Oracle8i Error Messages
Release 8.1.5






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PL/SQL and FIPS Messages (PLS)

This chapter lists messages generated by PL/SQL. For more information about PL/SQL, refer to the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference.

PLS-00102 parser stack overflow because nesting is too deep

Cause: The parser, which checks the syntax of PL/SQL statements, uses a data structure called a stack; the number of levels of nesting in the PL/SQL block exceeded the stack capacity.

Action: Reorganize the block structure to avoid nesting at too deep a level. For example, move the lowest-level sub-block to a higher level.

PLS-00103 found 'string' but expected one of the following: 'string'"},

Cause: This error message is from the parser. It found a token (language element) that is inappropriate in this context.

Action: Check previous tokens as well as the one given in the error message. The line and column numbers given in the error message refer to the end of the faulty language construct.

PLS-00104 empty argument list in call of procedure 'string' must be omitted

Cause: In a subprogram call, the name of the subprogram was followed by an empty parameter list. For example, procedure P was called as P(). This is not allowed.

Action: Remove the empty parameter list. In the example, change the procedure call to P.

PLS-00105 at most one forward declaration of type 'string' is permitted

Cause: More than one forward declaration of a type is redundant.

Action: Remove all but one forward declaration.

PLS-00108 declarative units must be a single variable declaration

Cause: While checking a declarative unit (a top-level declare block without the BEGIN...END), PL/SQL found that there was more than one item declared or that the item was not a variable declaration. A table is a common variable declaration at the unit level. To define a TABLE, compile a DECLARE compilation unit, but only one at a time is allowed.

Action: Declare variables in separate declarative units.

PLS-00109 unknown exception name 'string' in PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT

Cause: No declaration for the exception name referenced in an EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was found within the scope of the pragma.

Action: Make sure the pragma follows the exception declaration and is within the same scope.

PLS-00110 bind variable 'string' not allowed in this context

Cause: A bind variable, that is, an identifier prefixed with a colon, was found in an inappropriate context.

Action: Remove the colon or replace the bind variable with the appropriate object.

PLS-00111 end-of-file in comment

Cause: A Comment had a comment initiator (/*), but before the Comment terminator (*/) was found, an end-of-file marker was encountered.

Action: Remove the Comment initiator or add a comment terminator. The line and column numbers accompanying the error message refer to the beginning of the last legal token before the Comment initiator.

PLS-00112 end-of-line in quoted identifier

Cause: A quoted identifier had a beginning quote ("), but before the ending quote (") was found, an end-of-line marker was encountered.

Action: Remove the beginning quote or add the ending quote. The line and column numbers accompanying the error message refer to the beginning of the quoted identifier.

PLS-00113 END identifier 'string' must match 'string' at line string, column string

Cause: Following the keyword END, which terminates some language constructs (such as loops, blocks, functions, and procedures), you can optionally place the name of that construct. For example, at the end of the definition of loop L you might write END L. This error occurs when the optional name does not match the name given to the language construct. It is usually caused by a misspelled identifier or by faulty block structure.

Action: Make sure the spelling of the END identifier matches the name given to the language construct and that the block structure is correct.

PLS-00114 identifier 'string' too long

Cause: The name of a PL/SQL variable is longer than 30 characters. Legal identifiers (including quoted identifiers) have a maximum length of 30 characters. A string literal might have been mistakenly enclosed in double quotes instead of single quotes, in which case PL/SQL considers it a quoted identifier.

Action: Shorten the identifier.

PLS-00115 this PRAGMA must follow the declaration of 'string'

Cause: The pragma refers to a PL/SQL object that was not declared or is not within the scope of the reference. Identifiers must be declared before they are used in a pragma; forward references are not allowed.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00116 Duplicate where-clause in table expression

Cause: Two or more WHERE clauses were found in a DELETE, SELECT, or UPDATE statement. The WHERE clause specifies a condition under which rows in a table are processed. The condition can contain several logical expressions connected by AND or OR, but a statement can contain only one WHERE clause.

Action: Remove one of the WHERE clauses and, if necessary, connect logical expressions by AND or OR.

PLS-00117 Duplicate connect-by clause in table expression

Cause: Two or more CONNECT BY clauses were found in a SELECT statement. The CONNECT BY clause defines a relationship used to return rows in a hierarchical order. The relationship can contain two expressions separated by a relational operator (such as = or !=), but a statement can contain only one CONNECT BY clause.

Action: Remove one of the CONNECT BY clauses and, if necessary, separate expressions by a relational operator.

PLS-00118 Duplicate group-by clause in table expression

Cause: Two or more GROUP BY clauses were found in a SELECT statement. The GROUP BY clause lists column expressions used to form a summary row for each group of selected rows. The list can contain several column expressions separated by commas, but a statement can contain only one GROUP BY clause.

Action: Remove one of the GROUP BY clauses and, if necessary, separate column expressions by commas.

PLS-00119 Duplicate having-clause in table expression

Cause: Two or more HAVING clauses were found in a SELECT statement. The HAVING clause specifies a condition under which groups of rows (formed by the GROUP BY clause) are included in the result. The condition can include several logical expressions connected by AND or OR, but a statement can contain only one HAVING clause.

Action: Remove one of the HAVING clauses and, if necessary, connect logical expressions by AND or OR.

PLS-00120 inappropriate argument in OPEN statement

Cause: The CURSOR_NAME parameter in an OPEN statement is misspelled or does not refer to a legally declared cursor.

Action: Check the spelling of the CURSOR_NAME parameter. Make sure the cursor was declared properly.

PLS-00121 only the set function COUNT may take * as an argument

Cause: The asterisk (*) option was used in the argument list of a SQL group function other than COUNT. For example, the code might look like:

SELECT SUM(*) INTO emp_count FROM emp;  -- should be COUNT(*) 

Only COUNT permits the use of the asterisk option, which returns the number of rows in a table.

Action: Remove the asterisk option from the argument list and replace it with an expression that refers to one or more database columns.

PLS-00122 USING is not allowed on this function

Cause: USING rather than a comma is separating function arguments, but the function is not a built-in for which this is expected.

Action: Change the argument specification or the function name.

PLS-00123 program too large

Cause: PL/SQL was designed primarily for robust transaction processing. One consequence of the special-purpose design is that the PL/SQL compiler imposes a limit on block size. The limit depends on the mix of statements in the PL/SQL block. Blocks that exceed the limit cause this error.

Action: The best solution is to modularize the program by defining subprograms, which can be stored in an Oracle database. Another solution is to break the program into two sub-blocks. Have the first block INSERT any data the second block needs into a temporary database table. Then, have the second block SELECT the data from the table.

PLS-00124 name of exception expected for first arg in exception_init pragma

Cause: The first argument passed to the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was something other than an exception name. The first argument must be the name of a legally declared exception.

Action: Replace the first argument with the name of a legally declared exception.

PLS-00125 type name expected

Cause: When a constant or variable was declared, its datatype was not specified. For example, the code might look like:

pi  CONSTANT := 3.14159;  -- should be CONSTANT REAL := 3.14159 

Every constant and variable must have a datatype, which specifies a storage format, constraints, and valid range of values.

Action: Supply the type name.

PLS-00126 selector ALL is not allowed

Cause: The ALL shortcut for specifying system privileges or statement options was used in a SQL statement. PL/SQL does not support the ALL shortcut.

Action: Remove the ALL shortcut from the SQL statement.

PLS-00127 Pragma string is not a supported pragma

Cause: The named pragma (compiler directive) is not among those supported by PL/SQL. The pragma name might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty.

Action: Check the spelling of the pragma name, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00128 Illegal number of arguments for pragma string

Cause: The number of arguments (actual parameters) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) is incorrect. A required argument was omitted from the argument list, or the pragma syntax is faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Supply the missing argument, or correct the faulty syntax.

PLS-00129 Pragma INTERFACE only supports C as its first argument

Cause: The first parameter passed to pragma INTERFACE specified a host language other than C. Currently, C is the only host language supported. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the first parameter, which should be C, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00130 Pragma string expects 1st argument to be a procedure/function/package/cursor

Cause: The first argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not the name of a subprogram, package, or cursor, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the first parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00131 Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be a procedure

Cause: The second argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not the name of a procedure, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the second parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00132 Pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES does not support string

Cause: One of the parameters passed to pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES was not among the following, as required: WNDS, WNPS, RNDS, RNPS. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters)

Action: Check the spelling of all the parameters, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00133 Pragma string expects 1st argument to be an identifier or string-literal

Cause: The first argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not an identifier or string literal, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the first parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00134 Pragma string expects 2nd argument to be an identifier or string-literal

Cause: The second argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not an identifier or string literal, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the second parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00135 Pragma string expects 3rd argument to be an identifier, string or numeric literal

Cause: The third argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not an identifier or string literal, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the third parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00138 Precision for a binary type must be one of 8, 16, or 32

Cause: Invalid precision was specified for a signed or unsigned binary type.

Action: Specify precision as one of 8, 16, or 32.

PLS-00139 duplicate external NAME specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external NAME specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external NAME specifications.

PLS-00140 duplicate external LIBRARY specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external LIBRARY specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external LIBRARY specifications.

PLS-00141 duplicate external PARAMETER STYLE specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external PARAMETER STYLE specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external PARAMETER STYLE specifications.

PLS-00142 duplicate external PARAMETER list specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external PARAMETER STYLE specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external PARAMETER STYLE specifications.

PLS-00143 duplicate external LANGUAGE specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external LANGUAGE specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external LANGUAGE specifications.

PLS-00144 duplicate external CALLING STANDARD specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external CALLING STANDARD specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external CALLING STANDARD specifications.

PLS-00145 duplicate external WITH CONTEXT specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external WITH CONTEXT specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external WITH CONTEXT specifications.

PLS-00146 duplicate external TRUSTED/UNTRUSTED specification in subprogram expression

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two external TRUSTED/UNTRUSTED specifications.

Action: Remove one of the external TRUSTED/UNTRUSTED specifications.

PLS-00147 LIBRARY file specification string is empty

Cause: A zero-length string was found for the LIBRARY file specification.

Action: Specify a non-zero length string for the LIBRARY file specification.

PLS-00148 Only 1 pragma of this type is allowed per subprogram

Cause: The subprogram was found to have two PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES.

Action: Remove one of the PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES.

PLS-00150 found: string but expected : INTEGER

Cause: This error happens in the creation of a PL/SQL external type: [SIGNED | UNSIGNED] BINARY INTEGER (precision). It may be referenced only in a create type statement. Such types are non-queryable. Something other than 'INTEGER' was supplied.

Action: Use a different type and retry the operation.

PLS-00151 Expression or Variable is an illegal type to PLS/QL: string

Cause: A type was used which does not belong PL/SQL. This type can only be referenced in CREATE TYPE statements, and is a non-queryable data type.

Action: Use a different type and retry the operation.

PLS-00152 POINTER type may only reference an object type.

Cause: A POINTER type which does not belong to PL/SQL can only refer to an object type. This type can only be referenced in CREATE TYPE statements, and is a non-queryable data type.

Action: Use a different type and retry the operation.

PLS-00153 A string type may only be used as an object type attribute.

Cause: A POINTER or [SIGNED/UNSIGNED] BINARY INTEGER can only be used as attributes of object types. These types can only be referenced in CREATE TYPE statements, and are non-queryable data types. One of these external PL/SQL types outside of an object type.

Action: Use a different type and retry the operation.

PLS-00154 An object type may have only 1 MAP or 1 ORDER method.

Cause: More than one map or order function was declared. An object type can have only one map function or one order function, but not both.

Action: Delete all but one of the MAP or ORDER functions on the type.

PLS-00155 Only a function may be a MAP or ORDER method.

Cause: A member procedure was declared as either a map or order method. Only member functions can be map or order methods.

Action: Change the procedure to a function.

PLS-00156 Null constraints not supported for object attributes.

Cause: A null constraint was specified for an attribute in an object. This is not supported.

Action: Remove the constraint.

PLS-00157 AUTHID only allowed on schema-level programs

Cause: An AUTHID clause was specified for a subprogram inside a package or type. These clauses are only supported for top-level stored procedures, packages, and types.

Action: Remove the clause.

PLS-00158 AUTHID and SQL_NAME_RESOLVE clauses must match

Cause: The AUTHID and SQL_NAME_RESOLVE clauses must specify the same user (either CURRENT_USER or DEFINER).

Action: Make the clauses match.

PLS-00159 AUTHID/SQL_NAME_RESOLVE on spec and body must match

Cause: The AUTHID clause for a type/package specification and the SQL_NAME_RESOLVE clause for its body must both be the same (either CURRENT_USER or DEFINER).

Action: Make sure the clauses match.


Cause: The only two allowed options for AUTHID are CURRENT_USER and DEFINER.

Action: Fix the AUTHID clause to specify CURRENT_USER or DEFINER.

PLS-00161 Pragma string expects 3rd argument to be an identifier or a string literal

Cause: The third argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not an identifier or a string literal when there is a fourth argument to the pragma. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the third parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00162 Pragma string expects 4th argument to be a positive integer literal

Cause: The fourth argument (actual parameter) passed to the named pragma (compiler directive) was not a numeric literal, as required. The parameter might be misspelled, or the pragma syntax might be faulty (for example, a comma might be missing between two parameters).

Action: Check the spelling of the fourth parameter, and make sure the proper syntax was used.

PLS-00164 cursor subqueries are not supported in this release

Cause: This feature is not yet implemented.

Action: No action required.

PLS-00165 call statement is not supported in PL/SQL

Cause: A CALL statement was found in PL/SQL source.

Action: Use an ordinary PL/SQL function or procedure call.

PLS-00201 identifier 'string' must be declared

Cause: An attempt was made to reference either an undeclared variable, exception, procedure, or other item, or an item to which no privilege was granted or an item to which privilege was granted only through a role.


  1. Check your spelling and declaration of the referenced name.

  2. Verify that the declaration for the referenced item is placed correctly in the block structure.

  3. If the referenced item is indeed declared but you do not have privileges to refer to that item, for security reasons, you will be notified only that the item is not declared.

  4. If the referenced item is indeed declared and you believe that you have privileges to refer to that item, check the privileges; if the privileges were granted only via a role, then this is expected and documented behavior.

Stored objects (packages, procedures, functions, triggers, views) run in the security domain of the object owner with no roles enabled except PUBLIC. Again, you will be notified only that the item was not declared.

PLS-00202 type 'string' must be declared

Cause: An attempt was made to reference an undefined type. Either the type specifier was not declared or it is not within the scope of the reference.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the type specifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00203 function DECODE must be called with at least 3 non-boolean arguments

Cause: Less than three arguments were passed to the built-in function DECODE. Though DECODE takes a variable number of (non-Boolean) arguments, at least three arguments must be passed.

Action: Call DECODE with three or more arguments.

PLS-00204 function or pseudo-column 'string' may be used inside a SQL statement only

Cause: A pseudocolumn or proscribed function was used in a procedural statement. The SQL pseudocolumns (CURRVAL, LEVEL, NEXTVAL, ROWID, ROWNUM) can be used only in SQL statements. Likewise, certain functions such as DECODE, DUMP, and VSIZE and the SQL group functions (AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, STDDEV, VARIANCE) can be used only in SQL statements.

