Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide Release 1.4.0 A53700_01 |
This appendix describes several hints and tips which enable the use of Oracle Enterprise Manager, its components, and the Intelligent Agent.
Topic | See Page |
The following are possible troubleshooting issues.
If a message alerts you that the Oracle Installer was unable to register Enterprise Manager components or you have trouble running any of the programs, you must register the components manually after exiting the Oracle Installer. Use the Windows File Manager or Explorer to locate the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\OLE2
directory, then double-click on each of the .REG
files to register each component.
If you have problems with the parameters or task property sheets when creating a job with the Job Scheduling system, the .OCX
files may have failed to register properly during registration. To register the .OCX
files, perform the following steps:
to list the all .OCX
for each .OCX
, where name
corresponds to each of .OCX
filenames. For example:
regsvr32 vojt.ocx
If you are having trouble using the Job or Event systems of the Console, check the Daemon and Agent trace file and look for error messages saying the Daemon could not resolve an agent address into a host name. On a Windows NT platform, you can also check the Event viewer in Administrative Tools.
If the Intelligent Agent does not start, check one of the following areas for information:
file for errors on UNIX
If the automatic repository create or upgrade (validate) operation fails, you can run the operation from the DOS command line. You can also drop a repository from the DOS command line.
followed by one or more of the command line switches in Table C-1, "Command Line Arguments for vobsh". For example, the following command validates and, if necessary, upgrades the Enterprise Manager repository.
vobsh -c "scott/tiger@mydb" -o VALIDATE -p "Enterprise Manager"
Command line arguments are:
Enterprise Manager uses online help to provide additional information on the entire product and its optional components. To display context-sensitive help on the Console, perform the following steps:
If you want help on a particular dialog box, press its Help button. You can also access the help system from the Help menu on the Console. The Contents page lists the major help topics by title. The Index page lists topics by key words. The Find page is a Windows user option that can be set up with a wizard. The setup is performed the first time you access the page.