/* TiMidity++ -- MIDI to WAVE converter and player Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Masanao Izumo Copyright (C) 1995 Tuukka Toivonen */ /* This code from awesfx * Modified by Masanao Izumo */ /*================================================================ * parsesf.c * parse SoundFonr layers and convert it to AWE driver patch * * Copyright (C) 1996,1997 Takashi Iwai * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *================================================================*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #ifndef NO_STRING_H #include #else #include #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "timidity.h" #include "common.h" #include "tables.h" #include "instrum.h" #include "playmidi.h" #include "controls.h" #include "sffile.h" #include "sflayer.h" #include "sfitem.h" #include "output.h" #include "filter.h" #include "resample.h" #define FILENAME_NORMALIZE(fname) url_expand_home_dir(fname) #define FILENAME_REDUCED(fname) url_unexpand_home_dir(fname) #define SFMalloc(rec, count) new_segment(&(rec)->pool, count) #define SFStrdup(rec, s) strdup_mblock(&(rec)->pool, s) /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * compile flags *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef CFG_FOR_SF #define SF_SUPPRESS_ENVELOPE #define SF_SUPPRESS_TREMOLO #define SF_SUPPRESS_VIBRATO #else #define SF_CLOSE_EACH_FILE /*#define SF_SUPPRESS_ENVELOPE*/ /*#define SF_SUPPRESS_TREMOLO*/ /*#define SF_SUPPRESS_VIBRATO*/ #endif /* CFG_FOR_SF */ /* return value */ #define AWE_RET_OK 0 /* successfully loaded */ #define AWE_RET_ERR 1 /* some fatal error occurs */ #define AWE_RET_SKIP 2 /* some fonts are skipped */ #define AWE_RET_NOMEM 3 /* out or memory; not all fonts loaded */ #define AWE_RET_NOT_FOUND 4 /* the file is not found */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * local parameters *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct _SFPatchRec { int preset, bank, keynote; /* -1 = matches all */ } SFPatchRec; typedef struct _SampleList { Sample v; struct _SampleList *next; int32 start; int32 len; int32 cutoff_freq; int16 resonance; int16 root, tune; char low, high; /* key note range */ int8 reverb_send, chorus_send; /* Depend on play_mode->rate */ int32 vibrato_freq; int32 attack; int32 hold; int32 sustain; int32 decay; int32 release; int32 modattack; int32 modhold; int32 modsustain; int32 moddecay; int32 modrelease; int bank, keynote; /* for drum instruments */ } SampleList; typedef struct _InstList { SFPatchRec pat; int pr_idx; int samples; int order; SampleList *slist; struct _InstList *next; } InstList; typedef struct _SFExclude { SFPatchRec pat; struct _SFExclude *next; } SFExclude; typedef struct _SFOrder { SFPatchRec pat; int order; struct _SFOrder *next; } SFOrder; #define INSTHASHSIZE 127 #define INSTHASH(bank, preset, keynote) \ ((int)(((unsigned)bank ^ (unsigned)preset ^ (unsigned)keynote) % INSTHASHSIZE)) typedef struct _SFInsts { struct timidity_file *tf; char *fname; int8 def_order, def_cutoff_allowed, def_resonance_allowed; uint16 version, minorversion; int32 samplepos, samplesize; InstList *instlist[INSTHASHSIZE]; char **inst_namebuf; SFExclude *sfexclude; SFOrder *sforder; struct _SFInsts *next; FLOAT_T amptune; MBlockList pool; } SFInsts; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* prototypes */ #define P_GLOBAL 1 #define P_LAYER 2 #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif /* FALSE */ #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif /* TRUE */ static SFInsts *find_soundfont(char *sf_file); static SFInsts *new_soundfont(char *sf_file); static void init_sf(SFInsts *rec); static void end_soundfont(SFInsts *rec); static Instrument *try_load_soundfont(SFInsts *rec, int order, int bank, int preset, int keynote); static Instrument *load_from_file(SFInsts *rec, InstList *ip); static int is_excluded(SFInsts *rec, int bank, int preset, int keynote); static int is_ordered(SFInsts *rec, int bank, int preset, int keynote); static int load_font(SFInfo *sf, int pridx); static int parse_layer(SFInfo *sf, int pridx, LayerTable *tbl, int level); static int is_global(SFGenLayer *layer); static void clear_table(LayerTable *tbl); static void set_to_table(SFInfo *sf, LayerTable *tbl, SFGenLayer *lay, int level); static void add_item_to_table(LayerTable *tbl, int oper, int amount, int level); static void merge_table(SFInfo *sf, LayerTable *dst, LayerTable *src); static void init_and_merge_table(SFInfo *sf, LayerTable *dst, LayerTable *src); static int sanity_range(LayerTable *tbl); static int make_patch(SFInfo *sf, int pridx, LayerTable *tbl); static void make_info(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); static FLOAT_T calc_volume(LayerTable *tbl); static void set_sample_info(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); static void set_init_info(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); static int abscent_to_Hz(int abscents); static void set_rootkey(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); static void set_rootfreq(SampleList *vp); static int32 to_offset(int32 offset); static int32 to_rate(int32 diff, int timecent); static int32 calc_rate(int32 diff, double msec); static double to_msec(int timecent); static int32 calc_sustain(int sust_cB); static void convert_volume_envelope(SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); static void convert_tremolo(SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); static void convert_vibrato(SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl); /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static SFInsts *sfrecs = NULL; static SFInsts *current_sfrec = NULL; #define def_drum_inst 0 static SFInsts *find_soundfont(char *sf_file) { SFInsts *sf; sf_file = FILENAME_NORMALIZE(sf_file); for(sf = sfrecs; sf != NULL; sf = sf->next) if(sf->fname != NULL && strcmp(sf->fname, sf_file) == 0) return sf; return NULL; } static SFInsts *new_soundfont(char *sf_file) { SFInsts *sf; sf_file = FILENAME_NORMALIZE(sf_file); for(sf = sfrecs; sf != NULL; sf = sf->next) if(sf->fname == NULL) break; if(sf == NULL) sf = (SFInsts *)safe_malloc(sizeof(SFInsts)); memset(sf, 0, sizeof(SFInsts)); init_mblock(&sf->pool); sf->fname = SFStrdup(sf, FILENAME_NORMALIZE(sf_file)); sf->def_order = DEFAULT_SOUNDFONT_ORDER; sf->amptune = 1.0; return sf; } void add_soundfont(char *sf_file, int sf_order, int sf_cutoff, int sf_resonance, int amp) { SFInsts *sf; if((sf = find_soundfont(sf_file)) == NULL) { sf = new_soundfont(sf_file); sf->next = sfrecs; sfrecs = sf; } if(sf_order >= 