Action: Remove the pseudocolumn reference or function call from the procedural statement. Or, replace the procedural statement with a SELECT INTO statement; for example, replace:

bonus := DECODE(rating, 1, 5000, 2, 2500, ...); 

with the following statement:

SELECT DECODE(rating, 1, 5000, 2, 2500, ...) INTO bonus FROM dual; 

PLS-00205 Aggregate not allowed here

Cause: An aggregate, that is, a parenthesized list of values such as (7788, 'SCOTT', 20), was found in an inappropriate context.

Action: Remove or relocate the aggregate.

PLS-00206 %TYPE must be applied to a variable, column, field or attribute, not to "string"

Cause: The program object declared using the %TYPE datatype attribute is not of the appropriate class. It must be a variable, column, record component, subprogram formal parameter, or other object to which values can be assigned.

Action: Declare an object of the appropriate class or define the datatype in another way (for example, use %ROWTYPE).

PLS-00207 identifier 'string', applied to implicit cursor SQL, is not a legal cursor attribute

Cause: An identifier that is not a cursor attribute was applied to the identifier SQL. For example, this error occurs if the cursor attribute is misspelled.

Action: Check the spelling of the cursor attribute name. Make sure the attribute is one of these: %NOTFOUND, %FOUND, %ROWCOUNT, %ISOPEN.

PLS-00208 identifier 'string' is not a legal cursor attribute

Cause: An identifier not declared as a cursor attribute was applied to an identifier declared as a cursor. For example, this error occurs if the cursor attribute is misspelled.

Action: Check the spelling of the cursor attribute name. Make sure the attribute is one of these: %NOTFOUND, %FOUND, %ROWCOUNT, %ISOPEN.

PLS-00209 table 'string' is not in FROM clause

Cause: In a query, a table referenced by the select list is not named in the FROM clause.

Action: Check the spelling of the table names, make sure each column in the select list refers to a table in the FROM clause, then re-execute the query.

PLS-00210 an OTHERS clause is required in this CASE statement

Cause: Unless the clauses of a CASE statement mention all values of the type of the selecting expression, an OTHERS clause must be provided as the last clause of the CASE statement. It is impossible to cover all values of type INTEGER (or NUMBER), so an OTHERS clause is always required when the expression following the keyword CASE is of type INTEGER (or NUMBER).

Action: No action required since CASE statement not supported in releases 1.x,2.x, or 3.x.

PLS-00211 CASE labels or ranges must not be duplicated in different WHEN clauses

Cause: In this CASE statement, a value appears in more than one WHEN clause. A value may appear in at most one WHEN clause of a CASE statement.

Action: No action required since CASE statement not supported in releases 1.x,2.x, or 3.x.

PLS-00212 could not obtain enough memory to compile CASE statement

Cause: The CASE statement is too big. The compiler did not have enough storage to process it.

Action: No action required since CASE statement not supported in releases 1.x,2.x, or 3.x.

PLS-00213 package STANDARD not accessible

Cause: The PL/SQL compiler could not find package STANDARD in the current Oracle database. To compile a program, PL/SQL needs package STANDARD.

Action: Make sure that package STANDARD is available in the current Oracle database, then retry the operation.

PLS-00214 BEGIN...END block nesting is too deep

Cause: The number of levels of nesting in the PL/SQL block is too large. Blocks can be nested up to 255 levels deep, depending on the availability of system resources such as memory.

Action: Reorganize the block structure to avoid nesting at too deep a level. For example, move the lowest-level sub-block to a higher level.

PLS-00215 String length constraints must be in range (1 .. 32767)

Cause: When a character variable was declared, a length outside the legal range was specified. For example, the following declarations are illegal:

flag CHAR(0);        -- illegal; zero length 
name  VARCHAR2(-10);  -- illegal; negative length

Action: Change the length constraint, making sure that it lies in the range 1 .. 32767.

PLS-00216 NUMBER precision constraint must be in range (1 .. 38)

Cause: A NUMBER variable was declared with a precision that is outside the legal range. Declarations such as N NUMBER(800) or N NUMBER(123,10) are not supported.

Action: Change the illegal NUMBER precision constraint, making sure that it lies in the range 1 .. 38.

PLS-00217 NUMBER scale constraint must be in range (-84 .. 127)

Cause: A NUMBER variable was declared with a scale that is outside the legal range. Declarations such as N NUMBER(10,345) or N NUMBER(10,-100) are not supported.

Action: Change the illegal NUMBER scale constraint, making sure that it lies in the range -84 .. 127.

PLS-00218 a variable declared NOT NULL must have an initialization assignment

Cause: In general, variables that have no initialization clause in their declaration are automatically initialized to NULL. This is illogical for NOT NULL variables; therefore, an initialization clause is required.

Action: Add an initialization clause to the variable declaration. If the initialization is too complicated for the syntax, one can add a function call (in a later release).

PLS-00219 label 'string' reference is out of scope

Cause: A block or loop label was used to qualify a variable (as in that was not declared or is not within the scope of the label. The variable name might be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the variable name. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00220 simple name required in this context

Cause: A qualified name such as A.B or A.B.C is not permitted here.

Action: Use a simple name such as A instead.

PLS-00221 'string' is not a procedure or is undefined

Cause: An identifier being referenced as a procedure was not declared or actually represents another object (for example, it might have been declared as a function).

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00222 no function with name 'string' exists in this scope

Cause: An identifier being referenced as a function was not declared or actually represents another object (for example, it might have been declared as a procedure).

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00223 paramaterless procedure 'string' used as function

Cause: An identifier being referenced as a parameterless function actually represents a procedure.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure. If necessary, change the declaration of the identifier or change the reference so that it does not require a return value.

PLS-00224 object 'string' must be of type function or array to be used this way

Cause: An identifier being referenced as a function or an array actually represents an object (a number or date, for example) that cannot be referenced in this way.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00225 subprogram or cursor 'string' reference is out of scope

Cause: A subprogram or cursor references a variable that was not declared or is not within the scope of the subprogram or cursor. The variable name might be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the variable name. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00226 package 'string' used as variable reference

Cause: A package was referenced in an expression as if it were a variable or function. Either the name of the variable or function is misspelled or the reference is not fully qualified. For example, to call the function my_function, which is stored in package my_package, dot notation must be used, as follows:

... my_package.my_function ...

Action: Correct the spelling of the variable or function name or use dot notation to reference the packaged variable or function.

PLS-00227 subprogram 'in' formal string is not yet denotable

Cause: When the formal parameters of a subprogram were declared, one parameter was used to initialize another, as in:

PROCEDURE my_proc (j NUMBER, k NUMBER := j) IS ...  

The first parameter has no value until run time, so it cannot be used to initialize another parameter.

Action: Remove the illegal formal parameter reference.

PLS-00228 Illegal declaration of variable of type LONG

Cause: An attempt was made to declare a variables to be of type LONG. Only columns can be of type LONG.

Action: Remove the offending variable definition.

PLS-00229 Attribute expression within SQL expression

Cause: An attribute expression, such as SQL%NOTFOUND, was used in a SQL statement, but attribute expressions are allowed only in procedural statements.

Action: To workaround this limitation, assign the value of the attribute expression to a variable, then use the variable in the SQL statement. For example, replace the statement:


with the following statements:

row_count := c1%ROWCOUNT;
INSERT INTO audits VALUES (row_count, ...);

PLS-00230 OUT and IN OUT formal parameters may not have default expressions

Cause: When the formal parameters of a procedure were declared, an OUT or IN OUT parameter was initialized to a default value, as in:

PROCEDURE calc_bonus (bonus OUT REAL := 00000, ...) IS ... 

However, only IN parameters can be initialized to default values.

Action: Remove the illegal default expression.

PLS-00231 function 'string' may not be used in SQL

Cause: A proscribed function was used in a SQL statement. Certain functions such as SQLCODE and SQLERRM can be used only in procedural statements.

Action: Remove the function call from the SQL statement. Or, replace the function call with a local variable. For example, the following statement is illegal:


However, you can assign the values of SQLCODE and SQLERRM to local variables, then use the variables in the SQL statement, as follows:

err_num := SQLCODE;
err_msg := SQLERRM;  
INSERT INTO errors VALUES (err_num, err_msg); 

PLS-00232 nested packages not permitted

Cause: A package was declared inside another package, but package declarations are allowed only at the top level. In other words, packages cannot be nested.

Action: Move the package declaration outside the enclosing package.

PLS-00233 function name used as an exception name in when clause

Cause: The WHEN clause in an exception handler contains a function call instead of an exception name. A valid exception handler consists of a WHEN clause, which must specify an exception, followed by a sequence of statements to be executed when that exception is raised.

Action: Check the spelling of the identifier in the WHEN clause, then replace the function call with an exception name.

PLS-00234 PARAMETER STYLE SQL may not be specified with a PARAMATERS list

Cause: A subprogram cannot specify both PARAMETER STYLE SQL and an explicit PARAMETERS list. Use PARAMETER STYLE GENERAL to supply default PARAMETERS list types.

Action: Change the subprogram specification.

PLS-00235 the external type is not appropriate for the parameter

Cause: An unsuccessful attempt was made to convert a parameter to the specified external parameter type.

Action: Specify a different external type or parameter type.

PLS-00236 Invalid external type specification for string.

Cause: The external type specified is not valid for one of the following: INDICATOR, LENGTH, MAXLEN, TDO, DURATION, CHARSETID, or CHARSETFORM.

Action: Check PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference and specify an appropriate external type.

PLS-00237 invalid BY VALUE indicator or length specification

Cause: BY VALUE was specified with an indicator or length parameter that is being passed in OUT or IN OUT mode. Only IN mode parameters may be passed by value.

Action: Remove the BY VALUE specification or change it to IN mode.

PLS-00238 external parameter name string not found in formal parameter list

Cause: An external parameter name was specified that does not match one in the formal parameter list.

Action: Correct the external parameter name.

PLS-00239 invalid external type specification for SQLCODE

Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the SQLCODE parameter.

Action: Correct the SQLCODE parameter specification.

PLS-00240 Invalid type specification for RETURN indicator, length, tdo, duration

Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the RETURN indicator, LENGTH, TDO, or DURATION.

Action: Correct the RETURN parameter specification.

PLS-00241 invalid external type specification for SQLSTATE

Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the SQLSTATE parameter.

Action: Correct the SQLSTATE parameter specification.

PLS-00242 invalid external type specification for CONTEXT

Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the CONTEXT parameter.

Action: Correct the CONTEXT parameter specification.

PLS-00243 invalid external type specification for SQLNAME

Cause: An inappropriate external parameter type was specified for the SQLNAME parameter.

Action: Correct the SQLNAME parameter specification.

PLS-00244 Multiple declarations in foreign function formal parameter list

Cause: There are multiple declarations of at least one the following FORMAL, INDICATOR, LENGTH, MAXLENGTH, or CONTEXT. PL/SQL allows only one declaration of the above for each formal parameter in the PARAMETERS clause.

Action: Correct the PARAMETERS clause.

PLS-00245 Formals used in the 'parameters' clause must appear exactly once

Cause: There are multiple declarations of the formal parameter in the PARAMETERS clause. PL/SQL allows only one declaration of the formal parameter in the PARAMETERS clause.

Action: Correct the PARAMETERS clause.

PLS-00246 PARAMETER STYLE is unsupported

Cause: A PARAMETER STYLE clause was placed in the external subprogram body.

Action: Remove the PARAMETER STYLE clause.

PLS-00247 LIBRARY name must be specified

Cause: The LIBRARY name is missing from the external subprogram body.

Action: The LIBRARY name was not specified in the external subprogram body.

PLS-00248 Invalid Library Syntax

Cause: The LIBRARY syntax was entered incorrectly.

Action: Correct the LIBRARY syntax and recompile.

PLS-00249 Invalid WITH CONTEXT Syntax

Cause: CONTEXT was used in a WITH CONTEXT or a PARAMETERS clause. This is invalid.

Action: Check if WITH CONTEXT is used without specifying CONTEXT in the PARAMETERS clause or vice versa. The PARAMETERS clause must be complete. Thus if WITH CONTEXT is specified, then CONTEXT must be referenced in the PARAMETERS clause (if there is one).

PLS-00250 Incorrect Usage of string in parameters clause.

Cause: The usage of Keywords such as MAXLEN, LENGTH, CHARSETID, CHARSETFORM RETURN in the parameters clause was incorrect

Action: This error occurs if keywords like MAXLEN, LENGTH, TDO, DURATION, CHARSETID, or CHARSETFORM cannot be used with PL/SQL formal parameters or the mode of the formal parameter. For example, MAXLEN can only be declared for a CHAR or VARCHAR2 PL/SQL variable and its use is allowed only for OUT or INOUT PL/SQL variables. Also, RETURN was specified in the parameters clause for a PL/SQL PROCEDURE. For example:


PLS-00251 RETURN, for actual function return, must be last in the parameters clause

Cause: RETURN specification for the actual function return, used within the parameters clause must hold the very last position. Example: The following will give this error since the RETURN specification for the actual function return in the parameters clause is not the last.

FUNCTION myexternalfunc (var1 BINARY_INTEGER, 
NAME "myexternalfunc" 
LIBRARY somelib

The correct syntax is the following. Note that RETURN for actual function return is the last specification in the parameters clause.

FUNCTION myexternalfunc (var1 BINARY_INTEGER, 
NAME "myexternalfunc"
LIBRARY somelib

Action: Correct the syntax of the RETURN specification in the parameters clause.

PLS-00252 reference to the wrong copy of package STANDARD

Cause: A reference is made to the fixed package version of STANDARD when the database is open, or to the on-disk version when the database is closed. Explicit use of a SYS.X$ package name can lead to this. One might also see this from a compilation that begins while the database is closed but has the bad luck to have another session open the database before compilation is complete. Another possible cause is having SET SERVEROUTPUT ON through SVRMGRL when doing an ALTER DATABASE CLOSE.

Action: Make use of on-disk versions of packages when the database is open and fixed (preloaded) versions when the database is closed. Do not attempt to use the wrong set. It should be quite hard to reference the wrong set, except by using SYS.X$ package names explicitly. Also, be sure to SET SERVEROUTPUT OFF before doing an ALTER DATABASE CLOSE.

PLS-00253 Formal parameter string missing in the parameters clause

Cause: The parameter clause does not have a matching parameter for a parameter specified in the formal parameter list.

Action: Provide a matching parameter in parameters clause for every formal parameter.

PLS-00254 OUT and IN/OUT modes cannot be used in this context

Cause: Actual parameter mode (OUT, or IN/OUT) is not used properly in USING clause. For USING clause in an OPEN statement, only IN mode is allowed.

Action: Change the parameter mode in the USING clause to an appropriate mode.

PLS-00255 CALL Specification parameters cannot have default values

Cause: CALL Specification formal parameters default values are disallowed.

Action: Remove the default values in the formal parameter list (specification or body) and compile again.

PLS-00256 string is not a valid external library

Cause: The supplied external library name in the external clause is not a valid alias library.

Action: Provide the name of a valid alias library that has been previously declared.

