Oracle8i interMedia Locator User's Guide and Reference Release 8.1.5 A67298-01 |
The implementation of Oracle8i interMedia Locator functions consists of a set of object types, an index method type, and an operator on these types. A geometry is stored in a single row in a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY. Spatial index creation and maintenance is done using data definition language (DDL) (CREATE, ALTER, DROP) and data manipulation language (DML) (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements.
The geometric description of an interMedia Locator object is stored in a single row in a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY. This row is in a user-defined table that has one primary key column (or a set columns that constitute a primary key) and optionally one or more attribute columns.
The object type SDO_GEOMETRY is defined as:
The attributes have the following semantics:
The geometry type must always be 1.
This section contains a description of the geocode result object type definition and the call interface described by two geocode functions as shown in Table 2-1.
This object describes the geocode result definition.
create type GEOCODE_RESULT AS OBJECT( matchcode varchar2(16), firmname varchar2(512), addrline varchar2(512), addrline2 varchar2(512), city varchar2(512), state varchar2(512), zip varchar2(5), zip4 varchar2(4), lastline varchar2(512), county varchar2(32), block varchar2(32), loccode varchar2(16), cart varchar2(16), dpbc varchar2(16), lotcode varchar2(16), lotnum varchar2(16) ); /
In their implementation of interMedia Locator, geocode vendors may make use of all or most fields in the GEOCODE_RESULT table. See the vendor's documentation for a complete description of this object and the fields used.
Application-specific exceptions:
http_error, -20000
geocoder_error, -20001
unit_error, -20003
This function is used for geocoding and includes a lastline field that contains city, state, and zip code information.
function GEOCODE1(url in varchar2, proxy in varchar2, name in varchar2, pwd in varchar2, firmname in varchar2, addrline in varchar2, addrline2 in varchar2, lastline in varchar2, mm in varchar2, stdaddr out MDSYS.GEOCODE_RESULT, location out MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY) return varchar2; pragma restrict_references(GEOCODE1, WNDS, WNPS);
This return value is the error code returned as a string by the geocode vendor; typically, the string contains an error code and a message, such as 0:SUCCESS. See the specific vendor documentation for more information.
The lastline field contains the city, state, and postal (zip) code information.
Example 1: Geocode a single record interactively.
-- Geocode a single record interactively. set serveroutput on set timing on set pagesize 50000 declare geo_result MDSYS.GEOCODE_RESULT; geom MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY; result varchar2(255); begin result := geocoder_http.GEOCODE1( '', '', 'user', 'password', 'oracle','1 oracle dr','', 'nashua NH 03062', 'tight', geo_result, geom); dbms_output.put_line(result); exception when geocoder_http.http_error then dbms_output.put_line('Internet problem - cannot connect'); when geocoder_http.geocoder_error then dbms_output.put_line('Geocoder problem - contact vendor'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('Oracle Error - check your PL/SQL'); end; /
Example 2: Geocode a table in batch mode using the entire object.
-- See how to create this sample table using the file nh_cs.sql -- Geocode a table in batch mode using the entire object. -- HOW TO CUSTOMIZE IT FOR YOUR USE: -- 1. Change the select statement in declaration section to match -- your input table; -- If you are placing the geocode result into the same table, make sure -- rowid is selected; if you are geocoding into a different table, make sure -- the primary keys are selected. -- -- 2. In the update call at the end, if you are placing all your results -- back to the same table, use update ... where rowid = r.rowid; -- otherwise, use insert into ... where pk =; -- -- 3. Exception handling: -- The routine generates http_error and geocoder_error. -- HTTP_ERROR corresponds to transmission problem. -- GEOCODER_ERROR is when an address record cannot be matched by the -- geocoder from the vendor Web site, and the result you get back is likely -- to be null. -- You should decide how to handle these errors according to your -- own needs. -- The GEOCODER_ERROR exception can be examined in the result variable. -- declare CURSOR crs is select company, address, city, state, zipcode, rowid from nh_computer_stores; standard_address MDSYS.GEOCODE_RESULT; geom_location MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY; result varchar2(255); begin for r in crs loop begin result := geocoder_http.GEOCODE1( '', '', 'user','password',, r.address, '',, r.state, r.zipcode, 'normal', standard_address, geom_location); exception when geocoder_http.geocoder_error then dbms_output.put_line('Geocoder error, continuing'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('HTTP or server error, quit'); exit; end; update nh_computer_stores set std_addr = standard_address, location = geom_location where rowid = r.rowid; <<end_loop>> null; end loop; end; /
Example 3: Geocode a table in batch mode using fields in the object.
-- Geocode a table in batch mode using fields in the object. -- HOW TO CUSTOMIZE IT FOR YOUR USE: -- 1. Change the select statement in declaration section to match -- your input table; -- If you are placing the geocode result into the same table, make sure -- rowid is selected; if you are geocoding into a different table, make sure -- the primary keys are selected. -- -- 2. In the update call at the end, if you are placing all your results -- back to the same table, use update ... where rowid = r.rowid; -- otherwise, use insert into ... where pk =; -- -- 3. Exception handling: -- The routine generates http_error and geocoder_error. -- HTTP_ERROR corresponds to transmission problem. -- GEOCODER_ERROR is when an address record cannot be matched by the -- geocoder from the vendor Web site, and the result you get back is likely -- to be null. -- You should decide how to handle these errors according to your -- own needs. -- The GEOCODER_ERROR exception can be examined in the result variable. -- declare CURSOR crs is select company, address, city, state, zipcode, rowid from nh_computer_stores; standard_address MDSYS.GEOCODE_RESULT; geom_location MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY; result varchar2(255); begin for r in crs loop begin result := geocoder_http.GEOCODE1( '', '', 'user','password',, r.address, '',, r.state, r.zipcode, 'normal', standard_address, geom_location); exception when geocoder_http.geocoder_error then dbms_output.put_line('Geocoder error, continuing'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('HTTP or server error, quit'); exit; end; update nh_computer_stores set std_street = standard_address.address, std_city =, std_state = standard_address.state, std_zip =, std_zip4 = standard_address.zip4, location = geom_location where rowid = r.rowid; <<end_loop>> null; end loop; end; /
This function is used for geocoding and includes city, state, and postal (zip) code fields.
function GEOCODE1(url in varchar2, proxy in varchar2, name in varchar2, pwd in varchar2, firmname in varchar2, addrline in varchar2, addrline2 in varchar2, city in varchar2, state in varchar2, zip in varchar2, mm in varchar2, stdaddr out MDSYS.GEOCODE_RESULT, location out MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY) return varchar2; pragma restrict_references(GEOCODE1, WNDS, WNPS);
The return value is the error code returned as a string by the geocode vendor; typically, the string contains an error code and a message, such as 0:SUCCESS. See the specific vendor documentation for more information.
The city, state, and postal (zip) fields replace the lastline field described in the previous function.
See the examples in the previous GEOCODE1 function description.
This section describes the ESTIMATE_LEVEL function and the spatial locator index. If you must use the ESTIMATE_LEVEL function, call this function prior to creating the spatial locator index. The spatial locator index must be created before you can use the locator operator described in Section 2.4.
Table 2-2 interMedia Locator ESTIMATE_LEVEL Function and Spatial Locator IndexThis function calculates an index_level parameter value for use in the SETUP_LOCATOR_INDEX procedure.
function ESTIMATE_LEVEL(radius1 in number, radius2 in number) return integer;
radius1 |
Small radius in miles. |
radius2 |
Large radius in miles. |
The return value is the appropriate index_level parameter value to use in the SETUP_LOCATOR_INDEX procedure.
If you expect to use a large radius distance for queries that is greater than 100 miles, you should call this function to determine the most appropriate index_level parameter value for your data.
