Oracle8i SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference
Release 8.1.5






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JPublisher and the Creation of Custom Java Classes

Oracle offers flexibility in how users can customize the mapping of Oracle object types, reference types, and collection types to Java classes in a strongly typed paradigm. Developers have the following choices in creating these custom Java classes:

Although you have the option of manually coding your custom Java classes, using JPublisher is advisable. If you need special functionality, you can subclass a class that JPublisher generates or use it as a field in a class that you create.

This manual provides only a minimal level of information and detail regarding the JPublisher utility. See the Oracle8i JPublisher User's Guide for more information.

What JPublisher Produces

When you run JPublisher for a user-defined object type, it automatically creates the following:


For release 8.1.5, generation of wrapper methods by JPublisher is a Beta feature.  

When you run JPublisher for a user-defined collection type, it automatically creates the following:

JPublisher-generated custom Java classes in any of these categories implement the CustomDatum interface, the CustomDatumFactory interface, and the getFactory() method.

Generating Custom Java Classes

This section discusses key JPublisher command-line functionality for specifying the user-defined types that you want to map to Java, and for specifying object class names, collection class names, attribute type mappings, and method wrappers. These key points can be summarized as follows:

Specify User-Defined Types to Map to Java

In using JPublisher to create custom Java classes, use the -sql option to specify the user-defined SQL types that you want to map to Java. You can either specify the custom object class names and custom collection class names or you can accept the defaults.

The default names of your top-level custom classes--the classes that will correspond to the user-defined type names you specify to the -sql option--are the same as the user-defined type names as you type them. Because SQL names in the database are case-insensitive, you can capitalize them to ensure that your class names are capitalized per convention. For example, if you want to generate a custom class for employee objects, you can run JPublisher as follows:

% jpub -sql=Employee ...

The default names of lower-level classes, such as for home_address objects that are attributes of employee objects, are determined by the JPublisher -case option. If you do not set the -case option, it is set to mixed. This means that the default for the custom class name is to capitalize the initial character of the corresponding user-defined type name, and the initial character of every word unit thereafter. JPublisher interprets underscores (_), dollar signs ($), and any characters that are illegal in Java identifiers as word-unit separators; these characters are discarded in the process.

For example, for Oracle object type home_address, JPublisher would create class HomeAddress in source file


  • Remember that Java class names are case-sensitive, while Oracle object and collection names (and SQL names in general) are not.

  • For backwards compatibility to previous versions of JPublisher, the -types option is still accepted as an alternative to -sql.


On the JPublisher command line, use the following syntax for the -sql option (you can specify multiple actions in a single option setting). Use the -user option to specify the database schema.


Following is an example:

% jpub -sql=Myobj,mycoll:MyCollClass -user=scott/tiger

(There can be no space before or after the comma.)

For the Oracle object myobj, this command will name it as you typed it, creating source to define class Myobj. For the Oracle collection mycoll, this command will create source to define class MyCollClass.

You can optionally specify schema names as well--for example, the scott schema:

% jpub -sql=scott.Myobj,scott.mycoll:MyCollClass -user=scott/tiger

You cannot specify custom reference class names; JPublisher automatically derives them by adding Ref to custom object class names. For example, if JPublisher produces Java source to define custom object class Myobj, then it will also produce Java source to define custom reference class MyobjRef.


When specifying the schema, such as scott in the above example, this is not incorporated into the custom Java class name.  

To create custom Java classes for the object and collection types defined in "User-Defined Types in the Database", you can run JPublisher as follows:

%jpub -user=scott/tiger -sql=Address,Person,Phone_array,Participant_t,

Or, to explicitly specify the custom object class and custom collection class names:

%jpub -user=scott/tiger -sql=Address,Person,phone_array:PhoneArray,

The second example will produce Java source files,,,,,,,,, and Examples of some of these source files are provided in "JPublisher Custom Java Class Examples".

So that it knows how to populate the custom Java classes, JPublisher connects to the specified schema (here scott/tiger) to determine attributes of your specified object types or elements of your specified collection types.

