Oracle8i Error Messages Release 8.1.5 A67785-01 |
NCR-00001 NCR: Could not allocate memory
Cause: Insufficient swap space or system memory.
Action: Increase swap space or system memory.
NCR-00002 NCR: Invalid usage
Cause: Bad function parameter.
Action: Check function call.
NCR-00003 NCR: Initialization failure
Cause: Usually insufficient swap space or system memory.
Action: Increase swap space or system memory.
NCR-01003 NCRS: Read error.
Cause: Failed to read data from an input device.
Action: Check the input device driver return code for further information.
NCR-01004 NCRS: Write error.
Cause: Failed to write data to an output device.
Action: Check the output device driver return code for further information.
NCR-01005 NCRS: Failed to flush the output buffer.
Cause: Failed to write data in the output buffer to an output device.
Action: Check the output device driver return code for further information.
NCR-01006 NCRS: Data buffer overflow.
Cause: An attempt to read or write data outside of a given data buffer.
Action: Check data buffer size.
NCR-01007 NCRS: Operation is not supported in a given mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation which is not supported for the current mode.
Action: See documentation for a list of work modes and supported operations.
NCR-01008 NCRS: Failed to obtain transport parameters.
Cause: Could not identify transport layer parameters.
Action: Check the transport layer return code for further information.
NCR-01009 NCRS: Record handling error.
Cause: Encountered an invalid record or an attempt to read beyond last record.
Action: See documentation for description of record handling methods.
NCR-01010 NCRS: Invalid network address length.
Cause: Network address size is set to 0.
Action: See documentation for valid network address sizes.
NCR-01011 NCRS: Send message failure.
Cause: Failed to send a message over network.
Action: Check the network interface return code for further information.
NCR-01012 NCRS: Receive message failure.
Cause: Failed to receive a network message.
Action: Check the network interface return code for further information.
NCR-01013 NCRS: Unvalid connection type.
Cause: Connection type is other than stream or message.
Action: See documentation for description of connection types.
NCR-01018 NCRS: Encryption failure.
Cause: Cannot do the encryption for the data.
Action: See the SNS documentation for more information.
NCR-01019 NCRS: Checksumming failure.
Cause: Can not add the checksumming for the data.
Action: See the SNS documentation for more information.
NCR-01020 NCRS: Operation would block.
Cause: An I/O operation returned with no data read/written because the transport connection is "non-blocking" and, to succeed, the operation would have needed to block.
Action: This is a soft error; retry the operation.
NCR-02003 NCRF: Invalid type passed to format interpreter.
Cause: The format interpreter was given a data type it did not recognize.
Action: Check the types returned to the interpreter from either the type callback routine or from the type context structure.
NCR-02004 NCRF: Invalid format interpreter type context
Cause: The format interpreter was given an invalid type context.
Action: This error usually happens due to an improperly described aggregate. For example, declaring NCRF_END_STRUCT_DATA_TYPE within a context, without a complementary NCRF_STRUCT_DATA_TYPE, is invalid.
NCR-02005 NCRF: Invalid session mode
Cause: The data format layer received a session mode other than GET,PUT or FREE.
Action: No action required.
NCR-02006 NCRF: Invalid floating point representation received
Cause: The data format layer received a floating point representation it did not recognize.
Action: Check incoming format descriptor for errors.
NCR-02007 NCRF: Invalid format descriptor received
Cause: The data format layer received an improperly formed format descriptor. Subsequent data could not be formatted.
Action: Check for data integrity on receipt from remote host.
NCR-02008 NCRF: Error within stream processing in format interpreter
Cause: An error occurred while the interpreter was processing an NCRF_STREAM_DATA_TYPE.
Action: Check for data integrity, or for stream existence.
NCR-02009 NCRF: Unable to open trace file
Cause: Failed to open tracing file.
Action: Make sure that this is a legal file name and that the user has write access.
NCR-03002 NCRO: Maximum number of contexts has been reached
Cause: An attempt to create either a call context or a service context has failed because all context slots are in use.
Action: Free context slots by destroying those contexts no longer required, or, reconfigure NCRO with more context slots.
NCR-03003 NCRO: Unexpected message
Cause: Message read from service connection is not of the expected type. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-03004 NCRO: Unknown message
Cause: Message read from service connection is of unknown type. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NCR-03005 NCRO: Orphan message
Cause: Message read from service connection is for a call context that no longer exists. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-03006 NCRO: Invalid operation
Cause: Attempted operation over call context is invalid. For example, attempting to send IN arguments for a procedure which is defined to have none. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-03007 NCRO: Context is busy
Cause: Attempted operation failed because service/call context is busy performing a previous operation. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-03008 NCRO: Call rejected
Cause: An attempt to execute a remote procedure has failed because the server has rejected the procedure ID.
Action: If wrong procedure ID, send the correct one. If the wrong server was contacted, then contact the right one.
NCR-03009 NCRO: Protocol version mismatch
Cause: Client and server NCRO layers are at incompatible versions levels.
Action: Upgrade to latest NCRO version.
NCR-03010 NCRO: Transfer callback error
Cause: Application transfer callback function has returned a "FAILED" status.
Action: Debug the transfer callback function.
NCR-03012 NCRO: Invalid session mode
Cause: Attempted operation has failed because the session context is in an invalid state. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NCR-03013 NCRO: Operation not supportd
Cause: Attempted operation is not supported on this service connection because it is incompatible with the NCRO version level of the remote application.
Action: Link remote application with latest NCR library.
NCR-03014 NCRO: Bad transport address
Cause: A service context cannot be created because the transport address descriptor (contained in the binding context) is invalid. This is an application error.
Action: Initialize the transport address descriptor correctly.