PLS-00257 illegal use of EXTERNAL clause in a TYPE or PACKAGE specification

Cause: An EXTERNAL Clause was detected in a TYPE Specification or a PACKAGE specification.

Action: Remove the EXTERNAL Clause and use the new CALL Specification syntax.

PLS-00258 constrained datatypes disallowed in CALL Specifications

Cause: A call specification for C or Java cannot have constraints on the PL/SQL formal parameter types. PL/SQL types which have constraints are NATURAL, NATURALN, POSITIVE, POSITIVEN, SIGNTYPE, INTEGER, INT, SMALLINT, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, DEC. This includes NOT NULL constraints from POSITIVEN, NATURALN.

Action: Use the unconstrained type for that PL/SQL formal declaration that is, NUMBER, BINARY_INTEGER or PLS_INTEGER

PLS-00259 rights model (AUTHID) must be specified

Cause: It is mandatory to specify the rights model if a PL/SQL PROCEDURE, FUNCTION, PACKAGE OR TYPE HAS CALL-Specifications.

Action: Add the AUTHID clause indicating the rights model.

PLS-00261 Java CALL Specification not yet allowed as a method in an object type

Cause: A call specification declaring that an implementation is in Java has been found for a method of an object or opaque type. This usage is not yet supported.

Action: Implement the method using a language other than Java. A PL/SQL method implementation is permitted to call to Java through a call specification provided as a schema-level procedure or in a package; such a call specification can only target a static Java method, however.

PLS-00302 component 'string' must be declared

Cause: In a reference to a component (for example, in the name "A.B", "B" is a component of "A"), the component has not been declared. The component might be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the component. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00303 qualifier 'string' must be declared

Cause: In a name such as "A.B", "A" is the qualifier, and "B" is a component of the qualifier. This error occurs when no declaration for the qualifier is found. The qualifier might be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the qualifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00304 cannot compile body of 'string' without its specification

Cause: The compiled package specification required to compile a package body could not be found. Some possible causes follow:

  • the package name is misspelled

  • the package specification was never compiled

  • the compiled package specification is not accessible

The package specification must be compiled before compiling the package body, and the compiler must have access to the compiled specification.

Action: Check the spelling of the package name. Compile the package specification before compiling the package body. Also, make sure the compiler has access to the compiled specification.

PLS-00305 previous use of 'string' (at line string) conflicts with this use

Cause: While looking for prior declarations of a cursor, procedure, function, or package, the compiler found another object with the same name in the same scope. Or, the headers of subprogram in a package specification and body do not match word for word.

Action: Check the spelling of the cursor, procedure, function, or package name. Also check the names of all constants, variables, parameters, and exceptions declared in the same scope. Then, remove or rename the object with the duplicate name. Or, change the headers of the packaged subprogram so that they match word for word.

PLS-00306 wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'string'

Cause: This error occurs when the named subprogram call cannot be matched to any declaration for that subprogram name. The subprogram name might be misspelled, a parameter might have the wrong datatype, the declaration might be faulty, or the declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure. For example, this error occurs if the built-in square root function SQRT is called with a misspelled name or with a parameter of the wrong datatype.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the subprogram name. Also confirm that its call is correct, its parameters are of the right datatype, and, if it is not a built-in function, that its declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00307 too many declarations of 'string' match this call

Cause: The declaration of a subprogram name is ambiguous because there was no exact match between the declaration and the call and more than one declaration matched the call when implicit conversions of the parameter datatypes were used. The subprogram name might be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the subprogram name. Also confirm that its call is correct, its parameters are of the right datatype, and, if it is not a built-in function, that its declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00308 this construct is not allowed as the origin of an assignment

Cause: The construct or expression does not designate a value that can be assigned to a variable. For example, the datatype name NUMBER cannot appear on the right hand side of an assignment statement as in X := NUMBER.

Action: Correct the illegal assignment statement.

PLS-00309 with %LAST attribute, 'string' must be a variable of an enumerated type

Cause: The "%LAST" attribute must be applied to an identifier that has been declared as a variable of an enumerated type (or subtype of an enumerated type). This error occurs when "%LAST" follows some identifier that has not been so declared.

Action: Make sure that %LAST follows an enumerated type (or subtype of an enumerated type).

PLS-00310 with %ROWTYPE attribute, 'string' must name a table, cursor or cursor-variable

Cause: The %ROWTYPE attribute must be applied to an identifier declared as a cursor, cursor variable, or database table. This error occurs when %ROWTYPE follows some identifier that has not been so declared.

Action: Change the declaration or do not apply the %ROWTYPE attribute to the identifier.

PLS-00311 the declaration of "string" is incomplete or malformed

Cause: This occurrence of the identifier cannot be compiled because its type has not been properly defined.

Action: Correct the faulty datatype declaration.

PLS-00312 a positional parameter association may not follow a named association

Cause: When a list of parameters is passed to a subprogram or cursor, if both positional and named associations are used, all positional associations must be placed in their declared order and before all named associations, which can be in any order.

Action: Reorder the parameter list to meet the requirements or use named association only.

PLS-00313 'string' not declared in this scope

Cause: There is no declaration for the given identifier within the scope of reference. The identifier might be misspelled, its declaration might be faulty, or the declaration might be placed incorrectly in the block structure.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00314 TABLE declarations are not allowed as PL/SQL local variables

Cause: In a precompiled program, the DECLARE TABLE statement was mistakenly used inside an embedded PL/SQL block. If an embedded PL/SQL block refers to a database table that does not yet exist, use the DECLARE TABLE statement to tell the precompiler what the table will look like. However, DECLARE TABLE statements are allowed only in the host program.

Action: Move the DECLARE TABLE statement outside the embedded PL/SQL block. If you want a variable that can store an entire row of data selected from a database table or fetched from a cursor or cursor variable, use the %ROWTYPE attribute.

PLS-00315 PL/SQL TABLE declarations must currently use binary_integer indexes

Cause: In the INDEX BY clause of a PL/SQL table declaration, a datatype other than BINARY_INTEGER was specified. PL/SQL tables can have one column and a primary key. The column can have any scalar type, but the primary key must have type BINARY_INTEGER.

Action: Change the datatype specifier to BINARY_INTEGER.

PLS-00316 PL/SQL TABLEs must currently use a single binary_integer index

Cause: In the INDEX BY clause of a PL/SQL table declaration, a composite primary key was specified. PL/SQL tables must have a simple, unnamed primary key of type BINARY_INTEGER.

Action: Change the faulty clause to INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER.

PLS-00317 incomplete type "string" was not completed in its declarative region

Cause: An incomplete type declaration was not completed in the declarative region where it was declared.

Action: Complete the type appropriately, then retry the operation.

PLS-00318 type "string" is malformed because it is a non-REF mutually recursive type

Cause: A type-declaration such as:

-- non-REF recursive type
type t is record (a t);


-- non-REF mutually dependent types
type t1;
type t2 is record (a t1);
type t1 is record (a t2);

was entered.

Action: Use another type to remove the recursion.

PLS-00319 subquery in an IN or NOT IN clause must contain exactly one column

Cause: An invalid expression such as X IN (SELECT A,B ...) was used. When a [NOT]IN clause is used with a subquery, it does not test for set membership. The number of expressions in the [NOT]IN clause and the subquery select list must match. So, in the example above, the subquery must specify at most one column.

Action: Change the subquery to select only one column.

PLS-00320 the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed

Cause: In a declaration, the name of a variable or cursor is misspelled or the declaration makes a forward reference. Forward references are not allowed in PL/SQL. A variable or cursor must be declared before it is referenced it in other statements, including other declarative statements. For example, the following declaration of dept_rec raises this exception because it refers to a cursor not yet declared:

dept_rec  dept_cur%ROWTYPE; 
CURSOR dept_cur IS SELECT ...  

Action: Check the spelling of all identifiers in the declaration. If necessary, move the declaration so that it makes no forward references.

PLS-00321 expression 'string' is inappropriate as the left hand side of an assignment statement

Cause: The expression does not designate a variable that can have a value assigned to it. For example, the function SYSDATE cannot appear on the left hand side of an assignment statement such as:

SYSDATE := '01-JAN-1990';

Action: Correct the illegal assignment statement.

PLS-00322 declaration of a constant 'string' must contain an initialization assignment

Cause: A constant declaration lacks the assignment of an initial value. For example, in the following declaration" := 3.14159" is the initialization clause:

"pi constant number := 3.14159;"

Action: Correct the constant declaration by supplying the missing initialization assignment.

PLS-00323 subprogram or cursor 'string' is declared in a package specification and must be defined in the package body

Cause: A subprogram specification was placed in a package specification, but the corresponding subprogram body was not placed in the package body. The package body implements the package specification. So, the package body must contain the definition of every subprogram declared in the package specification.

Action: Check the spelling of the subprogram name. If necessary, add the missing subprogram body to the package body.

PLS-00324 cursor attribute may not be applied to non-cursor 'string'

Cause: This error occurs when a cursor-attribute ("%FOUND", "%NOTFOUND", "%ROWS", "%IS_OPEN", and so on) appears following an identifier that is not declared as a cursor or cursor variable. It occurs, for example, if the variable name my_cur in my_cur%FOUND was not properly declared as a cursor or if the variable declaration was placed incorrectly in the block structure.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the identifier. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00325 non-integral numeric literal string is inappropriate in this context

Cause: A non-integral numeric literal was used in a context that requires an integer (a number with no digits to the right of its decimal point).

Action: Replace the inappropriate literal with an integer literal.

PLS-00326 IN clause must contain same number of expressions as subquery

Cause: The number of expressions in an IN clause did not equal the number of expressions in a corresponding subquery select list. For example, the following statement is invalid because the IN clause contains two expressions, but the subquery select list contains just one:

... WHERE (ename, sal) IN (SELECT sal FROM emp);

Action: Check the number of expressions in each set, then revise the statement to make the numbers equal.

PLS-00327 "string" is not in SQL scope here

Cause: In a SQL statement, a reference was made to an out-of-scope database object. The referenced object might be misspelled, or the reference might be mixed, as in the following example:

CURSOR c1 IS SELECT dept.dname FROM emp;

Action: Check the spelling of all database objects in the SQL statement, and make sure all references are to objects within the current scope.

PLS-00328 A subprogram body must be defined for the forward declaration of string.

Cause: A subprogram specification was declared, but the corresponding subprogram body was not defined. Write the subprogram specification and body as a unit. An alternative solution is to separate the specification from its body, which is necessary when you want to define mutually recursive subprograms or you want to group subprograms in a package.

Action: Check the spelling of the subprogram name. If necessary, supply the missing subprogram body.

PLS-00329 schema-level type has illegal reference to string

Cause: An attempt was made to make a reference from a schema-level type to something other than a schema-level type.

Action: Replace the illegal reference and retry the operation.

PLS-00330 invalid use of type name or subtype name

Cause: A datatype or subtype specifier was mistakenly used in place of a constant, variable, or expression. For example, the code might look like:

IF emp_count > number THEN ... -- illegal; NUMBER is a datatype 

Action: Replace the datatype or subtype specifier with a valid constant, variable, or expression.

PLS-00331 illegal reference to string

Cause: One of the following:

  • An illegal reference to some object in user SYS. to use one of them in an illegal way

  • An illegal reference to a remote object type

Action: Remove the reference.

PLS-00332 "string" is not a valid prefix for a qualified name

Cause: A malformed qualified name was specified because the prefix is not valid.

Action: Remove or change the reference.

PLS-00333 "string" must match an object-table alias in this context

Cause: The name, appearing in the context of a REF or VALUE, did not resolve to an object-table alias.


  1. If there is no object table in the scope, then remove the REF or VALUE; or provide the missing object table reference.

  2. If there is an object table in the scope, but you are not referring to it, add the reference.

PLS-00334 "string" matches table or view without an alias

Cause: A reference was made to a table or view name without an alias.

Action: Replace the reference with a reference to an object-table alias.

PLS-00335 a package name conflicts with an existing object

Cause: In a CREATE PACKAGE statement, a package (which is a database object that groups logically related PL/SQL types, objects, and subprograms) was given the same name as an existing database object.

Action: Give the package a unique name.

PLS-00336 non-object-table "string" illegal in this context

Cause: A REF or VALUE modifier was specified for a non-object-table. This is not allowed in this context.

Action: Replace the reference with a reference to an object-table alias.

PLS-00337 "string" matches too many object table aliases

Cause: An ambiguous reference was made to an object-table alias; there are at least two object-table aliases in the same scope.

Action: Remove all but one of the references or change the alias names of the remaining.

PLS-00338 unable to resolve "string" as a column or row expression

Cause: A reference was made to a name that could not be resolved as a column or row expression. This occurred in an update or insert statement involving an object-table.

Action: If this is an update statement and you intended to code this as a column reference, fix it as such. If you intended to code this as a row expression, change this to refer to an alias of an object-table.

PLS-00339 "string" matches object-table without a REF or VALUE modifier

Cause: An object-table name was specified without a REF or VALUE modifier.

Action: If you intended to code this with a REF or VALUE modifier, add the modifier; if you intended to code this as a column reference, change the reference appropriately; otherwise, remove the reference.

PLS-00341 declaration of cursor 'string' is incomplete or malformed

Cause: A cursor declaration is improper or an identifier referenced in the cursor declaration was not properly declared. A return type that does not refer to an existing database table or a previously declared cursor or cursor variable might have been specified. For example, the following cursor declaration is illegal because c1 is not yet fully defined:

CURSOR c1 RETURN c1%ROWTYPE IS SELECT ...  -- illegal 

In this case, a return type does not have to be specified because it is implicit.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the cursor name and any identifiers referenced in the cursor declaration. Also confirm that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure. If a return type was specified, make sure that it refers to an existing database table or a previously declared cursor or cursor variable.

PLS-00351 Not logged onto database 'string'

Cause: An attempt was made to access an Oracle database without being logged on. Probably, an invalid username or password was entered.

Action: Log on to Oracle with a correctly spelled username and password before trying to access the database.

PLS-00352 Unable to access another database 'string'

Cause: An attempt was made to reference an object in a database other than the current local or remote Oracle database.

Action: Correct the reference and make sure the object is in the current Oracle database.

PLS-00353 'string' must name a user in the database

Cause: This error occurs when the username was misspelled or when the user does not exist in the database.

Action: Check the spelling of the username and make sure the user exists.

PLS-00354 username must be a simple identifier

Cause: A qualified username such as scott.accts is not permitted in this context.

Action: Specify a simple username such as scott instead.

PLS-00355 use of pl/sql table not allowed in this context

Cause: A PL/SQL table was referenced in the wrong context (for example, with a remote link).

Action: Remove the PL/SQL table reference or change the context.

PLS-00356 'string' must name a table to which the user has access

Cause: The named table is not accessible to the user. This error occurs when the table name or username was misspelled, the table and/or user does not exist in the database, the user was not granted the necessary privileges, or the table name duplicates the name of a local variable or loop counter.

Action: Check the spelling of the table name and username. Also confirm that the table and user exist, the user has the necessary privileges, and the table name does not duplicate the name of a local variable or loop counter.