If you want to change how JPublisher uses character case in default names for the methods and attributes that it generates, including lower-level custom Java class names for attributes that are objects or collections, you can accomplish this using the -case option. There are four possible settings:


If you run JPublisher without specifying the user-defined types to map to Java, it will process all user-defined types in your schema. Generated class names, for both your top-level custom classes and any lower-level classes for object attributes or collection elements, will be based on the setting of the -case option.  

Specify Attribute and Element Type Mappings

Oracle datatypes of attributes or elements in user-defined SQL types can be mapped to Java types in one of the following three ways, as specified by the JPublisher -mapping option. This determines what kinds of conversions are performed in transferring data between the database and your application.

Specify attribute and element type mapping with one of the following command-line settings of the JPublisher -mapping option:


Generate Method Wrappers

In creating custom object classes to map Oracle objects to Java, you can optionally include Java wrappers for Oracle object methods. You can use the JPublisher -methods=true option setting to accomplish this.

You can specify -methods=false to ensure that wrappers are not generated. For release 8.1.5, this is the default.


For release 8.1.5, generation of wrapper methods by JPublisher is a Beta feature.  

Wrapper methods generated by JPublisher are always instance methods, even when the original object methods are static. See "Custom Java Class Support for Object Methods" for more information.

The following example shows how to set the -methods option:

% jpub -sql=Myobj,mycoll:MyCollClass -user=scott/tiger -methods=true

This will use default naming--the Java method names will be named in the same fashion as custom Java class names (as described in "Specify User-Defined Types to Map to Java"), except that the initial character will be lowercase. For example, by default an object method name of CALC_SAL results in a Java wrapper method of calcSal().

Alternatively, you can specify desired method names, but this requires use of a JPublisher input file and is discussed in "Creating Custom Java Classes and Specifying Member Names".

If you run JPublisher for an Oracle object that has an overloaded method where multiple signatures have the same corresponding Java signature, then JPublisher will generate a uniquely named method for each signature. It accomplishes this by appending _nn to function names, where nn is a number. This is to ensure that no two methods in the generated custom Java class have the same name and signature. Consider, for example, SQL functions with the following signatures:


Without precaution, these would both result in the following name and signature in Java:

F(oracle.sql.NUMBER, oracle.sql.NUMBER)

(Because both integers and floating point numbers map to the NUMBER class.)

Instead, JPublisher might call one F_1 and the other F_2. (The _nn is unique for each. In simple cases it will likely be _1, _2, and so on, but it may sometimes be arbitrary other than being unique for each).


The -methods option has additional uses as well, such as for generating wrapper classes for packages or wrapper methods for package methods. This is beyond the scope of this manual--see the Oracle8i JPublisher User's Guide for information.  

Generate Custom Java Classes and Map Alternative Classes

You can use JPublisher to generate a custom Java class but instruct it to map the object type (or collection type) to an alternative class instead of to the generated class.

A typical scenario is to treat JPublisher-generated classes as superclasses, subclass them to add functionality, and map the object types to the subclasses. For example, presume you have an Oracle object type ADDRESS and want to produce a custom Java class for it that has functionality beyond what is produced by JPublisher. You can use JPublisher to generate a custom Java class JAddress for the purpose of subclassing it to produce a class MyAddress. Under this scenario you will add any special functionality to MyAddress and will want JPublisher to map ADDRESS objects to that class, not to the JAddress class. You will also want JPublisher to produce a reference class for MyAddress, not JAddress.

Another alternative is to manually create a class that does not subclass the generated class, but instead uses it as a field.

JPublisher has functionality to streamline the process of mapping to alternative classes. Use the following syntax in your -sql option setting:


For the above example, use this setting:


This generates class JAddress in source file, but does the following:

You must manually produce a MyAddress class in source file This class can implement your required functionality either by subclassing JAddress or by using JAddress as a class field.

For further discussion about subclassing JPublisher-generated classes or using them as fields (continuing the preceding example), see "Extending or Wrapping Classes Generated by JPublisher".

Using JPublisher Input Files and Properties Files

JPublisher supports the use of special input files and standard properties files to specify type mappings and additional option settings.

