Server Application Developer's Guide Release 8.0 A54642_01 |
This chapter describes how to use Oracle-supplied packages that allow PL/SQL to communicate with external processes, sessions, and files.
The packages are:
The DBMS_PIPE package allows two or more sessions in the same instance to communicate. Oracle pipes are similar in concept to the pipes used in UNIX, but Oracle pipes are not implemented using the operating system pipe mechanisms. Information sent through Oracle pipes is buffered in the system global area (SGA). All information in pipes is lost when the instance is shut down.
Depending upon your security requirements, you may choose to use either a public pipe or a private pipe.
Attention: Pipes are independent of transactions. Be careful using pipes when transaction control can be affected.
Table 12-1 summarizes the procedures you can call in the DBMS_PIPE package.
To create the DBMS_PIPE package, submit the DBMSPIPE.SQL and PRVTPIPE.PLB scripts when connected as the user SYS. These scripts are run automatically by the CATPROC.SQL script. See "Privileges Required to Execute a Procedure" on page 10-37 for information on granting the necessary privileges to users who will be executing this package.
You can create a public pipe either implicitly or explicitly. For implicit public pipes, the pipe is automatically created when referenced for the first time, and it disappears when it no longer contains data. Because the pipe descriptor is stored in the SGA, there is some space usage overhead until the empty pipe is aged out of the cache.
You can create an explicit public pipe by calling the CREATE_PIPE function with the PRIVATE flag set to FALSE. You must deallocate explicitly-created pipes by calling the REMOVE_PIPE function.
The domain of a public pipe is the schema in which it was created, either explicitly or implicitly.
Each public pipe works asynchronously. Any number of schema users can write to a public pipe, as long as they have EXECUTE permission on the DBMS_PIPE package, and know the name of the public pipe.
Any schema user with the appropriate privileges and knowledge can read information from a public pipe. However, once buffered information is read by one user, it is emptied from the buffer, and is not available for other readers of the same pipe.
The sending session builds a message using one or more calls to the PACK_MESSAGE procedure. This procedure adds the message to the session's local message buffer. The information in this buffer is sent by calling the SEND_MESSAGE procedure, designating the pipe name to be used to send the message. When SEND_MESSAGE is called, all messages that have been stacked in the local buffer are sent.
A process that wants to receive a message calls the RECEIVE_MESSAGE procedure, designating the pipe name from which to receive the message. The process then calls the UNPACK_MESSAGE procedure to access each of the items in the message.
You must explicitly create a private pipe by calling the CREATE_PIPE function. Once created, the private pipe persists in shared memory until you explicitly deallocate it by calling the REMOVE_PIPE function. A private pipe is also deallocated when the database instance is shut down.
You cannot create a private pipe if an implicit pipe exists in memory and has the same name as the private pipe you are trying to create. In this case CREATE_PIPE returns an error.
Access to a private pipe is restricted to the following:
An attempt by any other user to send or receive messages on the pipe, or to remove the pipe, results in an immediate error. Any attempt by another user to create a pipe with the same name also causes an error.
As with public pipes, you must first build your message using calls to PACK_MESSAGE before calling SEND_MESSAGE. Similarly you must call RECEIVE_MESSAGE to retrieve the message before accessing the items in the message by calling UNPACK_MESSAGE.
DBMS_PIPE package routines can return the following errors:
ORA-23321: Pipename may not be null ORA-23322: Insufficient privilege to access pipe
ORA-23321 can be returned by CREATE_PIPE, or any subprogram that takes a pipe name as a parameter. ORA-23322 can be returned by any subprogram that references a private pipe in its parameter list.
Call CREATE_PIPE to explicitly create a public or private pipe. If the PRIVATE flag is TRUE, the pipe creator is assigned as the owner of the private pipe. Explicitly created pipes can only be removed by calling REMOVE_PIPE, or by shutting down the instance.
Warning: Do not use a pipe name beginning with ORA$; these names are reserved for use by Oracle Corporation.
The parameters for the CREATE_PIPE function are shown in Table 12-2 and the possible return values and their meanings are described in Table 12-3. The syntax for this function is
To send a message, first make one or more calls to PACK_MESSAGE to build your message in the local message buffer. Then call SEND_MESSAGE to send the message in the local buffer on the named pipe.
