Oracle8(TM) Server Spatial Cartridge User's Guide and Reference Release 8.0.3 A53264_01 |
Cause: An MDSQL operation was attempted on a partition that is OFFLINE.
Action: Restore the partition and try the operation again.
Cause: The partition key for the record being inserted belongs in another partition.
Action: Insert the record into the correct partition. The correct partition can be identified using the GET_PARTITION_NAME() function.
Cause: The update of the partition key would result in the record belonging to another partition.
Action: Use the MD_DML.MOVE_RECORD() procedure to update the partition key and move the record to the correct partition.
Cause: An operation has completed normally, having met no exceptions.
Action: No user action required.
Cause: The max errors allowed has been reached.
Action: Fix errors and retry or increase the max errors allowed.
Cause: Could not allocate the essential memory.
Action: Increase amount of memory available or wait until more memory becomes available.
Cause: Possibly could not allocate the essential memory.
Action: Increase amount of memory available or wait until more memory becomes available.
Cause: Could not allocate the essential memory.
Action: Increase amount of memory available or wait until more memory becomes available.
Cause: The space allocated to do the necessary processing was not enough.
Action: Increase the value of the bind size.
Cause: Could not open the named file for processing.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not close the named file.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not read the named file for processing.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not write to the named file.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not seek the named file for processing.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not write to log file.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not delete the named file.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not rename the named file.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not open the named file for processing.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not close the named file.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not read the named file for processing.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not write to the named file.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not seek the named file for processing.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not create a unique file name.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not delete a temporary file.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: Could not rename a temporary file.
Action: Check the operating system message(s) accompanying this message.
Cause: The environment variable is invalid or not defined.
Action: Verify that the environment variable is correct.
Cause: Incorrect spelling of keyword, keyword is not valid, or incorrect type for argument's value.
Action: Check the command syntax and your spelling, then retry.
Cause: Keyword was left out on the command line.
Action: Place mandatory keyword on command line.
Cause: Argument is either missing or out of bounds.
Action: Verify argument is correct for the specified keyword.
Cause: Incorrect spelling of keyword, keyword is not valid, or value of the keyword is missing.
Action: Check the command syntax and your spelling, then retry.
Cause: A keyword was used that could not be combined with a previous keyword on the command line.
Action: Check the command line syntax.
Cause: A command line parameter is improperly defined.
Action: Verify that all command line parameters are properly specified.
Cause: A user ID was not specified on the command line.
Action: A user ID must be specified on the command line. (for example: USERID=sims/sims)
Cause: The connect string specified could not be properly parsed.
Action: Verify that the connect string is valid. If it is, document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: The user specified a null user ID.
Action: A user ID must be entered.
Cause: The user specified a null password.
Action: A password must be entered.
Cause: An error occurred during an internal match manipulation.
Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An error occurred during an internal substring manipulation.
Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An error occurred during an internal increment manipulation.
Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An error occurred during an internal set ID manipulation.
Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An error occurred during an internal get ID manipulation.
Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: An invalid user name or password was entered in an attempt to log on to Oracle.
Action: Enter a valid user name/password combination in the correct format.
Cause: Log onto Oracle failed.
Action: Verify that the Oracle connect string is valid.
Cause: The connection to the Oracle MDSYS account failed.
Action: Verify that this account exists and was set up correctly.
Cause: Partition is currently being used.
Action: Wait until the partition is free.
Cause: Status of partition is not a known status.
Action: Verify that the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary is correct.
Cause: Multiple concurrent loads created same partition (only one wins).
Action: Re-run the load process.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to create a table.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to create a table.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to drop a table.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to drop a table.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to truncate a table.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to truncate a table.
Cause: An attempt was made to archive in an archive file and the truncated table does not exist.
Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: The dimensional information for the HHCODE column was not found.
Action: Verify that the dimensional information is correct.
Cause: No dimensional information was entered.
Action: Verify that the dimensional information is correct.