Using JPublisher Input Files

You can use the JPublisher -input command-line option to specify an input file for JPublisher to use for additional type mappings.

"SQL" in an input file is equivalent to "-sql" on the command line, and "AS" or "GENERATE...AS" syntax is equivalent to command-line colon syntax. Use the following syntax, specifying just one mapping per SQL command:

SQL udt1 <GENERATE GeneratedClass1> <AS MapClass1>
SQL udt2 <GENERATE GeneratedClass2> <AS MapClass2>

This generates GeneratedClass1 and GeneratedClass2, but maps udt1 to MapClass1 and udt2 to MapClass2.

Input File Example

In the following example, JPublisher will pick up the -user option from the command line and go to input file for type mappings.

Command line:

% jpub -user=scott/tiger

Contents of input file

SQL Myobj
SQL mycoll AS MyCollClass
SQL employee GENERATE Employee AS MyEmployee

This accomplishes the following:

Using JPublisher Properties Files

You can use the JPublisher -props command-line option to specify a properties file for JPublisher to use for additional type mappings and other option settings.

In a properties file, "jpub." (including the period) is equivalent to the command-line "-" (single-dash), and other syntax remains the same. Specify only one option per line.

For type mappings, for example, "jpub.sql" is equivalent to "-sql". As on the command line, but unlike in an input file, you can specify multiple mappings in a single jpub.sql setting.

Properties File Example

In the following example, JPublisher will pick up the -user option from the command line and go to properties file for type mappings and the attribute-mapping option.

Command line:

% jpub -user=scott/tiger

Contents of properties file


This produces the same results as the input-file example above, except that the oracle attribute-mapping setting is used.


Unlike SQLJ, JPublisher has no default properties file. To use a properties file, you must use the -props option.  

Creating Custom Java Classes and Specifying Member Names

In generating custom Java classes you can specify the names of any attributes or methods of the custom class. This cannot be specified on the JPublisher command line, however. It can only be accomplished in a JPublisher input file using TRANSLATE syntax, as follows:

SQL udt <GENERATE GeneratedClass> <AS MapClass> <TRANSLATE membername1 AS 
Javaname1> <, membername2 AS Javaname2> ...

TRANSLATE pairs (membernameN AS JavanameN) are separated by commas.

For example, presume the Oracle object type EMPLOYEE has an address attribute that you want to call HomeAddress, and a GIVE_RAISE method that you want to call giveRaise(). Also presume that you want to generate an Employee class but map EMPLOYEE objects to a MyEmployee class that you will create (this is not related to specifying member names, but provides a full example of input file syntax).

SQL employee GENERATE Employee AS MyEmployee TRANSLATE address AS HomeAddress, 


  • When you specify member names, any members you do not specify will be given the default naming.

  • The reason to capitalize the specified attribute--HomeAddress instead of homeAddress--is that it will be used exactly as specified to name the accessor methods; getHomeAddress(), for example, follows naming conventions, while gethomeAddress() does not.


JPublisher Implementation of Wrapper Methods

Note the following points about how JPublisher-generated method wrappers are generated:


For release 8.1.5, generation of wrapper methods by JPublisher is a Beta feature.  

JPublisher Custom Java Class Examples

This section provides examples of JPublisher Java source code output for the following user-defined types (created in "User-Defined Types in the Database"):

Example: Custom Object Class Source Code for

Following is an example of the source code that JPublisher generates for a custom object class. Implementation details have been omitted.

In this example, unlike in "Creating Object Types", assume the Oracle object ADDRESS has only the street and zip_code attributes.

package bar;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatum;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
import oracle.jpub.MutableStruct;

public class Address implements CustomDatum, CustomDatumFactory
  public static final String _SQL_NAME = "SCOTT.ADDRESS";
  public static final int _SQL_TYPECODE = OracleTypes.STRUCT;

  public static CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
  { ... }

  /* constructor */
  public Address()
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatum interface */
  public Datum toDatum(OracleConnection c) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatumFactory interface */
  public CustomDatum create(Datum d, int sqlType) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* accessor methods */
  public String getStreet() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setStreet(String street) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public String getZipCode() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setZipCode(String zip_code) throws SQLException
  { ... }


