$                   LDU, C, LDC, WORK, INFO )
*  -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) --
*     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd.,
*     Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University
*     October 31, 1999
*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
      CHARACTER          UPLO
      INTEGER            INFO, LDC, LDU, LDVT, N, NCC, NCVT, NRU
*     ..
*     .. Array Arguments ..
      REAL               C( LDC, * ), D( * ), E( * ), U( LDU, * ),
     $                   VT( LDVT, * ), WORK( * )
*     ..
*  Purpose
*  =======
*  SBDSQR computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real
*  N-by-N (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B:  B = Q * S * P' (P'
*  denotes the transpose of P), where S is a diagonal matrix with
*  non-negative diagonal elements (the singular values of B), and Q
*  and P are orthogonal matrices.
*  The routine computes S, and optionally computes U * Q, P' * VT,
*  or Q' * C, for given real input matrices U, VT, and C.
*  See "Computing  Small Singular Values of Bidiagonal Matrices With
*  Guaranteed High Relative Accuracy," by J. Demmel and W. Kahan,
*  LAPACK Working Note #3 (or SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. vol. 11,
*  no. 5, pp. 873-912, Sept 1990) and
*  "Accurate singular values and differential qd algorithms," by
*  B. Parlett and V. Fernando, Technical Report CPAM-554, Mathematics
*  Department, University of California at Berkeley, July 1992
*  for a detailed description of the algorithm.
*  Arguments
*  =========
*  UPLO    (input) CHARACTER*1
*          = 'U':  B is upper bidiagonal;
*          = 'L':  B is lower bidiagonal.
*  N       (input) INTEGER
*          The order of the matrix B.  N >= 0.
*  NCVT    (input) INTEGER
*          The number of columns of the matrix VT. NCVT >= 0.
*  NRU     (input) INTEGER
*          The number of rows of the matrix U. NRU >= 0.
*  NCC     (input) INTEGER
*          The number of columns of the matrix C. NCC >= 0.
*  D       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (N)
*          On entry, the n diagonal elements of the bidiagonal matrix B.
*          On exit, if INFO=0, the singular values of B in decreasing
*          order.
*  E       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (N)
*          On entry, the elements of E contain the
*          offdiagonal elements of the bidiagonal matrix whose SVD
*          is desired. On normal exit (INFO = 0), E is destroyed.
*          If the algorithm does not converge (INFO > 0), D and E
*          will contain the diagonal and superdiagonal elements of a
*          bidiagonal matrix orthogonally equivalent to the one given
*          as input. E(N) is used for workspace.
*  VT      (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDVT, NCVT)
*          On entry, an N-by-NCVT matrix VT.
*          On exit, VT is overwritten by P' * VT.
*          VT is not referenced if NCVT = 0.
*  LDVT    (input) INTEGER
*          The leading dimension of the array VT.
*          LDVT >= max(1,N) if NCVT > 0; LDVT >= 1 if NCVT = 0.
*  U       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDU, N)
*          On entry, an NRU-by-N matrix U.
*          On exit, U is overwritten by U * Q.
*          U is not referenced if NRU = 0.
*  LDU     (input) INTEGER
*          The leading dimension of the array U.  LDU >= max(1,NRU).
*  C       (input/output) REAL array, dimension (LDC, NCC)
*          On entry, an N-by-NCC matrix C.
*          On exit, C is overwritten by Q' * C.
*          C is not referenced if NCC = 0.
*  LDC     (input) INTEGER
*          The leading dimension of the array C.
*          LDC >= max(1,N) if NCC > 0; LDC >=1 if NCC = 0.
*  WORK    (workspace) REAL array, dimension (4*N)
*  INFO    (output) INTEGER
*          = 0:  successful exit
*          < 0:  If INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value
*          > 0:  the algorithm did not converge; D and E contain the
*                elements of a bidiagonal matrix which is orthogonally
*                similar to the input matrix B;  if INFO = i, i
*                elements of E have not converged to zero.
*  Internal Parameters
*  ===================
*  TOLMUL  REAL, default = max(10,min(100,EPS**(-1/8)))
*          TOLMUL controls the convergence criterion of the QR loop.
*          If it is positive, TOLMUL*EPS is the desired relative
*             precision in the computed singular values.
*          If it is negative, abs(TOLMUL*EPS*sigma_max) is the
*             desired absolute accuracy in the computed singular
*             values (corresponds to relative accuracy
*             abs(TOLMUL*EPS) in the largest singular value.
