Oracle8i interMedia Locator User's Guide and Reference Release 8.1.5 A67298-01 |
This appendix describes the geocode HTTP package exceptions.
The following exceptions are associated with the geocode HTTP package.
http_error EXCEPTION
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(http_error, -20000)
Cause: This exception is raised when an HTTP transmission error occurs.
Action: The HTTP server may be down or the communications link may be down. Try again several times until successful or try again later.
geocoder_error EXCEPTION
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(geocoder_error, -20001)
Cause: This exception is raised when a geocode vendor error occurs. This error is raised when a row cannot be matched by the geocode vendor and the result returned is likely to be null.
Action: Check with the specific vendor returning this exception to help diagnose the underlying problem and determine an alternative solution.
unit_error EXCEPTION
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(unit_error, -20003)
Cause: This exception is raised when a unit conversion error occurs.
Action: A unit value is not recognized. Check your unit value for compliance.
radius_error EXCEPTION
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(unit_error, -20004)
Cause: This exception is raised when a negative radius value is used.
Action: Change the radius value to a positive value.