Example: Custom Reference Class Source Code for

Following is an example of the source code that JPublisher generates for a custom reference class to be used for references to ADDRESS objects. Implementation details have been omitted.

package bar;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatum;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.sql.REF;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;

public class AddressRef implements CustomDatum, CustomDatumFactory
  public static final String _SQL_BASETYPE = "SCOTT.ADDRESS";
  public static final int _SQL_TYPECODE = OracleTypes.REF;

  public static CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
  { ... }

  /* constructor */
  public AddressRef()
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatum interface */
  public Datum toDatum(OracleConnection c) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatumFactory interface */
  public CustomDatum create(Datum d, int sqlType) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public Address getValue() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setValue(Address c) throws SQLException
  { ... }

Example: Custom Collection Class Source Code for

Following is an example of the source code that JPublisher generates for a custom collection class. Implementation details have been omitted.

import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatum;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.sql.ARRAY;
import oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor;
import oracle.jpub.runtime.MutableArray;

public class ModuletblT implements CustomDatum, CustomDatumFactory
  public static final String _SQL_NAME = "SCOTT.MODULETBL_T";
  public static final int _SQL_TYPECODE = OracleTypes.ARRAY;

  public static CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
  { ... }

  /* constructors */
  public ModuletblT()
  { ... }

  public ModuletblT(ModuleT[] a)
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatum interface */
  public Datum toDatum(OracleConnection c) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatumFactory interface */
  public CustomDatum create(Datum d, int sqlType) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public String getBaseTypeName() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public int getBaseType() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public ArrayDescriptor getDescriptor() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* array accessor methods */
  public ModuleT[] getArray() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setArray(ModuleT[] a) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public ModuleT[] getArray(long index, int count) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setArray(ModuleT[] a, long index) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public ModuleT getObjectElement(long index) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setElement(ModuleT a, long index) throws SQLException
  { ... }

Extending or Wrapping Classes Generated by JPublisher

You might want to enhance the functionality of a custom Java class generated by JPublisher by adding methods and transient fields. You can accomplish this in either of the following ways:


For example, suppose you want JPublisher to generate the class JAddress from the SQL object type ADDRESS. You also want to write a class MyAddress to represent ADDRESS objects and implement special functionality. The MyAddress class that you write can either extend JAddress or can have a JAddress field.

Another way to enhance the functionality of a JPublisher-generated class is to simply add methods to it. However, adding methods to the generated class is not recommended if you anticipate running JPublisher at some future time to regenerate the class. If you run JPublisher to regenerate a class that you have modified in this way, you would have to save a copy and then manually merge your changes back in.

JPublisher Functionality for Extending or Wrapping Generated Classes

As discussed in "Generate Custom Java Classes and Map Alternative Classes", the JPublisher syntax to generate JAddress but map to MyAddress is as follows:


Or, in an input file:


As a result of this, JPublisher will generate the REF class MyAddressRef (in rather than JAddressRef.

Also, JPublisher alters the code it generates to implement the following functionality:

You would presumably use MyAddress similarly in any additional code that you write.

At runtime the Oracle JDBC driver will map any occurrences of ADDRESS data in the database to MyAddress instances instead of JAddress instances.

Requirements of Extended or Wrapper Classes

The class that you create (for example, must have the following features:

Example of Class Generated by JPublisher

Continuing the example in the preceding sections, here is sample code for the JPublisher-generated class (JAddress). Implementation details have been omitted.

import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatum;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
import oracle.jpub.runtime.MutableStruct;

public class JAddress implements CustomDatum, CustomDatumFactory
  public static final String _SQL_NAME = "SCOTT.ADDRESS";
  public static final int _SQL_TYPECODE = OracleTypes.STRUCT;

  public static CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
  { ... }

  /* constructor */
  public JAddress()
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatum interface */
  public Datum toDatum(OracleConnection c) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatumFactory interface */
  public CustomDatum create(Datum d, int sqlType) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* shallow copy method: give object same attributes as argument */
  void shallowCopy(JAddress d) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* accessor methods */
  public String getStreet() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setStreet(String street) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public String getCity() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setCity(String city) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public String getState() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setState(String state) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public java.math.BigDecimal getZip() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setZip(java.math.BigDecimal zip) throws SQLException
  { ... }


