Oracle8i Backup and Recovery Guide Release 8.1.5 A67773-01 |
To shut down the target database without exiting RMAN. This command is equivalent to using the SQL*Plus SHUTDOWN statement.
See Also: For information on how to start up and shut down a database, see the Oracle8i Administrator's Guide. For SHUTDOWN syntax, see the SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference.
This example waits for current SQL transactions to be processed before shutting down, then mounts the database:
shutdown immediate; startup mount;
This example backs up a database running in NOARCHIVELOG mode:
shutdown abort; startup dba; shutdown; startup mount; # executing the above commands ensures that database is in proper state for noarchivelog # backup run { set duplex = 4; allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape'; backup database; alter database open; }