*          abs(TOLMUL) should be between 1 and 1/EPS, and preferably
*             between 10 (for fast convergence) and .1/EPS
*             (for there to be some accuracy in the results).
*          Default is to lose at either one eighth or 2 of the
*             available decimal digits in each computed singular value
*             (whichever is smaller).
*  MAXITR  INTEGER, default = 6
*          MAXITR controls the maximum number of passes of the
*          algorithm through its inner loop. The algorithms stops
*          (and so fails to converge) if the number of passes
*          through the inner loop exceeds MAXITR*N**2.
*  =====================================================================
*     .. Parameters ..
      REAL               ZERO
      PARAMETER          ( ZERO = 0.0E0 )
      REAL               ONE
      PARAMETER          ( ONE = 1.0E0 )
      REAL               NEGONE
      PARAMETER          ( NEGONE = -1.0E0 )
      REAL               HNDRTH
      PARAMETER          ( HNDRTH = 0.01E0 )
      REAL               TEN
      PARAMETER          ( TEN = 10.0E0 )
      REAL               HNDRD
      PARAMETER          ( HNDRD = 100.0E0 )
      REAL               MEIGTH
      PARAMETER          ( MEIGTH = -0.125E0 )
      INTEGER            MAXITR
      PARAMETER          ( MAXITR = 6 )
*     ..
*     .. Local Scalars ..
      LOGICAL            LOWER, ROTATE
      INTEGER            I, IDIR, ISUB, ITER, J, LL, LLL, M, MAXIT, NM1,
     $                   NM12, NM13, OLDLL, OLDM
      REAL               ABSE, ABSS, COSL, COSR, CS, EPS, F, G, H, MU,
     $                   OLDCS, OLDSN, R, SHIFT, SIGMN, SIGMX, SINL,
     $                   SINR, SLL, SMAX, SMIN, SMINL, SMINLO, SMINOA,
     $                   SN, THRESH, TOL, TOLMUL, UNFL
*     ..
*     .. External Functions ..
      LOGICAL            LSAME
      REAL               SLAMCH
      EXTERNAL           LSAME, SLAMCH
*     ..
*     .. External Subroutines ..
     $                   SSCAL, SSWAP, XERBLA
*     ..
*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
*     ..
*     .. Executable Statements ..
*     Test the input parameters.
      INFO = 0
      LOWER = LSAME( UPLO, 'L' )
         INFO = -1
      ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN
         INFO = -2
         INFO = -3
      ELSE IF( NRU.LT.0 ) THEN
         INFO = -4
      ELSE IF( NCC.LT.0 ) THEN
         INFO = -5
      ELSE IF( ( NCVT.EQ.0 .AND. LDVT.LT.1 ) .OR.
     $         ( NCVT.GT.0 .AND. LDVT.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) ) THEN
         INFO = -9
      ELSE IF( LDU.LT.MAX( 1, NRU ) ) THEN
         INFO = -11
      ELSE IF( ( NCC.EQ.0 .AND. LDC.LT.1 ) .OR.
     $         ( NCC.GT.0 .AND. LDC.LT.MAX( 1, N ) ) ) THEN
         INFO = -13
      END IF
      IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN
      END IF
      IF( N.EQ.0 )
     $   RETURN
      IF( N.EQ.1 )
     $   GO TO 160
*     ROTATE is true if any singular vectors desired, false otherwise
      ROTATE = ( NCVT.GT.0 ) .OR. ( NRU.GT.0 ) .OR. ( NCC.GT.0 )
*     If no singular vectors desired, use qd algorithm
         CALL SLASQ1( N, D, E, WORK, INFO )
      END IF
      NM1 = N - 1
      NM12 = NM1 + NM1
      NM13 = NM12 + NM1
      IDIR = 0
*     Get machine constants
      EPS = SLAMCH( 'Epsilon' )
      UNFL = SLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' )
*     If matrix lower bidiagonal, rotate to be upper bidiagonal
*     by applying Givens rotations on the left
      IF( LOWER ) THEN
         DO 10 I = 1, N - 1
            CALL SLARTG( D( I ), E( I ), CS, SN, R )
            D( I ) = R
            E( I ) = SN*D( I+1 )