0) sf->def_order = sf_order; if(sf_cutoff >= 0) sf->def_cutoff_allowed = sf_cutoff; if(sf_resonance >= 0) sf->def_resonance_allowed = sf_resonance; if(amp >= 0) sf->amptune = (FLOAT_T)amp * 0.01; current_sfrec = sf; } void remove_soundfont(char *sf_file) { SFInsts *sf; if((sf = find_soundfont(sf_file)) != NULL) end_soundfont(sf); } char *soundfont_preset_name(int bank, int preset, int keynote, char **sndfile) { SFInsts *rec; if(sndfile != NULL) *sndfile = NULL; for(rec = sfrecs; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next) if(rec->fname != NULL) { int addr; InstList *ip; addr = INSTHASH(bank, preset, keynote); for(ip = rec->instlist[addr]; ip; ip = ip->next) if(ip->pat.bank == bank && ip->pat.preset == preset && (keynote < 0 || keynote == ip->pat.keynote)) break; if(ip != NULL) { if(sndfile != NULL) *sndfile = rec->fname; return rec->inst_namebuf[ip->pr_idx]; } } return NULL; } static void init_sf(SFInsts *rec) { SFInfo sfinfo; int i; ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_NOISY, "Init soundfonts `%s'", FILENAME_REDUCED(rec->fname)); if ((rec->tf = open_file(rec->fname, 1, OF_VERBOSE)) == NULL) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_ERROR, VERB_NORMAL, "Can't open soundfont file %s", FILENAME_REDUCED(rec->fname)); end_soundfont(rec); return; } if(load_soundfont(&sfinfo, rec->tf)) { end_soundfont(rec); return; } correct_samples(&sfinfo); current_sfrec = rec; for (i = 0; i < sfinfo.npresets; i++) { int bank = sfinfo.preset[i].bank; int preset = sfinfo.preset[i].preset; if (bank == 128) /* FIXME: why not allow exclusion of drumsets? */ alloc_instrument_bank(1, preset); else { if (is_excluded(rec, bank, preset, -1)) continue; alloc_instrument_bank(0, bank); } load_font(&sfinfo, i); } /* copy header info */ rec->version = sfinfo.version; rec->minorversion = sfinfo.minorversion; rec->samplepos = sfinfo.samplepos; rec->samplesize = sfinfo.samplesize; rec->inst_namebuf = (char **)SFMalloc(rec, sfinfo.npresets * sizeof(char *)); for(i = 0; i < sfinfo.npresets; i++) rec->inst_namebuf[i] = (char *)SFStrdup(rec, sfinfo.preset[i].hdr.name); free_soundfont(&sfinfo); #ifndef SF_CLOSE_EACH_FILE if(!IS_URL_SEEK_SAFE(rec->tf->url)) #endif { close_file(rec->tf); rec->tf = NULL; } } void init_load_soundfont(void) { SFInsts *rec; for(rec = sfrecs; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next) if(rec->fname != NULL) init_sf(rec); } static void end_soundfont(SFInsts *rec) { if (rec->tf) { close_file(rec->tf); rec->tf = NULL; } rec->fname = NULL; rec->inst_namebuf = NULL; rec->sfexclude = NULL; rec->sforder = NULL; reuse_mblock(&rec->pool); } Instrument *extract_soundfont(char *sf_file, int bank, int preset, int keynote) { SFInsts *sf; if((sf = find_soundfont(sf_file)) != NULL) return try_load_soundfont(sf, -1, bank, preset, keynote); sf = new_soundfont(sf_file); sf->next = sfrecs; sf->def_order = 2; sfrecs = sf; init_sf(sf); return try_load_soundfont(sf, -1, bank, preset, keynote); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * get converted instrument info and load the wave data from file *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static Instrument *try_load_soundfont(SFInsts *rec, int order, int bank, int preset, int keynote) { InstList *ip; Instrument *inst = NULL; int addr; if (rec->tf == NULL) { if (rec->fname == NULL) return NULL; if ((rec->tf = open_file(rec->fname, 1, OF_VERBOSE)) == NULL) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_ERROR, VERB_NORMAL, "Can't open soundfont file %s", FILENAME_REDUCED(rec->fname)); end_soundfont(rec); return NULL; } #ifndef SF_CLOSE_EACH_FILE if(!IS_URL_SEEK_SAFE(rec->tf->url)) rec->tf->url = url_cache_open(rec->tf->url, 1); #endif /* SF_CLOSE_EACH_FILE */ } addr = INSTHASH(bank, preset, keynote); for (ip = rec->instlist[addr]; ip; ip = ip->next) { if (ip->pat.bank == bank && ip->pat.preset == preset && (keynote < 0 || ip->pat.keynote == keynote) && (order < 0 || ip->order == order)) break; } if (ip && ip->samples) inst = load_from_file(rec, ip); #ifdef SF_CLOSE_EACH_FILE close_file(rec->tf); rec->tf = NULL; #endif return inst; } Instrument *load_soundfont_inst(int order, int bank, int preset, int keynote) { SFInsts *rec; Instrument *ip; /* * Search through all ordered soundfonts */ int o = order; for(rec = sfrecs; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next) { if(rec->fname != NULL) { ip = try_load_soundfont(rec, o, bank, preset, keynote); if(ip != NULL) return ip; if (o > 0) o++; } } return NULL; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TO_MHZ(abscents) (int32)(8176.0 * pow(2.0,(double)(abscents)/1200.0)) #if 0 #ifndef M_LN2 #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 #endif /* M_LN2 */ #ifndef M_LN10 #define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 #endif /* M_LN10 */ #define TO_VOLUME(centibel) (uint8)(255 * (1.0 - \ (centibel) * (M_LN10 / 1200.0 / M_LN2))) #else #define TO_VOLUME(level) (uint8)(255.0 - (level) * (255.0/1000.0)) #endif static FLOAT_T calc_volume(LayerTable *tbl) { int v; if(!tbl->set[SF_initAtten] || (int)tbl->val[SF_initAtten] == 0) return (FLOAT_T)1.0; v = (int)tbl->val[SF_initAtten]; if(v < 0) {v = 0;} else if(v > 960) {v = 960;} return cb_to_amp_table[v]; } /* convert from 16bit value to fractional offset (15.15) */ static int32 to_offset(int32 offset) { return offset << 14; } #define SF_ENVRATE_MAX (0x3FFFFFFFL) #define SF_ENVRATE_MIN (1L) /* calculate ramp rate in fractional unit; * diff = 16bit, time = msec */ static int32 calc_rate(int32 diff, double msec) { double rate; if(msec == 0) {return (int32)SF_ENVRATE_MAX + 1;} if(diff <= 0) {diff = 1;} diff <<= 14; rate = ((double)diff / play_mode->rate) * control_ratio * 1000.0 / msec; if(fast_decay) {rate *= 2;} if(rate > SF_ENVRATE_MAX) {rate = SF_ENVRATE_MAX;} else if(rate < SF_ENVRATE_MIN) {rate = SF_ENVRATE_MIN;} return (int32)rate; } /* calculate ramp rate in fractional unit; * diff = 16bit, timecent */ static int32 to_rate(int32 diff, int timecent) { double rate; if(timecent == -12000) /* instantaneous attack */ {return (int32)SF_ENVRATE_MAX + 1;} if(diff <= 0) {diff = 1;} diff <<= 14; rate = (double)diff * control_ratio / play_mode->rate / pow(2.0, (double)timecent / 1200.0); if(fast_decay) {rate *= 2;} if(rate > SF_ENVRATE_MAX) {rate = SF_ENVRATE_MAX;} else if(rate < SF_ENVRATE_MIN) {rate = SF_ENVRATE_MIN;} return (int32)rate; } /* * convert timecents to sec */ static double to_msec(int timecent) { return timecent == -12000 ? 