Cause: Either the spatial table name is misspelled or it does not exist.
Action: Verify that table exists and check spelling.
Cause: Null flag was set for a column that was set as a not null field.
Action: Set flag for not null setting.
Cause: The dimensional value is not in the range of the lower and upper bound of the dimension.
Action: Verify that the data is correct or if the lower and upper bound of the dimension is correct.
Cause: The column is defined with an unsupported data type.
Action: Use another data type for this column.
Cause: Specified table does not exist or is not a non-partitioned spatial table.
Action: Verify that specified table exists and is a non-partitioned spatial table.
Action: Verify that table exists and is working properly.
Cause: Temporary table is incorrect.
Action: Verify that table exists and is working properly.
Cause: No HHCODE columns exist in specified spatial table.
Action: Verify that the HHCODE column exists in specified spatial table.
Cause: There was no HHCODE column specified as the partition key.
Action: Alter the spatial table to have a partition key.
Cause: Dimensional information does not exist for a HHCODE column.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary for the corresponding spatial table.
Cause: The high water mark is being exceeded on a partition at the maximum subdivision point.
Action: Alter the spatial table with a higher high water mark.
Cause: The specified rollback segment is invalid.
Action: Verify that the rollback segment is correct.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to drop a VIEW.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to drop a VIEW.
Cause: Failed to create a trigger.
Action: Check the Oracle message accompanying this message.
Cause: Failed to enable a trigger.
Action: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to select from a table.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to select from a table.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to select from this view.
Action: Verify that table exists and is working properly.
Action: Verify that table exists and is working properly.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that you are able to insert into a table.
Cause: Either VIEW does not exist or you do not have access.
Action: Verify that you have access to the VIEW and it is working properly.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from sys.col$.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from sys.obj$.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from sys.ts$.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from$.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from sys.dba_tables.
Cause: Check the Oracle messages accompanying this message.
Action: Verify that MDSYS can select from sys.dba_users.
Cause: HHCODE column name was not found for specified spatial table.
Action: Verify HHCODE column exist in specified spatial table.
Cause: No non-HHCODE columns were found in specific spatial table.
Action: Verify that the view ALL_MD_COLUMNS is correct.
Cause: The class information for the spatial table was not found.
Action: Verify that the view ALL_MD_TABLES is correct.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify Spatial Cartridge data dictionary
Cause: HHCODE column name was not found for specified spatial table.
Action: Verify HHCODE column exist in specified spatial table.
Cause: Either dimension name does not exist in specified spatial table or name is incorrectly spelled.
Action: Verify that given dimension name is correct or verify that it exists in specified spatial table for the specified HHCODE column.
Cause: Either column name does not exist in specified spatial table or name is incorrectly spelled.
Action: Verify that given column name is correct and exists in specified spatial table.
Cause: Either dimension name does not exist in specified spatial table or name is incorrectly spelled.
Action: Verify that given dimension name is correct or verify that it exists in specified spatial table for the specified partition key column.
Cause: A column value was not passed that was set as a not null field.
Action: Pass this column with a value other than null.
Cause: The COL structure data type description does not correspond to the data type describing the spatial table.
Action: Verify that the data type describing the data is correct or the column in the spatial table has the correct data type.
Cause: Went through all possible values of the sequence.
Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: Either table does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either table does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either table does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or you do not have access.
Action: Verify that you have access to the view and it is working properly.
Action: Verify that view exists and is working properly.
Action: Verify that view exists and is working properly.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: Either view does not exist or is inconsistent.
Action: Verify the Spatial Cartridge data dictionary.
Cause: The SLF file is built for either a partitioned spatial table or non-partitioned spatial table. The SLF file is being loaded into the wrong class.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Total number of HHCODE columns in SLF file does not match total in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Total number of dimensions for each HHCODE column in SLF file does not match total in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Total number of non-HHCODE columns in SLF file does not match total in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: HHCODE column name in SLF file does not match name in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Number of dimensions of HHCODE column in SLF file does not match number in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Maximum level of dimensions of HHCODE column in SLF file does not match maximum level in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Size of HHCODE column in SLF file does not match size in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Null field of HHCODE column in SLF file does not match null field in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Dimension name of HHCODE column in SLF file does not match name in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Dimension number of HHCODE column in SLF file does not match number in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Dimension level of HHCODE column in SLF file does not match level in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Dimension lower bound of HHCODE column in SLF file does not match lower bound in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Dimension upper bound of an HHCODE column in SLF file does not match upper bound in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Column name in SLF file does not match name in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Null field of column in SLF file does not match null field in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Column type in SLF file does not match type in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Precision field of column in SLF file does not match precision field in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Cause: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Scale field of column in SLF file does not match scale field in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: Size of column in SLF file does not match size in spatial table. Either the spatial table definition was changed after the SLF file was created or the SLF file is being loaded into the wrong spatial table.
Action: Verify the SLF file is being loaded into the correct spatial table or regenerate the SLF file.
Cause: During the conversion process the writing SLF record process died.
Action: Re-create the SLF file verifying that the SLF data is written.
Cause: Data in control file exceeded maximum field limits.
Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
Cause: There were fewer than three fields in the control file.
Action: Check the control file for accuracy.
Cause: Expected keyword or line was not found.
Action: Verify that the specified keywords are in the correct order.
Cause: More than one partition key was specified in the named control file.
Action: Verify only one HHCODE is specified as the partition key in the named control file.
Cause: When entering the dimensional information into the named control file, a dimensional sequence was left out.
Action: Verify that the sequence values for the dimensions are correct.
Cause: The required file type keyword in named file is missing.
Action: Verify that the control file has the correct information.
Cause: There was more than one field found in the control file.
Action: Check the control file for accuracy.
Cause: The file type was spelled incorrectly. The only valid file types are BINARY and ASCII.
Action: Verify that the file type specified in the control file is correct.
Cause: The required format keyword in named file is missing.
Action: Verify that the control file has the correct information.
Cause: There were more than two fields found in the control file.
Action: Check the control file for accuracy.
Cause: The keyword FIXED was not found in control file.
Action: Verify that the keyword specified in the control file is correct.
Cause: Record length specified is invalid for given data file.
Action: Verify that the record length specified is correct.
Cause: The only valid keywords are DIMENSION and COLUMN.
Action: Verify that the file type specified in the control file is correct.
Cause: The missing keyword POSITION was not found in the control file.
Action: Verify that the keyword specified in the control file is correct.
Cause: Field position was incorrectly specified.
Action: Verify that the field positions specified are correct.
Cause: Data type specified was spelled incorrectly. The only valid data types are INTEGER, SMALLINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BYTEINT, DATE, RAW, and CHAR.
Action: Verify that the data type specified is correct.
Cause: Field position value was incorrectly specified.
Action: Verify that the field positions specified are correct.
Cause: The missing keyword NULLIF was not found in control file.
Action: Verify that the keyword specified in the control file is correct.
Cause: Null indicator was incorrectly specified.
Action: Verify that the null indicator is correct.
Cause: Spatial information was not found in the named file.
Action: Enter the dimension information into the named file.
Cause: No information was found in the named file.
Action: Enter the column and dimension information into the named file.
Cause: Expected value was not found.
Action: Verify that the specified file is correct.
Cause: Either bad data was passed or incorrect format string was used.
Action: Verify that the data and format string are correct.
Cause: Some records were bad or rejected.
Action: Check the log file and correct any errors indicated.
Cause: The SQL*Loader process died.
Action: Check log file and correct any errors indicated.
Cause: A bad Boolean value was specified.
Action: Verify that the value is TRUE or FALSE.
Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to prompt the user for input from the terminal.
Action: This is an internal error. Document messages and contact Oracle Worldwide Support.