            D( I+1 ) = CS*D( I+1 )
            WORK( I ) = CS
            WORK( NM1+I ) = SN
   10    CONTINUE
*        Update singular vectors if desired
         IF( NRU.GT.0 )
     $      CALL SLASR( 'R', 'V', 'F', NRU, N, WORK( 1 ), WORK( N ), U,
     $                  LDU )
         IF( NCC.GT.0 )
     $      CALL SLASR( 'L', 'V', 'F', N, NCC, WORK( 1 ), WORK( N ), C,
     $                  LDC )
      END IF
*     Compute singular values to relative accuracy TOL
*     (By setting TOL to be negative, algorithm will compute
*     singular values to absolute accuracy ABS(TOL)*norm(input matrix))
*     Compute approximate maximum, minimum singular values
      SMAX = ZERO
      DO 20 I = 1, N
         SMAX = MAX( SMAX, ABS( D( I ) ) )
      DO 30 I = 1, N - 1
         SMAX = MAX( SMAX, ABS( E( I ) ) )
      SMINL = ZERO
*        Relative accuracy desired
         SMINOA = ABS( D( 1 ) )
         IF( SMINOA.EQ.ZERO )
     $      GO TO 50
         MU = SMINOA
         DO 40 I = 2, N
            MU = ABS( D( I ) )*( MU / ( MU+ABS( E( I-1 ) ) ) )
            SMINOA = MIN( SMINOA, MU )
            IF( SMINOA.EQ.ZERO )
     $         GO TO 50
   40    CONTINUE
   50    CONTINUE
         SMINOA = SMINOA / SQRT( REAL( N ) )
*        Absolute accuracy desired
      END IF
*     Prepare for main iteration loop for the singular values
*     (MAXIT is the maximum number of passes through the inner
*     loop permitted before nonconvergence signalled.)
      ITER = 0
      OLDLL = -1
      OLDM = -1
*     M points to last element of unconverged part of matrix
      M = N
*     Begin main iteration loop
*     Check for convergence or exceeding iteration count
      IF( M.LE.1 )
     $   GO TO 160
     $   GO TO 200
*     Find diagonal block of matrix to work on
     $   D( M ) = ZERO
      SMAX = ABS( D( M ) )
      SMIN = SMAX
      DO 70 LLL = 1, M - 1
         LL = M - LLL
         ABSS = ABS( D( LL ) )
         ABSE = ABS( E( LL ) )
     $      D( LL ) = ZERO
         IF( ABSE.LE.THRESH )
     $      GO TO 80
         SMIN = MIN( SMIN, ABSS )
         SMAX = MAX( SMAX, ABSS, ABSE )
      LL = 0
      GO TO 90
      E( LL ) = ZERO
*     Matrix splits since E(LL) = 0
      IF( LL.EQ.M-1 ) THEN
*        Convergence of bottom singular value, return to top of loop
         M = M - 1
         GO TO 60
      END IF
      LL = LL + 1
*     E(LL) through E(M-1) are nonzero, E(LL-1) is zero
      IF( LL.EQ.M-1 ) THEN
*        2 by 2 block, handle separately
         CALL SLASV2( D( M-1 ), E( M-1 ), D( M ), SIGMN, SIGMX, SINR,
     $                COSR, SINL, COSL )
         D( M-1 ) = SIGMX
         E( M-1 ) = ZERO
         D( M ) = SIGMN
*        Compute singular vectors, if desired
         IF( NCVT.GT.0 )
     $      CALL SROT( NCVT, VT( M-1, 1 ), LDVT, VT( M, 1 ), LDVT, COSR,
     $                 SINR )
         IF( NRU.GT.0 )
     $      CALL SROT( NRU, U( 1, M-1 ), 1, U( 1, M ), 1, COSL, SINL )
         IF( NCC.GT.0 )
     $      CALL SROT( NCC, C( M-1, 1 ), LDC, C( M, 1 ), LDC, COSL,
     $                 SINL )
         M = M - 2
         GO TO 60
      END IF
*     If working on new submatrix, choose shift direction
*     (from larger end diagonal element towards smaller)
         IF( ABS( D( LL ) ).GE.ABS( D( M ) ) ) THEN
*           Chase bulge from top (big end) to bottom (small end)
            IDIR = 1
*           Chase bulge from bottom (big end) to top (small end)
            IDIR = 2
         END IF
      END IF
*     Apply convergence tests
      IF( IDIR.EQ.1 ) THEN
*        Run convergence test in forward direction
*        First apply standard test to bottom of matrix
         IF( ABS( E( M-1 ) ).LE.ABS( TOL )*ABS( D( M ) ) .OR.