The PACK_MESSAGE procedure is overloaded to accept items of type VARCHAR2, NUMBER, or DATE. In addition to the data bytes, each item in the buffer requires one byte to indicate its type, and two bytes to store its length. One additional byte is needed to terminate the message. If the message buffer exceeds 4096 bytes, Oracle raises exception ORA-6558.
When you call SEND_MESSAGE to send this message, you must indicate the name of the pipe on which you want to send the message. If this pipe already exists, you must have sufficient privileges to access this pipe. If the pipe does not already exist, it is created automatically.
Warning: Do not use a pipe name beginning with ORA$; these names are reserved for use by Oracle Corporation.
The syntax for the PACK_MESSAGE procedures is shown below. Note that the PACK_MESSAGE procedure itself is overloaded to accept items of type VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NUMBER, or DATE. There are two additional procedures to pack RAW and ROWID items.
The parameters for the SEND_MESSAGE function are shown in Table 12-4 and the possible return values and their meanings are described in Table 12-5. The syntax for this function is shown below.
To receive a message from a pipe, first call RECEIVE_MESSAGE to copy the message into the local message buffer. When you receive a message, it is removed from the pipe; that is, a message can only be received once. For implicitly created pipes, the pipe is removed after the last record is removed from the pipe.
If the pipe that you specify when you call RECEIVE_MESSAGE does not already exist, Oracle implicitly creates the pipe and then waits to receive the message. If the message does not arrive within a designated timeout interval, the call returns and the pipe is removed.
After receiving the message, you must make one or more calls to UNPACK_MESSAGE to access the individual items in the message. The UNPACK_MESSAGE procedure is overloaded to unpack items of type DATE, NUMBER, VARCHAR2, and there are two additional procedures to unpack RAW and ROWID items. If you do not know the type of data that you are attempting to unpack, you can call NEXT_ITEM_TYPE to determine the type of the next item in the buffer.
The parameters for the RECEIVE_MESSAGE function are shown in Table 12-6 and the possible return values and their meanings are described in Table 12-7. The syntax for this function is shown below.
After you have called RECEIVE_MESSAGE to place pipe information in a local buffer, you can call NEXT_ITEM_TYPE to determine the datatype of the next item in the local message buffer. When NEXT_ITEM_TYPE returns 0, the local buffer is empty.
The possible return values and their meanings for the NEXT_ITEM_TYPE function are described in Table 12-8. The syntax for this function is shown below.
Return Value | Description |
no more items |
After you have called RECEIVE_MESSAGE to place pipe information in a local buffer, you call UNPACK_MESSAGE to retrieve items from the buffer.
The syntax for the UNPACK_MESSAGE procedures is shown below. Note that the UNPACK_MESSAGE procedure is overloaded to return items of type VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NUMBER, or DATE. There are two additional procedures to unpack RAW and ROWID items.
If the message buffer contains no more items, or if the item received is not of the same type as that requested, the ORA-2000 exception is raised.
Pipes created implicitly by SEND_MESSAGE are automatically removed when empty.
Pipes created explicitly by CREATE_PIPE are removed only by calling REMOVE_PIPE or when the instance is shut down. All unconsumed records in the pipe are removed before the pipe is deleted. This is similar to calling PURGE on an implicitly created pipe.
The REMOVE_PIPE function accepts only one parameter-the name of the pipe that you want to remove. The possible return values and their meanings are described in Table 12-9. The syntax for this function is
The DBMS_PIPE package contains additional procedures and functions that you might find useful.
Call PURGE to empty the contents of a pipe. An empty implicitly created pipe is aged out of the shared global area according to the least-recently-used algorithm. Thus, calling PURGE lets you free the memory associated with an implicitly created pipe.
Because PURGE calls RECEIVE_MESSAGE, the local buffer might be overwritten with messages as they are purged from the pipe. Also, you can receive an ORA-23322, insufficient privileges, error if you attempt to purge a pipe to which you have insufficient access rights.
Call RESET_BUFFER to reset the PACK_MESSAGE and UNPACK_MESSAGE positioning indicators to 0. Because all pipes share a single buffer, you may find it useful to reset the buffer before using a new pipe. This ensures that the first time you attempt to send a message to your pipe, you do not inadvertently send an expired message remaining in the buffer.
The syntax for the RESET_BUFFER procedure is shown below.