PLS-00357 Table,View Or Sequence reference 'string' not allowed in this context

Cause: A reference to database table, view, or sequence was found in an inappropriate context. Such references can appear only in SQL statements or (excluding sequences) in %TYPE and %ROWTYPE declarations. Some valid examples follow:

SELECT ename, emp.deptno, dname INTO my_ename, my_deptno, my_dept
.FROM emp, dept WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno;  
last_name  emp.ename%TYPE; 
dept_rec   dept%ROWTYPE;

Action: Remove or relocate the illegal reference.

PLS-00358 column 'string' exists in more than one table; use qualifier

Cause: The statement is ambiguous because it specifies two or more tables having the same column name. For example, the following statement is ambiguous because deptno is a column in both tables:

SELECT deptno, loc INTO my_deptno, my_loc FROM emp, dept;

Action: Precede the column name with the table name (as in emp.deptno) so that the column reference is unambiguous.

PLS-00359 assignment target in 'string' must have components

Cause: An assignment target was declared that lacks the components needed to store the assigned values. For example, this error occurs if you try to assign a row of column values to a variable instead of a record, as follows:

dept_rec  dept%ROWTYPE;
my_deptno dept.deptno%TYPE;
...      BEGIN SELECT deptno, dname, loc INTO my_deptno  -- invalid 
FROM dept WHERE ...

Action: Check the spelling of the names of the assignment target and all its components. Make sure the assignment target is declared with the required components and that the declaration is placed correctly in the block structure.

PLS-00360 cursor declaration without body needs return type

Cause: A cursor declaration lacks either a body (SELECT statement) or a return type. If you want to separate a cursor specification from its body, a return type must be supplied, as in:


Action: Add a SELECT statement or return type to the cursor declaration.

PLS-00361 IN cursor 'string' cannot be OPEN'ed

Cause: A cursor parameter with mode IN cannot be modified, and therefore cannot be opened.

Action: Change the cursor parameter to be IN OUT or OUT.

PLS-00362 invalid cursor return type; 'string' must be a record type

Cause: In a cursor specification or REF CURSOR type definition, a non-record type such as NUMBER or TABLE was specified as the return type. This is not allowed. Only the following return types are allowed:

  • record_type_name

  • record_name%TYPE

  • table_name%ROWTYPE

  • cursor_name%ROWTYPE

  • cursor_variable_name%ROWTYTPE

Action: Revise the cursor specification or REF CURSOR type definition so that it specifies one of the above return types.

PLS-00363 expression 'string' cannot be used as an assignment target

Cause: A literal, constant, IN parameter, loop counter, or function call was mistakenly used as the target of an assignment. For example, the following statement is illegal because the assignment target, 30, is a literal:

SELECT deptno INTO 30 FROM dept WHERE ...  -- illegal

Action: Correct the statement by using a valid assignment target.

PLS-00364 loop index variable 'string' use is invalid

Cause: A reference to a loop counter was found in an inappropriate context. For example, the following statement is illegal because the loop counter is used as the terminal value in its own range expression:

FOR j IN 1 .. j LOOP ...  -- illegal 

Action: Change the loop range expression so that it does not reference the loop counter. If you want to refer in the range expression to another variable with the same name as the loop counter, change either name or qualify the variable name with a label.

PLS-00365 'string' is an OUT parameter and cannot be read

Cause: An attempt was made to assign the value of an OUT parameter to another parameter or variable. Inside a procedure, an OUT parameter acts like an uninitialized variable; therefore, its value cannot be read. For example, the following assignments are illegal:

PROCEDURE calc_bonus (bonus OUT REAL, ...) IS 
    rating  REAL; 
    wages   REAL;    
    IF rating > 90 THEN
        bonus := bonus * 2;  -- illegal 
        SELECT sal + bonus INTO wages FROM emp ...  -- illegal
    END IF;
END calc_bonus;

Action: Use an IN OUT parameter instead of the OUT parameter. Inside a procedure, an IN OUT parameter acts like an initialized variable; therefore, its value can be read.

PLS-00366 subtype of a NOT NULL type must also be NOT NULL

Cause: After a subtype was defined as NOT NULL, it was used as the base type for another subtype defined as NULL. That is not allowed. For example, the code might look like:

SUBTYPE Weekend IS Weekday NULL;  -- illegal

instead of:

SUBTYPE Weekend IS Weekday;

Action: Revise the subtype definitions to eliminate the conflict.

PLS-00367 a RAISE statement with no exception name must be inside an exception handler

Cause: A RAISE statement not followed by an exception name was found outside an exception handler.

Action: Delete the RAISE statement, relocate it to an exception handler, or supply the missing exception name.

PLS-00368 in RAISE statement, 'string' must be an exception name

Cause: The identifier in a RAISE statement is not a valid exception name.

Action: Make sure the identifier in the RAISE statement was declared as an exception and is correctly placed in the block structure. If you are using the name of a PL/SQL predefined exception, check its spelling.

PLS-00369 no choices may appear with choice OTHERS in an exception handler

Cause: A construct of the form:

WHEN excep1 OR OTHERS =>

was encountered in the definition of an exception handler. The OTHERS handler must appear by itself as the last exception handler in a block.

Action: Remove the identifier that appears with OTHERS or write a separate exception handler for that identifier.

PLS-00370 OTHERS handler must be last among the exception handlers of a block

Cause: One or more exception handlers appear after an OTHERS handler. However, the OTHERS handler must be the last handler in a block or subprogram because it acts as the handler for all exceptions not named specifically.

Action: Move the OTHERS handler so that it follows all specific exception handlers.

PLS-00371 at most one declaration for 'string' is permitted in the declaration section

Cause: A reference to an identifier is ambiguous because there are conflicting declarations for it in the declarative part of a block, procedure, or function. At most one declaration of the identifier is permitted in a declarative part.

Action: Check the spelling of the identifier. If necessary, remove all but one declaration of the identifier.

PLS-00372 In a procedure, RETURN statement cannot contain an expression

Cause: In a procedure, a RETURN statement contains an expression, which is not allowed. In functions, a RETURN statement must contain an expression because its value is assigned to the function identifier. However, in procedures, a RETURN statement lets you exit before the normal end of the procedure is reached.

Action: Remove the expression from the RETURN statement, or redefine the procedure as a function.

PLS-00373 EXIT label 'string' must label a LOOP statement

Cause: The label in an EXIT statement does not refer to a loop. An EXIT statement need not specify a label. However, if a label is specified (as in EXIT my_label), it must refer to a loop statement.

Action: Make sure the label name is spelled correctly and that it refers to a loop statement.

PLS-00374 illegal EXIT statement; it must appear inside the loop labeled 'string'

Cause: An EXIT statement need not specify a label. However, if a label is specified (as in EXIT my_label), the EXIT statement must be inside the loop designated by that label.

Action: Make sure the label name is spelled correctly; if necessary, move the EXIT statement inside the loop to which the label refers.

PLS-00375 illegal GOTO statement; this GOTO cannot branch to label 'string'

Cause: The line and column numbers accompanying the error message refer to a GOTO that branches from outside a construct (a loop or exception handler, for example) that contains a sequence of statements to a label inside that sequence of statements. Such a branch is not allowed.

Action: Either move the GOTO statement inside the sequence of statements or move the labeled statement outside the sequence of statements.

PLS-00376 illegal EXIT statement; it must appear inside a loop

Cause: An EXIT statement was found outside of a loop construct. The EXIT statement is used to exit prematurely from a loop and so must always appear within a loop.

Action: Either remove the EXIT statement or place it inside a loop.

PLS-00377 internal type PLS_INTEGER is not included in this release of PL/SQL

Cause: The type-name INTEGER was used in a declaration.

Action: Do not use.

PLS-00378 invalid compilation unit for this release of PL/SQL

Cause: A compilation unit is a file containing PL/SQL source code that is passed to the compiler. Only compilation units containing blocks, declarations, statements, and subprograms are allowed. This error occurs when some other language construct is passed to the compiler.

Action: Make sure the compilation unit contains only blocks, declarations, statements, and subprograms.

PLS-00379 CASE statements are not included in this release of PL/SQL

Cause: The unit being compiled contains a CASE statement. However, the current release of PL/SQL does not support CASE statements.

Action: Remove the CASE statement from the compilation unit.

PLS-00380 functions and procedures are not included in this release of PL/SQL

Cause: The program being compiled contains a declaration of a FUNCTION or PROCEDURE.

Action: Do not use.

PLS-00381 type mismatch found at 'string' between column and variable in subquery or INSERT

Cause: The datatypes of a column and a variable do not match. The variable was encountered in a subquery or INSERT statement.

Action: Change the variable datatype to match that of the column.

PLS-00382 expression is of wrong type

Cause: An expression has the wrong datatype for the context in which it was found.

Action: Change the datatype of the expression. You might want to use datatype conversion functions.

PLS-00383 type mismatch found at 'string' inside an IN or NOT IN clause

Cause: In a test for set membership such as X NOT IN (SELECT Y ... ), the expressions X and Y do not match in datatype, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.

Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to use datatype conversion functions in the select list.

PLS-00384 type mismatch found at 'string' in UPDATE's SET clause

Cause: The column to the left of the equal sign in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement does not match in datatype with the column, expression, or subquery to the right of the equal sign, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.

Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to use datatype conversion functions in the SET clause.

PLS-00385 type mismatch found at 'string' in SELECT...INTO statement

Cause: The expressions to the left and right of the INTO clause in a SELECT...INTO statement do not match in datatype, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.

Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to use datatype conversion functions in the select list.

PLS-00386 type mismatch found at 'string' between FETCH cursor and INTO variables

Cause: An assignment target in the INTO list of a FETCH statement does not match in datatype with the corresponding column in the select list of the cursor declaration, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.

Action: Change the cursor declaration or change the datatype of the assignment target. You might want to use datatype conversion functions in the select list of the query associated with the cursor.

PLS-00387 INTO variable cannot be a database object

Cause: An item in the INTO list of a FETCH or SELECT statement was found to be a database object. INTO introduces a list of user-defined variables to which output values are assigned. Therefore, database objects cannot appear in the INTO list.

Action: Check the spelling of the INTO list item. If necessary, remove the item from the INTO list or replace it with a user-defined output variable.

PLS-00388 undefined column 'string' in subquery

Cause: A subquery contains a column name that was not defined in the specified table.

Action: Change the expression to specify a column that was defined.

PLS-00389 table, view or alias name "string" not allowed in this context

Cause: A table, view or alias name name corresponding to a regular (non-object) table appeared in an inappropriate context.

Action: Remove the reference, or, if you intended to code this as a column reference, fix it as such.

PLS-00390 undefined column 'string' in INSERT statement

Cause: Check the spelling of the column name, then change the expression so that it refers only to defined columns.

Action: Check the spelling of the column name, then change the expression so that it refers only to defined columns.

PLS-00391 undefined column 'string' in UPDATE statement

Cause: An UPDATE statement refers to a column not defined for the table or view being updated.

Action: Check the spelling of the column name, then revise the statement so that it refers only to defined columns.

PLS-00392 Type mismatch in arguments to BETWEEN

Cause: In a comparison such as X BETWEEN Y AND Z, the expressions X, Y, and Z do not match in datatype, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.

Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to use datatype conversion functions.

PLS-00393 wrong number of columns in SELECT...INTO statement

Cause: The number of columns selected by a SELECT...INTO statement does not match the number of variables in the INTO clause.

Action: Change the number of columns in the select list or the number of variables in the INTO clause so that the numbers match.

PLS-00394 wrong number of values in the INTO list of a FETCH statement

Cause: The number of variables in the INTO clause of a FETCH statement does not match the number of columns in the cursor declaration.

Action: Change the number of variables in the INTO clause or the number of columns in the cursor declaration so that the numbers match.

PLS-00395 wrong number of values in VALUES clause of INSERT statement

Cause: The number of columns in an INSERT statement does not match the number of values in the VALUES clause. For example, the following statement is faulty because no column is specified for the value 20:

INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename) VALUES (7788, 'SCOTT', 20);

Action: Change the number of items in the column list or the number of items in the VALUES list so that the numbers match.

PLS-00396 INSERT statement's subquery yields wrong number of columns

Cause: The number of columns in an INSERT statement does not match the number of columns in a subquery select list. For example, the following statement is faulty because no corresponding column is specified for col3:

INSERT INTO emp (ename, empno) 
SELECT col1, col2, col3 
FROM ...

Action: Change the number of items in the column list of the INSERT statement or the number of items in the select list so that the numbers match.

PLS-00397 Type mismatch in arguments to IN

Cause: In a test for set membership such as X IN (Y, Z), the expressions X, Y, and Z do not match in datatype, and it is unclear which implicit conversion is required to correct the mismatch.

Action: Change the expressions so that their datatypes match. You might want to use datatype conversion functions.

PLS-00398 wrong number of columns in UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS expression

Cause: The SELECT clauses to the left and right of a UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS expression do not select the same number of columns. For example, the following statement is faulty because the select lists do not contain the same number of items:

CURSOR my_cur IS SELECT ename FROM emp 
INTERSECT SELECT ename, empno FROM emp;

Action: Change the select lists so that they contain the same number of items.

PLS-00399 different types of columns in UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS expression

Cause: The select lists to the left and right of a UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS expression select at least one column that is mismatched in datatype. For example, the following statement is faulty because the constant 3 has datatype NUMBER, whereas SYSDATE has datatype DATE:

CURSOR my_cur IS SELECT 3 FROM emp  

Action: Change the select lists so that they match in datatype. You might want to use datatype conversion functions in the select list of one or more queries.

PLS-00400 different number of columns between cursor SELECT statement and return value

Cause: In a cursor declaration, a return type (such as RETURN emp%ROWTYPE) was specified, but the number of returned column values does not match the number of select-list items.

Action: Change the cursor return type or the select list so that the number of returned column values matches the number of select-list items.

PLS-00401 different column types between cursor SELECT statement and return value found at 'string'

Cause: In a cursor declaration, a return type (such as RETURN emp%ROWTYPE) was specified, but a returned column value and its corresponding select-list item have different datatypes.

Action: Change the cursor return type or the select list so that each returned column value and its corresponding select-list item have the same datatype.

PLS-00402 alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate column names

Cause: A cursor was declared with a SELECT statement that contains duplicate column names. Such references are ambiguous.

Action: Replace the duplicate column name in the select list with an alias.

PLS-00403 expression 'string' cannot be used as an INTO-target of a SELECT/FETCH statement

Cause: A FETCH statement was unable to assign a value to an assignment target in its INTO list because the target is not a legally formed and declared variable. For example, the following assignment is illegal because 'Jones' is a character string, not a variable:

FETCH my_cur INTO 'Jones';

Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the assignment target. Make sure that the rules for forming variable names are followed.

PLS-00404 cursor 'string' must be declared with FOR UPDATE to use with CURRENT OF

Cause: The use of the CURRENT OF cursor_name clause is legal only if cursor_name was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause.

Action: Add a FOR UPDATE clause to the definition of the cursor or do not use the CURRENT OF cursor_name clause.

PLS-00405 subquery not allowed in this context

Cause: A subquery was used in an inappropriate context, such as:

if (SELECT deptno FROM emp WHERE ... ) = 20 then ... 

Subqueries are allowed only in SQL statements.

