Oracle8i Backup and Recovery Guide Release 8.1.5 A67773-01 |
To create a schema for the recovery catalog. Typically, you create this schema in a separate recovery catalog database.
See Also: For more information about the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role, see the Oracle8i Administrator's Guide.
This example creates a user RMAN, grants RMAN the RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER role, then creates the recovery catalog in the schema RMAN.RCVCAT of the database RCAT:
% sqlplus sys/change_on_install@rcat; SQL> CREATE USER rman IDENTIFIED BY rman 2> DEFAULT TABLESPACE rcvcat QUOTA UNLIMITED ON rcvcat; SQL> GRANT recovery_catalog_owner TO rman; SQL> exit % connect rman/rman@rcat; RMAN> create catalog tablespace rcvcat;