Oracle Video Server Quick Start(TM) Release A49563_1 |
Oracle Video Server Quick Start,
Part No. A49563-1
Copyright © Oracle Corporation 1997
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Primary Author: John Dowden
Contributors: Robert Baller, Carola Brown, Chris Bedford, Liz Landreth, Lesley Kew, Matt Prather, James Steel, Karl Stewart, Manish Upendran, John Zussman
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Alpha and Beta Draft Documentation Alpha and Beta Draft documentation are considered to be in prerelease status. This documentation is intended for demonstration and preliminary use only, and we expect that you may encounter some errors, ranging from typographical errors to data inaccuracies. This documentation is subject to change without notice, and it may not be specific to the hardware on which you are using the software. Please be advised that Oracle Corporation does not warrant prerelease documentation and will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to the use of this documentation.