Action: The same result can be obtained by using a temporary variable, as in:

SELECT deptno INTO temp_var FROM emp WHERE ...; 
IF temp_var = 20 THEN ... 

PLS-00406 length of SELECT list in subquery must match number of assignment targets

Cause: A query select list is not the same length as the list of targets that will receive the returned values. For example, the following statement is faulty because the subquery returns two values for one target:

UPDATE emp SET ename = 
(SELECT ename, empno FROM emp WHERE ename = 'SMITH') ...

Action: Change one of the lists so that they contain the same number of items.

PLS-00407 '*' not allowed here; a list of columns is required

Cause: An asterisk (*) was used as an abbreviation for a list of column names. However, in this context the column names must be written out explicitly.

Action: Replace the asterisk with a list of column names.

PLS-00408 duplicate column 'string' not permitted in INSERT or UPDATE

Cause: An UPDATE or INSERT statement has a column list that contains duplicate column names.

Action: Check the spelling of the column names, then eliminate the duplication.

PLS-00409 duplicate variable 'string' in INTO list is not permitted

Cause: The same variable appears twice in the INTO list of a SELECT or FETCH statement.

Action: Remove one of the variables from the INTO list.

PLS-00410 duplicate fields in RECORD,TABLE or argument list are not permitted

Cause: When a user-defined record was declared, the same name was given to two fields. Like column names in a database table, field names in a user-defined record must be unique.

Action: Check the spelling of the field names, then remove the duplicate.

PLS-00411 Number of values in aggregate and in subquery don't match

Cause: In a statement of the form aggregate = subquery, the numbers of values in the aggregate and subquery are unequal. For example, the code might look like:

... WHERE (10,20,30) = (SELECT empno,deptno FROM emp WHERE...);

Action: Revise the aggregate or subquery so that the numbers of values match.

PLS-00412 list of values not allowed as argument to this function or procedure

Cause: A parenthesized list of values separated by commas (that is, an aggregate) was used in the wrong context. For example, the following usage is invalid:

WHERE (col1, col2) > (SELECT col3, col4 FROM my_table ...)

However, an equal sign can take a list of values and a subquery as left- and right-hand-side arguments, respectively. So, the following usage is valid:

WHERE (col1, col2) = (SELECT col3, col4 FROM my_table ...)

Action: Rewrite the expression. For example, the clause:

WHERE (col1, col2) > (SELECT col3, col4 FROM my_table ...) 

can be rewritten as:

WHERE col1 > (SELECT col3 FROM my_table ...) AND 
col2 > (SELECT col4 FROM my_table ...) 

PLS-00413 identifier in CURRENT OF clause is not a cursor name

Cause: The identifier in a CURRENT OF clause names an object other than a cursor.

Action: Check the spelling of the identifier. Make sure that it names the cursor in the DELETE or UPDATE statement and that it names the cursor itself, not a FOR-loop variable.

PLS-00414 no column 'string' in table

Cause: A table name or alias was used to qualify a column reference, but the column was not found in that table. Either the column was never defined or the column name is misspelled.

Action: Confirm that the column was defined and check the spelling of the column name.

PLS-00415 'string' is an OUT parameter and cannot appear in a function

Cause: An OUT or IN OUT formal parameter was used in a function specification.

Action: Change the parameter to an IN parameter.

PLS-00416 The third argument of DECODE cannot be NULL

Cause: The third argument of DECODE is NULL.

Action: Enter an argument with a proper type and value.

PLS-00417 unable to resolve "string" as a column

Cause: A database table, view, or column was specified in a SQL statement that does not exist, or the privileges required to access the table or view were not granted.

Action: Check the spelling of the table (or view) and column names; make sure the table and columns exist. If necessary, ask the database administrator to grant the privileges required to access the table.

PLS-00418 array bind type must match PL/SQL table row type

Cause: A host array was passed (by an Oracle Precompiler program, for example) to a PL/SQL subprogram for binding to a PL/SQL table parameter. However, the datatypes of the array elements and PL/SQL table rows are incompatible. So, the binding failed.

Action: Change the datatype of the array elements or PL/SQL table rows to make the datatypes compatible.

PLS-00419 reference to remote attribute not permitted

Cause: An attempt was made to reference a remote cursor attribute, which is not allowed. For example, the code might look like:


Action: Do not try to reference a remote cursor attribute.

PLS-00420 can't call builtin routines remotely

Cause: An attempt was made to call a built-in PL/SQL function remotely, which is not allowed. For example, the code might look like:

my_sqlerrm := SQLERRM@newyork;


INSERT INTO emp VALUES (my_empno, STANDARD.RTRIM@newyork(my_ename), 

Action: Always call built-in functions locally; never specify a database link.

PLS-00421 synonym definitions nested too deeply; possible loop in synonyms

Cause: Directly or indirectly, a synonym was defined in terms of itself, creating a circular definition. Or, a chain of synonyms, too long for the PL/SQL compiler to handle, was defined.

Action: Redefine the synonyms to eliminate the circular definition. If necessary, shorten the chain of synonyms.

PLS-00422 no PL/SQL translation for the bindtype given for this bind variable

Cause: A host variable was passed (by an Oracle Precompiler program, for example) to PL/SQL for binding. However, its datatype is not compatible with any PL/SQL datatype. So, the binding failed.

Action: Change the datatype of the host variable to make it compatible with a PL/SQL datatype.

PLS-00423 ORDER BY item must be the number of a SELECT-list expression

Cause: A column alias was used in the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement that uses a UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS set operator. This is not allowed. In such cases, expressions in the ORDER BY clause must be unsigned integers that designate the ordinal positions of select-list items.

Action: Change the alias in the ORDER BY clause to an unsigned integer that designates the ordinal position of the select item in question.

PLS-00424 RPC defaults cannot include Package State

Cause: An attempt was made to call a remote subprogram whose defaulted parameters depend on package state, which is not allowed. When calling remote subprograms, the actual parameters must be passed explicitly if the corresponding formal parameters depend on package state.

Action: Call the remote subprogram by passing each actual parameter explicitly.

PLS-00425 in SQL, function argument and return types must be SQL type

Cause: When a stored function was called from a SQL statement, parameters of the wrong type were passed. To be callable from SQL statements, a stored function must meet several requirements, one of which is that its arguments have SQL datatypes such as CHAR, DATE, or NUMBER. None of the arguments can have non-SQL types such as BOOLEAN, TABLE, or RECORD.

Action: Make sure all the arguments in the function call have SQL datatypes.

PLS-00426 cursor variable OUT parameter 'string' cannot be FETCH'ed or CLOSE'd

Cause: When a cursor variable was declared as the formal parameter of a subprogram that will FETCH from and/or CLOSE the cursor variable, the OUT parameter mode was specified. This is not allowed. In such cases, the IN or IN OUT mode must be specified.

Action: Change the parameter mode from OUT to IN or IN OUT.

PLS-00428 an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement

Cause: The INTO clause of a SELECT INTO statement was omitted. For example, the code might look like:

SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM dept WHERE ... 

instead of:

SELECT deptno, dname, loc INTO dept_rec FROM dept WHERE ...

In PL/SQL, only a subquery is written without an INTO clause.

Action: Add the required INTO clause.

PLS-00429 unsupported feature with RETURNING clause

Cause: RETURNING clause is currently not supported for object type columns, LONG columns, remote tables and INSERT with subquery. This is as ORA-28815.

Action: Use separate select statement to get the values.

PLS-00430 FORALL iteration variable string is not allowed in this context

Cause: FORALL iteration variable can only be used as a subscript. It cannot be used directly or as a part of an expression.

Action: Use FORALL variable only as a collection subscript.

PLS-00431 bulk SQL attributes must use a single index

Cause: More than one index specified to access SQL bulk attribute.

Action: Use a single index of integer datatype.

PLS-00432 implementation restriction: cannot use FORALL and BULK COLLECT INTO together in SELECT statements

Cause: SELECT statement contains both the FORALL and BULK COLLECT INTO phrases.

Action: Do not use FORALL and BULK COLLECT INTO together in SELECT statements.

PLS-00433 inconsistent package STANDARD

Cause: PL/SQL compiler could not find the entries (such as type declarations) that should exist in the package STANDARD.

Action: Make sure that the correct version of package STANDARD is available in the current Oracle database, then retry compilation.

PLS-00434 record field has unsupported type: "string"

Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported type for a record field. In this release, the use of the SQL92 datetime types (time, timestamp, time with time zone, timestamp with time zone, interval year to month, interval day to second) are not supported in record fields.

Action: Use only supported types for record fields.

PLS-00450 a variable of this private type cannot be declared here

Cause: A variable declaration uses a type that is declared PRIVATE in some other compilation unit.

Action: Do not use this type in a PRIVATE variable declaration.

PLS-00451 remote types not allowed

Cause: When a constant or variable was declared, a datatype that is defined in a remote library unit was specified. This is not allowed.

Action: Do not specify the datatype unless it is defined locally.

PLS-00452 Subprogram 'string' violates its associated pragma

Cause: A packaged function cannot be called from SQL statements unless its purity level is asserted by coding a RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma in the package specification. The pragma, which is used to control side effects, tells the PL/SQL compiler to deny the packaged function read/write access to database tables, public packaged variables, or both. A SQL statement that violates the pragma will cause a compilation error.

Action: Raise the purity level of the function, or relax the pragma restrictions.

PLS-00453 remote operations not permitted on object tables or user-defined type columns

Cause: A reference to a remote object tables or user-defined type column was found.

Action: Do not refer to it.

PLS-00454 with a returning into clause, the table expression cannot be remote or a subquery

Cause: A reference to a remote table or subquery was found in a SQL statement with a returning into clause.

Action: Do not refer to it, or do use a subsequent select statement.

PLS-00455 cursor 'string' cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement

Cause: A REF CURSOR was dynamically opened that has RETURN type. However, only REF CURSOR without RETURN type can be opened by an embedded dynamic OPEN statement.

Action: define a REF CURSOR without return type, and use it in the statement.

PLS-00456 item 'string' is not a cursor

Cause: The given variable is not a cursor and therefore cannot be OPENed or FETCHed from.

Action: Check the spelling and declaration for the given variable.

PLS-00457 in USING clause, expressions have to be of SQL types

Cause: An expression of wrong type is in USING clause. In USING clause, an expression cannot be of non-SQL types such as BOOLEAN, INDEX TABLE, and record.

Action: Change the expression type to a SQL type.

PLS-00458 subprogram 'string' cannot be called from a REPEATABLE subprogram

Cause: The subprogram is not REPEATABLE and cannot be called from a REPEATABLE subprogram.

Action: Delete the call or delete REPEATABLE.

PLS-00459 this feature is not allowed in REPEATABLE subprogram

Cause: One of the following features were specified in the REPEATABLE subprogram: dynamic SQL statements or autonomous transaction.

Action: Delete the statements or delete REPEATABLE.

PLS-00460 REPEATABLE subprogram 'string' has to be RNDS, WNDS, RNPS, and WNPS

Cause: Repeatable subprogram can neither read database state (RNDS), write database state (WNDS), read package state (RNPS), nor write package state (WNPS).

Action: Make the subprogram to be RNDS, WNDS, RNPS, and WNPS or delete REPEATABLE.

PLS-00461 mismatch REPEATABLE information between specification and body of 'string'

Cause: REPEATABLE is declared at the subprogram's specification, but not at its body, or vice versa.

Action: Make sure both specification and body are declared as REPEATABLE.

PLS-00462 nested subprogram 'string' has to be REPEATABLE

Cause: The nested subprogram of a REPEATABLE subprogram is not declared as REPEATABLE. If a subprogram is REPEATABLE, all of its nested subprograms has to be declared as REPEATABLE.

Action: Declared the nested subprogram as REPEATABLE.

PLS-00483 exception 'string' may appear in at most one exception handler in this block

Cause: An exception appears in two different WHEN clauses (that is, two different exception handlers) in the exception-handling part of a PL/SQL block or subprogram.

Action: Remove one of the references to the exception.

PLS-00484 redundant exceptions 'string' and 'string' must appear in same exception handler

Cause: The EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was used and different exceptions were initialized to the same Oracle error number. Then, they were referenced in different exception handlers within the same exception-handling part. Such references conflict.

Action: Remove one of the exceptions or initialize it to a different Oracle error number.

PLS-00485 in exception handler, 'string' must be an exception name

Cause: An identifier not declared as an exception appears in an exception handler WHEN clause. Only the name of an exception is valid in a WHEN clause.

Action: Check the spelling of the exception name and make sure the exception was declared properly.

PLS-00486 select list cannot be enclosed in parentheses

Cause: In a SELECT statement, the select list was enclosed in parentheses, as in:

SELECT (deptno, dname, loc) FROM dept INTO ... 

This breaks the rules of SQL syntax. Parentheses are not required because the keywords SELECT and FROM delimit the select list.

Action: Remove the parentheses enclosing the select list.

PLS-00487 Invalid reference to variable 'string'

Cause: A variable was referenced in a way that is inconsistent with its datatype. For example, a scalar variable might have been mistakenly referenced as a record, as follows:

CURSOR emp_cur IS SELECT empno, ename, sal FROM emp; 
emp_rec emp_cur%ROWTYPE; 
my_sal  NUMBER(7,2); 
BEGIN    ...    total_sal := total_sal + my_sal.sal;  -- invalid ...

Action: Check the spelling of the variable name. Make sure the variable was declared properly and that the declaration and reference are consistent regarding datatype.

PLS-00488 invalid variable declaration: object 'string' must be a type or subtype

Cause: The datatype specifier in a variable declaration does not designate a legal type. For example, the %TYPE attribute might not have been added to a declaration, as in:

my_sal   emp.sal%TYPE; 
my_ename emp.ename;    -- missing %TYPE ... 

When declaring a constant or variable, to provide the datatype of a column automatically, use the %TYPE attribute. Likewise, when declaring a record, to provide the datatypes of a row automatically, use the %ROWTYPE attribute.

Action: Make sure the datatype specifier designates a legal type. Remember to use the %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attributes when necessary.

PLS-00489 invalid table reference: 'string' must be a column in this expression

Cause: In a query, a select-list item refers to a table in the FROM clause but not to a database column.

Action: Check the spelling of the column names, make sure each column in the select list refers to a table in the FROM clause, then re-execute the query.

PLS-00490 illegal statement

Cause: A constant, variable, function call, or incomplete statement was used where a statement was expected. For example, instead of calling a function from an expression, it might have been called as a statement (as if it were a procedure).

Action: Check the statement, making sure that its commands, identifiers, operators, delimiters, and terminator form a complete and valid PL/SQL statement.

PLS-00491 numeric literal required

Cause: A constant or variable was used where a numeric literal is required. For example, the code might look like:

my_ename  VARCHAR2(max_len);

instead of

my_ename  VARCHAR2(15); 

When specifying the maximum length of a VARCHAR2 variable, an integer literal must be used.

Action: Replace the identifier with a numeric literal.

PLS-00492 variable or constant initialization may not refer to functions declared in the same package

Cause: If a package specification p declares a function f, that function may not be used in any variable declarations in that same package specification. This is because of a circular instantiation problem: in order to fully instantiate the package specification, the variable must be initialized. To initialize the variable, the function body code in the package body must be executed. That requires that the package body be instantiated. However, the package body cannot be instantiated until the package specification is fully instantiated.

