Oracle8i Error Messages Release 8.1.5 A67785-01 |
NZE-28750 Unknown error occurred
Cause: Some Oracle Security Server error occurred of an unspecified type. This error should not be visible to applications.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28751 Memory allocation failed
Cause: The allocation of memory failed due to exhaustion of system memory.
Action: Terminate other processes to free up memory or add memory to the system.
NZE-28752 Failed to initialize data source
Cause: The initialization of a data source failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact cause of the error. Frequently, this error is caused by the exhaustion of system resources.
NZE-28753 Failed to terminate use of data source
Cause: The termination of the use of a data source failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact cause of the error. The error may be caused by the corruption of memory or disk, among other things.
NZE-28754 Storage of object failed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28755 object retrieval failed
Cause: Failure to retrieve subject information from a file or database.
Action: Check if the data source exists or check for the correct subject information.
NZE-28756 Callback failed to allocate memory
Cause: A function supplied by the caller failed to allocate memory.
Action: This error could be due to system memory exhaustion.
NZE-28757 Attempted to allocate 0 bytes of memory
Cause: No more memory.
Action: This error could be due to system memory exhaustion.
NZE-28758 Memory release failed
Cause: The release of memory fragment failed. This may be caused by corruption of memory either within the application or the Oracle Security Server library.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the reason why the operation failed.
NZE-28759 Failed to open file
Cause: The opening of the specified file failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the name of the file that could not be opened and the reason.
NZE-28760 List creation failed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28761 Failed to create element
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28762 Failed to add element
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28763 Invalid parameter type
Cause: Possible error in parameter in SQLNET.ORA.
Action: Check the SQLNET.ORA file for this parameter value.
NZE-28764 Configuration parameter retrieval failed
Cause: The retrieval of a configuration parameter failed.
Action: Supply the needed configuration parameter.
NZE-28765 Data method list does not exist
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28766 Failed to terminate use of data source
Cause: An error occurred when attempting to end use of a data source. This could be due to a system error.
Action: Enable tracing to see what the exact error is.
NZE-28767 Invalid version number
Cause: Version number of the file is incorrect.
NZE-28768 Bad magic number
Cause: An invalid magic number was specified in a data file.
Action: This could be due to disk corruption or some other process overwriting the file. Enable tracing to determine what the exact error is.
NZE-28769 Specified method does not exist
Cause: The data access method specified in the configuration file is not supported.
Action: Specify a supported method. Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation to determine the supported types.
NZE-28770 Data source already initialized
Cause: The caller attempted to initialize a data source which was already initialized.
Action: This is a programming error. An application should not attempt to initialize a data source more than once.
NZE-28771 Data source not yet initialized
Cause: The caller attempted to use a data source which had not been initialized yet. This is a programming error. The application must always initialize the data source.
Action: Correct the error.
NZE-28772 Invalid file ID
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28773 Write of magic and version numbers failed
Cause: The write of both the magic and version numbers failed.
Action: This error usually occurs because disk space has been exhausted.
NZE-28774 Write of file to disk failed
Cause: The output of a file failed.
Action: This error usually occurs because disk space has been exhausted.
NZE-28775 Close of file failed
Cause: The close of a file used by a data access method failed.
Action: This error usually indicates an error such as memory corruption or a system error. Enable tracing and examine the trace file to see what the exact error.
NZE-28776 Output buffer supplied is too small
Cause: The data to be returned by a function is too large for the supplied buffer.
Action: Call the routine again with a larger buffer.
NZE-28777 Binding creation failed
Cause: The creation of a binding for use in the parsing of a parameter value failed. This error can be caused by the parameter value being in an incorrect format, for example, a right parenthesis was not supplied where expected, or the exhaustion of system memory.
Action: Make sure that the parameter is specified in the correct format. If the format is correct, free up system memory by terminating processes or add more memory.
NZE-28778 Parameter not specified in proper format
Cause: The configuration parameter was specified in the proper format.
Action: Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation for a description of the proper format for this parameter.
NZE-28779 No data access method specified in parameter
Cause: No method for data access was specified in the parameter value.
Action: Specify a parameter method. Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation for the supported data access methods for this data type.
NZE-28780 Invalid method specified by parameter
Cause: The data access method specified by the parameter value is not supported.
Action: Specify a data access method. Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation for the supported data access methods for this data type.
NZE-28781 no method data specified in parameter
Cause: No data was specified in the parameter for use with the specified access method.
Action: Consult the Oracle Security Server documentation for the data that must be specified for the access method.
NZE-28782 Data source not allocated
Cause: No memory was allocated for a data source.
Action: The application should call in the data source initialization function.
NZE-28783 Invalid parameter
Cause: No match for parameter name in the configuration file.
Action: Check your SQLNET.ORA file for the parameter.
NZE-28784 File name translation failed
Cause: The translation of a file name from Oracle format to native format failed.
