Oracle8i Time Series User's Guide Release 8.1.5 A67294-01 |
This appendix lists the Oracle8i Time Series error messages, including the cause and recommended user action for each.
TS-00500, "internal error"
Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Time Series exceptions. This indicates that a process has encountered an exception.
Action: Report as a bug.
TS-00501, "the input patterns are not of the same length"
Cause: The input calendars have patterns of different lengths. For example, '0,1,1,1,1,1,0' and '0,1,1,1,1,0' were specified.
Action: Use calendars with patterns of the same length.
TS-00502, "patanchor cannot be on the 29th or 30th day of the month"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar having a pattern anchor on the 29th or 30th day of the month.
Action: Ensure that all calendar pattern anchors are not on the 29th or 30th day of the month.
TS-00503, "patanchor can be null only for all-zero or all-one patterns"
Cause: Pattern anchor was null, and pattern was not acceptable for a null patanchor. The anchor can be null only when using all-zero or all-one pattern bits.
Action: Supply a pattern anchor date, or adjust the pattern bits.
TS-00504, "illegal validflag parameter was passed to DisplayValCal/DisplayValTS"
Cause: DisplayValCal or DisplayValTS was called with invalid parameters.
Action: Only call DisplayValCal and DisplayValTS with the output of ValidateCal or ValidateTS, respectively.
TS-00505, "illegal outmessage parameter was passed to DisplayValCal/DisplayValTS"
Cause: DisplayValCal or DisplayValTS was called with invalid parameters.
Action: Only call DisplayValCal and DisplayValTS with the output of ValidateCal or ValidateTS, respectively.
TS-00506, "the calendar pattern is null"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar having a null pattern.
Action: Ensure that all calendars have a non-null pattern.
TS-00507, "the calendar has an imprecise mindate or maxdate"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar having an imprecise mindate or maxdate.
Action: Ensure that all calendar mindates and maxdates are precise.
TS-00508, "a NULL patanchor is illegal for calendars with frequencies - 5,7,10,16,18"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar having a null pattern anchor date with one of the following frequencies: week (5), quarter (7), 10-day (10), semi-monthly (16), semi-annual (18).
Action: Ensure that all calendars with the frequency value in (5,10,16,18) have non-null pattern anchor dates.
TS-00509, "the input calendars have unequal pattern bits greater than 1"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered calendars having patterns with pattern bits greater than 1 and the corresponding pattern bits being unequal. For Union and Intersection operations, the two input calendars need to have matching pattern bits if the bits are greater than 1.
Action: Ensure that the two input calendars passed in have patterns with matching pattern bits.
TS-00510, "datetab has dates outside the bounds of the calendar"
Cause: DeriveExceptions encountered dates outside of the input calendar's mindate/maxdate.
Action: Adjust mindate/maxdate or remove extraneous dates from the input DateTab.
TS-00511, "calendar pattern bits array is either empty or null"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar with an empty or null array of pattern bits.
Action: Update the calendar to include a valid array of pattern bits.
TS-00512, "invalid frequency value"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar with an unsupported frequency.
Action: Restrict all calendars to frequencies: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 18.
TS-00513, "the input dates are in the wrong order"
Cause: The date range provided was in reverse order.
Action: When specifying a date range, always list the earlier date first.
TS-00514, "calendar pattern has an imprecise anchor date"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar with an anchor having the wrong precision.
Action: Adjust the precision of the anchor to match the calendar's frequency.
TS-00515, "input date is beyond the calendar mindate/maxdate"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a date less than the mindate or greater than the maxdate.
Action: Ensure that all input dates are within the mindate-maxdate range of the calendar.
TS-00516, "input date is greater than calendar maxdate"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a date greater than maxdate.
Action: Ensure that all input dates are within the mindate-maxdate range of the calendar.
TS-00517, "unable to set precision of calendar pattern anchor"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar with a pattern anchor whose precision cannot be set. Setting the precision of the anchor takes it beyond the allowed Oracle dates.
Action: Ensure that the calendar pattern anchor is at least frequency units from the minimum Oracle date (Julian 1). Pattern anchors have to be within the following range: [Oracle Mindate + frequency, Oracle Maxdate]
TS-00519, "the series attribute of the time series type is null"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a null series within a time series.
Action: Ensure that all time series have a non-null series component.