Action: Remove the reference to the function from the variable initialization. A technique which often works is to move the variable initialization from the variable declaration (in the package specification) to the package body initialization block.

PLS-00493 invalid reference to a server-side object or function in a local context

Cause: A reference to a server-side object (for example, a table column) or function (a group function such as SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, ... ) was found in a context where only PL/SQL objects may be present, such as within the parameter list of a local function or as the index of a (local) PL/SQL table.

Action: Rewrite the offending statement; or, if a local function call is the problem context, make the function non-local (either packaged or top-level).

PLS-00494 coercion into multiple record targets not supported

Cause: The INTO list of a SELECT or FETCH specified more than a single record- type target and the column types required coercion into a record to match the INTO list. This is type checked as correct, but not yet supported.

Action: Create a new record type to hold all of the column types or code the SELECT with an INTO target for every source column.

PLS-00495 too many columns in SELECT...INTO statement after bursting record targets

Cause: Type checking indicated the columns in a SELECT or FETCH were being collected into a record in the INTO list. The record was burst into its fields. There were not enough fields in the record for each of the columns.

Action: Change the number of columns or the record variable(s) in the INTO clause so that they match.

PLS-00496 too few columns in SELECT...INTO statement after bursting record targets

Cause: Type checking indicated the columns in a SELECT or FETCH were being collected into a record in the INTO list. The record was burst into its fields. There were not enough columns to fill all of the fields in the record.

Action: Change the number of columns or the record variable(s) in the INTO clause so that they match.

PLS-00497 cannot mix single row and multi-row (bulk) SELECT

Cause: A SELECT or FETCH had an INTO list for which some variables were of the same type as the corresponding column and other variables were of a type that was a collection of the type of the corresponding column. This is ambiguous for whether the intention was to fetch one row or bulk fetch multiple rows.

Action: Change the INTO list so that all variables are of the same (convertible) type as the columns or so that all INTO variables are collections of the same type as the corresponding columns.

PLS-00498 illegal use of a type before its declaration

Cause: A variable or constant was declared to be of a type whose declaration appears later in the compilation unit; or, a type or subtype was declared in terms of another type whose declaration appears later in the compilation unit.

Action: Ensure that the type declaration precedes its use in the variable/ constant/type declaration.

PLS-00499 coercion into collection of records not supported

Cause: A SELECT or FETCH may specify a column list to be coerced into a variable which is a collection of records. This is type checked as correct, but not yet supported because of the implicit layout change required.

Action: Express the SELECT with an object constructor around the columns and use a collection of objects as an INTO variable. Or, build the collection one row at a time coercing each row into a record which happens to be an element. Or, use a record of collections.

PLS-00500 invalid operator binding

Cause: An operator binding function cannot be found in the specified scope.

Action: Provide the correct number and types of parameters for the operator binding function. Or, specify the correct names for schema, package, or type containing the operator binding function.

PLS-00503 RETURN value statement required for this return from function

Cause: In a function body, a RETURN statement was used that contains no expression. In procedures, a RETURN statement contains no expression because the statement returns control to the caller. However, in functions, a RETURN statement must contain an expression because its value is assigned to the function identifier.

Action: Add an expression to the RETURN statement.

PLS-00504 type string_BASE may not be used outside of package STANDARD

Cause: In a declaration, the datatype NUMBER_BASE (for example) was mistakenly specified. The datatypes CHAR_BASE, DATE_BASE, MLSLABEL_BASE, and NUMBER_BASE are for internal use only.

Action: Specify (for example) the datatype NUMBER instead of NUMBER_BASE.

PLS-00505 User Defined Types may only be defined as PLSQL Tables or Records

Cause: An attempt was made to define a type other than TABLE or RECORD, but these are the only user- defined types allowed in this release of PL/SQL. For example, the following type definition is illegal:

TYPE Byte IS INTEGER(2);  -- illegal

Action: Remove the type definition, or revise it to specify a TABLE or RECORD type.

PLS-00506 User Defined Constrained Subtypes are disallowed

Cause: An attempt was made to define a constrained subtype, but only unconstrained subtypes are allowed in this release of PL/SQL. For example, the following type definition is illegal:

SUBTYPE Acronym IS VARCHAR2(5);  -- illegal

Action: Remove the illegal type constraint.

PLS-00507 a PLSQL Table may not contain a table or a record with composite fields

Cause: In a TABLE type definition, a nested record type was specified as the element type. This is not allowed. All fields in the record must be scalars.

Action: Remove the TABLE type definition, or replace the nested record type with a simple record type.

PLS-00508 The expression in a RETURN statement cannot be a type

Cause: A datatype specifier was used instead of an expression in the RETURN statement of a user-defined function, as shown in the example below. Do not confuse the RETURN statement, which sets the function identifier to the result value, with the RETURN clause, which specifies the datatype of the result value.

FUNCTION credit-rating (acct_no NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS 
BEGIN ...  RETURN NUMBER;  -- should be an expression

Action: Replace the datatype specifier in the RETURN statement with an appropriate expression.

PLS-00509 Implementation Restriction : Pass a returned record to a temporary identifier before selecting a field

Cause: Illegal syntax was used to call a parameter-less function that returns a record or a PL/SQL table of records. When calling a function that takes parameters and returns a record, you use the following syntax to reference fields in the record:


However, you cannot use the syntax above to call a parameter-less function because PL/SQL does not allow empty parameter lists. That is, the following syntax is illegal:

function_name().field_name  -- illegal; empty parameter list

The empty parameter list cannot be dropped because the following syntax is also illegal:

function_name.field_name  -- illegal; no parameter list

Action: Declare a local record or PL/SQL table of records to which you can assign the function result, then reference its fields directly.

PLS-00510 Float cannot have scale

Cause: When a FLOAT variable was declared, its precision and scale were specified, as shown in the following example:

Salary FLOAT(7,2); 

However, a scale for FLOAT variables cannot be specified; only a precision can be specified, as in:

salary FLOAT(7);

Action: Remove the scale specifier from the declaration, or declare a NUMBER variable instead.

PLS-00511 a record may not contain a PL/SQL table of records

Cause: In a RECORD definition, one of the fields was declared as a PL/SQL table of records. This is not allowed. A record can be the component of another record (that is, records can be nested), but a PL/SQL table of records cannot be the component of a record.

Action: Remove the field declaration, or revise it to specify a simple record type.

PLS-00512 Implementation Restriction: 'string': Cannot directly access remote package variable or cursor

Cause: An attempt was made to reference a remote packaged variable or cursor. This is not allowed. Instead, add to the remote package a function that returns the value of the variable or cursor.

Action: Remove the illegal reference.

PLS-00513 PL/SQL function called from SQL must return value of legal SQL type

Cause: In a SQL statement, a PL/SQL function was called that has a return type that cannot be handled by SQL. For example, type BOOLIAN, records and indexed-tables are not supported by SQL and functions returning such values cannot be called from SQL.

Action: Change the return type and retry the operation.

PLS-00514 INSERT statement with REF INTO clause requires a typed table

Cause: This INSERT statement provides REF INTO clause, which is only legal when the table specified in the INTO clause is an object table.

Action: Remove REF INTO clause and retry the operation.

PLS-00515 The type of the REF INTO variable 'string' must be REF to the table's type

Cause: In INSERT statement with REF INTO clause, the type of the data item must be REF to the type of the table used in INTO clause.

Action: Use variable or column of appropriate type.

PLS-00516 Type mismatch between object table and value 'string' in INSERT statement.

Cause: In the INSERT statement operating on typed tables (tables of objects), the type of a non-aggregate value did not match the object type of the table.

Action: Provide a value of appropriate type.

PLS-00517 Type mismatch between a select list element 'string' and corresponding table column in INSERT statement with a subquery

Cause: In an INSERT statement with subquery, at lease one of the elements of the select list was not type-compatible with the corresponding column of the table in the INTO clause. This error indicates that the subquery should be rewritten to match the structure of the target table.

Action: Provide a select list element of compatible type.

PLS-00518 This INSERT statement requires VALUES clause containing a parenthesised list of values

Cause: A VALUES clause was entered without a list of SQL data items in parentheses. In all INSERT statements with an explicit column list, the VALUES clause must contain a list of SQL data items in parentheses. For example:

INSERT INTO my_tab (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,my_variable);

Action: Rewrite the statement to include a list of SQL data items in parentheses.

PLS-00519 This INSERT statement requires a VALUES clause containing an object type expression, not a list of values

Cause: In an INSERT statement with typed tables, an aggregate was used when an object type item was expected.

Action: Replace the aggregate with an object constructor or other object type expression.

PLS-00520 MAP methods must be declared without any parameters other than (optional) SELF.

Cause: A MAP member function was declared with a parameter. Map member functions can have only one parameter: the default SELF parameter. Map methods must be declared without any parameters. The compiler adds the SELF parameter.

Action: Remove the parameter from the map member function.

PLS-00521 ORDER methods must be declared with 1 (one) parameter in addition to (optional) SELF.

Cause: An order member function was declared without the user-specified parameter. Order member functions have two parameters, one is the default SELF parameter which is added by the compiler. the second parameter is added by the user and must declare an order method which must be the same type as the containing object type.

Action: Check and correct the way the parameter is specified.

PLS-00522 MAP methods must return a scalar type.

Cause: The MAP member function was written such that it returns something other than a scalar type.

Action: Rewrite the MAP function such that it returns a scalar type.

PLS-00523 ORDER methods must return an INTEGER.

Cause: An order member function was written such that it returns something other than an integer type.

Action: Rewrite the ORDER method such that it returns an integer type.

PLS-00524 The parameter type in an ORDER method must be the containing object type.

Cause: An order member function was declared without the user- specified parameter. Order member functions have two parameters, one is the default SELF parameter which is added by the compiler. the second parameter is added by the user and must declare an order method which must be the same type as the containing object type.

Action: Check and correct the way the parameter is specified.

PLS-00525 Within SQL statements, only equality comparisons of objects are allowed without a map or order function.

Cause: A map or order function was not provided for a relational comparison. Only equality comparisons may be used when a map or order function is not supplied.

Action: Supply either a map or order function for the object. Otherwise change the program to use only equality comparisons.

PLS-00526 A MAP or ORDER function is required for comparing objects in PL/SQL.

Cause: Within stand alone PL/SQL, an attempt was made to compare objects without a map or order function.

Action: Provide a map or order function and retry the operation.

PLS-00527 MAP or ORDER functions require a PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES specifying :WNDS,WNPS,RNPS,RNDS.

Cause: Either a PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES was not specified or it was specified without one of the following: WNDS, WNPS, RNPS, or RNDS.

Action: Add or correct the PRAGMA and retry the operation.

PLS-00528 The parameters to an ORDER function must have IN mode

Cause: A parameter was declared to an ORDER function to have OUT or IN OUT mode.

Action: Correct the parameter to use IN mode only.

PLS-00529 Bad column name string in INSERT statement (must be an identifier)

Cause: In an INSERT statement, an attempt was made to use a column name that is not an identifier. In any INSERT statement with explicit column list a column name must be a simple identifier.

Action: Rewrite the INSERT statement, using a simple identifier for the column name.

PLS-00530 Illegal type used for object type attribute: 'string'.

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid type for an object type attribute.

Action: Use only supported types for the object type attribute.

PLS-00531 Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: 'string'.

Cause: An attempt was made to use an unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type.

Action: Use only supported types in a VARRAY or TABLE type.

PLS-00532 Target of REF must be a complete or incomplete object type.

Cause: The target of a REF can only be a complete or an incomplete object type.

Action: If a REF is to be used, change the type; otherwise, remove the REF.

PLS-00533 Tables of non_queryable types are not supported.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a table of a type which cannot be queried. Tables of such types are not supported.

Action: Create an object type containing the non-queryable type. Then create a table of the object type.

PLS-00534 A Table type may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY.

Cause: An attempt was made to do one of the following: define a table type which contained nested collection types. or define an object table that has (perhaps nested) another table type or VARRAY type.

Action: Check the table definitions to be sure that they do not contain nested tables or VARRAYs.

PLS-00535 A VARRAY type may not contain a NESTED TABLE, VARRAY or LOB

Cause: An attempt was made to do one of the following: define a VARRAY type containing a nested collection type or LOB or define a VARRAY type of an object type that has a nested attribute which is one of NESTED TABLE, VARRAY or LOB type.

Action: Check the VARRAY definitions to be sure that they do not contain nested collection types, LOBs or nested attributes.

PLS-00536 Navigation through REF variables is not supported in PL/SQL.

Cause: The expression of the form REFVAR.FIELD was entered. This is not supported in this version of PL/SQL.

Action: This navigation is only supported for database objects. The REF variable can be used to insert into a database column of the same type, or select from it. However, you will not be able to navigate through it. Remove the navigation.

PLS-00537 A VARRAY must have a positive limit

Cause: A VARRAY type was declared with a non-positive limit, for example VARRAY(0).

Action: Declare the VARRAY with a positive limit and retry the operation.

PLS-00538 subprogram or cursor 'string' is declared in an object type specification and must be defined in the object type body

Cause: The specified subprogram is declared in an object type's specification, but is not defined in the object type body.

Action: Define the subprogram in the object type body, or remove the declaration from the specification.

PLS-00539 subprogram 'string' is declared in an object type body and must be defined in the object type specification

Cause: The specified subprogram is declared in an object type's body, but is not defined in the object type's specification. Notice cursor bodies can exist without a specification.

Action: Define the subprogram in the object type's specification, or remove the declaration from the body.

PLS-00540 object not supported in this context.

Cause: An object was declared inside a local scope (Function, Procedure, or anonymous block), or in a package scope which is not supported.

Action: Declare the type in a global or data base scope.

PLS-00541 size or length specified is too large.

Cause: A length or size that is too large was specified for a data item.

Action: Specify a smaller value and retry the operation.

PLS-00542 CLOB and NCLOB cannot use varying-width character sets in the server

Cause: A server type is being created with an embedded CLOB or NCLOB attribute which uses a varying-width character set.

Action: Use VARCHAR2 instead of CLOB, or use a fixed-width character set.

PLS-00543 a PLSQL Table may not contain a nested table type or VARRAY.

Cause: An attempt was made to define a PL/SQL table that contained a (possibly deeply) nested table type or VARRAY. Nested collection types are not supported.

Action: Remove the nested table type or VARRAY from the table. Then retry the operation.

PLS-00546 SELF may not be declared as a REF parameter.

Cause: SELF was declared as a REF parameter to a member function or procedure. SELF is not supported as a REF.

Action: Redeclare SELF as a value parameter.

PLS-00548 invalid use of operator.

Cause: A name of an operator is used as a qualifier or appears outside from SQL context.

Action: Eliminate the use of operator name as a qualifier or place it in a SQL clause.

PLS-00550 character set specification is not allowed for this type

Cause: A character set specification was made on a type that does not require one.

Action: Remove the character set specification, or change the type.

PLS-00551 character set ANY_CS is only allowed on a subprogram parameter

Cause: The character set ANY_CS was specified when it is not allowed.

Action: Change or remove the character set specification.