Call UNIQUE_SESSION_NAME to receive a name that is unique among all of the sessions that are currently connected to a database. Multiple calls to this function from the same session always return the same value. The return value can be up to 30 bytes. You might find it useful to use this function to supply the PIPENAME parameter for your SEND_MESSAGE and RECEIVE_MESSAGE calls.
The following example shows a procedure a PL/SQL program can call to place debugging information in a pipe:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE debug (msg VARCHAR2) AS status NUMBER; BEGIN dbms_pipe.pack_message(LENGTH(msg)); dbms_pipe.pack_message(msg); status := dbms_pipe.send_message('plsql_debug'); IF status != 0 THEN raise_application_error(-20099, 'Debug error'); END IF; END debug;
This example shows the Pro*C code that receives messages from the PLSQL_DEBUG pipe in the PL/SQL example above, and displays the messages. If the Pro*C session is run in a separate window, it can be used to display any messages that are sent to the debug procedure from a PL/SQL program executing in a separate session.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; VARCHAR username[20]; int status; int msg_length; char retval[2000]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA; void sql_error(); main() { /* prepare username */ strcpy(username.arr, "SCOTT/TIGER"); username.len = strlen(username.arr); EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO sql_error(); EXEC SQL CONNECT :username; printf("connected\n"); /* start an endless loop to look for and print messages on the pipe */ for (;;) { EXEC SQL EXECUTE DECLARE len INTEGER; typ INTEGER; sta INTEGER; chr VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN chr := ''; sta := dbms_pipe.receive_message('plsql_debug'); IF sta = 0 THEN dbms_pipe.unpack_message(len); dbms_pipe.unpack_message(chr); END IF; :status := sta; :retval := chr; IF len IS NOT NULL THEN :msg_length := len; ELSE :msg_length := 2000; END IF; END; END-EXEC; if (status == 0) printf("\n%.*s\n", msg_length, retval); else printf("abnormal status, value is %d\n", status); } } void sql_error() { char msg[1024]; int rlen, len; len = sizeof(msg); sqlglm(msg, &len, &rlen); printf("ORACLE ERROR\n"); printf("%.*s\n", rlen, msg); exit(1); }
The following example shows PL/SQL and Pro*C code that can let a PL/SQL stored procedure (or anonymous block) call PL/SQL procedures to send commands over a pipe to a Pro*C program that is listening for them.
The Pro*C program just sleeps, waiting for a message to arrive on the named pipe. When a message arrives, the C program processes it, carrying out the required action, such as executing a UNIX command through the system() call, or executing a SQL command using embedded SQL.
DAEMON.SQL is the source code for the PL/SQL package. This package contains procedures that use the DBMS_PIPE package to send and receive message to and from the Pro*C daemon. Note that full handshaking is used. The daemon will always send a message back to the package (except in the case of the 'STOP' command). This is valuable, since it allows the PL/SQL procedures to be sure that the Pro*C daemon is running.
You can call the DAEMON packaged procedures from an anonymous PL/SQL block using SQL*Plus or Enterprise Manager. For example:
SVRMGR> variable rv number SVRMGR> execute :rv := DAEMON.EXECUTE_SYSTEM('ls -la');
would, on a UNIX system, cause the Pro*C daemon to execute the command system("ls -la").
Remember that the daemon needs to be running first. So you might want to run it in the background, or in another window beside the SQL*Plus or Enterprise Manager session from which you call it.
The DAEMON.SQL also uses the DBMS_OUTPUT package (see "Output from Stored Procedures and Triggers" on page 12-19) to display the results. For this example to work, you must have execute privileges on this package.
