Oracle8i Backup and Recovery Guide
Release 8.1.5






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Restoring and Recovering with Recovery Manager

This chapter describes how to use Recovery Manager to perform restore and recovery operations, and includes the following topics:

Restoring Datafiles, Control Files, and Archived Redo Logs

Use the RMAN restore command to restore datafiles, control files, or archived redo logs from backup sets or image copies. RMAN restores backups from disk or tape, but image copies only from disk.

When restoring files, you should:

Restore files to either:

This section contains the following topics:

See Also: For restore syntax, see "restore". For set newname syntax, see "set_run_option".

Restoring a Database

When restoring a target database, you can:

To restore the database to its default location, issue the restore database command. To move your target database to a new host, rename the datafiles as needed using set newname. To create a test database using backups of your target database, use the duplicate command (see Chapter 10, "Creating a Duplicate Database with Recovery Manager" for complete instructions).

This chapter contains the following topics:

Restoring the Database to its Default Location

If you do not specify set newname commands for the datafiles during a restore job, the database must be closed or the datafiles must be offline. Otherwise, you will see output similar to the following, which results from an attempt to restore datafile 3 while the file is online:

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure during compilation of command
RMAN-03013: command type: restore
RMAN-03006: non-retryable error occurred during execution of command: IRESTORE
RMAN-07004: unhandled exception during command execution on channel ch1
RMAN-10035: exception raised in RPC: ORA-19573: cannot obtain exclusive enqueue 
for datafile 3
ORA-19600: input file is datafile-copy 102 (/vobs/oracle/dbs/df.3)
ORA-19601: output file is datafile 3 (/vobs/oracle/dbs/tbs_11.f)
RMAN-10031: ORA-19573 occurred during call to DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.COPYDATAFILECOPY

The database must be closed when you restore the whole database. If the target database is mounted, then its control file will be updated with any applicable datafile copy and archived log records to describe the restored files.

To restore the database to its default location:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. If the database is open, shut it down and then mount it:

    shutdown immediate; 
    startup mount;
  3. After allocating channels, restore the database:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type disk;
         allocate channel ch2 type disk;
         allocate channel ch3 type disk;
         restore database;

Moving the Target Database to a New Host with the Same Filesystem

A media failure may force you to move a database by restoring a backup from one host to another. Note that if you want to create a duplicate database for testing and still maintain your original database, use the duplicate command instead of following this procedure (see Chapter 10, "Creating a Duplicate Database with Recovery Manager").

Because your restored database will not have the online redo logs of your production database, you will need to perform incomplete recovery up to the lowest SCN of the most recently archived redo log in each thread and then open with the RESETLOGS option.

This scenario assumes that:

The restore procedure differs depending on whether the target database uses a recovery catalog.


You cannot use RMAN to restore image copies created on one host to a different host. Transfer the files using an O/S utility and use the catalog command to update the RMAN metadata.  

To restore the database from HOST_A to HOST_B with a recovery catalog:

  1. Copy the init.ora file for HOST_A to HOST_B using an O/S utility.

  2. Connect to the HOST_B target instance and HOST_A recovery catalog. For example, enter:

    % rman target sys/change_on_install@host_b rman/rman@rcat
  3. Start the instance without mounting it:

    startup nomount;
  4. Restore and mount the control file. Execute a run command with the following sub-commands:

    1. Allocate at least one channel.

    2. Restore the control file.

    3. Mount the control file.

      run {
           allocate channel ch1 type disk;
           restore controlfile;
           alter database mount;
  5. Because there may be multiple threads of redo, use change-based recovery. Obtain the SCN for recovery termination by finding the lowest SCN among the most recent archived redo logs for each thread.

    Start SQL*Plus and use the following query to determine the necessary SCN:

    SELECT min(scn) 
    FROM (SELECT max(next_change#) scn 
          FROM v$archived_log 
          GROUP BY thread#);
  6. Execute a run command with the following sub-commands:

    1. Set the SCN for recovery termination using the value obtained from the previous step.

    2. Allocate at least one channel.

    3. Restore the database.

    4. Recover the database.

    5. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

      run {
           set until scn = 500;  # use appropriate SCN for incomplete recovery
           allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
           restore database;
           recover database;
To restore from HOST_A to HOST_B without a recovery catalog:

  1. Copy the init.ora file for HOST_A to HOST_B using an O/S utility.

  2. Use an O/S utility to make an image copy of the HOST_A control file and transfer it to HOST_B using an O/S utility.

  3. Connect to the HOST_B target instance with the nocatalog option. For example, enter:

    % rman target sys/change_on_install@host_b nocatalog
  4. Mount the database:

    startup mount;
  5. Because there may be multiple threads of redo, use change-based recovery. Obtain the SCN for recovery termination by finding the lowest SCN among the most recent archived redo logs for each thread.

    Start SQL*Plus and use the following query to determine the necessary SCN:

    SELECT min(scn) 
    FROM (SELECT max(next_change#) scn 
          FROM v$archived_log 
          GROUP BY thread#);
  6. Execute a run command with the following sub-commands:

    1. Set the SCN for recovery termination using the value obtained from the previous step.

    2. Allocate at least one channel.

    3. Restore the database.

    4. Recover the database.

    5. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

      run {
           set until scn 500;  # use appropriate SCN for incomplete recovery
           allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
           alter database mount;
           restore database;
           recover database;

Moving the Target Database to a New Host with a Different Filesystem

The procedure for moving the database to a machine with a different filesystem is basically the same as described in "Recovering an Inaccessible Datafile in an Open Database"; the difference is that you need to rename each datafile using set newname.

For example, assume that:

To restore to HOST_B with a recovery catalog:

  1. Follow the procedure in "Moving the Target Database to a New Host with the Same Filesystem" (with a recovery catalog), stopping before you execute the run command. Make sure to reset all *_DEST and *_PATH parameters in the init.ora file that specify a pathname.

  2. Execute this run command instead:

    1. Set the end SCN obtained from the SQL*Plus query.

    2. Allocate at least one channel.

    3. Specify a new filename for each datafile.

    4. Mount the database.

    5. Restore the database.

    6. Switch the datafiles.

    7. Recover the database.

    8. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

      run { 
           set until scn 500;  # use appropriate SCN for incomplete recovery
           allocate channel ch1 type disk; 
           set newname for datafile 1 to '/disk1/%U'; # rename each datafile manually
           set newname for datafile 2 to '/disk1/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 3 to '/disk1/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 4 to '/disk1/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 5 to '/disk1/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 6 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 7 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 8 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 9 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 10 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           alter database mount; 
           restore database; 
           switch datafile all;  # points the control file to the renamed datafiles
           recover database;
To restore to HOST_B without a recovery catalog:

  1. Follow the procedure in "Moving the Target Database to a New Host with the Same Filesystem" (without a recovery catalog), stopping before you execute the run command in step 6. Make sure to reset all *_DEST and *_PATH parameters in the init.ora file that specify a pathname.

  2. Execute a run command with the following sub-commands:

    1. Set the end SCN obtained from the SQL*Plus query.

    2. Allocate at least one channel.

    3. Specify a new filename for each datafile.

    4. Restore the database.

    5. Switch the datafiles.

    6. Recover the database.

    7. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

      run { 
           set until scn 500;  # use appropriate SCN for incomplete recovery 
           allocate channel ch1 type disk; 
           set newname for datafile 1 to '/disk1/%U'; # rename each datafile manually 
           set newname for datafile 2 to '/disk1/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 3 to '/disk1/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 4 to '/disk1/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 5 to '/disk1/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 6 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 7 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 8 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 9 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           set newname for datafile 10 to '/disk2/%U'; 
           restore database; 
           switch datafile all;  # point control file to renamed datafiles
           recover database;

Restoring Tablespaces and Datafiles

If a datafile is lost or corrupted but the disk is accessible, then you can restore the datafile to its previous location. Simply take the tablespace offline and issue a restore tablespace command. If the old location is inaccessible, take the tablespace offline and restore the associated datafiles to a new location.

If you cannot restore datafiles to the default location, use the set newname command before restoring. In this case, Oracle considers the restored datafiles as datafile copies; perform a switch to make them the current datafiles. Oracle creates the filename or overwrites it if it already exists.

The RMAN switch command is equivalent to the ALTER DATABASE RENAME DATAFILE statement. Note that a switch effectively causes the location of the current datafile to change. Also note that switching "consumes" the copy, i.e., deletes the corresponding records in the recovery catalog and the control file.

If you do not specify the target of the switch, then the filename specified in a prior set newname for this file number is used as the switch target. If you specify switch datafile all, then all datafiles for which a set newname has been issued in this job are switched to their new name.

If you issue set newname commands to restore datafiles to a new location with the intention of performing a recovery afterwards, perform a switch after restoring but before recovering to make the restored datafiles the current datafiles.

See Also: For switch command syntax, see "switch".

To restore a tablespace to its default location:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. After allocating channels, do the following:

    • Take the tablespace that you want to recover offline.

    • Restore the tablespace.

    For example, to restore tablespace USER_DATA to disk you might issue:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type disk;
         restore tablespace user_data;
  3. You will need to perform media recovery on the restored tablespace. See "Recovering an Inaccessible Datafile in an Open Database" for the required procedure.

To restore a tablespace to a new location:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. After allocating channels, do the following:

    • Take the tablespace offline.

    • Specify an accessible location to which you can restore the damaged datafile for the offline tablespace.

    • Restore the datafile to the new location.

    • Switch the restored datafile so that the control file considers it the current datafile.

    To restore the datafiles for tablespace TBS_1 to a new location on disk, you might enter:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type disk;
         # restore the datafile to a new location
         set newname for datafile '/disk1/oracle/tbs_1.f' to '/disk2/oracle/tbs_1.f';
         restore tablespace tbs_1;
         # make the control file recognize the restored file as current
         switch datafile all;
  3. You will need to perform media recovery on the restored tablespace. See "Recovering an Inaccessible Datafile in an Open Database" for the required procedure.

Restoring Control Files

If a media failure damages your control file and you do not have multiplexed copies, you must restore a backup. Issue restore controlfile to restore the control file to the first CONTROL_FILES location specified in the parameter file. RMAN automatically replicates the control file to all CONTROL_FILES locations specified in the parameter file.

