SQL*Plus(TM) Getting Started for Windows NT and Windows 95 Release 8.0 A53633-01 |
Welcome to SQL*Plus for Windows NT and Windows 95 Getting Started, Release 8.0. This guide incorporates information for two separate Oracle products - SQL*Plus for Windows NT (Version 4.0) and SQL*Plus for Windows 95 - into one book. Its title is not intended to suggest a single SQL*Plus product that will run on both platforms.
This guide is for all users who wish to install and use SQL*Plus, Oracle Corporation's SQL extension, in the Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 95 graphical environments.
You should be familiar with your computer and its operating system. For example, you should know the commands for deleting and copying files and understand the concepts of the search path, subdirectories, and path names.
You should also understand the fundamentals of the Microsoft Windows platform that you are using, such as Program Manager and File Manager in Windows NT or Taskbar and Windows Explorer in Windows 95, and the elements of an application window.
This manual contains the following sections:
Oracle Installer creates top-level directories on your hard disk. The default Oracle home directory for Windows NT is ORANT and for Windows 95 is ORAWIN95.
In examples, an implied carriage return occurs at the end of each line, unless otherwise noted. You must press the Return key at the end of a line of input.
The following conventions are used in this manual:
This guide references the following Oracle documentation:
These documents, this guide, and other reference materials are available in HTML format. To view these documents, you must install the Oracle Documentation. Oracle Information Navigator is automatically installed on your system when you install Oracle Documentation. To view documentation, start Oracle Information Navigator (by double-clicking the Oracle Documentation icon in your Oracle program group [Windows NT], or by choosing Oracle Documentation in the Oracle program group [on your Windows 95 taskbar]).