This is the code for the PL/SQL DAEMON package:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE daemon AS FUNCTION execute_sql(command VARCHAR2, timeout NUMBER DEFAULT 10) RETURN NUMBER; FUNCTION execute_system(command VARCHAR2, timeout NUMBER DEFAULT 10) RETURN NUMBER; PROCEDURE stop(timeout NUMBER DEFAULT 10); END daemon; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY daemon AS FUNCTION execute_system(command VARCHAR2, timeout NUMBER DEFAULT 10) RETURN NUMBER IS status NUMBER; result VARCHAR2(20); command_code NUMBER; pipe_name VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN pipe_name := DBMS_PIPE.UNIQUE_SESSION_NAME; DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE('SYSTEM'); DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE(pipe_name); DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE(command); status := DBMS_PIPE.SEND_MESSAGE('daemon', timeout); IF status <> 0 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20010, 'Execute_system: Error while sending. Status = ' || status); END IF; status := DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(pipe_name, timeout); IF status <> 0 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20011, 'Execute_system: Error while receiving. Status = ' || status); END IF; DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE(result); IF result <> 'done' THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20012, 'Execute_system: Done not received.'); END IF; DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE(command_code); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('System command executed. result = ' || command_code); RETURN command_code; END execute_system; FUNCTION execute_sql(command VARCHAR2, timeout NUMBER DEFAULT 10) RETURN NUMBER IS status NUMBER; result VARCHAR2(20); command_code NUMBER; pipe_name VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN pipe_name := DBMS_PIPE.UNIQUE_SESSION_NAME; DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE('SQL'); DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE(pipe_name); DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE(command); status := DBMS_PIPE.SEND_MESSAGE('daemon', timeout); IF status <> 0 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20020, 'Execute_sql: Error while sending. Status = ' || status); END IF; status := DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(pipe_name, timeout); IF status <> 0 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20021, 'execute_sql: Error while receiving. Status = ' || status); END IF; DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE(result); IF result <> 'done' THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20022, 'execute_sql: done not received.'); END IF; DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE(command_code); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('SQL command executed. sqlcode = ' || command_code); RETURN command_code; END execute_sql; PROCEDURE stop(timeout NUMBER DEFAULT 10) IS status NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE('STOP'); status := DBMS_PIPE.SEND_MESSAGE('daemon', timeout); IF status <> 0 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20030, 'stop: error while sending. status = ' || status); END IF; END stop; END daemon;
This is the code for the Pro*C daemon. You must precompile this using the Pro*C Precompiler, Version 1.5.x or later. You must also specify the USERID and SQLCHECK options, as the example contains embedded PL/SQL code. For example:
proc iname=daemon userid=scott/tiger sqlcheck=semantics
Then C-compile and link in the normal way.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char *uid = "scott/tiger"; int status; VARCHAR command[20]; VARCHAR value[2000]; VARCHAR return_name[30]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; void connect_error() { char msg_buffer[512]; int msg_length; int buffer_size = 512; EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; sqlglm(msg_buffer, &buffer_size, &msg_length); printf("Daemon error while connecting:\n"); printf("%.*s\n", msg_length, msg_buffer); printf("Daemon quitting.\n"); exit(1); } void sql_error() { char msg_buffer[512]; int msg_length; int buffer_size = 512; EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; sqlglm(msg_buffer, &buffer_size, &msg_length); printf("Daemon error while executing:\n"); printf("%.*s\n", msg_length, msg_buffer); printf("Daemon continuing.\n"); } main() { EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO connect_error(); EXEC SQL CONNECT :uid; printf("Daemon connected.\n"); EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO sql_error(); printf("Daemon waiting...\n"); while (1) { EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN :status := DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE('daemon'); IF :status = 0 THEN DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE(:command); END IF; END; END-EXEC; if (status == 0) { command.arr[command.len] = '\0'; if (!strcmp((char *) command.arr, "STOP")) { printf("Daemon exiting.\n"); break; } else if (!strcmp((char *) command.arr, "SYSTEM")) { EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE(:return_name); DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE(:value); END; END-EXEC; value.arr[value.len] = '\0'; printf("Will execute system command '%s'\n", value.arr); status = system(value.arr); EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE('done'); DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE(:status); :status := DBMS_PIPE.SEND_MESSAGE(:return_name); END; END-EXEC; if (status) { printf ("Daemon error while responding to system command."); printf(" status: %d\n", status); } } else if (!strcmp((char *) command.arr, "SQL")) { EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE(:return_name); DBMS_PIPE.UNPACK_MESSAGE(:value); END; END-EXEC; value.arr[value.len] = '\0'; printf("Will execute sql command '%s'\n", value.arr); EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :value; status = sqlca.sqlcode; EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO sql_error(); EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE('done'); DBMS_PIPE.PACK_MESSAGE(:status); :status := DBMS_PIPE.SEND_MESSAGE(:return_name); END; END-EXEC; if (status) { printf("Daemon error while responding to sql command."); printf(" status: %d\n", status); } } else { printf ("Daemon error: invalid command '%s' received.\n", command.arr); } } else { printf("Daemon error while waiting for signal."); printf(" status = %d\n", status); } } EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK RELEASE; exit(0); }
Oracle provides a public package, DBMS_OUTPUT, which you can use to send messages from stored procedures, packages, and triggers. The PUT and PUT_LINE procedures in this package allow you to place information in a buffer that can be read by another trigger, procedure, or package.
Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus can also display messages buffered by the DBMS_OUTPUT procedures. To do this, you must issue the command SET SERVEROUTPUT ON in Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus.
In a separate PL/SQL procedure or anonymous block, you can display the buffered information by calling the GET_LINE procedure. If you do not call GET_LINE, or do not display the messages on your screen in SQL*Plus or Enterprise Manager, the buffered messages are ignored. The DBMS_OUTPUT package is especially useful for displaying PL/SQL debugging information.
Note: Messages sent using the DBMS_OUTPUT are not actually sent until the sending subprogram or trigger completes. There is no mechanism to flush output during the execution of a procedure.
Table 12-10 shows the procedures that are callable from the DBMS_OUTPUT package:
To create the DBMS_OUTPUT package, submit the DBMSOTPT.SQL and PRVTOTPT.PLB scripts when connected as the user SYS. These scripts are run automatically by the CATPROC.SQL script. See "Privileges Required to Execute a Procedure" on page 10-37 for information on the necessary privileges for users who will be executing this package.
The DBMS_OUTPUT package routines raise the application error -20000, and the output procedures can return the following errors:
ORU-10027: buffer overflow ORU-10028: line length overflow
This procedure enables calls to PUT, PUT_LINE, NEW_LINE, GET_LINE, and GET_LINES. Calls to these procedures are ignored if the DBMS_OUTPUT package is not enabled. It is not necessary to call this procedure when you use the SERVEROUTPUT option of Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus.
You must specify the amount of information, in bytes, to buffer. Items are stored in the DBMS_OUTPUT package. If the buffer size is exceeded, you receive the following error message:
ORA-20000, ORU-10027: buffer overflow, limit of <buffer_limit> bytes.
Multiple calls to ENABLE are allowed. If there are multiple calls to ENABLE, BUFFER_SIZE is the largest of the values specified. The maximum size is 1000000 and the minimum is 2000.
The syntax for the ENABLE procedure is
The DISABLE procedure disables calls to PUT, PUT_LINE, NEW_LINE, GET_LINE, and GET_LINES, and purges the buffer of any remaining information. As with ENABLE, you do not need to call this procedure if you are using the SERVEROUTPUT option of Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus.
The syntax for the DISABLE procedure is shown below.
You can either place an entire line of information into the buffer by calling PUT_LINE, or you can build a line of information piece by piece by making multiple calls to PUT. Both of these procedures are overloaded to accept items of type VARCHAR2, NUMBER, or DATE to place in the buffer.
All items are converted to VARCHAR2 as they are retrieved. If you pass an item of type NUMBER or DATE, when that item is retrieved, it is formatted with TO_CHAR using the default format. If you want to use a different format, you should pass in the item as VARCHAR2 and format it explicitly.
When you call PUT_LINE, the item that you specify is automatically followed by an end-of-line marker. If you make calls to PUT to build a line, you must add your own end-of-line marker by calling NEW_LINE. GET_LINE and GET_LINES do not return lines that have not been terminated with a newline character.
If your line exceeds the buffer limit, you receive an error message.
Attention: Output that you create using PUT or PUT_LINE is buffered in the SGA. The output cannot be retrieved until the PL/SQL program unit from which it was buffered returns to its caller. So, for example, Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus do not display DBMS_OUTPUT messages until the PL/SQL program completes. In this release, there is no mechanism for flushing the DBMS_OUTPUT buffers within the PL/SQL program.
The PUT and PUT_LINE procedure are overloaded; they can take an IN parameter of either NUMBER, VARCHAR2, or DATE. The syntax for the PUT and PUT_LINE, and the NEW_LINE procedures is
You can choose to retrieve a single line from the buffer, or an array of lines. Call the GET_LINE procedure to retrieve a single line of buffered information. To reduce the number of calls to the server, call the GET_LINES procedure to retrieve an array of lines from the buffer. You can choose to automatically display this information if you are using Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus by using the special SET SERVEROUTPUT ON command.