     $       ( TOL.LT.ZERO .AND. ABS( E( M-1 ) ).LE.THRESH ) ) THEN
            E( M-1 ) = ZERO
            GO TO 60
         END IF
         IF( TOL.GE.ZERO ) THEN
*           If relative accuracy desired,
*           apply convergence criterion forward
            MU = ABS( D( LL ) )
            SMINL = MU
            DO 100 LLL = LL, M - 1
               IF( ABS( E( LLL ) ).LE.TOL*MU ) THEN
                  E( LLL ) = ZERO
                  GO TO 60
               END IF
               SMINLO = SMINL
               MU = ABS( D( LLL+1 ) )*( MU / ( MU+ABS( E( LLL ) ) ) )
               SMINL = MIN( SMINL, MU )
  100       CONTINUE
         END IF
*        Run convergence test in backward direction
*        First apply standard test to top of matrix
         IF( ABS( E( LL ) ).LE.ABS( TOL )*ABS( D( LL ) ) .OR.
     $       ( TOL.LT.ZERO .AND. ABS( E( LL ) ).LE.THRESH ) ) THEN
            E( LL ) = ZERO
            GO TO 60
         END IF
         IF( TOL.GE.ZERO ) THEN
*           If relative accuracy desired,
*           apply convergence criterion backward
            MU = ABS( D( M ) )
            SMINL = MU
            DO 110 LLL = M - 1, LL, -1
               IF( ABS( E( LLL ) ).LE.TOL*MU ) THEN
                  E( LLL ) = ZERO
                  GO TO 60
               END IF
               SMINLO = SMINL
               MU = ABS( D( LLL ) )*( MU / ( MU+ABS( E( LLL ) ) ) )
               SMINL = MIN( SMINL, MU )
  110       CONTINUE
         END IF
      END IF
      OLDLL = LL
      OLDM = M
*     Compute shift.  First, test if shifting would ruin relative
*     accuracy, and if so set the shift to zero.
     $    MAX( EPS, HNDRTH*TOL ) ) THEN
*        Use a zero shift to avoid loss of relative accuracy
         SHIFT = ZERO
*        Compute the shift from 2-by-2 block at end of matrix
         IF( IDIR.EQ.1 ) THEN
            SLL = ABS( D( LL ) )
            CALL SLAS2( D( M-1 ), E( M-1 ), D( M ), SHIFT, R )
            SLL = ABS( D( M ) )
            CALL SLAS2( D( LL ), E( LL ), D( LL+1 ), SHIFT, R )
         END IF
*        Test if shift negligible, and if so set to zero
         IF( SLL.GT.ZERO ) THEN
            IF( ( SHIFT / SLL )**2.LT.EPS )
     $         SHIFT = ZERO
         END IF
      END IF
*     Increment iteration count
      ITER = ITER + M - LL
*     If SHIFT = 0, do simplified QR iteration
         IF( IDIR.EQ.1 ) THEN
*           Chase bulge from top to bottom
*           Save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
            CS = ONE
            OLDCS = ONE
            DO 120 I = LL, M - 1
               CALL SLARTG( D( I )*CS, E( I ), CS, SN, R )
               IF( I.GT.LL )
     $            E( I-1 ) = OLDSN*R
               CALL SLARTG( OLDCS*R, D( I+1 )*SN, OLDCS, OLDSN, D( I ) )
               WORK( I-LL+1 ) = CS
               WORK( I-LL+1+NM1 ) = SN
               WORK( I-LL+1+NM12 ) = OLDCS
               WORK( I-LL+1+NM13 ) = OLDSN
  120       CONTINUE
            H = D( M )*CS
            D( M ) = H*OLDCS
            E( M-1 ) = H*OLDSN
*           Update singular vectors
            IF( NCVT.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'L', 'V', 'F', M-LL+1, NCVT, WORK( 1 ),
     $                     WORK( N ), VT( LL, 1 ), LDVT )
            IF( NRU.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'R', 'V', 'F', NRU, M-LL+1, WORK( NM12+1 ),
     $                     WORK( NM13+1 ), U( 1, LL ), LDU )
            IF( NCC.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'L', 'V', 'F', M-LL+1, NCC, WORK( NM12+1 ),
     $                     WORK( NM13+1 ), C( LL, 1 ), LDC )
*           Test convergence
            IF( ABS( E( M-1 ) ).LE.THRESH )
     $         E( M-1 ) = ZERO
*           Chase bulge from bottom to top