TS-00520, "the input calendar is null"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a null calendar.
Action: Ensure that all calendars are non-null.
TS-00522, "error scaling date to calendar"
Cause: Input date cannot be scaled to given calendar.
Action: Ensure that the given calendar is valid and that the calendar's mindate and maxdate encompass all potential timestamp values.
TS-00523, "the input date is null"
Cause: Scaleup has encountered a null date. No scaling semantics are defined for a null date.
Action: Ensure that all input to Scaleup is non-null.
TS-00525, "the input time series is null"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a null time series.
Action: Ensure that all time series are not atomically null.
TS-00526, "the input time series has a null calendar"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a null calendar within a time series.
Action: Ensure that all time series include valid (non-null) calendars.
TS-00527, "error scaling up to the target calendar frequency"
Cause: Scaleup encountered a target calendar of finer frequency than that of the input time series' calendar.
Action: Scaleup requires a target calendar of equal or coarser (timestamps at less frequent intervals) frequency.
TS-00528, "calendar has a null mindate or a null maxdate"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar with a null mindate or maxdate.
Action: Ensure that all calendars have a valid mindate and maxdate.
TS-00529, "calendar mindate is greater than its maxdate"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar with mindate > maxdate.
Action: Ensure that all calendars have a valid mindate <= maxdate.
TS-00530, "series indexes must be greater than 0"
Cause: GetNthElement encountered an index less than 1.
Action: Use indexes greater than 0.
TS-00531, "the input time series has a null calendar reference"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a time series with a null calendar reference.
Action: Ensure that all calendar references are valid.
TS-00532, "unable to DEREF calendar referenced by time series"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series was unable to dereference a calendar reference.
Action: Verify that the user executing the query has select privileges for the calendar table storing the object, and that the correct calendar has been referenced by the time series reference.
TS-00533, "the time series has data beyond its calendar mindate/maxdate"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a time series with data beyond mindate/maxdate.
Action: Ensure that all timestamps in a time series are within the calendar's mindate/maxdate.
TS-00534, "the number of rows requested must be a positive integer"
Cause: The requested number of rows was less than 0.
Action: Use a positive number to specify the number of rows requested.
TS-00535, "the time series ref has a null table_name parameter"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a time series reference having a null table_name.
Action: Ensure that all time series references include a valid table name.
TS-00536, "the time series ref has a null tstamp_colname parameter"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a time series reference having a null tstamp_colname.
Action: Ensure that all time series references include a valid timestamp column name.
TS-00537, "the time series ref has a null value_colname parameter"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a time series reference having a null value_colname.
Action: Ensure that all time series references include a valid value column name.
TS-00538, "the time series ref has a null qualifier_colname parameter"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a time series reference having a null qualifier_colname.
Action: Ensure that all time series references include a valid qualifier column name.
TS-00539, "the time series ref has a null qualifier_value parameter"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a time series reference having a null qualifier_value.
Action: Ensure that all time series references include a valid qualifier value.
TS-00540, "the projected lead timestamp is beyond the calendar mindate/maxdate"
Cause: The given parameters result in timestamps outside of mindate/maxdate.
Action: Adjust the lead timestamp or lead units to remain within calendar mindate/maxdate, or extend the mindate/maxdate.
TS-00541, "the projected lag timestamp is beyond the calendar mindate/maxdate"
Cause: The given parameters result in timestamps outside of mindate/maxdate.
Action: Adjust the lag timestamp or lag units to remain within calendar mindate/maxdate, or extend the mindate/maxdate.
TS-00542, "the window size for mavg/msum must be >= 1"
Cause: Window size parameter passed to moving average/sum was not greater than 0.
Action: Use a window size parameter greater than or equal to 1.
TS-00547, "the input fill type is invalid"
Cause: Fill has been called with a filltype less than 0 or greater than 2.
Action: Use a valid filltype: 0, 1, or 2.
TS-00548, "the target timestamp for leading is invalid"
Cause: The target timestamp input to the Lead function was invalid with respect to the input time series calendar.
Action: Ensure that the target timestamp input to the Lead function is a valid timestamp with respect to the input time series calendar.
TS-00551, "error parsing the SQL statement with the time series ref"
Cause: The SQL statement constructed from the time series reference was invalid.