Specify a destination name with restore controlfile to 'filename' when restoring a control file to a non-default location. If the filename already exists, then Oracle overwrites the file. When you restore the control file to a new location, use the replicate controlfile from 'filename' command to copy it the CONTROL_FILES destinations: RMAN will not replicate the control file automatically.

Using the replicate controlfile command is equivalent to using multiple copy controlfile commands. After your specify the input control file by name, RMAN replicates the file to the locations specified in the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter of the target database.

To restore the control file to its default location using a recovery catalog:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target and recovery catalog databases. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. Start the instance without mounting the database:

    startup nomount;
  3. Do the following:

    1. If for some reason you need to restore a control file created before a certain date, issue a set until command for that date. Otherwise, go to the next step.

    2. Allocate one or more channels.

    3. Restore the control file.

    4. Mount the database.

      run { 
           # To restore a control file created before a certain date, issue the following
           # set command using a valid date for 'date_string'. You can also specify an SCN 
           # or log sequence number.
           # set until time = 'date_string'; 
           allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
           restore controlfile;
           alter database mount;

    RMAN automatically replicates to the control file to the locations specified by the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter.

  4. If you need to perform media recovery on the datafiles after restoring the control file, see "Performing Complete Recovery" or "Performing Incomplete Recovery".

To restore the control file to a new location without a recovery catalog:

Note that the control file that contains information about a given backup is not the control file that is backed up along with the backup. For example, if you issue backup database, the backup control file in this whole database backup does not contain the record of the whole database backup. The next control file backup will contain information about the whole database backup.

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / nocatalog
  2. Mount the database:

    startup mount;
  3. Do the following:

    1. If you need to restore a control file created before a certain date, issue a set until command for that date. Otherwise, go to the next step.

    2. Allocate one or more channels.

    3. Restore the backup control file to a temporary location to prevent accidental overwriting of the current control file.

    4. Shut down the database.

    5. Replicate the control file from the restored location to all locations specified in the CONTROL_FILES parameter of the parameter file.

    6. Mount the database.

      run { 
           # To restore a control file created before a certain date, issue the following
           # set command using a valid date for 'date_string'. You can also specify an SCN 
           # or log sequence number.
           # set until time = 'date_string'; 
           allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
           # restore control file to new location
           restore controlfile to '/oracle/dbs/cf1.ctl';
           shutdown immediate;
           # replicate the control file manually to locations in parameter file
           replicate controlfile from '/oracle/dbs/cf1.ctl';
           startup mount;
  4. If you need to perform media recovery on the datafiles after restoring the control file, see "Performing Complete Recovery" or "Performing Incomplete Recovery".

See Also: For replicate controlfile command syntax, see "replicate".

Restoring Archived Redo Logs

RMAN restores archived redo logs with names constructed using the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT parameter and either the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameters of the target database. These parameters combine in a port-specific fashion to derive the name of the restored archived log.

Override the destination parameter with the set archivelog destination command. By issuing this command, you can manually stage many archived logs to different locations while a database restore is occurring. During recovery, RMAN knows where to find the newly restored archived logs; it does not require them to be in the location specified in the parameter file.

For example, if you specify a different destination from the one in the init.ora file and restore backups, subsequent restore and recovery operations will detect this new location and will not look for the files in the init.ora parameter destination.

If desired, you can also specify multiple restore destinations for archived redo logs, although you cannot specify these destinations simultaneously. For example, you can issue:

run { 
     allocate channel ch1 type disk;
     # Set a new location for logs 1 through 10.
     set archivelog destination to '/disk1/oracle/temp_restore';
     restore archivelog from logseq 1 until logseq 10;
     # Set a new location for logs 11 through 20.
     set archivelog destination to '/disk1/oracle/arch';
     restore archivelog from logseq 11 until logseq 20;
     # Set a new location for logs 21 through 30.
     set archivelog destination to '/disk2/oracle/temp_restore';
     restore archivelog from logseq 21 until logseq 30;
     . . .
     recover database;

Note that if you restore archived redo logs to multiple locations, you only need to issue a single recover command. RMAN finds the restored archived logs automatically and applies them to the datafiles.

To restore archived redo logs:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat

    Optionally, specify a message log file at connect time:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat log = rman_log
  2. If the database is open, shut it down and then mount it:

    shutdown immediate; startup mount
  3. Perform the following operations within your run command:

    1. If desired, specify the new location for the restored archived redo logs using set archivelog destination. Otherwise, go to next step.

    2. Allocate channels.

    3. Restore the archived redo logs.

    For example, this job restores all backup archived redo logs:

    run { 
         # Optionally, set a new location for the restored logs.
         set archivelog destination to '/oracle/temp_restore';
         allocate channel ch1 type disk;
         restore archivelog all;

See Also: For set archivelog destination command syntax, see "set_run_option".

Restoring in Preparation for Incomplete Recovery

Use the set until command to specify the termination point for recovery. This command affects any subsequent restore, switch, and recover commands that are in the same run command.

