Oracle8i Enterprise JavaBeans and CORBA Developer's Guide
Release 8.1.5






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Miscellaneous Tools

This section describes special-purpose tools.


In the current JServer Enterprise JavaBeans implementation, EJBs communicate with clients by RMI-over-IIOP. This presents a difficulty for a CORBA client that wants to pass an object to an EJB for the EJB to invoke (call back) because the CORBA transport is IIOP, not RMI-over-IIOP. The CORBA client needs to pass the EJB an object the EJB can invoke with RMI-over-IIOP. The java2rmi_iiop tool generates the stubs, skeletons, and other classes a client or server needs to make an object that is remotely invocable by an EJB. (java2rmi_iiop is the analog of the VisiBroker for Java java2iiop tool, except that it expects interfaces that extend java.rmi.Remote rather than org.omg.CORBA.Object)

The Java interface definitions must follow the RMI spec:


java2rmi_iiop [options] <file>.java ...
  [-root_dir <directory>]
  [-W <number>]

Argument Summary

Table 6-20 summarizes the java2rmi_iiop arguments.

Table 6-20 java2rmi_iiop Argument Summary
Argument  Description 


Suppresses the generation of bind() methods.  


Suppresses comments in generated code.  


Suppresses the generation of example code.  


Suppresses the generation of tie code.  


Places all generated files in the specified directory instead of in the current directory.  


Emits extra messages.  


Displays the version of VisiBroker for Java that you are currently running.  


Setting this option to 0 (zero) suppresses all warnings from the compiler.  


Maps Java String/char to IDL wstring/wchar.  


Generate RMI-over-IIOP class files for an RMI interface:



Some aspects of the Oracle8 i ORB are governed by properties it reads when a new session running the ORB starts. You can change these properties with the modifyprops tool. Developers should change ORB properties only when Oracle technical support provides instructions to do so.


modifyprops {-u | -user} <user/password@<database> [options] 
{<key> <value> [,<key> <value>] ... | <key> -delete}
  [{-o | -oci8}]  
  [{-t | -thin}] 

Argument Summary

Table 6-21 summarizes the modifyprops arguments.

Table 6-21 modifyprops Argument Summary
Argument  Description 


Specifies a user, password, and optional database connect string. See "user" for details.  


Directs modifyprops to connect with the database using the oci8 JDBC driver. -oci8 and -thin are mutually exclusive; if neither is specified, then -oci8 is used by default. Choosing -oci8 implies the form of the database connect string. See "user" for details.  


Directs modifyprops to communicate with the database using the thin JDBC driver. -oci8 and -thin are mutually exclusive; if neither is specified, then -oci8 is used by default. Choosing -thin implies the form of database connect string See "user" for details.  

<key> <value>  

Oracle technical support will advise you of the values to enter for <key> and <value>.  

Argument Details

{-user | -u} <user>/<password>[@<database>]

The permissible forms of @<database> depend on whether you specify -oci8 or -thin; -oci8 is the default.



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