After calling GET_LINE or GET_LINES, any lines not retrieved before the next call to PUT, PUT_LINE, or NEW_LINE are discarded to avoid confusing them with the next message.
The parameters for the GET_LINE procedure are described in Table 12-11. The syntax for this procedure is shown below.
The parameters for the GET_LINES procedure are described in Table 12-12. The syntax for this procedure is
where CHARARR is a table of VARCHAR2(255), defined as a type in the DBMS_OUTPUT package specification.
The DBMS_OUTPUT package is commonly used to debug stored procedures and triggers, as shown in example 1. This package can also be used to allow a user to retrieve information about an object and format this output, as shown in example 2.
An example of a function that queries the employee table and returns the total salary for a specified department follows. The function includes several calls to the PUT_LINE procedure:
CREATE FUNCTION dept_salary (dnum NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS CURSOR emp_cursor IS SELECT sal, comm FROM emp WHERE deptno = dnum; total_wages NUMBER(11, 2) := 0; counter NUMBER(10) := 1; BEGIN FOR emp_record IN emp_cursor LOOP emp_record.comm := NVL(emp_record.comm, 0); total_wages := total_wages + emp_record.sal + emp_record.comm; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Loop number = ' || counter || '; Wages = '|| TO_CHAR(total_wages)); /* Debug line */ counter := counter + 1; /* Increment debug counter */ END LOOP; /* Debug line */ DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total wages = ' || TO_CHAR(total_wages)); RETURN total_wages; END dept_salary;
Assume the EMP table contains the following rows:
EMPNO SAL COMM DEPT ----- ------- -------- ------- 1002 1500 500 20 1203 1000 30 1289 1000 10 1347 1000 250 20
Assume you execute the following statements in the Enterprise Manager SQL Worksheet input pane:
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON VARIABLE salary NUMBER; EXECUTE :salary := dept_salary(20);
You would then see the following information displayed in the output pane:
Loop number = 1; Wages = 2000 Loop number = 2; Wages = 3250 Total wages = 3250 PL/SQL procedure successfully executed.
This example assumes that the user has used the EXPLAIN PLAN command to retrieve information about the execution plan for a statement and store it in PLAN_TABLE, and that the user has assigned a statement ID to this statement. The example EXPLAIN_OUT procedure retrieves the information from this table and formats the output in a nested manner that more closely depicts the order of steps undergone in processing the SQL statement.
/****************************************************************/ /* Create EXPLAIN_OUT procedure. User must pass STATEMENT_ID to */ /* to procedure, to uniquely identify statement. */ /****************************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE explain_out (statement_id IN VARCHAR2) AS -- Retrieve information from PLAN_TABLE into cursor -- EXPLAIN_ROWS. CURSOR explain_rows IS SELECT level, id, position, operation, options, object_name FROM plan_table WHERE statement_id = explain_out.statement_id CONNECT BY PRIOR id = parent_id AND statement_id = explain_out.statement_id START WITH id = 0 ORDER BY id; BEGIN -- Loop through information retrieved from PLAN_TABLE FOR line IN explain_rows LOOP -- At start of output, include heading with estimated cost. IF = 0 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Plan for statement ' || statement_id || ', estimated cost = ' || line.position); END IF; -- Output formatted information. LEVEL is used to -- determine indention level. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (lpad(' ',2*(line.level-1)) || line.operation || ' ' || line.options || ' ' || line.object_name); END LOOP; END;
The release 7.3 Oracle Server adds file input/output capabilities to PL/SQL. This is done through the supplied package UTL_FILE.
The file I/O capabilities are similar to those of the standard operating system stream file I/O (OPEN, GET, PUT, CLOSE), with some limitations. For example, you call the FOPEN function to return a file handle, which you then use in subsequent calls to GET_LINE or PUT to perform stream I/O to a file. When you are done performing I/O on the file, you call FCLOSE to complete any output and to free any resources associated with the file.
Table 12-13 summarizes the procedures you can call in the UTL_FILE package.
The PL/SQL file I/O feature is available for both client side and server side PL/SQL. The client implementation is subject to normal operating system file permission checking, and so does not need any additional security constraints. But the server implementation might be running in a privileged mode, and so will need additional security restrictions that limit the power of this feature.