Action: Verify the validity of the time series reference:
TS-00552, "error executing the SQL statement with the time series ref"
Cause: The SQL statement constructed from the time series reference was invalid.
Action: Verify the validity of the time series reference:
TS-00553, "divide by zero error"
Cause: An attempt was made to divide by zero with TSDivide.
Action: When dividing by a constant, ensure that the constant is nonzero.
TS-00554, "the input calendar patterns are not equal"
Cause: DeriveExceptions requires the calendar of the reference time series to have the same pattern as the calendar of the time series being processed.
Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with time series having calendars with the same pattern.
TS-00555, "the input calendar frequencies are not equal"
Cause: DeriveExceptions requires the calendar of the reference time series to have the same frequency as the calendar of the time series being processed.
Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with time series having calendars with the same frequency.
TS-00556, "mindate of the ref calendar exceeds the mindate of the target calendar"
Cause: DeriveExceptions encountered a reference time series whose calendar has a mindate greater than that of the calendar of the target time series.
Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with appropriate time series.
TS-00557, "maxdate of the target calendar exceeds the maxdate of the ref calendar"
Cause: DeriveExceptions encountered a reference time series whose calendar has a maxdate less than that of the calendar of the target time series.
Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with appropriate time series.
TS-00558, "the target calendar should have empty on/off exception lists"
Cause: DeriveExceptions encountered a target time series whose calendar has non-empty exception lists.
Action: Ensure that DeriveExceptions is called only with target time series whose calendars have empty exception lists.
TS-00559, "the caltype field in the calendar has an illegal value"
Cause: Oracle8i Time Series encountered a calendar with an invalid calendar type.
Action: Ensure that all calendars have valid calendar type value. Valid calendar types are: (Exception-driven calendars = 0)
TS-00560, "the input data includes imprecise timestamps"
Cause: DeriveExceptions function encountered an imprecise date in the time series (or datetab) input.
Action: Ensure that all the timestamps in the time series (datetab) are precise with respect to the target calendar before calling DeriveExceptions.
TS-00561, "begin_create_ts_group has not been called"
Cause: BEGIN_CREATE_TS_GROUP must be called before calling this procedure.
Action: Call BEGIN_CREATE_TS_GROUP before calling this procedure.
TS-00562, "the column name is a duplicate"
Cause: Two column names given for a time series were the same.
Action: Provide a unique column name for each time series column. Ensure that this column name does not conflict with any other column name including the explicit or default column name of the tstamp column or the column name of the group_name column. Use GET_ATTRIBUTES to determine default values.
TS-00563, "missing column attributes"
Cause: A time series was defined without defining columns.
Action: Define at least one column for the time series using ADD_VARCHAR2, ADD_NUMBER, or ADD_INTEGER.
TS-00564, "unknown storage model"
Cause: The time series storage model specified does not correspond to a valid storage model.
Action: Ensure that the procedure is called with a valid storage model descriptor: 'OBJECT' or 'FLAT'.
TS-00565, "wrong storage model"
Cause: The time series procedure cannot be called for the storage model currently being defined.
Action: Ensure that the procedure called is appropriate for the time series being created.
TS-00566, "unknown time series group"
Cause: The time series definition specified is not known.
Action: Ensure that the call references a known time series definition.
TS-00567, "unsupported datatype"
Cause: The column data type specified for a time series is not supported.
Action: Ensure that the column data type for a time series is NUMBER, INTEGER, or VARCHAR2.
TS-00568, "illegal call sequence"
Cause: The function is not being called in the correct sequence.
Action: Ensure that the function is called in the correct sequence.
TS-00569, "not all attributes dropped"
Cause: Not all objects belonging to a time series group could be dropped (deleted). This was either because underlying objects no longer exist or because another time series definition references them.
Action: Get privileges to drop (delete) the object directly.
TS-00570, "too many columns declared"
Cause: Too many columns were declared for the time series. Please consult the documentation for a limit on the maximum number of columns allowed.
Action: Declare another time series to accommodate the extra columns.
TS-00571, "detail table must exist"
Cause: ADD_EXISTING_COLUMN is invalid if the detail table does not exist.
TS-00572, "column not found"
Cause: ADD_EXISTING_COLUMN was called for a column that does not exist in the detail table.
Action: Specify a NUMBER or VARCHAR2 column table in the existing detail table.