To restore the database in preparation for incomplete recovery:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat

    Optionally, specify a message log file at connect time:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat log = rman_log
  2. If the database is open, shut it down and then mount it:

    shutdown immediate;
    startup mount;
  3. Perform the following operations within your run command:

    1. Determine whether you want to recover to a specified time, SCN, or log sequence number and issue the appropriate set until command.

    2. Allocate channels.

    3. Restore the database.

    For example, this job restores the database in anticipation of an incomplete recovery until December 15, 1998 at 9 a.m.

    run { 
         set until time 'Dec 15 1998 09:00:00';
         allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
         restore database;

Recovering Datafiles

Media recovery is the application of redo logs or incremental backups to a restored file in order to update it to the current time or some other specified time. You can only recover or apply incremental backups to current datafiles, not datafile copies.

Perform media recovery when:

RMAN restores backup sets of archived redo logs as needed to perform the media recovery. By default, RMAN restores the archived redo logs to the current log archive destination specified in the init.ora file. Use the set archivelog destination command to specify a different location.

If RMAN has a choice between applying an incremental backup or applying redo, then it always chooses the incremental backup. If overlapping levels of incremental backup are available, then RMAN automatically chooses the one covering the longest period of time.

If possible, make the recovery catalog available to perform the media recovery. If it is not available, RMAN uses information from the target database control file.


If control file recovery is required, then you must make the recovery catalog available. RMAN cannot operate when neither the recovery catalog nor the target database control file are available.  

This section contains the following topics:

See Also: For an overview of incremental backups, see "Incremental Backups".

Preparing for Media Recovery

When and how to recover depends on the state of the database and the location of its datafiles.

To determine if media recovery is necessary:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to your target database. For example, issue the following to connect to PROD1:

    % sqlplus sys/change_on_install@prod1;
  2. Determine the status of the database by executing the following SQL query at the command line:

    SELECT parallel, status FROM v$instance;
    --- -------
    NO  OPEN

    If the STATUS column reads OPEN, then the database is open, but it is still possible that you need to restore or recover some tablespaces and their datafiles.

  3. Execute the following query to check the datafile headers and respond according to the table below:

    SELECT file#, status, error, recover, tablespace_name, name 
    FROM v$datafile_header
    OR recover = 'YES'; 

    ERROR column   RECOVER column   Solution  



    Unless the error is caused by a temporary hardware or O/S problem, restore the datafile or switch to a copy of that datafile.  



    Recover the datafile. The recover command first applies any suitable incremental backups and then applies redo logs. RMAN restores incremental backups and archived redo logs as needed.  

    not NULL  


    Unless the error is caused by a temporary hardware or O/S problem, restore the datafile or switch to a copy of that datafile.  


    Because V$DATAFILE_HEADER only reads the header block of each datafile it does not detect all problems that require the datafile to be restored. For example, Oracle reports no error if the datafile contains unreadable data blocks but its header block is intact.  

Performing Complete Recovery

When performing complete recovery, recover either the whole database or a subset of the database. For example, you can perform a complete recovery of a majority of your tablespaces, and then recover the remaining tablespaces later. It makes no difference if the datafiles are read-write or offline normal.

The method you use for complete recovery depends on whether the database is open or closed.

If the database is   Then  


Do one of the following:

  • Recover the whole database in one operation.

  • Recover individual tablespaces in separate operations.



Do one of the following:

  • Close it and recover.

  • Take individual tablespaces offline and recover them.


The skip option is useful for avoiding recovery of tablespaces containing only temporary data or for postponing recovery of some tablespaces. The skip clause takes the datafiles in the specified tablespaces offline before starting media recovery and keeps them offline until after media recovery completes.

Issue at least one allocate channel command before you issue the recover command unless you do not need to restore archived redo log or incremental backup sets. Allocate the appropriate type of device for the backup sets that you want to restore. If the appropriate type of storage device is not available, then the recover command will fail.

Recovering the Database

The procedure for performing complete recovery on the database differs depending on whether the control file is available.

To recover the database when the control file is intact:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. If the database is open, shut it down, then mount it:

    shutdown immediate;
    startup mount;
  3. After allocating channels, restore the database and recover it. This example skips the read-only TEMP tablespace:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type disk;
         restore database;
         recover database
           skip tablespace temp;
  4. Examine the output to see if recovery was successful. After RMAN restores the necessary datafiles, look for RMAN-08055 in the output:

    RMAN-08024: channel ch1: restore complete
    RMAN-03023: executing command: partial resync
    RMAN-08003: starting partial resync of recovery catalog
    RMAN-08005: partial resync complete
    RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover
    RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover(1)
    RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover(2)
    RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover(3)
    RMAN-03023: executing command: recover(3)
    RMAN-08054: starting media recovery
    RMAN-08515: archivelog filename=/oracle/arc_dest/arcr_1_40.arc thread=1 sequence=40
    RMAN-08515: archivelog filename=/oracle/arc_dest/arcr_1_41.arc thread=1 sequence=41
    RMAN-08055: media recovery complete
    RMAN-03022: compiling command: recover(4)
    RMAN-08031: released channel: ch1
To recover the database using a backup control file:

When you perform a restore operation using a backup control file and you use a recovery catalog, RMAN automatically adjusts the control file to reflect the structure of the restored backup.