Action: Specify a correct name. Consult your Oracle documentation for the correct file name format.
NZE-28785 Parameter does not exist
Cause: A configuration parameter does not exist in a parameter file.
Action: Supply the required parameter.
NZE-28786 Decryption of encrypted private key failed
Cause: Use of incorrect password for decryption.
Action: Type in the correct password.
NZE-28787 Encryption of private key failed
Cause: Possible error in parameter for MKWALLET in SQLNET.ORA.
Action: Check your SQLNET.ORA file. Also turn on tracing and check the MKTOKEN.TRC file for other errors.
NZE-28788 Invalid information provided by the user or unknown error
Cause: Incorrect input by the user in response to a prompt or an unknown error.
Action: Provide the correct input or enable tracing and check the trace file for errors.
NZE-28789 Name type not found
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28790 NLS string open failed
Cause: The opening of a string for use by the NLS subsystem failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28791 Certificate verification failed
Cause: Verification of the certificate supplied by the user failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28792 PL/SQL operation failed
Cause: A PL/SQL operation attempted by the Oracle Security Server failed. This is an internal error.
Action: Enable Net8 and try the operation again. Contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
NZE-28793 Variable bind failed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28794 Attribute initialization data type failed
Cause: The initialization of the attribute data type failed.
Action: Enable tracing to determine the exact error. This error may be caused by the exhaustion of system resources.
NZE-28795 Attribute data type termination failed
Cause: The termination of the use of the attribute data type subsystem failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28796 Unsupported access method
Cause: The method specified to access data is not supported.
Action: Use a supported access method.
NZE-28797 Invalid data type
Cause: The type specified for a key is not supported.
Action: Correct the key type.
NZE-28798 Number of sub-keys to bind does not match that in key
Cause: The number of keys passed by the application to bind does not match the number used to create the key. This is an internal programming exception.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28799 Failed to allocate shared memory
Cause: The allocation of shared memory for use in operations involving the shared server failed.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error. This error is probably caused by the exhaustion of the memory heap supplied by the Oracle server.
NZE-28800 Open failed
Cause: Failed to open the data source (file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28801 Invalid object type
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28802 Invalid mode specified
Cause: Mode or data source specified in configuration file is incorrect.
Action: Check the SQLNET.ORA file for method parameter. Else enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28803 Input/output operation failed
Cause: Failed to access a data source (file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28804 Close failed
Cause: Failed to close the data source (file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28805 Retrieve failed
Cause: Failed to retrieve information from the data source (file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28806 Store failed
Cause: Failed to write to the data source (file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28807 Update failed
Cause: Failed to update a data source (file or database).
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28808 Retrieval of method information failed
Cause: Failed to retrieve method (file/database) information.
Action: Check the SQLNET.ORA file for method configuration parameters. Else enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28809 Deletion failed
Cause: Failed to delete information from data source.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28810 Creation failed
Cause: Failed to create a key descriptor.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing to determine the exact error.
NZE-28811 Invalid access descriptor
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28812 Record operation failed
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28813 Invalid record type
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: No action required.
NZE-28814 Conversion of number in Oracle format to native failed
Cause: The conversion of a number which was specified in Oracle format to native format failed. This is an internal programming exception.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. Contact Oracle Customer Support and supply the trace file.
NZE-28815 Conversion of native number to Oracle format failed
Cause: The conversion of a number which was specified in native format to Oracle portable format failed. This is an internal programming exception.
Action: Enable Net8 tracing and attempt to reproduce the problem. Contact Oracle Customer Support and supply the trace file.
NZE-28816 No password provided
Cause: A required password was not passed to a PL/SQL function. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28817 PL/SQL function returned an error
Cause: A PL/SQL function returned an error unexpectedly. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28818 no package context provided
Cause: The context that holds the state of the security package was not passed to a function or procedure that was expecting it. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28819 no distinguished name provided
Cause: The user's distinguished name was not provided to a PL/SQL function or procedure. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28820 state not provided
Cause: The state of either a signature or decryption/encryption was not passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28821 no input buffer provided
Cause: A PL/SQL function or procedure was not passed an expected buffer. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28822 no seed
Cause: No seed was specified to the PL/SQL seed initialization function. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28823 number of bytes not specified
Cause: The number of random bytes to generate was not specified to the PL/SQL random number generator. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28824 invalid encryption/decryption/signature state
Cause: An invalid state was passed to a PL/SQL encryption, decryption or signature procedure or function.
Action: Specify a correct state value.
NZE-28825 no cryptographic engine function
Cause: No function was specified for the cryptographic engine. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28826 invalid cryptographic engine function
Cause: An incorrect cryptographic engine function was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: Specify a correct engine function.
NZE-28827 invalid cipher type
Cause: An incorrect cipher type was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: Specify a correct cipher type.
NZE-28828 invalid identity type
Cause: An incorrect identity type was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: Specify a correct identity type.
