD API creates the necessary support mechanisms for the new snapshots. This step also adds the new snapshots to the snapshot group that you created in the previous step. Be sure to execute the DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.BEGIN_LOAD API for each snapshot that you will be importing. *********************************************************************/ CONNECT system/ BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.BEGIN_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', master_site => 'ORC1.WORLD', snapshot_oname => 'SNAP_EMP'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.BEGIN_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', master_site => 'ORC1.WORLD', snapshot_oname => 'SNAP_DEPT'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.BEGIN_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', master_site => 'ORC1.WORLD', snapshot_oname => 'SNAP_BONUS'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.BEGIN_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', master_site => 'ORC1.WORLD', snapshot_oname => 'SNAP_SALGRADE'); END; / /********************************************************************* CONNECT AS SCOTT/TIGER TO IMPORT AT NEW SNAPSHOT SITE You will need to use the Oracle import utility to import the file that you exported earlier. Make sure that you import your data as the same user that exported the data (i.e. scott/tiger). *********************************************************************/ IMP80 scott/ FULL=y IGNORE=y /********************************************************************* COMPLETE THE OFFLINE INSTANTIATION Execute the DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.END_LOAD API to finish the offline instantiation of the imported snapshots. *********************************************************************/ CONNECT system/ BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.END_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', snapshot_oname => 'snap_emp'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.END_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', snapshot_oname => 'snap_dept'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.END_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', snapshot_oname => 'snap_bonus'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT.END_LOAD ( gname => 'SCOTT_MG', sname => 'SCOTT', snapshot_oname => 'snap_salgrade'); END; / /********************************************************************* REFRESH SNAPSHOTS TO REGISTER AT MASTER SITE In addition to retreiving the latest changes from the master tables, refreshing the snapshots at the new snapshot site registers the offline instantiated snapshots at the target master site. *********************************************************************/ CONNECT scott/ BEGIN DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH ('snap_emp'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH ('snap_dept'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH ('snap_bonus'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH ('snap_salgrade'); END; /