PLS-00552 flexible character set is not allowed on component element

Cause: ANY_CS or %CHARSET was used to reference an ANY_CS parameter which is not a CHAR, VARCHAR2, or CLOB type. ANY_CS or %CHARSET is not allowed for fields of a record, object, elements of a collection, and so on.

Action: Change or remove the character set specification.

PLS-00553 character set name is not recognized

Cause: An unrecognized name appears in a character set specification.

Action: Change or remove the character set specification.

PLS-00554 character set has already been determined

Cause: A redundant or conflicting character set was specified.

Action: Remove the CHARACTER SET specification, or change the character set specified.

PLS-00555 default expressions are not allowed for SQL operators

Cause: A default expression has been specified for a SQL operator.

Action: Eliminate the default expression from the operator.

PLS-00560 character set mismatch

Cause: An expression was used that has the wrong character set for this context.

Action: Adjust the expression, using TRANSLATE(... USING ...) or by rethinking the logic.

PLS-00561 character set mismatch on value for parameter 'string'

Cause: An expression was used that contains an incorrect character set. The actual argument has a character set conflict. If a default argument value is being used, it might be in conflict with some actual argument that must have the same character set.

Action: Adjust the expression, using TRANSLATE(... USING ...) or change the character set.

PLS-00562 a function must return a type.

Cause: The current function was defined to return something other than a data type.

Action: Make sure the function is returning a data type.

PLS-00563 illegal use of CAST expression

Cause: CAST (in PL/SQL) was used outside of a DML scope.

Action: Do not use CAST outside DML statements.

PLS-00564 lob arguments are not permitted in remote calls

Cause: Use of LOB argument in remote call, or argument is OUT, or is argument to non-procedure.

Action: Do not use LOBs remotely unless using internal SYS$LOB_REPLICATION.

PLS-00565 string must be completed as a potential REF target (object type)

Cause: Incomplete library units that are potential targets of REF dependencies must be completed so that they continue to remain potential targets of REF dependencies (since there might be library units with REF dependencies on this library unit). Potential REF targets include complete and incomplete object types. This error occurred because an attempt was made to complete a potential REF target as something other than a potential REF target.

Action: Use another name for this library unit, or drop the original incomplete library unit.

PLS-00566 type name "string" cannot be constrained

Cause: A LOB, date, boolean, ROWID, or MLSLABEL type was constrained with a length specification. For example:

X BLOB(5);

Action: Remove the constraint.

PLS-00567 cannot pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained formal parameter

Cause: An attempt was made to pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained parameter.

Action: Pass a NOT NULL expression instead.

PLS-00568 cannot access rows from a non-nested table item

Cause: An attempt was made to use TABLE expression, from a non-nested table.

Action: Pass the correct parameter.

PLS-00569 numeric overflow or underflow

Cause: A constant literal is either too large or too small to fit in an Oracle number.

Action: Change the value of the literal.

PLS-00570 different number of columns in the multiset and cast expressions

Cause: Number of columns in the collection returned by MULTISET and the number of columns for the CAST type do not match. For example:

create type tab_obj as object (n number);
create type tab1 as table of tab_obj; 
create table tab2 (col1 number, col2 number); 
select CAST(MULTISET(select col1, col2 from tab2) as tab1) from tab2;

Action: Make sure the number of columns matches.

PLS-00571 method access through data base link not yet supported on client side

Cause: Remote link is used with on client side.

Action: Create a dummy function to call symbolic link on server side or wait till it is implemented.

PLS-00572 improper constraint form used

Cause: "number" types cannot have a range. user-defined aggregate types and integer types cannot have scale or precision specified. Example: "x number(5,3)" is acceptable but "x number range 1..10" is not.

Action: Remove the constraint.

PLS-00573 cannot constrain scale, precision, or range of an anchored type declaration

Cause: A variable declared with %TYPE or %ROWTYPE cannot have a scale, precision, or range constraint. Example: x y%TYPE(10) is not acceptable. It is legal to add "NOT NULL" or non-conflicting CHARACTER SET constraints to anchored type declarations.

Action: Remove the constraint or use a type name instead of an anchored type.

PLS-00580 supertype must be an object type

Cause: An attempt was made to declare an object type to have a supertype, but the specified supertype was not itself an object type. Object types can inherit only from other object types.

Action: Remove the supertype specification, or change it to refer to an object type. If the declaration appears correct, make sure the supertype has compiled correctly.

PLS-00581 inheritance is not supported for opaque types

Cause: An attempt was made to declare an opaque type with a supertype.

Action: Remove the supertype specification.

PLS-00582 attribute declarations are not allowed in opaque types

Cause: An attempt was made to declare an attribute in an opaque type.

Action: Remove the attribute declaration.

PLS-00583 size must be specified if opaque type is fixed-length

Cause: An attempt was made to declare a fixed-length opaque type without specifying an explicit size.

Action: Specify an explicit size, or change the declaration to be varying-length.

PLS-00584 size of an opaque type must be between 1 and 4000 bytes

Cause: An attempt was made to specify an explicit size for an opaque type, but the specified size was out of the valid range.

Action: Change the explicit size to be between 1 and 4000 bytes, or change the declaration to be varying-length without an explicit size.

PLS-00585 declared support library for opaque type is not a library

Cause: An attempt was made to name a support library for an opaque type, but the name refers to an object that is not a library.

Action: Change the declaration to name a valid library.

PLS-00586 a static method cannot declare a parameter named SELF

Cause: An attempt was made to name a parameter SELF when declaring a static method. SELF is reserved as a parameter name in methods, to hold the object instance on which the method is applied. A parameter named SELF is not allowed in static methods because static methods do not apply to a particular object instance.

Action: Change the name of the parameter in the declaration.

PLS-00587 a static method cannot be invoked on an instance value

Cause: An attempt was made to use an object instance value, not a type name, as the qualifier of the name of a method invocation, but only a type name can be used as the qualifier when calling a static method.

Action: Use the type name, not an object instance value, to qualify the name of a method if the method is static.

PLS-00588 unqualified instance attribute references allowed only in member methods

Cause: An attempt was made to use the name of an object instance attribute in the body of a static method, or in an initialization default value on another attribute. If the instance attribute is not qualified with a particular object instance that supplies a value, the instance attribute can be named only when it is inside a member method.

Action: Qualify the attribute reference with the name of an object value, or change the containing method to a member method rather than a static method.

PLS-00589 no attributes found in object type "string"

Cause: Table of non-ADT type is defined.

Action: Table of type should be of ADT type only.

PLS-00590 EXTENDS is not yet supported

Cause: An attempt was made to declare one type as inheriting from another.

Action: Remove the EXTENDS clause.

PLS-00591 this feature is not supported in client-side programs

Cause: One of the following features was used in a wrong context:


  • dynamic SQL statements (for example, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE)

These listed features can only be used in server-side programs but not client-side programs.

Action: Remove it or define a server-side subprogram to do the work and call the subprogram from the client.

PLS-00592 the type of a object table must be an object type

Cause: A typed-table of a non-object type was defined.

Action: Replace the non-object type with an object-type.

PLS-00593 default value of parameter 'string' in body must match that of spec

Cause: The default value initialization of a parameter in a subprogram body contained in a package body did not match that of the corresponding subprogram specification in the corresponding package specification.

Action: Change the default initialization of the parameter in body to match that of the specification.

PLS-00594 the SELF parameter can be declared only as IN or as IN OUT

Cause: The SELF parameter was declared as an OUT parameter.

Action: Declare the SELF parameter as either an IN or an IN OUT parameter.

PLS-00595 the TABLE operator is not allowed in this context

Cause: The TABLE operator was used as an argument to a SELECT or CAST statement.

Action: Remove the TABLE operator from the SELECT list items or from argument of CAST operator. Make sure that the TABLE operator appears only in the FROM clause.

PLS-00700 PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT of string must follow declaration of its exception in the same declarative part

Cause: An EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was not declared in the same block as its exception. They must be declared in the proper order in the same block, with the pragma declaration following the exception declaration.

Action: Place the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma directly after the exception declaration referenced by the pragma.

PLS-00701 illegal ORACLE error number string for PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT

Cause: The error number passed to an EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was out of range. The error number must be in the range -9999 .. -1 (excluding -100) for Oracle errors or in the range -20000 .. -20999 for user-defined errors.

Action: Use a valid error number.

PLS-00702 second argument to PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT must be a numeric literal

Cause: The second argument passed to an EXCEPTION_INIT pragma was something other than a numeric literal (a variable, for example). The second argument must be a numeric literal in the range -9999 .. -1 (excluding -100) for Oracle errors or in the range -20000 .. -20999 for user-defined errors.

Action: Replace the second argument with a valid error number.

PLS-00703 multiple instances of named argument in list

Cause: Two or more actual parameters in a subprogram call refer to the same formal parameter.

Action: Remove the duplicate actual parameter.

PLS-00704 'string' must be declared as an exception

Cause: The EXCEPTION_NAME parameter passed to an EXCEPTION_INIT pragma is misspelled or does not refer to a legally declared exception. Or, the pragma is misplaced; it must appear in the same declarative section, somewhere after the exception declaration.

Action: Check the spelling of the EXCEPTION_NAME parameter. Then, check the exception declaration, making sure the exception name and the keyword EXCEPTION are spelled correctly. Also make sure the pragma appears in the same declarative section somewhere after the exception declaration.

PLS-00705 exception 'string' used in expression requiring return type

Cause: An exception was referred to in an expression. Exceptions have names but not values and therefore cannot contribute values to an expression. For example, the following RETURN statement is illegal:

limit       NUMBER; 
over_limit  EXCEPTION;
...      BEGIN
RETURN over_limit;  -- illegal 

Action: Check the spelling of the identifiers in the expression, then rewrite the expression so that it does not refer to an exception.

PLS-00706 Exception string cannot be used as prefix of a selected component

Cause: An exception name was mistakenly used to qualify a reference to a component. For example, when dot notation was used to specify fields within a record, an exception name might have been coded instead of the record name.

Action: Rewrite the component reference using a valid prefix (for example, the name of a package, record, or schema).

PLS-00707 unsupported construct or internal error [string]

Cause: At run time, this is an internal error. At compile time, it indicates one of the following problems:

  • A call was made to a remote subprogram that has a parameter type or default expression not supported at the calling site.

  • An incomplete upgrade or downgrade was done to a database that has stored procedures. Perhaps incorrect versions of system packages such as STANDARD.SQL were installed.

  • A compiler bug was encountered. In such cases, legal PL/SQL syntax will fail to compile.

Action: Either report the internal error to Oracle Customer Support or, depending on the problem, take one of the following actions:

  • Revise the logic of the application to use parameter types and default expressions that are supported at both the local and remote sites.

  • Complete the upgrade or downgrade properly, making sure to install correct versions of all system packages.

  • Report the legal-syntax error to Oracle Customer Support. If there are line and column numbers displayed with the error message, they might help you find a workaround. For example, try recoding the offending line to avoid the bug.

PLS-00708 Pragma string must be declared in a package specification

Cause: The named pragma was not declared in a package specification, as required. For example, the pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES must be declared in a package specification.

Action: Remove or relocate the misplaced pragma.

PLS-00709 pragma string must be declared in package specification and body

Cause: The named pragma was declared in a package specification but not in the corresponding package body or vice-versa, as well as the package body.

Action: Add the pragma to that part of the package declaration that does not have the pragma.

PLS-00710 PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANS*Action cannot be declared here

Cause: The PRAGMA was declared in an inappropriate context. This PRAGMA has to be declared in the declarative section of a procedure, a function, a top level anonymous block.

Action: Remove or relocate the misplaced pragma.

PLS-00711 PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANS*Action cannot be declared twice

Cause: The PRAGMA was declared twice in the same block.

Action: Remove the duplicate declaration of the PRAGMA.

PLS-00712 illegal option for subprogram string

Cause: Only top level subprograms or subprogram declarations in PACKAGE or TYPE specifications are allowed to have the options DETERMINISTIC or PARALLEL_ENABLE. For example, this error would be raised if the options are used in PACKAGE or TYPE body.

Action: Remove the option.


Cause: A top level subprogram (function or procedure) cannot be created if the system package SYS_STUB_FOR_PURITY_ANALYSIS is missing in the Oracle database.

Action: Make sure the package is in the database, and retry the creation.

PLS-00801 internal error [string]

Cause: This is a generic internal error that might occur during compilation or execution. The first parameter is the internal error number.

Action: Report this error as a bug to Oracle Customer Support.

PLS-00900 can't find body of unit 'string'

Cause: At run time, the body of a program unit could not be found. This can happen for one of two reasons.

  • There may be a unit 'a' which calls a module 'b', where the specification for 'b' exists but not the body. In this case, since the specification is present, there will be no compile-time errors.

  • This can occur if there is a reference to a sequence outside of the proper context such as a SQL statement. In this case, the specification of the sequence reference can be found, but it is invalid to actually run code which references the sequence outside a SQL statement, as in:

    i := seq.nextval; 

Action: If caused by the first reason, create a body for the object that is being referenced. If caused by the second reason, move the sequence into a SQL statement. For example, i := seq.nextval; can be replaced by:

select seq.nextval into temp from dual; i := temp; 

PLS-00901 the data type of column 'string' of table 'string' is not supported

Cause: A column in a database table belongs to a datatype that is not supported by the current release of PL/SQL.

Action: Remove the offending column from the table or copy the desired columns to another table.

PLS-00902 A READ-ONLY bind variable used in OUT or IN-OUT context

Cause: A host variable that is protected from update was used in a context that allows an update.

Action: Check the context and change the use of the host variable, or assign the value of the host variable to a PL/SQL local variable, then use the local variable instead.

PLS-00904 insufficient privilege to access object string

Cause: An attempt was made to operate on a database object without the required privilege. This error occurs, for example, if an attempt was made to UPDATE a table for which only SELECT privileges were granted.

Action: Ask the database administrator to perform the operation or to grant you the required privilege.

PLS-00905 object string is invalid

Cause: An invalid package specification or stored subprogram was referenced. A package specification or stored subprogram is invalid if its source code or any database object it references has been DROPped, REPLACEd, or ALTERed since it was last compiled.

Action: Find out what invalidated the package specification or stored subprogram, then make sure that Oracle can recompile it without errors.

PLS-00906 Compilation is not possible

Cause: The PL/SQL compiler cannot run properly because its operating environment is corrupted. For example, its error message file might be inaccessible.

Action: Check the PL/SQL operating environment, making sure that all files required by the compiler are accessible.

PLS-00907 cannot load library unit string (referenced by string)

Cause: PL/SQL is unable to find and load a library unit that was previously available. This typically happens when you try to load a unit which references another library unit that is non-existent or invalid.

Action: Provide the needed library unit.

PLS-00908 The stored format of string is not supported by this release

Cause: PL/SQL cannot understand the stored format of a library unit. It has been compiled or shrink-wrapped with a version of PL/SQL either too new or too old for this version to understand it.

Action: Recompile the library unit for this version of PL/SQL.

PLS-00909 object string is not declared or insufficient privileges to access object string

Cause: An object from the operator declaration is not declared, or it is declared but there is no sufficient privileges to access that object.