TS-00573, "detail table must not exist"
Cause: ADD_VARCHAR2_COLUMN, ADD_NUMBER_COLUMN is invalid if the detail table does not exist.
Action: Call ADD_COLUMN function when detail table exists.
TS-00574, "log file is already open"
Cause: OPEN_LOG was called when a log file is already open.
Action: Call CLOSE_LOG to close the current log file before calling OPEN_LOG.
TS-00575, "parameters conflict with detail_table_exists"
Cause: The detail_table_attr, detail_table_pk, or tsname_length field was set to non-null values when detail_table_exists was called with value of 1.
Action: When calling SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES with detail_table_exists=1, the detail_table_attr, detail_table_pk, and detail_tsname_length parameters must be null.
TS-00576, "parameters conflict with map_table_exists"
Cause: The map_table_attr or map_table_pk field was set to non-null values when map_table_exists was called with value of 1.
Action: When calling SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES with map_table_exists=1, the map_table_attr and map_table_pk parameters must be null.
TS-00577, "parameters conflict with cal_table_exists"
Cause: The cal_table_attr or cal_table_pk field was set to non-null values when cal_table_exists was called with value of 1.
Action: When calling SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES with cal_table_exists=1, the cal_table_attr and cal_table_pk parameters must be null.
TS-00578, "detail table not found"
Cause: The detail table specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the detail table specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES exists.
TS-00579, "the tstamp field specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES does not exist"
Cause: The tstamp field is not found in the existing detail table.
Action: Ensure that the tstamp column name specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES is in the detail table.
TS-00580, "the tstamp field specified is not a DATE column"
Cause: The call specified a tstamp field that is not a DATE data type.
Action: Specify a tstamp column that is a DATE data type.
TS-00581, "the tsname field specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES does not exist"
Cause: The tsname field is not found in the existing detail table.
Action: Ensure that the tsname field column name specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES is in the detail table.
TS-00582, "the tsname field specified is not a VARCHAR2 column"
Cause: The call specified a tsname field that is not a VARCHAR2 data type.
Action: Specify a tsname column that is a VARCHAR2 data type.
TS-00583, "existing detail table missing primary key constraint"
Cause: An attempt was made to build a time series on a detail table that is missing a required primary key constraint.
Action: Ensure that the detail table has a primary key constraint on the tsname and tstamp columns.
TS-00584, "existing detail table missing index with tsname as first column"
Cause: An attempt was made to build a time series on a detail table that does not specify the tsname field as the first column of a primary key index.
Action: Ensure that the detail table has a primary key constraint on the tsname and tstamp columns.
TS-00585, "existing detail table missing index with tstamp as second column"
Cause: An attempt was made to build a time series on a detail table that does not specify the tstamp field as the second column of a primary key index.
Action: Ensure that the detail table has a primary key constraint on the tsname and tstamp columns.
TS-00586, "calendar table not found"
Cause: The calendar table specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the calendar table specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES exists.
TS-00587, "calendar table not correct type"
Cause: The calendar table specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES was not an object table of type ORDSYS.ORDTCALENDAR.
Action: Ensure that the calendar table specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES is an object table of type ORDSYS.ORDTCALENDAR.
TS-00588, "calendar table missing primary key constraint"
Cause: An attempt was made to build a time series on a calendar table that is missing a required primary key constraint.
Action: Ensure that the calendar table has a primary key constraint on the name field.
TS-00589, "existing calendar table missing index with NAME as first column"
Cause: An attempt was made to build a time series on a calendar table that does not specify the name field as the first column of a primary key index.
Action: Ensure that the calendar table has a primary key constraint on the name field.
TS-00590, "map table not found"
Cause: The map table specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the map table specified in SET_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES exists.
TS-00591, "existing map table missing CALNAME field"
Cause: The map table specified should have field called calname of type VARCHAR2(256).
Action: Check to see that the existing map table specified is correct and has the required fields.
TS-00592, "the CALNAME field in the existing map table is not a VARCHAR2 field"
Cause: The existing map table specified should have a field called calname of type VARCHAR2.
Action: Check to see that the existing map table specified is correct and has the required fields.
TS-00593, "the CALNAME VARCHAR2 field is not of length 256"
Cause: The existing map table specified should have a VARCHAR2 field called calname of a length of 256.