NZE-28829 no cipher type specified
Cause: No cipher type was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28830 no identity type specified
Cause: No identity type was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28831 no data unit format
Cause: No data unit format was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28832 invalid data unit format
Cause: An incorrect data unit format was passed to a PL/SQL function or procedure.
Action: Specify a data unit format.
NZE-28833 not enough info provided
Cause: Not enough info (usually parameters) provided to a PL/SQL function. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28834 buffer too small
Cause: Buffer provided by PL/SQL to a Oracle Security Server toolkit function is too small for the data to be returned. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28835 identity descriptor not present or too small
Cause: An identity descriptor passed to a PL/SQL function or descriptor was not provided or does not have the correct size. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28836 wallet not open
Cause: The wallet to be used has not been opened yet.
Action: Call the function that opens the wallet.
NZE-28837 no wallet descriptor
Cause: No wallet descriptor was specified to a PL/SQL function or procedure. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28838 no identity descriptor
Cause: No identity descriptor was specified to a PL/SQL function or procedure. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28839 no persona descriptor
Cause: No persona descriptor was specified to a PL/SQL function or procedure. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NZE-28840 wallet already open
Cause: An attempt was made to open a wallet that had already been opened. This is a programming error. A wallet should only be opened once.
Action: Correct the error.
NZE-28841 operation not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that is not supported. This is a programming error.
Action: Correct the error.
NZE-29228 the number of bytes for output could not be calculated
Cause: The cryptographic engine is confused about the algorithm.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
NZE-29229 the magic number found in the header does not match expected
Cause: The input TDU has either been corrupted or it is not being used correctly.
Action: Check that the TDU is being used from the beginning. If possible, compare the size of the TDU upon generation to the size trying to be used.
NZE-29230 the header length is not sufficient for message header
Cause: The input TDU has either been corrupted or it is not being used correctly.
Action: Check that the TDU is being used from the beginning. If possible, compare the size of the TDU upon generation to the size trying to be used.
NZE-29231 the cryptographic engine failed to initialize
Cause: During initialization of the cryptographic engine, some failure occurred. This includes running out of memory and trying to seed the random number generator.
Action: Make sure the executable has been linked with compatible library versions, and that you are not running out of swap space.
NZE-29232 the cryptographic engine key initialization failed
Cause: During initialization of a key for cryptography, some failure occurred. This includes running out of memory and passing illegal arguments.
Action: Make sure the executable has been linked with compatible library versions, and that the correct parameters are being used for the cryptographic functions.
NZE-29233 the key object could not be encoded
Cause: The key object may be corrupted or may be an unsupported type.
Action: Check the key object being passed to the encoding routine.
NZE-29234 a key object was not extracted from encoding
Cause: The encoding may be corrupted or may not be a key object at all.
Action: Check the encoding and parameters passed to decoding routine.
NZE-29235 the key information could not be retrieved
Cause: The key may be corrupted or may be an unsupported type.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
NZE-29236 the random number generator will not accept seed
Cause: The cryptographic engine may have run out of memory.
Action: Make sure the executable has been linked with compatible library versions.
NZE-29237 the cryptographic engine could not finish the algorithm
Cause: The cryptographic engine does not have enough information to correctly finish applying the algorithm.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
NZE-29238 the cryptographic engine could not apply the algorithm
Cause: The cryptographic engine does not have enough information to correctly apply the algorithm.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
NZE-29239 the cryptographic engine could not initialize the algorithm
Cause: The cryptographic engine does not have enough information to correctly initialize the algorithm.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
NZE-29240 the cryptographic engine does not recognize the algorithm
Cause: The application is probably passing the wrong parameters.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the cryptographic functions.
NZE-29241 a buffer block needs to more space but its length is fixed
Cause: The application has pre-allocated an output buffer that is too short for the operation and has specified that the buffer should not grow as needed.
Action: Either pre-allocate a larger buffer or allow the toolkit to grow the output buffer as needed.
NZE-29242 the asymmetric key is too short to be used with the data.
Cause: An asymmetric key must be at least 11 bytes longer than the data it is being used to encrypt.
Action: Use an asymmetric key with more bits or break the data into smaller pieces.
NZE-29243 the toolkit does not recognize the type of key being used
Cause: The application is probably passing the wrong parameters.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
NZE-29245 the toolkit does not recognize the function being used
Cause: The application is probably passing the wrong parameters.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
NZE-29246 the toolkit could not parse the tdu
Cause: The TDU could be corrupted.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
NZE-29247 an unopen toolkit object was used before it was opened
Cause: Some toolkit objects must be opened before they can be used.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
NZE-29248 an unrecgonized WRL was used to open a wallet
Cause: WRLs have a specific set of types and must be formatted correctly.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.
NZE-29249 an unrecognized state was passed to a cryptographic function
Cause: The application is probably passing the wrong parameters.
Action: Check the parameters being used with the toolkit functions.