Note: The UTL_FILE package is similar to the client-side TEXT_IO package currently provided by Oracle Procedure Builder. Restrictions for a server implementation require some API differences between UTL_FILE and TEXT_IO. In PL/SQL file I/O, errors are returned to the caller using PL/SQL exceptions.
Server security for PL/SQL file I/O consists of a restriction on the directories that can be accessed. Accessible directories must be specified in the instance parameter initialization file (INIT.ORA).
You specify the accessible directories for the UTL_FILE functions in the initialization file using the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter, as follows:
UTL_FILE_DIR = <directory name>
For example, if the initialization file for the instance contains the line
UTL_FILE_DIR = /usr/jsmith/my_app
then the directory /usr/jsmith/my_app is accessible to the FOPEN function. Note that a directory named /usr/jsmith/My_App would not be accessible on case-sensitive operating systems.
The parameter specification
has a special meaning. This entry in effect turns off directory access checking, and makes any directory accessible to the UTL_FILE functions.
Warning: The '*' option should be used with great caution. For obvious security reasons, Oracle does not recommend that you use this option in production systems. Also, do not include '.' (the current directory for UNIX) in the accessible directories list.
Warning: To ensure security on file systems that allow symbolic links, users must not be allowed WRITE permission to directories accessible by PL/SQL file I./O functions. The symbolic links and PL/SQL file I/O could be used to circumvent normal operating system permission checking, and allow users read/write access to directories to which they would not otherwise have access.
On UNIX systems, a file created by the FOPEN function has as its owner the owner of the shadow process running the instance. In the normal case, this owner is oracle. Files created using FOPEN are always writable and readable using the UTL_FILE routines, but non-privileged users who need to read these files outside of PL/SQL might have to get their system administrator to give them access.
If the parameter initialization file contains only
UTL_FILE_DIR=/appl/gl/log UTL_FILE_DIR=/appl/gl/out
then the following file locations and filenames are valid:
FILE LOCATION FILENAME /appl/gl/log L10324.log /appl/gl/out O10324.out
but the following file locations and filename are invalid:
FILE LOCATION FILENAME /appl/gl/log/backup L10324.log # subdirectory /APPL/gl/log L10324.log # uppercase /appl/gl/log backup/L10324.log #dir in name /usr/tmp T10324.tmp # not in INIT.ORA
There are no user-level file permissions. All file locations specified by the UTL_FILE_DIR parameters are valid, for both reading and writing, for all users of the file I/O procedures. This can override operating system file permissions.
The specification for the UTL_FILE package declares one PL/SQL type: FILE_TYPE. The declaration is
The contents of FILE_TYPE are private to the UTL_FILE package. Users of the package should not reference or change components of this record.
The specification for the UTL_FILE package declares seven exceptions. These exceptions are raised to indicate error conditions. The exceptions are shown in Table 12-14.
In addition to these package exceptions, procedures in the UTL_FILE package can also raise predefined PL/SQL exceptions such as NO_DATA_FOUND or VALUE_ERROR.
The remainder of this section describes the individual functions and procedures that make up the UTL_FILE package.
FOPEN opens a file for input or output. The file location must be an accessible directory, as defined in the instance's initialization parameter UTL_FILE_DIR. The complete directory path must already exist; it is not created by FOPEN. FOPEN returns a file handle, which must be used in all subsequent I/O operations on the file.
The parameters for this procedure are described in Table 12-15, and the syntax is shown below.
Note: If you open a file that does not exist using the 'a' value for OPEN_MODE, the file is created in write ('w') mode.
FOPEN returns a file handle, which must be passed to all subsequent procedures that operate on that file. The specific contents of the file handle are private to the UTL_FILE package, and individual components should not be referenced or changed by the UTL_FILE user.
The file location and file name parameters are supplied to the FOPEN function as separate strings, so that the file location can be checked against the list of accessible directories as specified in the initialization file. Together, the file location and name must represent a legal filename on the system, and the directory must be accessible. A subdirectory of an accessible directory is not necessarily also accessible; it too must be specified using a complete path name in the initialization file.
Attention: Operating system-specific parameters, such as C-shell environment variables under UNIX, cannot be used in the file location or file name parameters.
FOPEN can raise any of the following exceptions:
IS_OPEN tests a file handle to see if it identifies an open file. IS_OPEN reports only whether a file handle represents a file that has been opened, but not yet closed. It does not guarantee that there will be no operating system errors when you attempt to use the file handle.
