Oracle8i Error Messages
Release 8.1.5






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Preprocessor (PR2)

PR2-00100 Unable to initialize PL/SQL

Cause: The precompiler connected to Oracle but could not invoke the PL/SQL engine. This error can result if an earlier release of Oracle7 is used without the Procedural Option.

Action: To use PL/SQL, upgrade to a more recent release of Oracle7.

PR2-00101 Unable to open input file

Cause: The precompiler could not open the input file. This is the .pc file specified in the INAME=option. This means that the file does not exist, that a directory was incorrectly specified in the path name, or that the person running the precompiler does not have read permission for the file. This message could also result from operating-system errors. For example, an unmounted file system or disk I/O errors, could trigger this error.

Action: Check that permission to read the file exists and that the full path name has been specified correctly. Check for operating system problems. See also the operating system-specific Oracle documentation.

PR2-00102 Fatal error while doing C preprocessing

Cause: The precompiler issues this message after a more specific message.

Action: Correct the problem specified in the previous message or messages.

PR2-00103 Password:

Cause: The username was specified on the command line without a password. For example:

proc sqlcheck=full iname=sample1.pc userid=scott

Action: Re-enter the command line, and include the password or specify the password when prompted.

PR2-00104 Unable to connect to Oracle

Cause: The precompiler could not connect to Oracle with the username, password, and, if applicable, database link that was supplied. Note that this is a precompiler message, not a runtime message. This means that the USERID option value, either on the command line or in a configuration file, was incorrect.

Action: Check that the username and password are current and correct. Run SQL*DBA or SQL*Plus and verify that connection can be made using that username and password.

PR2-00105 Unable to open list file

Cause: The precompiler could not open the listing file. This message can result from many causes. For example:

  • A path name for a specified listing file contains a non-existent directory.

  • An operating-system error occurred because the file system or disk is full.

  • Write permission on the specified directory has not been granted.

Action: Track down the cause of the error, as suggested above, and correct it.

PR2-00106 Userid only used when SQLCHECK = FULL, userid ignored.

Cause: The USERID option was specified on the command line, but SQLCHECK was not equal to FULL or SEMANTICS. The USERID has no effect, unless SQLCHECK=FULL or SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS. This is a warning message only.

Action: No action required.

PR2-00107 You may not specify PARSE = FULL when CODE = CPP

Cause: The PARSE=FULL and CODE=CPP options were both specified on the command line. The PARSE=FULL option invokes the C parser which does not understand any C++ constructs generated by the precompiler with CODE=CPP option.

Action: Set the PARSE option to either NONE or PARTIAL if the CODE=CPP option is specified.

PR2-00108 UNSAFE_NULL=YES allowed if MODE=ORACLE and DBMS=V7 or V8

Cause: UNSAFE_NULL=YES was specified on the command line, but either the MODE was not ORACLE or the DBMS was not V7 or V8.

Action: Specify MODE=ORACLE and DBMS=V7 or V8 when using UNSAFE_NULL=YES.

PR2-00109 SQLCHECK=NONE is no longer supported.. using SYNTAX

Cause: SQLCHECK=NONE was specified on the command line but is no longer a supported option. SQLCHECK=SYNTAX was used instead.

Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning, specify SQLCHECK=SYNTAX or SQLCHECK=SEMANTICS.

PR2-00110 DBMS=V6_CHAR is deprecated. Use CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2, DBMS=V7 instead

Cause: DBMS=V6_CHAR was specified on the command line but is no longer a supported option. The options CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 and DBMS=V7 were used instead.

Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning, specify CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 and, if required, DBMS=V7.

PR2-00111 CHAR_MAP option ignored. Only CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 allowed for DBMS=V6

Cause: DBMS=V6 was specified, and CHAR_MAP was specified with a value other than VARCHAR2. The CHAR_MAP value is ignored.

Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning, specify a DBMS value other than DBMS=V6 or use CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2.

PR2-00112 OBJECTS option ignored. OBJECTS=YES is not allowed for DBMS=V6 or V7.

Cause: OBJECTS=YES was specified on the Pro*C command line, but the DBMS option value was not valid.

Action: This is a warning message only. To avoid this warning for OBJECTS=YES, use DBMS=V8 or DBMS=NATIVE with a V8 database.

PR2-00113 DBMS=V6 no longer supported; using DBMS=NATIVE, CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2.

Cause: DBMS=V6 was specified on the command line, but is no longer a supported option value. The options DBMS=NATIVE and CHAR_MAP=VARCHAR2 were used instead.

Action: Check your program to verify that you are not depending on any V6 behavior. Refer to the Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide for effects of specifying DBMS=V6.

PR2-00114 Command line argument MODE=ANSI may not be used with DBMS=V6

Cause: The semantics of certain operations (such as character comparison) in Oracle version ^ are not 100% compliant with the ANSI/ISO SQL standards. When V6 semantics are requested, using the DBMS=V6 or DBMS=V6_CHAR option, precompilation with MODE=ANSI is not permitted.

Action: Do not use ANSI mode with V6 options.

PR2-00115 Unable to open output file for writing

Cause: An attempt was made to precompile a header file where the output data file could not be opened (or created) for writing.

Action: Check for appropriate permissions on the directory and possibly file objects (if a data file already exists) to make sure that write permissions have been granted.

PR2-00116 You must specify a file extension using the HEADER option

Cause: An attempt was made to precompile a header file without specifying the name of the extension to use when creating the generated data file.

Action: Use the HEADER option to specify the name of a file extension to use when creating a data file for a precompiled header.


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