This guide provides information about how to use Oracle Network Manager. Oracle Network Manager is a tool that configures and administers all Oracle network products based on the transparent network substrate (TNS), including:
- Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange
- Advanced Netowrking Option (formerly called Secure Network Services SQL*Net/DCE Support, and Native Naming)
This manual includes information on how to configure all the new features in SQL*Net release 2.3 and in Advanced Networking Option release 2.3. Follow the instructions in this guide as you use Oracle Network Manager to create the definition of your network and the configuration files that the network components require.
Oracle Network Manager runs on Microsoft Windows.
Note: This guide contains examples and figures that refer to specific machine types, network protocols, and operating systems. These references are examples of possible configurations and are not representative of all configurations.
The information in this guide is intended primarily for network or database administrators (DBAs) who are responsible for creating or maintaining an Oracle SQL*Net network.
Documentation Set
Use this guide in conjunction with the other manuals in the Oracle network products documentation set.
- Oracle Network Manager Administrator's Guide (This manual)
Describes how to create a network definition and create configuration files for all Oracle networking products.
Use this book when you are setting up or making changes to an Oracle network.
Describes SQL*Net release 2.3, including:
- differences between SQL*Net release 2.3 and earlier releases
- how to plan a SQL*Net network
- how to use SQL*Net release 2.3
Refer to this book to understand how SQL*Net works, and how to use it after it is installed and configured.
Describes the Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange, including:
- the purpose and function of the Interchange
- client choices for accessing the Interchange
- how to use the Interchange to navigate connections over a network
Refer to this book for information about the functions of the Interchange and how to use it after it is installed and configured.
Describes the Oracle Names product, including:
- the purpose and function of Oracle Names
- the Dynamic Discovery Option
- types of network naming schemes
- configuration requirements for Oracle Names
Refer to this manual to learn how Oracle Names works, and how to use it after it is installed and configured.
Contains error and diagnostic information, including:
- the error messages and informational messages that may occur during network processing
- information about coping with errors and using diagnostic features of Oracle network products, most notably tracing
Use this book for troubleshooting help.
- Oracle Advanced Networking Option Administrator's Guide
Describes the security and single sign-on features found previously in Secure Network Services, as well as the DCE Integration feature and the Native Naming Adapters for CDS, NIS, and NDS.
- Release notes for this release of SQL*Net and Oracle Names
Note: Changes to these products since the last release are described in release notes as well as in the other documents listed here.
- Oracle operating system-specific manuals include installation instructions for the networking products on your platform and describe the Oracle Protocol Adapters, including:
- protocol terms and concepts
- protocol-specific parameters
Refer to this book for installation instructions and other information that is platform or operating system specific.
How This Guide Is Organized
Oracle Network Manager Administrator's Guide consists of six chapters and two appendices.
Chapter 1 - Overview of Oracle Network Manager
This chapter provides a general overview of Oracle Network Manager. It describes the features and architecture of the tool and provides an outline of its functions.
Chapter 2 - Installing Oracle Network Manager
This chapter describes the hardware and software requirements of Oracle Network Manager and explains how to install it on a computer running Microsoft Windows.
Chapter - How to Use Oracle Network Manager
This chapter describes the components of Oracle Network Manager and how to use them.
Chapter 4 - Quick Steps to Configure a Network
This chapter provides brief instructions for those who have relatively simple networks to configure, who are willing to accept all default values provided for configuration parameters, and who feel comfortable with their understanding of Network Manager.
Chapter 5 - Entering Component Information
This chapter includes detailed instructions on how to use Network Manager to configure every component of the network.
Chapter 6 - Distributing the Generated Files
This chapter explains how to distribute the generated configuration files.
Appendix A - A Sample Network
This appendix provides an example of the network configuration process for a network that includes clients, two servers, and a MultiProtocol Interchange. It includes:
- selected Network Manager property sheets
- sample configuration files generated by Network Manager
Appendix B - Sample Optional Parameters
This appendix provides an example of configuring a network that includes Oracle Names, SNS, and SNMP Support. It includes:
- descriptions of the optional parameters
- selected Network Manager property sheets
- sample configuration files generated by Network Manager
Related Publications
In addition to this guide and the other Oracle network product manuals, you may want to refer to the following documents published by Oracle Corporation:
- Oracle operating system-specific manuals for your platforms
Notational Conventions
The following syntax conventions are used in this Guide:
Monospace normal
| Monospace shows computer display or contains text you need to enter exactly as shown.
Monospace italics
| Monospace in italics represents a variable. Substitute an appropriate value.
| Uppercase characters within the text represent command names, filenames, and directory names. Note that in case-sensitive operating systems, such as UNIX, these names may not necessarily be in uppercase.
| Text in italics usually indicates a variable for which you need to substitute a value. Italics are also used to draw attention to the first instance of a defined term in the text, and for emphasis.
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Oracle Network Products Documentation Manager
Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
FAX: 415-506-7200