A LOCATOR_WITHIN_DISTANCE query with a circular radius distance greater than 100 miles actually degenerates into an ellipse with two semiaxes (radii). Therefore, this function has two parameters, radius1 to represent the small semiaxis and radius2 to represent the large semiaxis of the ellipse. For Oracle8i Release 8.1.5, you should provide the same value for both radius1and radius2 parameters.
If you must call this function, call this function after you geocode your data and before you create your spatial locator index. A more appropriate index_level parameter value is expected to give you better performance on your data.
Application-specific exceptions:
unit_error, -20004
Create a setup spatial locator index.
select geocoder_http.estimate_level(200,200) from dual; 9
This procedure creates the spatial locator index.
procedure SETUP_LOCATOR_INDEX(tabname in varchar2, colname in varchar2, index_level in number := 13);
This procedure creates a metadata table called SDO_GEOM_METADATA under the invoker's or current user's schema. It creates a special domain index of type spatial_locator_index. The name of the index is:
Do not delete these extra tables after creating the index.
This procedure must be executed to create the spatial locator index for the geocoded table before you can use the LOCATOR_WITHIN_DISTANCE operator; otherwise, an error message is returned indicating no spatial locator index is created. For example:
ERROR at line 1: ORA-20000: Interface Not Supported without a Spatial Index ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_3GL", line 184 ORA-06512: at line 1
Usually, you do not need to modify the value of the index_level parameter if most of your LOCATOR_WITHIN_DISTANCE queries are using a radius distance value of 100 miles or less. However, to achieve better performance on your data, you can change this value depending on the most popular radius distance for most of your LOCATOR_WITHIN_DISTANCE queries. To estimate a better value for the index_level parameter, call the ESTIMATE_LEVEL function. In this case, you must call the ESTIMATE_LEVEL function before you create your spatial locator index.
Create a setup spatial locator index.
procedure SETUP_LOCATOR_INDEX('cust_table', 'location', 13);
This section describes the function used when working with the interMedia Locator object type.
Table 2-3 interMedia Locator OperatorFunction | Description |
Determines if two points are within a specified geometric distance from one another. |
This operator uses geometric intersection algorithms and a spatial index to identify the set of spatial points that are within some specified geometric distance (radius distance) of a given point of interest (center of a circle).
The expression LOCATOR_WITHIN_DISTANCE(arg1, arg2, arg3) = `TRUE' evaluates to TRUE for point pairs that are within the specified distance apart, and FALSE otherwise.
`distance = <some_dist_val>, units=mile') = `TRUE'.
Example 1: Simple point query.
(A.Geometry, :aGeom, `distance = 10 units=mile') = `TRUE' ;
Example 2: Computer store query.
Rem Rem $Header: geolocate.sql 14-sep-98.11:51:16 pfwang Exp $ Rem Rem geolocate.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1998. All Rights Reserved. Rem -- This routine dynamically creates a geometry of interest, -- for example, Oracle office location. Then it queries against the -- NH_COMPUTER_STORES table to find out how many computer stores are -- within a certain distance radius of the office. In this case, 10 miles. set serveroutput on set pagesize 50000 declare standard_address MDSYS.GEOCODE_RESULT; geom_location MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY; result varchar2(255); type cur_type is ref cursor ; crs cur_type; begin result := geocoder_http.geocode1( '', '', 'user', 'password', 'Oracle','1 Oracle Drive','', '03062', 'tight', standard_address, geom_location); if (instr(upper(result),'SUCCESS') = 0) then raise geocoder_http.geocoder_error; end if; open crs for 'select company from nh_computer_stores where '|| 'MDSYS.LOCATOR_WITHIN_DISTANCE(location, :1, ''distance=10 units=Mile'')=''TRUE''' using geom_location; loop fetch crs into result; exit when crs%NOTFOUND; dbms_output.put_line(result); end loop; close crs; exception when geocoder_http.http_error then dbms_output.put_line('Internet problem - cannot connect'); when geocoder_http.geocoder_error then dbms_output.put_line('Geocoder problem - contact vendor'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('Oracle Error - check your PL/SQL'); end; /