0 : 1000.0 * pow(2.0, (double)timecent / 1200.0); } /* * Sustain level * sf: centibels * parm: 0x7f - sustain_level(dB) * 0.75 */ static int32 calc_sustain(int sust_cB) { if(sust_cB <= 0) {return 65533;} else if(sust_cB >= 1000) {return 0;} else {return (1000 - sust_cB) * 65533 / 1000;} } static Instrument *load_from_file(SFInsts *rec, InstList *ip) { SampleList *sp; Instrument *inst; int i; int32 len; if(ip->pat.bank == 128) ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_NOISY, "Loading SF Drumset %d %d: %s", ip->pat.preset + progbase, ip->pat.keynote, rec->inst_namebuf[ip->pr_idx]); else ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_NOISY, "Loading SF Tonebank %d %d: %s", ip->pat.bank, ip->pat.preset + progbase, rec->inst_namebuf[ip->pr_idx]); inst = (Instrument *)safe_malloc(sizeof(Instrument)); inst->instname = rec->inst_namebuf[ip->pr_idx]; inst->type = INST_SF2; inst->samples = ip->samples; inst->sample = (Sample *)safe_malloc(sizeof(Sample) * ip->samples); memset(inst->sample, 0, sizeof(Sample) * ip->samples); for (i = 0, sp = ip->slist; i < ip->samples && sp; i++, sp = sp->next) { Sample *sample = inst->sample + i; int32 j; #ifndef LITTLE_ENDIAN int32 k; int16 *tmp, s; #endif ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "[%d] Rate=%d LV=%d HV=%d " "Low=%d Hi=%d Root=%d Pan=%d", sp->start, sp->v.sample_rate, sp->v.low_vel, sp->v.high_vel, sp->v.low_freq, sp->v.high_freq, sp->v.root_freq, sp->v.panning); memcpy(sample, &sp->v, sizeof(Sample)); sample->data = NULL; sample->data_alloced = 0; if(i > 0 && (!sample->note_to_use || (sample->modes & MODES_LOOPING))) { SampleList *sps; Sample *found, *s; found = NULL; for(j = 0, sps = ip->slist, s = inst->sample; j < i && sps; j++, sps = sps->next, s++) { if(s->data == NULL) break; if(sp->start == sps->start) { if(antialiasing_allowed) { if(sample->data_length != s->data_length || sample->sample_rate != s->sample_rate) continue; } if(s->note_to_use && !(s->modes & MODES_LOOPING)) continue; found = s; break; } } if(found) { sample->data = found->data; sample->data_alloced = 0; ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, " * Cached"); continue; } } sample->data = (sample_t *)safe_large_malloc(sp->len + 2 * 3); sample->data_alloced = 1; tf_seek(rec->tf, sp->start, SEEK_SET); tf_read(sample->data, sp->len, 1, rec->tf); #ifndef LITTLE_ENDIAN tmp = (int16*)sample->data; k = sp->len / 2; for (j = 0; j < k; j++) { s = LE_SHORT(*tmp); *tmp++ = s; } #endif /* set a small blank loop at the tail for avoiding abnormal loop. */ len = sp->len / 2; sample->data[len] = sample->data[len + 1] = sample->data[len + 2] = 0; if (antialiasing_allowed) antialiasing((int16 *)sample->data, sample->data_length >> FRACTION_BITS, sample->sample_rate, play_mode->rate); /* resample it if possible */ if (sample->note_to_use && !(sample->modes & MODES_LOOPING)) pre_resample(sample); /* do pitch detection on drums if surround chorus is used */ if (ip->pat.bank == 128 && opt_surround_chorus) { sample->chord = -1; sample->root_freq_detected = freq_fourier(sample, &(sample->chord)); sample->transpose_detected = assign_pitch_to_freq(sample->root_freq_detected) - assign_pitch_to_freq(sample->root_freq / 1024.0); } #ifdef LOOKUP_HACK squash_sample_16to8(sample); #endif } return inst; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * excluded samples *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int exclude_soundfont(int bank, int preset, int keynote) { SFExclude *exc; if(current_sfrec == NULL) return 1; exc = (SFExclude*)SFMalloc(current_sfrec , sizeof(SFExclude)); exc->pat.bank = bank; exc->pat.preset = preset; exc->pat.keynote = keynote; exc->next = current_sfrec->sfexclude; current_sfrec->sfexclude = exc; return 0; } /* check the instrument is specified to be excluded */ static int is_excluded(SFInsts *rec, int bank, int preset, int keynote) { SFExclude *p; for (p = rec->sfexclude; p; p = p->next) { if (p->pat.bank == bank && (p->pat.preset < 0 || p->pat.preset == preset) && (p->pat.keynote < 0 || p->pat.keynote == keynote)) return 1; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * ordered samples *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int order_soundfont(int bank, int preset, int keynote, int order) { SFOrder *p; if(current_sfrec == NULL) return 1; p = (SFOrder*)SFMalloc(current_sfrec, sizeof(SFOrder)); p->pat.bank = bank; p->pat.preset = preset; p->pat.keynote = keynote; p->order = order; p->next = current_sfrec->sforder; current_sfrec->sforder = p; return 0; } /* check the instrument is specified to be ordered */ static int is_ordered(SFInsts *rec, int bank, int preset, int keynote) { SFOrder *p; for (p = rec->sforder; p; p = p->next) { if (p->pat.bank == bank && (p->pat.preset < 0 || p->pat.preset == preset) && (p->pat.keynote < 0 || p->pat.keynote == keynote)) return p->order; } return -1; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int load_font(SFInfo *sf, int pridx) { SFPresetHdr *preset = &sf->preset[pridx]; int rc, j, nlayers; SFGenLayer *layp, *globalp; /* if layer is empty, skip it */ if ((nlayers = preset->hdr.nlayers) <= 0 || (layp = preset->hdr.layer) == NULL) return AWE_RET_SKIP; /* check global layer */ globalp = NULL; if (is_global(layp)) { globalp = layp; layp++; nlayers--; } /* parse for each preset layer */ for (j = 0; j < nlayers; j++, layp++) { LayerTable tbl; /* set up table */ clear_table(&tbl); if (globalp) set_to_table(sf, &tbl, globalp, P_GLOBAL); set_to_table(sf, &tbl, layp, P_LAYER); /* parse the instrument */ rc = parse_layer(sf, pridx, &tbl, 0); if(rc == AWE_RET_ERR || rc == AWE_RET_NOMEM) return rc; } return AWE_RET_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* parse a preset layer and convert it to the patch structure */ static int parse_layer(SFInfo *sf, int pridx, LayerTable *tbl, int level) { SFInstHdr *inst; int rc, i, nlayers; SFGenLayer *lay, *globalp; #if 0 SFPresetHdr *preset = &sf->preset[pridx]; #endif if (level >= 2) { fprintf(stderr, "parse_layer: too deep instrument level\n"); return AWE_RET_ERR; } /* instrument must be defined */ if (!tbl->set[SF_instrument]) return AWE_RET_SKIP; inst = &sf->inst[tbl->val[SF_instrument]]; /* Here, TiMidity makes the reference of the data. The real data * is loaded after. So, duplicated data is allowed */ #if 0 /* if non-standard drumset includes standard drum instruments, skip it to avoid duplicate the data */ if (def_drum_inst >= 0 && preset->bank == 128 && preset->preset != 0 && tbl->val[SF_instrument] == def_drum_inst) return AWE_RET_SKIP; #endif /* if layer is empty, skip it */ if ((nlayers = inst->hdr.nlayers) <= 0 || (lay = inst->hdr.layer) == NULL) return AWE_RET_SKIP; /* check