Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Monitoring User's Guide Release 1.4.0 A53699_01 |
Oracle Performance Manager includes a wide variety of predefined charts to graphically depict database performance statistics of common interest. This section covers the following topics:
By default, Oracle Performance Manager presents information in predefined charts in the following ways:
However, regardless of the information content, you can change the presentation format of any chart to any chart type that Oracle Performance Manager provides. The easiest way is to click on a displayed chart using the right mouse button, select Type, and then select one of the chart type options. You can also change the chart type using the Chart Properties property sheet. For more information, see "Customizing Display Elements of Charts".
The X and Y axes of Oracle Performance Manager charts automatically scale to fit the data being presented. However, you can change the scale of any chart if you so choose. For more information, see "Customizing Display Elements of Charts".
You can change the dimension of any chart type (except a table) to be either 2D or 3D. The easiest way is to click on a displayed chart using the right mouse button, select Dimensions, and then select 2D or 3D. You can also change the dimension of a chart using the Chart Properties property sheet. For more information, see "Customizing Display Elements of Charts".
You can display any predefined chart by selecting from the Monitor menu, or you can define a new chart window containing one or more predefined charts. For information on displaying or defining chart windows that contain predefined charts, see "Displaying Charts in Chart Windows".
This section includes an alphabetical listing of the predefined Oracle Performance Manager charts. Each chart is described briefly. The V$ view(s) from which the chart statistics were derived is listed. When you can drill down for more detail, that information is also included.
For information about the statistics these charts display and the V$ views from which these statistics are derived, see the Oracle Server Reference. For information on how best to interpret these statistics, see Oracle Server Tuning.
Additional Information:
For information on charts for an Oracle Parallel Server, see the Oracle Parallel Server Support for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console Guide. |
The Buffer Cache Hit % chart displays information about the buffer cache hit percentage of the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Buffer Gets Rate chart displays information about the buffer gets rate of the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Circuit chart displays information about virtual circuits. A virtual circuit is a connection to a database instance through a dispatcher and the shared server currently processing the user's request.
The Circuit chart displays statistics from the following views:
The Data Dict Cache Hit % chart displays information about data dictionary cache hits of the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Dispatcher chart displays activity statistics for dispatcher processes of the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The File I/O Rate chart displays the number of physical reads and writes per second for all files of the database instance. Only information about Oracle files is shown in this chart. You can drill down from the File I/O Rate chart to display the File I/O Rate Details chart.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The File I/O Rate Details chart displays the number of physical reads and writes per second for individual files of the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following views:
The Free List Hit % chart displays data block contention statistics for the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following views:
The Latch chart displays latch activity statistics for processes of the database instance. Latches are low-level locks on shared internal structures.
This chart displays statistics from the following views:
The Library Cache Details chart displays library cache performance statistics for the library cache. The library cache contains shared cursors and is part of the shared pool in the SGA of the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Library Cache Hit % chart displays the percentages of library cache hits and library cache misses for the database instance. You can drill down from the Library Cache Hit % chart to display the Library Cache Details chart.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Lock chart displays information about locks that are held and locks that are requested for the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following views:
The Memory Allocated chart displays the amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for current sessions in the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following views:
The Memory Sort Hit % chart displays the percentages of memory sort hits and memory sort misses for the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Network I/O Rate chart displays the number of message packets per second the database server and its clients exchange over SQL*Net.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The No. of Users Active chart displays the number of user sessions actively using the database instance at the current time.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The No. of Users Logged On chart displays the number of concurrent user sessions logged on to the database instance, whether or not activity is being generated.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The No. of Users Running chart displays the number of concurrent user sessions logged on to the database instance and currently running a transaction.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The No. of Users Waiting chart displays the number of users currently logged on to the database instance, but waiting (for whatever reason) to perform a task.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The No. of Users Waiting For Locks chart displays the number of users currently logged on to the database instance, but waiting for the release of a lock.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The default Overview chart window includes a group of charts that display key performance statistics to indicate the general health of the database instance. Specifically, the Overview chart window includes the following charts:
Choose New Window from the Create menu to create a customized version of the Overview chart window, in order to include the charts most relevant to your particular environment. For more information, see "Displaying Charts in Chart Windows".
The Parse Ratio chart displays the parse ratio for the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following views:
The Process chart displays information about currently active background and user processes for the database instance.
When the username or terminal are unidentified in V$PROCESS, the information from V$SESSION is displayed if it exists. If the username is taken from V$SESSION, it is displayed in parentheses.
This chart displays statistics from the following views:
The Queue chart displays activity statistics about queues used in the multi-threaded server.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Read Consistency Hit % chart displays the percentages of read consistency hits and read consistency misses for the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Redo Allocation Hit % chart displays the percentages of redo allocation hits and redo allocation misses for the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Redo Statistics Rate chart displays the number of entries, space requests, and synch writes per second for the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Rollback Nowait Hit % chart displays the percentages of hits and misses for online rollback segments of the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Session chart displays information about user sessions logged onto the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following views:
The Shared Server chart displays queuing activity statistics for shared server processes of the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Sort Rows Rate chart displays information about the sort rows rate for the entire database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The SQL Area chart displays information about shared cursors in the library cache. Each shared cursor contains information used to execute its SQL statement or PL/SQL block.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The System I/O Rate chart displays I/O statistics for the database instance, including buffer gets, block changes, and physical reads per second.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The System Stats chart displays 121 statistics for the database instance. This chart is appears in table format by default to aid in locating statistics of interest.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Table Access chart displays information about database objects being accessed and the sessions accessing them in the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Table Scan Rows Rate chart displays the number of table scan rows per second for the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view:
The Tablespace chart displays statistics for tablespaces in the database instance, including status, total number of file blocks, and total quota blocks.
This chart displays statistics from the following tables:
The Tablespace Free Space chart displays the number of free file blocks and number of free quota blocks in each tablespace of the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following table:
The Throughput Rate chart displays the number of user calls and transactions per second for the database instance.
This chart displays statistics from the following view: