Oracle8 Server Distributed Database Systems
Release 8.0






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This manual describes implemention issues for an Oracle8 Server distributed database system. It also introduces the tools and utilities available to assist you in implementing and maintaining your distributed system.

How Oracle8 Server Distributed Database Systems is Organized

Part I: Distributed Database Systems

Chapter 1: Distributed Database Concepts

This chapter describes the basic concepts and terminology of Oracle's distributed database architecture. It is recommended reading for anyone planning to implement or maintain a distributed database system.

Chapter 2: Distributed Database Administration

This chapter discusses issues of concern to the database administrator (DBA) implementing or maintaining distributed databases.

Chapter 3: Distributed Transactions

This chapter describes how Oracle maintains the integrity of distributed transactions using the two-phase commit mechanism.

Chapter 4: Using the Oracle Security Server

This chapter describes how you use the Oracle Security Server to define global users and global roles in an Oracle Server.

Chapter 5: Distributed Database System Application Development

This chapter describes the special considerations that are necessary if you are designing an application to run in a distributed system. Part II: Heterogeneous Services

Chapter 6: Understanding Oracle Heterogeneous Services

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Heterogeneous Services.

Chapter 7: Administering Oracle Heterogeneous Services

This chapter explains how to implement and maintain Heterogeneous Services.

Chapter 8: Application Development with Heterogeneous Services

This chapter provides the information you will need to develop applications that use Oracle Heterogeneous Services.

Appendix A: Heterogeneous Services Initialization Parameters

This appendix lists all Heterogeneous Services-specific initialization parameters and their values.

Appendix B: DBMS_HS Package Reference

This appendix provides all the interface information for the DBMS_HS package. The DBMS_HS package is used to administer the heterogeneous services.

Appendix C: DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH for Pass-Through SQL

This appendix provides all the interface information for the DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH package for pass-through SQL.

Conventions Used in This Guide

The following conventions are used in code fragments in this guide:


Uppercase text identifies text that must be entered exactly as shown.
For example:

SQLPLUS username/password

lowercase italics  

Lowercase italics text is used for emphasis and to indicate glossary terms. It also identifies a variable for which you should substitute an appropriate value. Parentheses should be entered as shown.
For example:

VARCHAR (length)

Vertical bars |


Vertical bars indicate alternate choices. For example:


Braces { }  

Required items are enclosed in curly braces, meaning you must choose one of the alternatives. For example:

{column_name | array_def}

Square brackets [ ]  

Optional items are enclosed in square brackets. For example:

DECIMAL (digits [ , precision ])


SQL operators are indicated by <operator>. For example:

WHERE x <operator> x

Ellipses ...  

Repeated items are indicated by enclosure in square brackets and ellipses. For example:

WHERE column_1 <operator> x 
AND column_2 <operator> y
[AND ...]

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Oracle8 Server Documentation Manager
Oracle Corporation
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Redwood Shores, CA 94065
Fax: (415) 506-7200


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