Action: Declare the object, or ask the database administrator to grant the privileges required to access the object.

PLS-00950 In this version, PL/SQL tables can not be used in this SQL statement.

Cause: In a SQL statement, a PL/SQL table was referenced incorrectly. For example, the following reference might have been made, but PL/SQL table attributes can only be used in procedural statements:

SELECT ename_tab.COUNT INTO name_count WHERE ... 

Action: Remove the incorrect reference from the SQL statement.

PLS-00951 stringFeature is not supported by this release

Cause: PL/SQL cannot understand something in an imported library unit. It uses some feature either too new or too old for this version to understand it.

Action: Recompile the imported library unit with this version of PL/SQL, to discover more precisely what feature is not supported.

PLS-00960 RPCs cannot use variables with schema level user-defined types in this release

Cause: Schema level user-defined types, or types which recursively use such types, cannot be used in RPCs. For example:

create type foo as object (...) 
create package my_pack is
type my_tab is table of foo; 
-- on a remote server: 
x my_pack.my_tab@rpc;  -- illegal attempt to use type my_tab 

Action: Use only PL/SQL-defined types for RPC calls. It may be necessary to add extra code to element-wise copy top-level types into local types in order to move such data through an RPC.

PLS-00989 Cursor Variable in record, object, or collection is not supported by this release

Cause: A cursor variable was entered in a record, object, or collection. This is not supported in this PL/SQL release.

Action: Rewrite your application using stand-alone cursor variables and/or parameters, or, for usage in records, consider a downgrade to PL/SQL 2.3.

PLS-00990 Index Tables of Cursor Variables are disallowed

Cause: An attempt was made to build an index table using cursor variables.

Action: Rewrite your application, using stand-alone cursor variables and procedure parameters, index tables of records and loops.

PLS-00992 Cursor Variables cannot be FETCH'ed from

Cause: An attempt was made to perform a FETCH from a cursor variable.

Action: Consider an upgrade to PL/SQL 2.3, where this restriction is not present, or rewrite your application using OCI or precompiler for FETCH.

PLS-00993 Cursor Variables cannot be passed as RPC arguments or results

Cause: An attempt was made to pass a cursor variable to or from a remote subprogram, which is not allowed. For example, a remote procedure cannot be used to open a cursor variable because remote subprograms cannot return the values of cursor variables.

Action: Change the subprogram call to reference a local database.

PLS-00994 Cursor Variables cannot be declared as part of a package

Cause: An attempt was made to declare a cursor variable in a package specification, which is not allowed. Although REF CURSOR types can be defined in a PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package, cursor variables can be declared only in a block or subprogram.

Action: Move the cursor variable declaration into a PL/SQL block or subprogram.

PLS-00995 unhandled exception # string

Cause: An exception was raised for which no handler was found. If it cannot find a handler for a raised exception, PL/SQL returns an unhandled exception to the host environment. The number embedded in the message is an Oracle error code listed in this manual.

Action: Fix the condition that raised the exception, write an appropriate exception handler, or use the OTHERS handler. If there is an appropriate handler in the current block, the exception was raised in a declaration or exception handler, and therefore propagated immediately to the enclosing block.

PLS-00996 out of memory

Cause: A request from PL/SQL for more memory failed.

Action: Make sure that you are not referencing the wrong row in a PL/SQL table and that the program is not recursing too deeply.

PLS-00997 no cursor return types allowed in this beta version

Cause: Not available at this time.

Action: Do not use.

PLS-01400 Use of '||' token

Cause: Use of '||' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar. This corresponds to the "binary_add_op"'s reduction to a "CAT_" in plsql.y.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01401 Identifier over 18 characters long

Cause: Identifiers over 18 characters long are not allowed under the ANSI grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01402 Use of quoted identifier

Cause: The use of quoted identifiers is a PL/SQL extension and is not allowed under the ANSI grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01403 Comment delimiters /* */

Cause: C-style comments (introduced with the '/' and '*' characters) are not part of the ANSI grammar. To conform with ANSI, comments must be preceded by the ANSI comment introducer, '--' , and must not contain a newline.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01404 ANSI Identifiers can only consist of letters, digits, and the underscore character

Cause: ANSI identifiers can only consist of letters, digits, and the underscore character. PL/SQL allows "#" and "$" in identifiers, but these are not ANSI.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01405 Under ANSI's grammar, numeric data represented in exponent notationmust use an uppercase E

Cause: Under ANSI's grammar, numeric data represented in exponent notation must use an uppercase "E". Example: 3.45E-6 is ANSI, but 3.45e-6 is not.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01406 An identifier has been found that is considered a keyword in ANSI's grammar but not in PL/SQL's

Cause: An identifier has been found that is considered a keyword in ANSI's grammar but not in PL/SQL's.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01407 One of the identifiers CHAR, CHARACTER, or INTEGER has been redefined by the programmer

Cause: One of the identifiers "CHAR", "CHARACTER", or "INTEGER" (all ANSI keywords) has been redefined by the programmer.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01408 Use of '&' token

Cause: Use of '&' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992for details.

PLS-01409 Use of 'PRIOR_' token

Cause: Use of 'PRIOR_' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01410 Use of 'MOD' token

Cause: Use of 'MOD' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01411 Use of 'REM' token

Cause: Use of 'REM' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01412 Use of 'EXP' token

Cause: Use of 'EXP' token in expressions is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01413 Use of NULL an expression

Cause: Use of NULL an expression not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01414 Use of qualified expression here

Cause: Use of qualified expression here is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01415 Use of aggregate value here

Cause: Use of aggregate value here is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01416 Use of id (value...) here

Cause: Use of id (value...) here is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01417 Use of %attribute

Cause: Use of %attribute value here is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01418 Subquery cannot include set operators in ANSI's grammar

Cause: Subquery cannot include set operators in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01419 Subquery must have either '*' or exactly one column in its select list

Cause: Subquery must have either '*' or exactly one column in its select list according to ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01420 INTERSECT and MINUS set operators are not ANSI

Cause: INTERSECT and MINUS set operators are not ANSI.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01421 FOR UPDATE clause

Cause: FOR UPDATE clause is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01422 Aliases

Cause: Aliases are not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01423 Subquery on right-hand-side in set clause

Cause: Subquery on right-hand-side in set clause is not in ANSI's grammar.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01424 Non-ANSI order of clauses

Cause: ANSI specifies an ordering to clauses in a table-expression which PL/SQL does not. The ordering according to ANSI must be:

  1. from clause

  2. where clause

  3. group-by clause

  4. having clause In PL/SQL, the from clause must come first, and the clauses after it can appear in any order (with the addition of the non-ANSI connect-by clause).

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01425 Connect-by clause

Cause: ANSI does not allow connect-by clauses.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01450 This value_expression contains a nonconforming data type

Cause: This value_expression contains a nonconforming data type. Section 4.2 of X3H2, "Data types" states that: "A non-null value is either a character string or a number." Many built-in functions in STANDARD will be flagged with this warning by means of a pragma.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01451 The data types of these value_expressions must be comparable

Cause: The data types of these value_expressions must be comparable. Section 4.2 of X3H2, "Data types", states that: "A character string and a number are not comparable values." Many built-in functions in STANDARD will be flagged with this warning by means of a pragma. This warning will be place on data-type coercion functions, for example, TO_CHAR(number), that are inserted in Oracle SQL to allow non-conforming data type combinations.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01452 This function is not part of the ANSI standard

Cause: This function is not part of the ANSI standard. This warning is used to flag such functions as "POWER" that are not mentioned in the ANSI specifications.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01453 This procedure is not part of the ANSI standard

Cause: This procedure is not part of the ANSI standard. This warning is used to flag such procedures as "STOP" that are not mentioned in the ANSI specifications.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01454 No operator may be used with values of data type CHAR

Cause: No operator may be used with values of data type "character string". Section 5.9, "value_expression", syntax rule 3, of X3H2 states: "If the data type of a primary is character string, then the value_expression shall not include any operators." This warning is placed on many functions in STDBASE that take CHAR arguments.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01455 The predicates IS NULL and IS NOT NULL are defined only for column specifications

Cause: The predicates "IS NULL" and "IS NOT NULL" are defined only for column specifications, not for any other expressions. Section 5.15, "null_predicate", indicates that in the predicate "x IS NULL", x must be a column, and may not be any other kind of expression.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01456 Name length cannot exceed 3.

Cause: Name length cannot exceed 3.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01458 The set clause in an UPDATE statement requires a column name of length 1

Cause: The set clause in an UPDATE statement requires a column name of length 1.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01460 Cannot access object on a remote host

Cause: Cannot access object on a remote host.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01463 STDDEV is not a standard set function

Cause: STDDEV is not a standard set function.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01464 VARIANCE is not a standard set function

Cause: VARIANCE is not a standard set function.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01466 Null strings are not allowed

Cause: Null strings are not allowed.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01467 The value list of the IN predicate, if not a subquery, must contain only value_specifications

Cause: The value list of the IN predicate, if not a subquery, must contain only value_specifications (that is, literals and PL/SQL or embedded variables).

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01468 The first argument of the like-predicate must be a column of type character string

Cause: The first argument of the like-predicate must be a column of type character string.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01469 ANSI standard does not permit records

Cause: ANSI standard does not permit records.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01470 The escape character in the like-predicate must be a literal or a variable of type CHAR

Cause: The escape character in the like-predicate must be a literal or a variable of type character.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01471 The keyword DISTINCT must be present in a COUNT(DISTINCT sim_expr)

Cause: The keyword DISTINCT must be present in a COUNT(DISTINCT sim_expr).

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01472 In a set_function_specification, if DISTINCT is present, the expression must be a column_specification

Cause: In a set_function_specification, if DISTINCT is present, the expression must be a column_specification.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01473 Use <> instead of != or ~=

Cause: Use <> instead of != or ~=.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01474 Use of ANY is non_ANSI

Cause: Due to the combining of comparison_predicate and quantified_predicate, we may have something like sim_expr = ANY_ sim_expr, which is nonetheless accepted by kernel.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01500 Unions are not allowed in the definition of a view

Cause: Unions are not allowed in the definition of a view.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01501 Options in CREATE TABLE statement is non-ANSI.

Cause: CREATE TABLE allows only the definition of the structure of a table. None of the .SPACE__name. .PCTFREE__numeric_literal. .cluster. is ANSI.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01502 Constraint name and constraint status are non-ANSI.

Cause: Constraint name and constraint status are non-ANSI.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01503 The expression in a SET clause must not include a set function

Cause: The expression in a SET clause must not include a set function.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01504 Use of AS phase in CREATE TABLE statement is non_ANSI

Cause: CREATE TABLE allows only the definition of the structure of a table. Use of AS phase in CREATE TABLE statement is non-ANSI.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01505 ALTER is non-ANSI

Cause: ALTER is non-ANSI.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.


Cause: CREATE INDEX is non-ANSI.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01507 DROP is non-ANSI

Cause: DROP is non-ANSI.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01701 Illegal syntax in ROLLBACK WORK statement

Cause: Illegal syntax in ROLLBACK WORK statement.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01702 Illegal syntax in COMMIT WORK statement

Cause: Illegal syntax in COMMIT WORK statement.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01703 Cursor name in CLOSE statment must be of length 1

Cause: Cursor name in CLOSE statement must be of length 1.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01704 The expressions in a sort clause must be column specs or unsigned integers, with optional ASC or DESC

Cause: The expressions in a sort clause may only be column specifications or unsigned integers, followed by optional ASC or DESC.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01705 table specified by a cursor not updatable if cursor specification has a UNION or ORDER_BY

Cause: The table specified by a cursor is not updatable if the cursor specification contains a UNION or ORDER_BY.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01707 In positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, table must be identified in specification of cursor

Cause: In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the table deleted from or updated must be identified in the specification of the cursor.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01708 In searched DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT, table must not appear in FROM clause of subqueries in search condition

Cause: In a searched DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT statement, the table affected must not appear in a FROM clause in any of the subqueries in the search condition.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01709 value list of INSERT statement, if specified with value list rather than subquery, must be value specification

Cause: In an INSERT statement, the insert value list, if specified with a value list rather than a subquery, must be value specifications, that is, no compound expressions or column references.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01710 In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the cursor name must be of length 1

Cause: In a positioned DELETE or UPDATE statement, the cursor name must be of length 1.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01711 A SELECT statement may not contain ORDER_BY, HAVING, or GROUP_BY clause

Cause: A SELECT statement may not contain ORDER_BY, HAVING, or GROUP_BY clause.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01712 ANSI does not allow bind variables as INDICATORS

Cause: ANSI does not allow bind variables as INDICATORS.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01713 The constraints on these types do not match

Cause: The constraints on these types do not match.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01714 ANSI expects a column name not a literal value here

Cause: ANSI expects a column name not a literal value here.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01715 ANSI does not accept SAVEPOINTs

Cause: ANSI does not accept SAVEPOINTs.

Action: Refer to ANSI document ANSI X3.135-1992 for details.

PLS-01900 : character to number conversion error

Cause: There was a failure while converting a character string into a numeric value.

Action: Verify that all character strings assigned to number variables have valid numeric value interpretations.

PLS-01901 : host bind array too small

Cause: PL/SQL was unable to transfer data into a host array because the array is too small.

Action: Increase the size of the host array.

PLS-01902 : hex to raw conversion error

Cause: There was a failure while converting a hexadecimal string to a raw.

Action: Verify that the hexadecimal variable to be converted contains a valid hexadecimal value.

PLS-01903 : non-integer error number

Cause: SQLERRM() was called with a non-integer value.

Action: Make sure SQLERRM() is called with an integer value.

PLS-01904 : NULL index table key value

Cause: An attempt was made to index into an index table with a NULL key value.

Action: Make sure key values used to index into index tables are non-NULL.

PLS-01905 : character string buffer too small

Cause: An error was encountered while moving a character string from a source to a destination. This error occurs if, for example, an attempt is made to move a character string of 10 characters into a 1 character buffer. The cause of this error may not always be obvious. For example, the following will result in this error:

a varchar2(1); 
b number;
b := 10; 
a := b; 

An error results because an implicit conversion causes the number 10 to become the character string '10', which does not fit in the character buffer of 1 allocated for the variable a.

Action: First, look for character string assignment statements where the buffer size is mismatched. If there are none found, then consider the implicit conversion case illustrated in the example above.

PLS-01906 : raw variable length too long

Cause: The length of a raw variable being copied or assigned was too long to fit into its destination.

Action: Make sure the raw variable length is correct.

PLS-01907 : number precision too large

Cause: The number begin copied or assigned had too many digits to the left of the decimal and did not fit into its destination. In other words, there is a number precision mismatch. This error may also occur if, for example, an attempt is made to assign a character string to a number, as demonstrated below.

a varchar2(4);
b number(1,1); 
a := '10.1'; 
b := a; 

Action: First, check explicit number precision value mismatches. If none are found, then consider implicit conversions of other types to numbers, including conversions performed during binds.

PLS-01908 : RETURNING INTO buffer too small

Cause: PL/SQL determined that a server side DML with a RETURNING INTO clause does not use a buffer that is large enough to hold the data being returned.

Action: Increase the size of the RETURNING INTO clause buffer.


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