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. If you use a recovery catalog, RMAN updates the control file. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. Start the instance without mounting the database:

    startup nomount;
  3. After allocating one or more channels, do the following:

    1. Use the restore controlfile command to restore the control file to all locations specified in the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter.

    2. Mount the database.

    3. Restore and recover the database.

    4. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

      run { 
           allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
           restore controlfile;
           alter database mount;
           restore database;
           recover database;
  4. Reset the database:

    reset database;
  5. Immediately back up the database. Because the database is a new incarnation, the pre-RESETLOGS backups are not usable. For example, enter:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
         backup database;

Recovering Tablespaces

The procedure for recovery tablespaces depends on whether the database is open or closed and whether the default tablespace location is accessible.

To recover an accessible tablespace when the database is closed:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. After allocating channels, restore the tablespace and recover it. This example recovers tablespace TBS_3:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type disk;
         restore tablespace tbs_3;
         recover tablespace tbs_3;
  3. Examine the output to see if recovery was successful.

To recover an inaccessible tablespace when the database is closed:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. After allocating channels, do the following:

    1. Rename the damaged datafile, specifying an accessible location.

    2. Restore the backup datafile to the new location.

    3. Switch the restored datafile so that the control file considers it the current datafile.

    4. Recover the tablespace.

      run { 
           allocate channel ch1 type disk;
           set newname for datafile '/disk1/oracle/tbs_1.f' to '/disk2/oracle/tbs_1.f';
           restore tablespace tbs_1;
           switch datafile all;
           recover tablespace tbs_1;
To recover an accessible tablespace while the database is open:

If a datafile is lost or corrupted but the disk is accessible, restore the datafile to its default location.

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. Do the following:

    1. Take the tablespace that you want to recover offline.

    2. Allocate channels.

    3. Optionally, set a restore destination for archived redo logs necessary for recovery. Because RMAN is restoring the logs to this location, it knows where to find them.

    4. Restore and then recover the tablespace.

    5. Bring the tablespace online.

      run { 
           sql 'ALTER TABLESPACE user_data OFFLINE TEMPORARY';
           allocate channel ch1 type disk;
           set archivelog destination to '/oracle/temp/arcl_restore';
           restore tablespace user_data;
           recover tablespace user_data;
           sql 'ALTER TABLESPACE user_data ONLINE';
To recover an inaccessible tablespace while the database is open:

If a tablespace or datafile is inaccessible because of media failure, restore the datafile to a new location or switch to an existing datafile copy.

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat
  2. After allocating channels, do the following:

    1. Take the tablespace that you want to recover offline.

    2. Rename the damaged datafile, specifying an accessible location.

    3. Restore the backup datafile to the new location.

    4. Switch the restored datafile so that the control file considers it the current datafile.

    5. Recover the tablespace.

    6. Bring the tablespace online.

      run { 
           sql 'ALTER TABLESPACE user_data OFFLINE IMMEDIATE';
           allocate channel ch1 type disk;
           set newname for datafile '/disk1/oracle/tbs_1.f' to '/disk2/oracle/tbs_1.f';
           restore tablespace tbs_1;
           switch datafile all;
           recover tablespace tbs_1;
           sql 'ALTER TABLESPACE tbs_1 ONLINE';

Performing Incomplete Recovery

RMAN allows you to perform recovery of the whole database to a specified non-current time, SCN, or log sequence number. This type of recovery is called incomplete recovery; if it is recovery of the whole database, it is sometimes called database point-in-time recovery (DBPITR).

Incomplete recovery differs in several ways from complete recovery. The most important difference is that incomplete recovery requires you to open the database with the RESETLOGS option. Using this option gives the online redo logs a new timestamp and SCN, thereby eliminating the possibility of corrupting your datafiles by the application of obsolete archived redo logs.

Because you must open RESETLOGS after performing incomplete recovery, you have to recover all datafiles. You cannot recover some datafiles before the RESETLOGS and others after the RESETLOGS. In fact, Oracle will prevent you from resetting the logs if a datafile is offline. The only exception is if the datafile is offline normal or read-only. You can bring files in read-only or offline normal tablespaces online after the RESETLOGS because they do not need any redo applied to them.

The easiest way to perform database point-in-time recovery (DBPITR) is to use the set until command, which sets the desired time for any subsequent restore, switch, and recover commands in the same run job. Note that if you specify a set until command after a restore and before a recover, you may not be able to recover the database to the point in time required, since the restored files may already have timestamps more recent than the set time. Hence, it is usually best to specify the set until command before the restore or switch command.

See Also: For set until command syntax, see "untilClause".

Performing Incomplete Recovery with a Recovery Catalog

The database must be closed to perform database point-in-time recovery. Note that if you are recovering to a time, you should set the time format environment variables before invoking RMAN (see "Setting NLS Environment Variables"). For example, enter:

To recover the database until a specified time:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat

    Optionally, specify a log file at connect time:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat log = rman_log
  2. If the database is open, shut it down and then mount it:

    shutdown immediate;
    startup mount;
  3. Determine which time you want to recover to. For example, if you discover at 9:15 a.m. that a user accidentally dropped a tablespace at 9:02 a.m., then you can recover to 9 a.m.--just before the drop occurred. You will lose all changes to the database made since that time.