The parameter for this function is described in Table 12-16, and the syntax is shown below.
Parameter | Description |
An active file handle returned by an FOPEN call. |
IS_OPEN does not raise any exceptions.
FCLOSE closes an open file identified by a file handle. You could receive a WRITE_ERROR exception when closing a file, as there might be buffered data yet to be written when FCLOSE executes.
The parameters for this procedure are described in Table 12-17, and the syntax is shown below.
Parameter | Description |
An active file handle returned by an FOPEN call. |
FCLOSE can raise the following exceptions:
FCLOSE_ALL closes all open file handles for the session. This can be used as an emergency cleanup procedure, for example when a PL/SQL program exits on an exception.
Attention: FCLOSE_ALL does not alter the state of the open file handles held by the user. This means that an IS_OPEN test on a file handle after an FCLOSE_ALL call still returns TRUE, even though the file has been closed. No further read or write operations can be performed on a file that was open before an FCLOSE_ALL.
FCLOSE_ALL can raise the exception:
GET_LINE reads a line of text from the open file identified by the file handle, and places the text in the output buffer parameter. Text is read up to but not including the line terminator, or up to the end of the file.
If the line does not fit in the buffer, a VALUE_ERROR exception is raised. If no text was read due to "end of file," the NO_DATA_FOUND exception is raised.
Because the line terminator character is not read into the buffer, reading blank lines returns empty strings.
The maximum size of an input record is 1022 bytes.
The parameters for this procedure are described in Table 12-18, and the syntax is shown below.
GET_LINE can raise any of the following exceptions:
PUT writes the text string stored in the buffer parameter to the open file identified by the file handle. The file must be open for write operations. No line terminator is appended by PUT; use NEW_LINE to terminate the line or use PUT_LINE to write a complete line with a line terminator.
The parameters for this procedure are described in Table 12-19, and the syntax is shown below.
PUT can raise any of the following exceptions:
NEW_LINE writes one or more line terminators to the file identified by the input file handle. This procedure is separate from PUT because the line terminator is a platform-specific character or sequence of characters.
The parameters for this procedure are described in Table 12-20, and the syntax is shown below.
Parameters | Description |
An active file handle returned by an FOPEN call. |
The number of line terminators to be written to the file. |
NEW_LINE can raise any of the following exceptions:
PUT_LINE writes the text string stored in the buffer parameter to the open file identified by the file handle. The file must be open for write operations. PUT_LINE terminates the line with the platform-specific line terminator character or characters.
The maximum size for an output record is 1023 bytes.
The parameters for this procedure are described in Table 12-21, and the syntax is shown below.
Parameters | Description |
An active file handle returned by an FOPEN call. |
The text buffer that contains the lines to be written to the file. |
PUT_LINE can raise any of the following exceptions:
PUTF is a formatted PUT procedure. It works like a limited printf(). The format string can contain any text, but the character sequences '%s' and '\n' have special meaning:
%s |
Substitute this sequence with the string value of the next argument in the argument list (see the "Syntax" section below). |
\n |
Substitute with the appropriate platform-specific line terminator. |
The parameters for this procedure are described in Table 12-22, and the syntax is shown below.
PROCEDURE PUTF(file_handle IN FILE_TYPE, format IN VARCHAR2, [arg1 IN VARCHAR2, . . . arg5 IN VARCHAR2]);
The following example writes the lines
Hello, world! I come from Zork with greetings for all earthlings. my_world varchar2(4) := 'Zork'; ... PUTF(my_handle, 'Hello, world!\nI come from %s with %s.\n', my_world, 'greetings for all earthlings');
If there are more %s formatters in the format parameter than there are arguments, an empty string is substituted for each %s for which there is no matching argument.
PUTF can raise any of the following exceptions:
FFLUSH physically writes all pending data to the file identified by the file handle. Normally, data being written to a file is buffered. The FFLUSH procedure forces any buffered data to be written to the file.
Flushing is useful when the file must be read while still open. For example, debugging messages can be flushed to the file so that they can be read immediately.
The parameter for this procedure is described in Table 12-23, and the syntax is shown below.
Parameters | Description |
An active file handle returned by an FOPEN call. |
FFLUSH can raise any of the following exceptions:
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