Example of Reference Class Generated by JPublisher

Continuing the example in the preceding sections, here is sample code for the JPublisher-generated reference class (MyAddressRef, as opposed to JAddressRef, because MyAddress is the class that ADDRESS objects map to). Implementation details have been omitted.

import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatum;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.sql.REF;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;

public class MyAddressRef implements CustomDatum, CustomDatumFactory
  public static final String _SQL_BASETYPE = "SCOTT.ADDRESS";
  public static final int _SQL_TYPECODE = OracleTypes.REF;

  public static CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
  { ... }

  /* constructor */
  public MyAddressRef()
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatum interface */
  public Datum toDatum(OracleConnection c) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* CustomDatumFactory interface */
  public CustomDatum create(Datum d, int sqlType) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public MyAddress getValue() throws SQLException
  { ... }

  public void setValue(MyAddress c) throws SQLException
  { ... }

Example of Extending JPublisher-Generated Class

Continuing the example in the preceding sections, here is sample code for a MyAddress class that subclasses the JPublisher-generated JAddress class. This code is somewhat generic, showing such things as what is inherited from JAddress. Implementation detail has been omitted.

import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatum;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
import oracle.jpub.runtime.MutableStruct;

public class MyAddress extends JAddress
  /* _SQL_NAME inherited from MyAddress */
  /* _SQL_TYPECODE inherited from MyAddress */

  static _myAddressFactory = new MyAddress();

  public static CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
    return _myAddressFactory;

  /* constructor */
  public MyAddress()
  { super(); }

  /* CustomDatum interface */
  /* toDatum() inherited from JAddress */

  /* CustomDatumFactory interface */
  public CustomDatum create(Datum d, int sqlType) throws SQLException
  { ... }

  /* accessor methods inherited from JAddress */

  /* Additional methods go here.  These additional methods (not shown)
     are the reason that JAddress was extended.

Example of Wrapping JPublisher-Generated Class

This is another example of producing a MyAddress class to enhance the functionality of the generated JAddress class, but using a JAddress field (data) instead of subclassing JAddress.

import java.sql.SQLException;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatum;
import oracle.sql.CustomDatumFactory;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
import oracle.jpub.runtime.MutableStruct;

public class MyAddress implements CustomDatum, CustomDatumFactory {
  /* the container for the wrapped object */
  private JAddress data;

  // use these from JAddress
  public static final String _SQL_NAME = "SCOTT.ADDRESS";
  public static final int _SQL_TYPECODE = OracleTypes.STRUCT;

  static final MyAddress _MyAddressFactory = new MyAddress();
  public static CustomDatumFactory getFactory()
    return _MyAddressFactory;

  /* constructor */
  public MyAddress()
    data = new JAddress();

  /* CustomDatum interface */
  public Datum toDatum(OracleConnection c) throws SQLException
    return data.toDatum(c);

  /* CustomDatumFactory interface */
  public CustomDatum create(Datum d, int sqlType) throws SQLException
    if (d == null) return null;
    MyAddress o = new MyAddress(); = (JAddress) JAddress.getFactory().create(d, sqlType);
    return o;

  /* accessor methods.  These simply delegate to the wrapped object */
  public String getV1() throws SQLException
  { return data.getV1(); }

  public void setV1(String v1) throws SQLException
  { data.setV1(v1); }

  public String getV2() throws SQLException
  { return data.getV2(); }

  public void setV2(String v2) throws SQLException
  { data.setV2(v2); }

  public String getV3() throws SQLException
  { return data.getV3(); }

  public void setV3(String v3) throws SQLException
  { data.setV3(v3); }

  public String getV4() throws SQLException
  { return data.getV4(); }

  public void setV4(String v4) throws SQLException
  { data.setV4(v4); }

  /* add methods here for any additional desired MyAddress functionality */



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