  4. Perform the following operations within your run command:

    1. Set the end recovery time using the date format specified in your NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variables.

    2. Allocate channels.

    3. Restore the database.

    4. Recover the database.

    5. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

    For example, this job performs an incomplete recovery until Nov 15 at 9 a.m.

    run { 
         set until time 'Nov 15 1998 09:00:00';
         allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
         restore database;
         recover database;
  5. Reset the database:

    reset database;
  6. Immediately back up the database. Because the database is a new incarnation, the pre-RESETLOGS backups are not usable. For example, enter:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
         backup database;
To recover the database until a specified SCN:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat

    Optionally, specify a message log file at connect time:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat log = rman_log
  2. If the database is open, shut it down and then mount it:

    shutdown immediate;
    startup mount;
  3. Determine the SCN to which you want to recover. For example, if you made a backup of tablespace TBS_1 and then shortly afterwards a user accidentally overwrote a datafile in TBS_3, then you can issue a list command to determine the SCN for the TBS_1 backup and then restore yesterday's whole database backup and recover to that SCN.

  4. Perform the following operations within your run command:

    1. Set the end recovery SCN.

    2. Allocate channels.

    3. Restore the database.

    4. Recover the database.

    5. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

    For example, this job performs an incomplete recovery until SCN 1000.

    run { 
         set until scn 1000;
         allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
         restore database;
         recover database;
  5. Reset the database:

    reset database;
  6. Immediately back up the database. Because the database is a new incarnation, the pre-RESETLOGS backups are not usable. For example, enter:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
         backup database;
To recover the database until a specified log sequence number:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database and, optionally, the recovery catalog database. For example, enter:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat

    Optionally, specify a message log file at connect time:

    % rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat log = rman_log
  2. If the database is open, shut it down and then mount it:

    shutdown immediate;
    startup mount;
  3. Determine the log sequence number to which you want to recover. For example, query V$LOG_HISTORY to view the redo logs that you have archived.

    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ----------
             1  344890611          1          1      20037 24-SEP-98      20043
             2  344890615          1          2      20043 24-SEP-98      20045
             3  344890618          1          3      20045 24-SEP-98      20046
             4  344890621          1          4      20046 24-SEP-98      20048
             5  344890624          1          5      20048 24-SEP-98      20049
             6  344890627          1          6      20049 24-SEP-98      20050
             7  344890630          1          7      20050 24-SEP-98      20051
             8  344890632          1          8      20051 24-SEP-98      20052
             8 rows selected.
  4. Perform the following operations within your run command:

    1. Set the log sequence number for recovery termination.

    2. Allocate channels.

    3. Restore the database.

    4. Recover the database.

    5. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.

    For example, this job performs an incomplete recovery until log sequence number 6 on thread 1:

    run { 
         set until logseq 6 thread 1;
         allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
         restore database;
         recover database;
  5. Reset the database:

    reset database;
  6. Immediately back up the database. Because the database is a new incarnation, the pre-RESETLOGS backups are not usable. For example, enter:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape';
         backup database;

Performing Incomplete Recovery Without a Recovery Catalog

Although you can perform DBPITR without a recovery catalog, be sure to follow these directions:

Backing Up the Control File Separately

Make a backup of the control file after your RMAN database backups because you need a backup control file that contains information about the database backup that you just made. Even if your database backup included backing up the control file, as it does if you back up datafile 1 or specify include current controlfile, the backup control file contained in the backup set is not self-referential. Consider this command:

backup database;

This command produces a backup set that contains a backup of the control file. The backup control file does not contain any record for the backup set in which it is itself contained. Consequently, if you restore this backup control file and then mount it, you will not be able to restore files out of the backup set since the control file has no record of them.

To back up the control file separately, issue the following sequence of commands within your run command:

backup database;
backup current controlfile;   # obtain a useful control file backup.

These commands will create two backup sets, each of which contains a backup control file. The control file backup created by the second command will be the useful one, i.e., it will contain all the records related to the database backup.

To perform DBPITR without a recovery catalog:

  1. Start RMAN and connect to the target database, specifying the nocatalog option:

    % rman target / nocatalog
  2. If the database is open, shut it down and then mount it:

    startup force mount;
  3. Restore a backup control file to a temporary location. If you created a separate control file backup as suggested, RMAN will usually restore this backup. RMAN will only choose the wrong backup control file if you specify a time that was in the interval between the backup database and the backup current controlfile.

    If you saved all the RMAN output as suggested, then you can verify that the backup control file that RMAN picked was the correct one. Alternatively, you can use the tag option on the backup current controlfile command, and then specify this tag on the restore to force RMAN to pick the control file you want.

    For example, issue the following command to restore the control file to a temporary location:

    run {
        set until time 'Jun 18 1998 16:32:36';
        allocate channel ch1 type disk;
        # restore a backup controlfile to a temporary location.
        restore controlfile to '/tmp/cf.tmp';

    Verify that the control file that RMAN restored was one created via the backup current controlfile command that followed all backups. Alternatively, if you specified a tag on the backup current controlfile command, specify the from tag option on the restore controlfile command.