global layer */ globalp = NULL; if (is_global(lay)) { globalp = lay; lay++; nlayers--; } /* parse for each layer */ for (i = 0; i < nlayers; i++, lay++) { LayerTable ctbl; clear_table(&ctbl); if (globalp) set_to_table(sf, &ctbl, globalp, P_GLOBAL); set_to_table(sf, &ctbl, lay, P_LAYER); if (!ctbl.set[SF_sampleId]) { /* recursive loading */ merge_table(sf, &ctbl, tbl); if (! sanity_range(&ctbl)) continue; rc = parse_layer(sf, pridx, &ctbl, level+1); if (rc != AWE_RET_OK && rc != AWE_RET_SKIP) return rc; } else { init_and_merge_table(sf, &ctbl, tbl); if (! sanity_range(&ctbl)) continue; /* load the info data */ if ((rc = make_patch(sf, pridx, &ctbl)) == AWE_RET_ERR) return rc; } } return AWE_RET_OK; } static int is_global(SFGenLayer *layer) { int i; for (i = 0; i < layer->nlists; i++) { if (layer->list[i].oper == SF_instrument || layer->list[i].oper == SF_sampleId) return 0; } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * layer table handlers *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* initialize layer table */ static void clear_table(LayerTable *tbl) { memset(tbl->val, 0, sizeof(tbl->val)); memset(tbl->set, 0, sizeof(tbl->set)); } /* set items in a layer to the table */ static void set_to_table(SFInfo *sf, LayerTable *tbl, SFGenLayer *lay, int level) { int i; for (i = 0; i < lay->nlists; i++) { SFGenRec *gen = &lay->list[i]; /* copy the value regardless of its copy policy */ tbl->val[gen->oper] = gen->amount; tbl->set[gen->oper] = level; } } /* add an item to the table */ static void add_item_to_table(LayerTable *tbl, int oper, int amount, int level) { LayerItem *item = &layer_items[oper]; int o_lo, o_hi, lo, hi; switch (item->copy) { case L_INHRT: tbl->val[oper] += amount; break; case L_OVWRT: tbl->val[oper] = amount; break; case L_PRSET: case L_INSTR: /* do not overwrite */ if (!tbl->set[oper]) tbl->val[oper] = amount; break; case L_RANGE: if (!tbl->set[oper]) { tbl->val[oper] = amount; } else { o_lo = LOWNUM(tbl->val[oper]); o_hi = HIGHNUM(tbl->val[oper]); lo = LOWNUM(amount); hi = HIGHNUM(amount); if (lo < o_lo) lo = o_lo; if (hi > o_hi) hi = o_hi; tbl->val[oper] = RANGE(lo, hi); } break; } } /* merge two tables */ static void merge_table(SFInfo *sf, LayerTable *dst, LayerTable *src) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SF_EOF; i++) { if (src->set[i]) { if (sf->version == 1) { if (!dst->set[i] || i == SF_keyRange || i == SF_velRange) /* just copy it */ dst->val[i] = src->val[i]; } else add_item_to_table(dst, i, src->val[i], P_GLOBAL); dst->set[i] = P_GLOBAL; } } } /* merge and set default values */ static void init_and_merge_table(SFInfo *sf, LayerTable *dst, LayerTable *src) { int i; /* default value is not zero */ if (sf->version == 1) { layer_items[SF_sustainEnv1].defv = 1000; layer_items[SF_sustainEnv2].defv = 1000; layer_items[SF_freqLfo1].defv = -725; layer_items[SF_freqLfo2].defv = -15600; } else { layer_items[SF_sustainEnv1].defv = 0; layer_items[SF_sustainEnv2].defv = 0; layer_items[SF_freqLfo1].defv = 0; layer_items[SF_freqLfo2].defv = 0; } /* set default */ for (i = 0; i < SF_EOF; i++) { if (!dst->set[i]) dst->val[i] = layer_items[i].defv; } merge_table(sf, dst, src); /* convert from SBK to SF2 */ if (sf->version == 1) { for (i = 0; i < SF_EOF; i++) { if (dst->set[i]) dst->val[i] = sbk_to_sf2(i, dst->val[i]); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * check key and velocity range *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int sanity_range(LayerTable *tbl) { int lo, hi; lo = LOWNUM(tbl->val[SF_keyRange]); hi = HIGHNUM(tbl->val[SF_keyRange]); if (lo < 0 || lo > 127 || hi < 0 || hi > 127 || hi < lo) return 0; lo = LOWNUM(tbl->val[SF_velRange]); hi = HIGHNUM(tbl->val[SF_velRange]); if (lo < 0 || lo > 127 || hi < 0 || hi > 127 || hi < lo) return 0; return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * create patch record from the stored data table *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef CFG_FOR_SF int opt_reverb_control; /* to avoid warning. */ static int cfg_for_sf_scan(char *name, int x_bank, int x_preset, int x_keynote_from, int x_keynote_to, int romflag); #endif static int make_patch(SFInfo *sf, int pridx, LayerTable *tbl) { int bank, preset, keynote; int keynote_from, keynote_to, done; int addr, order; InstList *ip; SFSampleInfo *sample; SampleList *sp; sample = &sf->sample[tbl->val[SF_sampleId]]; #ifdef CFG_FOR_SF cfg_for_sf_scan(sample->name,sf->preset[pridx].bank,sf->preset[pridx].preset,LOWNUM(tbl->val[SF_keyRange]), HIGHNUM(tbl->val[SF_keyRange]),sample->sampletype & SF_SAMPLETYPE_ROM); #endif if(sample->sampletype & SF_SAMPLETYPE_ROM) /* is ROM sample? */ { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG, "preset %d is ROM sample: 0x%x", pridx, sample->sampletype); return AWE_RET_SKIP; } bank = sf->preset[pridx].bank; preset = sf->preset[pridx].preset; if(bank == 128){ keynote_from = LOWNUM(tbl->val[SF_keyRange]); keynote_to = HIGHNUM(tbl->val[SF_keyRange]); } else keynote_from = keynote_to = -1; done = 0; for(keynote=keynote_from;keynote<=keynote_to;keynote++){ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG_SILLY, "SF make inst pridx=%d bank=%d preset=%d keynote=%d", pridx, bank, preset, keynote); if(is_excluded(current_sfrec, bank, preset, keynote)) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO, VERB_DEBUG_SILLY, " * Excluded"); continue; } else done++; order = is_ordered(current_sfrec, bank, preset, keynote); if(order < 0) order = current_sfrec->def_order; addr = INSTHASH(bank, preset, keynote); for(ip = current_sfrec->instlist[addr]; ip; ip = ip->next) { if(ip->pat.bank == bank && ip->pat.preset == preset && (keynote < 0 || keynote == ip->pat.keynote)) break; } if(ip == NULL) { ip = (InstList*)SFMalloc(current_sfrec, sizeof(InstList)); memset(ip, 0, sizeof(InstList)); ip->pr_idx = pridx; ip->pat.bank = bank; ip->pat.preset = preset; ip->pat.keynote = keynote; ip->order = order; ip->samples = 0; ip->slist = NULL; ip->next = current_sfrec->instlist[addr]; current_sfrec->instlist[addr] = ip; } /* new sample */ sp = (SampleList *)SFMalloc(current_sfrec, sizeof(SampleList)); memset(sp, 0, sizeof(SampleList)); sp->bank = bank; sp->keynote = keynote; if(tbl->set[SF_keynum]) { sp->v.note_to_use = (int)tbl->val[SF_keynum]; } else if(bank == 128) { sp->v.note_to_use = keynote; } make_info(sf, sp, tbl); /* add a sample */ if(ip->slist == NULL) ip->slist = sp; else { SampleList *cur, *prev; int32 start; /* Insert sample */ start = sp->start; cur = ip->slist; prev = NULL; while(cur && cur->start <= start) { prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } if(prev == NULL) { sp->next = ip->slist; ip->slist = sp; } else { prev->next = sp; sp->next = cur; } } ip->samples++; } /* for(;;) */ if(done==0) return AWE_RET_SKIP; else return AWE_RET_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * * Modified for TiMidity */ /* conver to Sample parameter */ static void make_info(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl) { set_sample_info(sf, vp, tbl); set_init_info(sf, vp, tbl); set_rootkey(sf, vp, tbl); set_rootfreq(vp); /* tremolo & vibrato */ #ifndef SF_SUPPRESS_TREMOLO convert_tremolo(vp, tbl); #endif /* SF_SUPPRESS_TREMOLO */ #ifndef SF_SUPPRESS_VIBRATO convert_vibrato(vp, tbl); #endif /* SF_SUPPRESS_VIBRATO */ } static void set_envelope_parameters(SampleList *vp) { /* convert envelope parameters */ vp->v.envelope_offset[0] = to_offset(65535); vp->v.envelope_rate[0] = vp->attack; vp->v.envelope_offset[1] = to_offset(65534); vp->v.envelope_rate[1] = vp->hold; vp->v.envelope_offset[2] = to_offset(vp->sustain); vp->v.envelope_rate[2] = vp->decay; vp->v.envelope_offset[3] = 0; vp->v.envelope_rate[3] = vp->release; vp->v.envelope_offset[4] = 0; vp->v.envelope_rate[4] = vp->release; vp->v.envelope_offset[5] = 0; vp->v.envelope_rate[5] = vp->release; /* convert modulation envelope parameters */ vp->v.modenv_offset[0] = to_offset(65535); vp->v.modenv_rate[0] = vp->modattack; vp->v.modenv_offset[1] = to_offset(65534); vp->v.modenv_rate[1] = vp->modhold; vp->v.modenv_offset[2] = to_offset(vp->modsustain); vp->v.modenv_rate[2] = vp->moddecay; vp->v.modenv_offset[3] = 0; vp->v.modenv_rate[3] = vp->modrelease; vp->v.modenv_offset[4] = 0; vp->v.modenv_rate[4] = vp->modrelease; vp->v.modenv_offset[5] = 0; vp->v.modenv_rate[5] = vp->modrelease; } /* set sample address */ static void set_sample_info(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl) { SFSampleInfo *sp = &sf->sample[tbl->val[SF_sampleId]]; /* set sample position */ vp->start = (tbl->val[SF_startAddrsHi] << 15) + tbl->val[SF_startAddrs] + sp->startsample; vp->len = (tbl->val[SF_endAddrsHi] << 15) + tbl->val[SF_endAddrs] + sp->endsample - vp->start; vp->start = abs(vp->start); vp->len = abs(vp->len); /* set loop position */ vp->v.loop_start = (tbl->val[SF_startloopAddrsHi] << 15) + tbl->val[SF_startloopAddrs] + sp->startloop - vp->start; vp->v.loop_end = (tbl->val[SF_endloopAddrsHi] << 15) + tbl->val[SF_endloopAddrs] + sp->endloop - vp->start; /* set data length */ vp->v.data_length = vp->len + 1; if (vp->v.loop_end > vp->len + 1) vp->v.loop_end = vp->len + 1; if (vp->v.loop_start > vp->len) vp->v.loop_start = vp->len; /* Sample rate */ if(sp->samplerate > 50000) {sp->samplerate = 50000;} else if(sp->samplerate < 400) {sp->samplerate = 400;} vp->v.sample_rate = sp->samplerate; /* sample mode */ vp->v.modes = MODES_16BIT; /* volume envelope & total volume */ vp->v.volume = calc_volume(tbl) * current_sfrec->amptune; #ifndef SF_SUPPRESS_ENVELOPE convert_volume_envelope(vp, tbl); #endif /* SF_SUPPRESS_ENVELOPE */ set_envelope_parameters(vp); if(tbl->val[SF_sampleFlags] == 1 || tbl->val[SF_sampleFlags] == 3) { /* looping */ vp->v.modes |= MODES_LOOPING | MODES_SUSTAIN; if(tbl->val[SF_sampleFlags] == 3) vp->v.data_length = vp->v.loop_end; /* strip the tail */ } else { /* set a small blank loop at the tail for avoiding abnormal loop. */ vp->v.loop_start = vp->len; vp->v.loop_end = vp->len + 1; } /* convert to fractional samples */ vp->v.data_length <<= FRACTION_BITS; vp->v.loop_start <<= FRACTION_BITS; vp->v.loop_end <<= FRACTION_BITS; /* point to the file position */ vp->start = vp->start * 2 + sf->samplepos; vp->len *= 2; vp->v.vel_to_fc = -2400; /* SF2 default value */ vp->v.key_to_fc = vp->v.vel_to_resonance = 0; vp->v.envelope_velf_bpo = vp->v.modenv_velf_bpo = vp->v.vel_to_fc_threshold = 64; vp->v.key_to_fc_bpo = 60; memset(vp->v.envelope_velf, 0, sizeof(vp->v.envelope_velf)); memset(vp->v.modenv_velf, 0, sizeof(vp->v.modenv_velf)); vp->v.inst_type = INST_SF2; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* set global information */ static void set_init_info(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl) { int val; SFSampleInfo *sample; sample = &sf->sample[tbl->val[SF_sampleId]]; /* key range */ if(tbl->set[SF_keyRange]) { vp->low = LOWNUM(tbl->val[SF_keyRange]); vp->high = HIGHNUM(tbl->val[SF_keyRange]); } else { vp->low = 0; vp->high = 127; } vp->v.low_freq = freq_table[(int)vp->low]; vp->v.high_freq = freq_table[(int)vp->high]; /* velocity range */ if(tbl->set[SF_velRange]) { vp->v.low_vel = LOWNUM(tbl->val[SF_velRange]); vp->v.high_vel = HIGHNUM(tbl->val[SF_velRange]); } else { vp->v.low_vel = 0; vp->v.high_vel = 127; } /* fixed key & velocity */ if(tbl->set[SF_keynum]) vp->v.note_to_use = (int)tbl->val[SF_keynum]; if(tbl->set[SF_velocity] && (int)tbl->val[SF_velocity] != 0) { ctl->cmsg(CMSG_INFO,VERB_DEBUG,"error: fixed-velocity is not supported."); } vp->v.sample_type = sample->sampletype; vp->v.sf_sample_index = tbl->val[SF_sampleId]; if (sample->sampletype == SF_SAMPLETYPE_MONO) { vp->v.sf_sample_link = -1; } else { vp->v.sf_sample_link = sample->samplelink; } /* panning position: 0 to 127 */ val = (int)tbl->val[SF_panEffectsSend]; if(sample->sampletype == SF_SAMPLETYPE_MONO || val != 0) { /* monoSample = 1 */ if(val < -500) vp->v.panning = 0; else if(val > 500) vp->v.panning = 127; else vp->v.panning = (int8)((val + 500) * 127 / 1000); } else if(sample->sampletype == SF_SAMPLETYPE_RIGHT) { /* rightSample = 2 */ vp->v.panning = 127; } else if(sample->sampletype == SF_SAMPLETYPE_LEFT) { /* leftSample = 4 */ vp->v.panning = 0; } else if(sample->sampletype == SF_SAMPLETYPE_LINKED) { /* linkedSample = 8 */ ctl->cmsg(CMSG_ERROR,VERB_NOISY,"error: linkedSample is not supported."); } memset(vp->v.envelope_keyf, 0, sizeof(vp->v.envelope_keyf)); memset(vp->v.modenv_keyf, 0, sizeof(vp->v.modenv_keyf)); if(tbl->set[SF_autoHoldEnv2]) { vp->v.envelope_keyf[1] = (int16)tbl->val[SF_autoHoldEnv2]; } if(tbl->set[SF_autoDecayEnv2]) { vp->v.envelope_keyf[2] = (int16)tbl->val[SF_autoDecayEnv2]; } if(tbl->set[SF_autoHoldEnv1]) { vp->v.modenv_keyf[1] = (int16)tbl->val[SF_autoHoldEnv1]; } if(tbl->set[SF_autoDecayEnv1]) { vp->v.modenv_keyf[2] = (int16)tbl->val[SF_autoDecayEnv1]; } #ifndef CFG_FOR_SF current_sfrec->def_cutoff_allowed = 1; current_sfrec->def_resonance_allowed = 1; #endif /* initial cutoff & resonance */ vp->cutoff_freq = 0; if((int)tbl->val[SF_initialFilterFc] < 0) tbl->set[SF_initialFilterFc] = tbl->val[SF_initialFilterFc] = 0; if(current_sfrec->def_cutoff_allowed && tbl->set[SF_initialFilterFc] && (int)tbl->val[SF_initialFilterFc] >= 