Action: Check to see that the existing map table specified is correct and has the required fields.
TS-00594, "the existing map table is missing the tsname column"
Cause: The existing map table specified should have a field of the same name as the tsname column in the detail table.
Action: Check to see that the existing map table specified is correct and has the required fields.
TS-00595, "the tsname field in the map table is not a VARCHAR2 column"
Cause: The tsname field in the existing map table must be a VARCHAR2 field.
Action: Check to see that the existing map table specified is correct and has the required fields.
TS-00596, "the length of the tsname field in the existing map table is incorrect"
Cause: The length of the tsname field in the existing map table must be the same length as the tsname field in the detail table.
Action: Check to see that the existing map table specified is correct and has the required fields.
TS-00597, "the map table is missing a primary key constraint"
Cause: The map table specified must have a primary key constraint on the tsname field.
Action: Check to see that the existing map table specified is correct and has the required fields.
TS-00598, "the map table is missing an index on the tsname field"
Cause: An attempt was made to build a time series on a map table that does not specify the tsname field as the first column of a primary key index.
Action: Check to see that the existing map table specified is correct and has the required fields.
TS-00599, "illegal input param values"
Cause: The combination or the values of the input parameters are invalid.
Action: Check to see that the values and combination of input parameters to the call are correct.
TS-00600, "update of tstamp value is illegal"
Cause: An INSTEAD OF trigger detected an attempt to update the tstamp field.
Action: Updates of tstamp fields in a time series are not permitted.
TS-00601, "update of tsname value is illegal"
Cause: An update trigger detected an attempt to update the tsname field.
Action: Updates of tsname fields in a time series are not permitted.
TS-00602, "no calendar found"
Cause: An insert or delete trigger failed to retrieve a calendar for a regular time series.
Action: Check to see that the time series being updated has a calendar associated with it.
TS-00603, "tstamp date not valid"
Cause: An insert was done using a timestamp date value that was not valid for the calendar.
Action: Check to see that the timestamp date is valid for the calendar of the time series.
TS-00604, "time stamp must be next valid date before startdate"
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a timestamp that was not the first valid date before the starting date.
Action: Check to see that the timestamp date is valid for the calendar of the time series.
TS-00605, "time stamp must be next valid date after enddate"
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a timestamp that was not the first valid date after the ending date.
Action: Check to see that the timestamp date is valid for the calendar of the time series.
TS-00606, "cannot delete a legal date in the middle of a time series"
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a timestamp in the middle of a time series.
Cause: Delete timestamps from the ends of the time series.
TS-00607, "time series group exists"
Cause: The time series group specified already exists.
Action: Ensure that BEGIN_CREATE_TS_GROUP specifies a time series group that does not already exist.
TS-00608, "no time series instance found"
Cause: An insert or delete trigger failed to retrieve the time series instance.
Action: Check to see that the time series instance specified exists.
TS-00609, "begin_create_ts_group already called"
Cause: An attempt was made to call BEGIN_CREATE_TS_group while currently defining a time series group.
Action: Call CANCEL_CREATE_TS_group or complete a time series group definition that has been started.
TS-00610, "nothing to cancel"
Cause: Tried to call CANCEL_CREATE_TS_GROUP when no time series group definition has been started.
Action: Avoid making this call if a time series definition has not been started.
TS-00611, "the frequency is not valid"
Cause: The frequency passed into the function does not correspond to a valid calendar frequency value.
Action: Ensure that the call is passed a valid calendar frequency value.
TS-00612, "the time series type specified is not supported"
Cause: A wrong type was specified for the time series object table to be created.
Action: The only supported types for the time series object table are ORDSYS.ORDTNumSeries and ORDSYS.ORDTVarchar2Series.
TS-00613, "time series object table not found"
Cause: The time series object table specified in SET_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES could not be found.
Action: Ensure that the time series object table specified in SET_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES exists.
TS-00614, "existing object table is of different type"
Cause: The type of the (existing) object table does not match the type of the time series specified.
Action: Ensure that while trying to build a time series group on an existing object table, the type of the time series matches the type of the object table. Note that the only supported types for the time series are ORDSYS.ORDTNumSeries and ORDSYS.ORDTVarchar2Series.