  4. Save a copy of the current control file, and then replace it with the backup control file that you restored in the previous step:

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type disk; 
         # save a copy of the current controlfile just to be safe 
         copy current controlfile to '/tmp/'; 
         shutdown immediate; 
         startup nomount;
         replicate controlfile from '/tmp/cf.tmp'; 
         alter database mount; 
  5. Execute the following operations:

    1. Set an end time, SCN, or log sequence number (if you run in ARCHIVELOG mode) for recovery.

    2. Restore and recover the database. If the database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode, specify the noredo option on the recover command. If the database runs in ARCHIVELOG mode, then omit the noredo option.

    3. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option

      run {
           set until time 'Jun 18 1998 16:32:36';
           restore database;
           recover database noredo;
  6. Reset the database:

    reset database;
  7. Immediately back up your database.

    run { 
         allocate channel ch1 type disk;
         backup database;

Restore and Recovery Scenarios

Following are useful scenarios for performing restore and recovery operations:

Using Datafile Copies to Restore to a New Host

If you wish to move the database to a new host using datafile copies, you must transfer the copies manually to the new machine. This example assumes that you are using a recovery catalog.

  1. After connecting to your target database and recovery catalog, issue a list command to see a listing of your datafile copies and their associated primary keys:

    list copy;
  2. Copy the datafile copies to the new host using an O/S utility. For example, a UNIX user could enter:

    % cp -r /oracle/copies /net/new_host/oracle/dbs
  3. Uncatalog the datafile copies on the old host. For example, enter:

    change datafile copy 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10 uncatalog;
  4. Catalog the transferred datafile copies, using their new filenames. For example, enter:

    catalog datafilecopy '/oracle/dbs/tbs_1.f', '/oracle/dbs/tbs_2.f', 
    '/oracle/dbs/tbs_3.f', '/oracle/dbs/tbs_4.f', '/oracle/dbs/tbs_5.f', 
    '/oracle/dbs/tbs_6.f', '/oracle/dbs/tbs_7.f', '/oracle/dbs/tbs_8.f', 
    '/oracle/dbs/tbs_9.f', '/oracle/dbs/tbs_10.f';
  5. Perform the restore and recovery operation described in "Moving the Target Database to a New Host with the Same Filesystem" or "Moving the Target Database to a New Host with a Different Filesystem". Specify a channel of type disk rather than type 'sbt_tape'.

Restoring when Multiple Databases Share the Same Name

The database identifier is a 32-bit number that is computed when the database is created. If you want to restore a database that shares a name with another database, you must distinguish it. Use the RMAN set dbid command to specify a database according to its database identifier.

Obtaining the DBID of a Database You Want to Restore

If you have saved your RMAN output, refer to this information to determine the database identifier, since RMAN automatically provides it whenever you connect to the database:

% rman target /

Recovery Manager: Release

RMAN-06005: connected to target database: RMAN (DBID=1231209694)

If you have not saved your RMAN output and need the DBID value of a database for a restore operation, obtain it via the RC_DATABASE or RC_DATABASE_INCARNATION recovery catalog views.

Because the names of the databases that are registered in the recovery catalog are presumed non-unique in this scenario, some other unique piece of information must be used to determine the correct DBID. If you know the filename of a datafile or online redo log associated with the database you wish to restore, and this filename is unique across all databases registered in the recovery catalog, then substitute this fully-specified filename for filename_of_log_or_df in the queries below. Determine the DBID by performing one of the following queries:

SELECT distinct db_id  
FROM db, dbinc, dfatt  
WHERE db.db_key = dbinc.db_key  
  AND dbinc.dbinc_key = dfatt.dbinc_key  
  AND dfatt.fname = 'filename_of_log_or_df';  
SELECT distinct db_id  
FROM db, dbinc, orl  
WHERE db.db_key = dbinc.db_key  
  AND dbinc.dbinc_key = orl.dbinc_key  
  AND orl.fname = 'filename_of_log_or_df';  

Restoring a Backup Control File Using the DBID

Only use the set dbid command to restore the control file when all of these conditions are met:

If these conditions are not met, you will receive the RMAN-20005: target database name is ambiguous message when you attempt to restore the control file. RMAN will correctly identify the control file to restore, so you do not need to use the set dbid command.

RMAN accepts set dbid only if you have not yet connected to the target database, i.e., set dbid must precede the connect target command. If the target database is mounted, then RMAN verifies that the user-specified DBID matches the DBID from the database; it not, RMAN signals an error. If the target database is not mounted, RMAN uses the user-specified DBID to restore the control file. After restoring the control file, you can mount the database to restore the rest of the database.

To set the database id enter the following, where target_dbid is an integer value:

set dbid = target_dbid; 

To restore the control file to its default location enter:

run { 
     allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape'; 
     restore controlfile; 
     alter database mount; 

Performing an Irregular Restore of the Control File from a Backup Set

You will be forced to use a non-standard procedure to restore a control file from an RMAN backup set in the following situations:

If you have no other backup of the control file except in a RMAN backup set, and you need the control file to perform a restore operation, use the following PL/SQL program to extract the control file from the backup set.