1500 && (int)tbl->val[SF_initialFilterFc] <= 13500) { val = (int)tbl->val[SF_initialFilterFc]; val = abscent_to_Hz(val); #ifndef CFG_FOR_SF if(!opt_modulation_envelope) { if(tbl->set[SF_env1ToFilterFc] && (int)tbl->val[SF_env1ToFilterFc] > 0) { val *= pow(2.0,(double)tbl->val[SF_env1ToFilterFc] / 1200.0f); if(val > 20000) {val = 20000;} } } #endif vp->cutoff_freq = val; } vp->v.cutoff_freq = vp->cutoff_freq; vp->resonance = 0; if(current_sfrec->def_resonance_allowed && tbl->set[SF_initialFilterQ]) { val = (int)tbl->val[SF_initialFilterQ]; vp->resonance = val; } vp->v.resonance = vp->resonance; #if 0 /* Not supported */ /* exclusive class key */ vp->exclusiveClass = tbl->val[SF_keyExclusiveClass]; #endif } static int abscent_to_Hz(int abscents) { return (int)(8.176 * pow(2.0, (double)abscents / 1200.0)); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SF_MODENV_CENT_MAX 1200 /* Live! allows only +-1200cents. */ /* calculate root key & fine tune */ static void set_rootkey(SFInfo *sf, SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl) { SFSampleInfo *sp = &sf->sample[tbl->val[SF_sampleId]]; int temp; /* scale factor */ vp->v.scale_factor = 1024 * (double) tbl->val[SF_scaleTuning] / 100 + 0.5; /* set initial root key & fine tune */ if (sf->version == 1 && tbl->set[SF_samplePitch]) { /* set from sample pitch */ vp->root = tbl->val[SF_samplePitch] / 100; vp->tune = -tbl->val[SF_samplePitch] % 100; if (vp->tune <= -50) vp->root++, vp->tune += 100; } else { /* from sample info */ vp->root = sp->originalPitch; vp->tune = (int8) sp->pitchCorrection; } /* orverride root key */ if (tbl->set[SF_rootKey]) vp->root = tbl->val[SF_rootKey]; else if (vp->bank == 128 && vp->v.scale_factor != 0) vp->tune += (vp->keynote - sp->originalPitch) * 100 * (double) vp->v.scale_factor / 1024; vp->tune += tbl->val[SF_coarseTune] * 100 + tbl->val[SF_fineTune]; /* correct too high pitch */ if (vp->root >= vp->high + 60) vp->root -= 60; vp->v.tremolo_to_pitch = (tbl->set[SF_lfo1ToPitch]) ? tbl->val[SF_lfo1ToPitch] : 0; vp->v.tremolo_to_fc = (tbl->set[SF_lfo1ToFilterFc]) ? tbl->val[SF_lfo1ToFilterFc] : 0; vp->v.modenv_to_pitch = (tbl->set[SF_env1ToPitch]) ? tbl->val[SF_env1ToPitch] : 0; /* correct tune with the sustain level of modulation envelope */ temp = vp->v.modenv_to_pitch * (double) (1000 - tbl->val[SF_sustainEnv1]) / 1000 + 0.5; vp->tune += temp, vp->v.modenv_to_pitch -= temp; vp->v.modenv_to_fc = (tbl->set[SF_env1ToFilterFc]) ? tbl->val[SF_env1ToFilterFc] : 0; } static void set_rootfreq(SampleList *vp) { int root = vp->root; int tune = 0.5 - 256 * (double) vp->tune / 100; /* 0 <= tune < 255 */ while (tune < 0) root--, tune += 256; while (tune > 255) root++, tune -= 256; if (root < 0) { vp->v.root_freq = freq_table[0] * (double) bend_fine[tune] / bend_coarse[-root] + 0.5; vp->v.scale_freq = 0; /* scale freq */ } else if (root > 127) { vp->v.root_freq = freq_table[127] * (double) bend_fine[tune] * bend_coarse[root - 127] + 0.5; vp->v.scale_freq = 127; /* scale freq */ } else { vp->v.root_freq = freq_table[root] * (double) bend_fine[tune] + 0.5; vp->v.scale_freq = root; /* scale freq */ } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*Pseudo Reverb*/ extern int32 modify_release; /* volume envelope parameters */ static void convert_volume_envelope(SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl) { vp->attack = to_rate(65535, tbl->val[SF_attackEnv2]); vp->hold = to_rate(1, tbl->val[SF_holdEnv2]); vp->sustain = calc_sustain(tbl->val[SF_sustainEnv2]); vp->decay = to_rate(65533 - vp->sustain, tbl->val[SF_decayEnv2]); if(modify_release) /* Pseudo Reverb */ vp->release = calc_rate(65535, modify_release); else vp->release = to_rate(65535, tbl->val[SF_releaseEnv2]); vp->v.envelope_delay = play_mode->rate * to_msec(tbl->val[SF_delayEnv2]) * 0.001; /* convert modulation envelope */ vp->modattack = to_rate(65535, tbl->val[SF_attackEnv1]); vp->modhold = to_rate(1, tbl->val[SF_holdEnv1]); vp->modsustain = calc_sustain(tbl->val[SF_sustainEnv1]); vp->moddecay = to_rate(65533 - vp->modsustain, tbl->val[SF_decayEnv1]); if(modify_release) /* Pseudo Reverb */ vp->modrelease = calc_rate(65535, modify_release); else vp->modrelease = to_rate(65535, tbl->val[SF_releaseEnv1]); vp->v.modenv_delay = play_mode->rate * to_msec(tbl->val[SF_delayEnv1]) * 0.001; vp->v.modes |= MODES_ENVELOPE; } #ifndef SF_SUPPRESS_TREMOLO /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * tremolo (LFO1) conversion *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void convert_tremolo(SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl) { int32 freq; double level; if(!tbl->set[SF_lfo1ToVolume]) return; level = pow(10.0, (double)abs(tbl->val[SF_lfo1ToVolume]) / -200.0); vp->v.tremolo_depth = 256 * (1.0 - level); if((int)tbl->val[SF_lfo1ToVolume] < 0) {vp->v.tremolo_depth = -vp->v.tremolo_depth;} /* frequency in mHz */ if(!tbl->set[SF_freqLfo1]) freq = 0; else { freq = (int)tbl->val[SF_freqLfo1]; freq = TO_MHZ(freq); } /* convert mHz to sine table increment; 1024<v.tremolo_phase_increment = ((play_mode->rate / 1000 * freq) >> RATE_SHIFT) / control_ratio; vp->v.tremolo_delay = play_mode->rate * to_msec(tbl->val[SF_delayLfo1]) * 0.001; } #endif #ifndef SF_SUPPRESS_VIBRATO /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * vibrato (LFO2) conversion *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void convert_vibrato(SampleList *vp, LayerTable *tbl) { int32 shift, freq; if(!tbl->set[SF_lfo2ToPitch]) { vp->v.vibrato_control_ratio = 0; return; } shift = (int)tbl->val[SF_lfo2ToPitch]; /* cents to linear; 400cents = 256 */ shift = shift * 256 / 400; if(shift > 255) {shift = 255;} else if(shift < -255) {shift = -255;} vp->v.vibrato_depth = (int16)shift; /* frequency in mHz */ if(!tbl->set[SF_freqLfo2]) freq = 0; else { freq = (int)tbl->val[SF_freqLfo2]; freq = TO_MHZ(freq); if(freq == 0) {freq = 1;} /* convert mHz to control ratio */ vp->v.vibrato_control_ratio = (1000 * play_mode->rate) / (freq * 2 * VIBRATO_SAMPLE_INCREMENTS); } vp->v.vibrato_delay = play_mode->rate * to_msec(tbl->val[SF_delayLfo2]) * 0.001; } #endif #ifdef CFG_FOR_SF /********************************************************************* cfg for soundfont utility. demanded sources. common.c controls.c dumb_c.c instrum.c sbkconv.c sffile.c sfitem.c sndfont.c tables.c version.c mt19937ar.c quantity.c smplfile.c utils/ libarc/ additional sources (for -f option) filter.c freq.c resample.c MACRO CFG_FOR_SF *********************************************************************/ #include "freq.h" #define CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT 1 static FILE *x_out; static char x_sf_file_name[1024]; static int x_pre_bank = -1; static int x_pre_preset = -1; static int x_sort = 1; static int x_comment = 1; #if CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT static int x_fft = 0; #endif typedef struct x_cfg_info_t_ { char m_bank[128][128]; char m_preset[128][128]; char m_rom[128][128]; char *m_str[128][128]; char d_preset[128][128]; char d_keynote[128][128]; char d_rom[128][128]; char *d_str[128][128]; } x_cfg_info_t; static x_cfg_info_t x_cfg_info; static int x_cfg_info_init_flag = 0; static void x_cfg_info_init(void) { if(!x_cfg_info_init_flag){ int i,j; for(i=0;i<128;i++){ for(j=0;j<128;j++){ x_cfg_info.m_bank[i][j] = -1; x_cfg_info.m_preset[i][j] = -1; x_cfg_info.m_rom[i][j] = -1; x_cfg_info.m_str[i][j] = NULL; x_cfg_info.d_preset[i][j] = -1; x_cfg_info.d_keynote[i][j] = -1; x_cfg_info.d_rom[i][j] = -1; x_cfg_info.d_str[i][j] = NULL; } } } x_cfg_info_init_flag = 1; } static int cfg_for_sf_scan(char *x_name, int x_bank, int x_preset, int x_keynote_from, int x_keynote_to, int romflag) { int x_keynote; x_cfg_info_init(); if(x_sort){ /*if(x_bank!=x_pre_bank || x_preset!=x_pre_preset){*/ { char *str; char buff[256]; if(x_bank==128){ for(x_keynote=x_keynote_from;x_keynote<=x_keynote_from;x_keynote++){ x_cfg_info.d_preset[x_preset][x_keynote] = x_preset; x_cfg_info.d_keynote[x_preset][x_keynote] = x_keynote; if(romflag && x_cfg_info.d_rom[x_preset][x_keynote]) x_cfg_info.d_rom[x_preset][x_keynote] = 1; else x_cfg_info.d_rom[x_preset][x_keynote] = 0; str = x_cfg_info.d_str[x_preset][x_keynote]; str = (char *)safe_realloc(str,(str==NULL?0:strlen(str))+strlen(x_name)+30); if(x_cfg_info.d_str[x_preset][x_keynote]==NULL){ str[0] = '\0'; } sprintf(buff," %s",x_name); strcat(str,buff); x_cfg_info.d_str[x_preset][x_keynote] = str; } } else { char *strROM; str = x_cfg_info.m_str[x_bank][x_preset]; x_cfg_info.m_bank[x_bank][x_preset] = x_bank; x_cfg_info.m_preset[x_bank][x_preset] = x_preset; if(romflag) strROM = " (ROM)"; else strROM = ""; if(romflag && x_cfg_info.m_rom[x_bank][x_preset]) x_cfg_info.m_rom[x_bank][x_preset] = 1; else x_cfg_info.m_rom[x_bank][x_preset] = 0; str = (char *)safe_realloc(str,(str==NULL?0:strlen(str))+strlen(x_name)+30); if(x_cfg_info.m_str[x_bank][x_preset]==NULL){ str[0] = '\0'; } if(x_comment){ if(x_keynote_from!=x_keynote_to) sprintf(buff," # %d-%d:%s%s\n",x_keynote_from,x_keynote_to,x_name,strROM); else sprintf(buff," # %d:%s%s\n",x_keynote_from,x_name,strROM); strcat(str,buff); } x_cfg_info.m_str[x_bank][x_preset] = str; } } } else { if(x_bank==128){ if(x_preset!=x_pre_preset) fprintf(x_out,"drumset %d\n",x_preset); } else { if(x_bank!=x_pre_bank) fprintf(x_out,"bank %d\n",x_bank); } if(romflag){ if(x_bank==128){ for(x_keynote=x_keynote_from;x_keynote<=x_keynote_from;x_keynote++){ if(x_comment) fprintf(x_out,"# %d %%font %s %d %d %d # %s (ROM)\n",x_keynote,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset,x_keynote,x_name); else fprintf(x_out,"# %d %%font %s %d %d %d # (ROM)\n",x_keynote,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset,x_keynote); } } else { if(x_keynote_from==x_keynote_to) { if(x_comment) fprintf(x_out,"# %d %%font %s %d %d # %d:%s (ROM)\n",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset,x_keynote_from,x_name); else fprintf(x_out,"# %d %%font %s %d %d # (ROM)\n",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset); } else { if(x_comment) fprintf(x_out,"# %d %%font %s %d %d # %d-%d:%s (ROM)\n",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset,x_keynote_from,x_keynote_to,x_name); else fprintf(x_out,"# %d %%font %s %d %d # (ROM)\n",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset); } } } else { if(x_bank==128){ for(x_keynote=x_keynote_from;x_keynote<=x_keynote_from;x_keynote++){ if(x_comment) fprintf(x_out," %d %%font %s %d %d %d # %s\n",x_keynote,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset,x_keynote,x_name); else fprintf(x_out," %d %%font %s %d %d %d\n",x_keynote,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset,x_keynote); } } else { if(x_keynote_from==x_keynote_to){ if(x_comment) fprintf(x_out," %d %%font %s %d %d # %d:%s\n",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset,x_keynote_from,x_name); else fprintf(x_out," %d %%font %s %d %d\n",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset); } else { if(x_comment) fprintf(x_out," %d %%font %s %d %d # %d-%d:%s\n",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset,x_keynote_from,x_keynote_to,x_name); else fprintf(x_out," %d %%font %s %d %d\n",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_bank,x_preset); } } } } x_pre_bank = x_bank; x_pre_preset = x_preset; return 0; } PlayMode dpm = { DEFAULT_RATE, PE_16BIT|PE_SIGNED, PF_PCM_STREAM, -1, {0,0,0,0,0}, "null", 'n', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; PlayMode *play_mode = &dpm; #if !CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT int32 freq_table[1]; FLOAT_T bend_fine[1]; FLOAT_T bend_coarse[1]; void pre_resample(Sample *sp) {} void antialiasing(int16 *data, int32 data_length,int32 sample_rate, int32 output_rate) {} #endif char *wrdt = NULL; /* :-P */ #ifdef WIN32 static int ctl_open(int using_stdin, int using_stdout) { return 0;} static void ctl_close(void) {} static int ctl_read(int32 *valp) { return 0; } #include static int cmsg(int type, int verbosity_level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if ((type==CMSG_TEXT || type==CMSG_INFO || type==CMSG_WARNING) && ctl->verbosity> 3)] |= (1 << (prog & 7))) #define UNSET_PROG_MAP(map, bank, prog) ((map)[(bank << (7 - 3)) | (prog >> 3)] &= ~(1 << (prog & 7))) #define IS_SET_PROG_MAP(map, bank, prog) ((map)[(bank << (7 - 3)) | (prog >> 3)] & (1 << (prog & 7))) #endif #if CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT int check_apply_control(void) { return 0; } // not pass void dumb_pass_playing_list(int number_of_files, char *list_of_files[]) {} void recompute_freq(int v) {} // not pass int32 control_ratio = 0; int reduce_quality_flag = 0; Voice *voice = NULL; Channel channel[MAX_CHANNELS]; // from playmidi.c int32 get_note_freq(Sample *sp, int note) { int32 f; int16 sf, sn; double ratio; f = freq_table[note]; /* GUS/SF2 - Scale Tuning */ if ((sf = sp->scale_factor) != 1024) { sn = sp->scale_freq; ratio = pow(2.0, (note - sn) * (sf - 1024) / 12288.0); f = f * ratio + 0.5; } return f; } #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { SFInsts *sf; int i, x_bank, x_preset, x_keynote; int initial = 0; #if CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT uint8 fft_range[128 * 128 / 8]; int8 x_playnote[128 + 1]; char playnote_str[272], *p; /* ,0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10,...,126,127 */ #endif const char *program_name; argc--, program_name = *argv++; #if CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT memset(fft_range, 0, sizeof fft_range); #endif while(argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '-' && isalpha(argv[0][1])) { int opt_switch = 1; if(argv[0][2] == '\0') opt_switch = 1; else if(argv[0][2] == '-' && argv[0][3] == '\0') opt_switch = 0; else break; switch(argv[0][1]) { case 's': x_sort = 1; if(!opt_switch) x_sort = 0; break; case 'S': x_sort = 0; break; case 'c': x_comment = 1; if(!opt_switch) x_comment = 0; break; case 'C': x_comment = 0; break; #if CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT case 'f': case 'F': if(argc < 3) cfgforsf_usage(program_name, EXIT_FAILURE); else { const char *mask_string; int8 mask[128]; int flag, start, end; flag = argv[0][1] == 'f'; memset(mask, 0, sizeof mask); mask_string = argv[2]; do { if(string_to_7bit_range(mask_string, &start, &end)) { for(i = start; i <= end; i++) mask[i] = 1; } mask_string = strchr(mask_string, ','); } while(mask_string++ != NULL); mask_string = argv[1]; do { if(string_to_7bit_range(mask_string, &start, &end)) { x_fft = 1; while(start <= end) { for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) { if (!mask[i]) continue; if(flag) SET_PROG_MAP(fft_range, start, i); else UNSET_PROG_MAP(fft_range, start, i); } start++; } } mask_string = strchr(mask_string, ','); } while(mask_string++ != NULL); argc -= 2, argv += 2; } break; #endif default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid option %s.\n", argv[0]); cfgforsf_usage(program_name, EXIT_FAILURE); } argc--, argv++; } if(argc <= 0 || argc > 2) cfgforsf_usage(program_name, EXIT_SUCCESS); x_out = (argc < 2) ? stdout : fopen(argv[1], "w"); if (x_out == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to open %s.\n", argv[1]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #if CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT if (!x_sort && x_fft) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: -f option should be used with -s option.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(x_playnote, -1, sizeof x_playnote); #endif ctl->verbosity = -1; #ifdef SUPPORT_SOCKET /*init_mail_addr();*/ if(url_user_agent == NULL){ url_user_agent = (char *)safe_malloc(10 + strlen(timidity_version)); strcpy(url_user_agent, "TiMidity-"); strcat(url_user_agent, timidity_version); } #endif /* SUPPORT_SOCKET */ for(i = 0; url_module_list[i]; i++) url_add_module(url_module_list[i]); init_freq_table(); init_bend_fine(); init_bend_coarse(); initialize_resampler_coeffs(); control_ratio = play_mode->rate / CONTROLS_PER_SECOND; strncpy(x_sf_file_name, argv[0], 1024); sf = new_soundfont(x_sf_file_name); sf->next = NULL; sf->def_order = 2; sfrecs = sf; x_cfg_info_init(); init_sf(sf); if(strchr(x_sf_file_name, ' ') != NULL) { char quote = strchr(x_sf_file_name, '"') == NULL ? '"' : '\''; sprintf(x_sf_file_name, "%c%s%c", quote, argv[0], quote); } if(x_sort){ for(x_bank=0;x_bank<=127;x_bank++){ int flag = 0; for(x_preset=0;x_preset<=127;x_preset++){ if(x_cfg_info.m_bank[x_bank][x_preset] >= 0 && x_cfg_info.m_preset[x_bank][x_preset] >= 0){ flag = 1; } } if(!flag) continue; if(!initial){ initial = 1; fprintf(x_out,"bank %d\n",x_bank); } else fprintf(x_out,"\nbank %d\n",x_bank); for(x_preset=0;x_preset<=127;x_preset++){ if(x_cfg_info.m_bank[x_bank][x_preset] >= 0 && x_cfg_info.m_preset[x_bank][x_preset] >= 0){ if(x_cfg_info.m_rom[x_bank][x_preset]) fprintf(x_out,"# %d %%font %s %d %d # (ROM)\n%s",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_cfg_info.m_bank[x_bank][x_preset],x_cfg_info.m_preset[x_bank][x_preset],x_cfg_info.m_str[x_bank][x_preset]); else fprintf(x_out," %d %%font %s %d %d\n%s",x_preset,x_sf_file_name,x_cfg_info.m_bank[x_bank][x_preset],x_cfg_info.m_preset[x_bank][x_preset],x_cfg_info.m_str[x_bank][x_preset]); } } } for(x_preset=0;x_preset<=127;x_preset++){ int flag = 0, start; for(x_keynote=0;x_keynote<=127;x_keynote++){ if(x_cfg_info.d_preset[x_preset][x_keynote] >= 0 && x_cfg_info.d_keynote[x_preset][x_keynote] >= 0){ flag = 1; } } if(!flag) continue; if(!initial){ initial = 1; fprintf(x_out,"drumset %d\n",x_preset); } else fprintf(x_out,"\ndrumset %d\n",x_preset); for(x_keynote=0;x_keynote<=127;x_keynote++){ if(x_cfg_info.d_preset[x_preset][x_keynote] >= 0 && x_cfg_info.d_keynote[x_preset][x_keynote] >= 0){ if(x_cfg_info.d_rom[x_preset][x_keynote]){ if(x_comment) fprintf(x_out,"# %d %%font %s 128 %d %d #%s (ROM)\n",x_keynote,x_sf_file_name,x_cfg_info.d_preset[x_preset][x_keynote],x_cfg_info.d_keynote[x_preset][x_keynote],x_cfg_info.d_str[x_preset][x_keynote]); else fprintf(x_out,"# %d %%font %s 128 %d %d # (ROM)\n",x_keynote,x_sf_file_name,x_cfg_info.d_preset[x_preset][x_keynote],x_cfg_info.d_keynote[x_preset][x_keynote]); } else { if(x_comment) fprintf(x_out," %d %%font %s 128 %d %d #%s\n",x_keynote,x_sf_file_name,x_cfg_info.d_preset[x_preset][x_keynote],x_cfg_info.d_keynote[x_preset][x_keynote],x_cfg_info.d_str[x_preset][x_keynote]); else fprintf(x_out," %d %%font %s 128 %d %d\n",x_keynote,x_sf_file_name,x_cfg_info.d_preset[x_preset][x_keynote],x_cfg_info.d_keynote[x_preset][x_keynote]); #if CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT if(IS_SET_PROG_MAP(fft_range, x_preset, x_keynote)) { Instrument *inst; float freq; int chord, note; inst = try_load_soundfont(sf, -1, 128, x_preset, x_keynote); if(inst != NULL) { freq = freq_fourier(inst->sample, &chord); if (freq != 260) { /* 260 Hz is only returned when pitch is uncertain */ x_playnote[x_keynote] = assign_pitch_to_freq(freq); } free_instrument(inst); } } #endif } } } #if CFG_FOR_SF_SUPPORT_FFT for(x_keynote = 0; x_keynote <= 127;) { if (x_playnote[x_keynote] == -1) { x_keynote++; continue; } p = playnote_str; flag = x_playnote[x_keynote]; do { start = x_keynote; while (x_playnote[x_keynote] = -1, ++x_keynote <= 127) { if (x_playnote[x_keynote] != flag) break; } if (x_keynote - start == 1) p += sprintf(p, ",%d", start); else p += sprintf(p, ",%d%c%d", start, (x_keynote - start > 2) ? '-' : ',', x_keynote - 1); while (x_keynote <= 127 && x_playnote[x_keynote] == -1) x_keynote++; } while(x_keynote <= 127 && x_playnote[x_keynote] == flag); fprintf(x_out, "#extension playnote %s %d\n", &playnote_str[1], flag); } #endif } } if(x_out!=stdout) fclose(x_out); return 0; } #endif /* CFG_FOR_SF */