SQL*Plus Release 8.1.5 Enhancements
To fully exploit SQL*Plus Release 8.1.5, you need Oracle8i. SQL*Plus release 8.1.5 gives you the following capabilities:
- There is a new command named STARTUP. The STARTUP command starts an Oracle instance, with the options to mount and open a database.
- There is a new command named SHUTDOWN. The SHUTDOWN command shuts down an Oracle instance that is currently running. It also optionally closes and dismounts a database.
- There is a new command named RECOVER. The RECOVER command performs media recovery on tablespaces, datafiles or the entire databse.
- There is a new command named ARCHIVE LOG. The ARCHIVE LOG command allows redo log files to be archived. It also displays information about redo log files.
- The CONNECT command now has an AS clause. The AS clause, allows privileged connections by users who have been granted SYSOPER or SYSDBA system privileges.
- The SET command now has an AUTORECOVERY clause. The AUTORECOVERY clause specifies whether default archived redo log files are to be used during recovery.
- The SET command now has a DESCRIBE clause. The DESCRIBE clause specifies the depth or level to which objects can be described.
- The SET command now has an INSTANCE clause. The INSTANCE clause changes the default instance for your session to the specified instance.
- The SET command now has a LOGSOURCE clause. The LOGSOURCE clause specifies the location from which archive logs are retrieved during recovery.
- The SET command now has a SQLBLANKLINES clause. The SQLBLANKLINES clause allows and preserves blank lines within any SQL command.
- The SHOW command now has a PARAMETERS clause. The PARAMETERS clause displays the current values for one or more initialization parameters.
- The SHOW command now has an SGA clause. The SGA clause displays information about the current instance's System Global Area.