TS-00615, "time series object table missing primary key constraint"
Cause: Tried to build a time series on an object table that is missing a required primary key constraint.
Action: Ensure that the time series object table has a primary key constraint on the name field.
TS-00616, "existing time series object table missing index on the NAME attribute"
Cause: An attempt was made to build a time series on an object table that does not specify the name field as the first column of a primary key index.
Action: Ensure that the time series object table has a primary key constraint on the name field.
TS-00617, "parameters conflict with object_table_exists"
Cause: The object_table_attributes, storage_table_name, storage_table_attributes, or object_table_pk field was set to non-null value when SET_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES was called with object_table_exists set to 1.
Action: Ensure that when SET_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES is called with object_table_exists set to 1, object_table_attributes, storage_table_name, storage_table_attributes, and object_table_pk are all set to null.
TS-00620, "time series is invalid"
Cause: An object view insert or update trigger failed because the new time series instance was not a valid time series.
Action: Check to see that the new time series being inserted or updated is a valid time series.
TS-00630, "an irregular time series is not a valid input"
Cause: DeriveExceptions function requires that the input time series be a regular time series. (An irregular time series does not have an associated calendar and therefore is not valid as input to the DeriveExceptions function.)
Action: Ensure that the time series input to the DeriveExceptions function is a regular time series.
TS-00631, "lead and lag operations not supported for irregular time series"
Cause: Lead and Lag operations require calendars to compute the timestamps of the resulting time series.
Action: Ensure that Lead and Lag are only used with time series that have calendars.
TS-00632, "fill is not supported for irregular time series"
Cause: Fill requires a calendar to compute the timestamps of the resulting time series.
Action: Ensure that Fill is only used with time series that have calendars.
TS-00633, "table attribute value is too large"
Cause: A table attribute value passed in is too large.
Action: Ensure that the table attribute VARCHAR2 value is less than 1023.
TS-00640, "time series cannot be scaled to target calendar - frequencies incompatible"
Cause: The frequencies of the time series and the calendar are not compatible.
Action: Ensure that the calendar associated with the scaled time series is compatible with the target calendar.
TS-00641, "time series cannot be scaled to target calendar - calendar anchors incompatible"
Cause: The calendar anchors associated with the time series and the calendar are not compatible.
Action: Ensure that the calendar associated with the scaled time series is compatible with the target calendar.
TS-00642, "time scaling error: input interval straddles two or more output intervals"
Cause: An interval of the source time series straddles two or more intervals of the target scaling calendar.
Action: Ensure that the time series to be scaled is compatible with the target calendar.
TS-00643, "time scaling error: input interval maps to non-existing output interval"
Cause: One or more cells of the input time series have no associated interval of the target calendar.
Action: Ensure that the time series to be scaled is compatible with the target calendar.
TS-00644, "time scaling error: permitDropData parameter out of bounds"
Cause: An invalid value of DiscardError was supplied as a parameter to Scaleup
Action: Ensure that the DiscardError option is either 0 or 1.
TS-00645, "scaledownrepeat is not supported for irregular time series"
Cause: A time series with a null calendar was passed to ScaleDownRepeat.
Action: Ensure that all time series used with ScaleDownRepeat have calendars.
TS-00646, "scaledownsplit is not supported for irregular time series"
Cause: A time series with a null calendar was passed to ScaleDownSplit.
Action: Ensure that all time series used with ScaleDownSplit have calendars.
TS-00647, "invalid scaleup option"
Cause: An unrecognized option has been used with a ScaleUp function.
Action: Consult the documentation for a list of valid options.
TS-00648, "invalid combination of scaleup options"
Cause: Multiple numeric options or a combination of numeric and named options has been used with ScaleUp.
Action: Consult the documentation for a list of valid options, and ensure that named options are not used with a numeric option, and that no more than one numeric option is specified.
TS-00649, "invalid scaleup option"
Cause: An unrecognized numeric option has been used with a ScaleUp function. Valid numeric options include 0, 1, 10, and 11.
Action: Be sure to only use valid numeric options, or consult the documentation for information about using named options.
TS-00650, "duplicate scaleup option"
Cause: A ScaleUp option has been specified twice, or two conflicting options have been specified.
Action: When using multiple named options, be sure not to duplicate options and not to use conflicting options. Consult the documentation for a list of conflicting options.