NCR-03015 NCRO: No transport address
Cause: A service context cannot be created because no transport address was provided (in the binding context) and the transport protocol uses datagrams. This is an application error.
Action: Provide a transport address.
NCR-03016 NCRO: Message has bad address
Cause: Message read from service connection has bad address information. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NCR-03017 NCRO: Transport type RSLV not supported
Cause: Support for transport type RSLV has not been built.
Action: Re-compile the NCR library with NCR_USE_RSLV defined.
NCR-03018 NCRO: Failed to make RSLV connection
Cause: Failure to make RSLV connection usually means that the name resolution failed or the resolved TNS address is bad.
Action: Make sure that the name is in TNSNAMES.ORA and that it is set to the correct TNS address.
NCR-03019 NCRO: Unable to initialize thread support
Cause: Attempt to initialize the Core thread package has failed. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NCR-03020 NCRO: Invalid call context
Cause: The call context is not an valid call context.
Action: Call context was destroyed, probably because the Break was received
NCR-03021 NCRO: Reset the in-band line
Cause: An Oracle partner is asking to reset the in-band line, after receiving a break.
Action: Reset the in-band line.
NCR-03022 NCRO: Cannot send the break
Cause: An error occurred when sending the break using the side-band channel.
Action: Read the documentation regarding to side-band break support issues.
NCR-03023 NCRO: Cannot receive the break
Cause: An error occurred when receiving the break using the side-band channel.
Action: Read the documentation regarding to side-band break support issues.
NCR-03024 NCRO: Transport type LIST not supported
Cause: Support for transport type LIST has not been built.
Action: Re-compile the NCR library with NCR_USE_LIST defined.
NCR-03025 NCRO: Failed to make LIST connection(s)
Cause: Failed to make LIST connection(s). This usually means one of the following:
Action: Check address list syntax and make sure that there is a 'listener' process for each (or some) of the supplied addresses.
NCR-03026 NCRO: The result buffer has overflowed
Cause: The result buffer for holding the pickling result is too small.
Action: Enlarge the result buffer and try again.
NCR-03027 NCRO: No remote service session set up yet.
Cause: Sender-makes-right needs the remote FID.
Action: Set up the remote session before using the Send Make's Right option.
NCR-03028 NCRO: Partner refused request for sender-makes-right.
Cause: Sender-makes-right was requested by the current side, but was refused by the server.
Action: Check the server side to see why it refused SMR.
NCR-04002 NCRR: Invalid interface descriptor
Cause: An attempt to register an interface has failed because of an invalid interface descriptor.
Action: Check the interface descriptor passed into the NCRRRI_REGISTER_INTERFACE call.
NCR-04003 NCRR: Interface exists
Cause: An attempt to register an interface has failed because an interface already exists. This is an application error.
Action: Register a new interface, destroy the old one, or indicate that the old one must be replaced.
NCR-04004 NCRR: Invalid interface instance handle
Cause: A service registration API call failed because of an invalid instance handle. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04005 NCRR: Invalid procedure handle
Cause: A procedure/object registration failed because of an invalid procedural handle. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04006 NCRR: Invalid argument descriptor
Cause: A procedure registration failed because of an invalid argument descriptor. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04007 NCRR: Invalid object handle
Cause: A service registration API call failed because of an invalid object handle, for example, one that does not exist. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04008 NCRR: Procedure exists
Cause: An attempt to register a remote procedure failed because the procedure already exists in this interface. This is an application error.
Action: Register a new procedure, destroy the old one, or indicate that the old one must be replaced.
NCR-04009 NCRR: Object exists
Cause: An attempt to register an object failed because the object already exists in this interface. This is an application error.
Action: Register a new object, destroy the old one, or indicate that the old one must be replaced.
NCR-04010 NCRR: Unable to contact Oracle Names Server
Cause: Service export or import failed to contact Names Server.
Action: Ensure the Oracle Names configuration is correct. If still no success, turn on Names tracing and/or contact Oracle Customer Support.
NCR-04011 NCRR: Oracle Names error
Cause: Service export or import failed during interaction with Names Server.
Action: Turn on Names tracing and/or contact Oracle Customer Support.
NCR-04012 NCRR: Invalid address descriptor
Cause: An NCRREI_EXPORT_INTERFACE call failed because of an invalid address descriptor. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04013 NCRR: Insufficient authorization
Cause: Attempted Names Server operation has failed because of insufficient authorization.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NCR-04014 NCRR: Invalid instance name
Cause: Service export or import failed because of an invalid instance name. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04015 NCRR: Invalid interface name
Cause: Service export or import failed because of an invalid interface name. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04016 NCRR: Last interface instance handle
Cause: The instance handle passed in is the last instance handle in the list. This is an informational message indicating that the end of the list has been reached.
Action: No action required.
NCR-04017 NCRR: Unable to find the interface instance handle
Cause: The instance handle corresponding to the instance name was not found. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04018 NCRR: Unable to create the TNS address list
Cause: Unable to create the TNS address list from the interface instance list. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04019 NCRR: Interface or instance name already exists
Cause: Service export failed because the name already exists with the name server. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04020 NCRR: Interface or instance name does not exist
Cause: Service expunge/query failed because the name does not exist in the name server.
Action: Turn on Names tracing and/or contact Oracle Customer Support.
NCR-04021 NCRR: Pickler errors
Cause: Service export/query failed because of pickler errors.
Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.
NCR-04022 NCRR: Invalid procedure descriptor
Cause: A procedure registration failed because of an invalid procedural descriptor. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.
NCR-04023 NCRR: Invalid object descriptor
Cause: An object registration failed because of an invalid object descriptor. This is an application error.
Action: Debug and fix the application.