Run this program from SQL*Plus while connected as SYSDBA to the target database:

  devtype varchar2(256);
  done    boolean;
  devtype := dbms_backup_restore.deviceallocate('devtype', params=>'');
  # Replace 'devtype' with the device type you used when creating the backup: disk or 
  # sbt_tape.  If you used an sbt_tape device and specified a 'parms' option on the RMAN 
  # allocate channel command, then put that parms data in the 'params' operand here.


  # This path specifies the location for the restored control file. If there are multiple
  # control files specified in the init.ora file, copy the control file to all specified 
  # locations before mounting the database.

  # Replace 'handle' with the your backup piece handle. This example assumes that the 
  # backup set contains only one backup piece. If there is more than one backup piece in 
  # the backup set (which only happens if the RMAN command set limit kbytes is used), then 
  # repeat the restorebackuppiece statement for each backup piece in the backup set.


Once you have successfully restored the control file, you can mount the database and perform restore and recovery operations.

Recovering an Inaccessible Datafile in an Open Database

In this scenario, the database is open but you cannot access a datafile. You execute the following SQL query to determine its status:

SELECT * FROM v$recover_file;

     FILE# ONLINE  ERROR          TIME
---------- ------- -------------- ----------
        19 ONLINE  FILE NOT FOUND                                                             

You then decide to start RMAN and connect to the target and recovery catalog databases:

% rman target / catalog rman/rman@rcat

You issue a report command to determine the datafile's tablespace and filename:

RMAN> report schema;

RMAN-03022: compiling command: report
Report of database schema
File K-bytes    Tablespace           RB segs Name
---- ---------- -------------------- ------- -------------------
1         47104 SYSTEM               YES     /oracle/dbs/tbs_01.f
2           978 SYSTEM               YES     /oracle/dbs/tbs_02.f
3           978 TBS_1                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_11.f
4           978 TBS_1                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_12.f
5           978 TBS_2                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_21.f
6           978 TBS_2                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_22.df
7           500 TBS_1                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_13.f
8           500 TBS_2                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_23.f
9           500 TBS_2                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_24.f
10          500 TBS_3                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_31.f
11          500 TBS_3                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_32.f
12          500 TBS_4                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_41.f
13          500 TBS_4                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_42.f
14          500 TBS_5                YES     /oracle/dbs/tbs_51.f
15          500 TBS_5                YES     /oracle/dbs/tbs_52.f
16         5120 SYSTEM               YES     /oracle/dbs/tbs_03.f
17         2048 TBS_1                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_14.f
18         2048 TBS_2                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_25.f
19         2048 TBS_3                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_33.f
20         2048 TBS_4                NO      /oracle/dbs/tbs_43.f
21         2048 TBS_5                YES     /oracle/dbs/tbs_53.f

Because you need to take the datafile online immediately before you investigate the media failure, you decide to restore the datafile to a new location and switch to a copy of that datafile:

run { 
     allocate channel ch1 type disk;
     set newname for datafile '/oracle/dbs/tbs_33.f' to '/oracle/temp/tbs_33.f';
     restore tablespace tbs_3;
     switch datafile all;
     recover tablespace tbs_3;

Recovering an Inaccessible Datafile Using Backups from Disk and Tape

If you cannot access datafiles due to a disk failure, it is likely that you must restore it to a new location or switch to an existing datafile copy. The following restore example restores and recover tablespace TBS_1, which contains four datafiles. Since some copies of these files are on disk and some backups on tape, the example allocates one disk channel and one media management channel to allow restore to restore from both disk and tape:

run {  
     allocate channel dev1 type disk;  
     allocate channel dev2 type 'sbt_tape';  
     set newname for datafile '/disk7/oracle/tbs11.f' 
       to '/disk9/oracle/tbs11.f';  
     set newname for datafile '/disk7/oracle/tbs12.f' 
       to '/disk9/oracle/tbs12.f';  
     set newname for datafile '/disk7/oracle/tbs13.f' 
       to '/disk9/oracle/tbs13.f'; 
     set newname for datafile '/disk7/oracle/tbs14.f' 
       to '/disk9/oracle/tbs14.f';   
     restore tablespace tbs_1; 
     switch datafile all;     # makes the renamed datafile the current datafile
     recover tablespace tbs_1;  
     sql "ALTER TABLESPACE tbs_1 ONLINE";  

Performing Recovery After a Total Media Failure

The following scenario assumes:

Before restoring the database, you must:

The following scenario restores and recovers the database to the most recently available archived log, which is log 124 in thread 1. It:

Recovering a Pre-RESETLOGS Backup

Assume the following:

Recovering a Database in NOARCHIVELOG Mode

You can recover a database running in NOARCHIVELOG mode using incremental backups. Assume the following scenario:

In this case, you are forced to perform an incomplete media recovery until Friday, since that is the date of your most recent incremental backup. Note that RMAN always looks for incremental backups before looking for archived logs during recovery.

RMAN can perform the desired incomplete media recovery automatically if you specify the noredo option in the recover command. If you do not specify noredo, RMAN will search for archived redo logs after applying the Friday incremental backup, and issue an error message when it does not find them.

After connecting to PROD1 and the catalog database, recover the database using the following command:

run { 
     allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape'; 
     restore database; 
     recover database noredo; 


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