*           Save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
            CS = ONE
            OLDCS = ONE
            DO 130 I = M, LL + 1, -1
               CALL SLARTG( D( I )*CS, E( I-1 ), CS, SN, R )
               IF( I.LT.M )
     $            E( I ) = OLDSN*R
               CALL SLARTG( OLDCS*R, D( I-1 )*SN, OLDCS, OLDSN, D( I ) )
               WORK( I-LL ) = CS
               WORK( I-LL+NM1 ) = -SN
               WORK( I-LL+NM12 ) = OLDCS
               WORK( I-LL+NM13 ) = -OLDSN
  130       CONTINUE
            H = D( LL )*CS
            D( LL ) = H*OLDCS
            E( LL ) = H*OLDSN
*           Update singular vectors
            IF( NCVT.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'L', 'V', 'B', M-LL+1, NCVT, WORK( NM12+1 ),
     $                     WORK( NM13+1 ), VT( LL, 1 ), LDVT )
            IF( NRU.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'R', 'V', 'B', NRU, M-LL+1, WORK( 1 ),
     $                     WORK( N ), U( 1, LL ), LDU )
            IF( NCC.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'L', 'V', 'B', M-LL+1, NCC, WORK( 1 ),
     $                     WORK( N ), C( LL, 1 ), LDC )
*           Test convergence
            IF( ABS( E( LL ) ).LE.THRESH )
     $         E( LL ) = ZERO
         END IF
*        Use nonzero shift
         IF( IDIR.EQ.1 ) THEN
*           Chase bulge from top to bottom
*           Save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
            F = ( ABS( D( LL ) )-SHIFT )*
     $          ( SIGN( ONE, D( LL ) )+SHIFT / D( LL ) )
            G = E( LL )
            DO 140 I = LL, M - 1
               CALL SLARTG( F, G, COSR, SINR, R )
               IF( I.GT.LL )
     $            E( I-1 ) = R
               F = COSR*D( I ) + SINR*E( I )
               E( I ) = COSR*E( I ) - SINR*D( I )
               G = SINR*D( I+1 )
               D( I+1 ) = COSR*D( I+1 )
               CALL SLARTG( F, G, COSL, SINL, R )
               D( I ) = R
               F = COSL*E( I ) + SINL*D( I+1 )
               D( I+1 ) = COSL*D( I+1 ) - SINL*E( I )
               IF( I.LT.M-1 ) THEN
                  G = SINL*E( I+1 )
                  E( I+1 ) = COSL*E( I+1 )
               END IF
               WORK( I-LL+1 ) = COSR
               WORK( I-LL+1+NM1 ) = SINR
               WORK( I-LL+1+NM12 ) = COSL
               WORK( I-LL+1+NM13 ) = SINL
  140       CONTINUE
            E( M-1 ) = F
*           Update singular vectors
            IF( NCVT.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'L', 'V', 'F', M-LL+1, NCVT, WORK( 1 ),
     $                     WORK( N ), VT( LL, 1 ), LDVT )
            IF( NRU.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'R', 'V', 'F', NRU, M-LL+1, WORK( NM12+1 ),
     $                     WORK( NM13+1 ), U( 1, LL ), LDU )
            IF( NCC.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'L', 'V', 'F', M-LL+1, NCC, WORK( NM12+1 ),
     $                     WORK( NM13+1 ), C( LL, 1 ), LDC )
*           Test convergence
            IF( ABS( E( M-1 ) ).LE.THRESH )
     $         E( M-1 ) = ZERO
*           Chase bulge from bottom to top
*           Save cosines and sines for later singular vector updates
            F = ( ABS( D( M ) )-SHIFT )*( SIGN( ONE, D( M ) )+SHIFT /
     $          D( M ) )
            G = E( M-1 )
            DO 150 I = M, LL + 1, -1
               CALL SLARTG( F, G, COSR, SINR, R )
               IF( I.LT.M )
     $            E( I ) = R
               F = COSR*D( I ) + SINR*E( I-1 )
               E( I-1 ) = COSR*E( I-1 ) - SINR*D( I )
               G = SINR*D( I-1 )
               D( I-1 ) = COSR*D( I-1 )
               CALL SLARTG( F, G, COSL, SINL, R )
               D( I ) = R
               F = COSL*E( I-1 ) + SINL*D( I-1 )
               D( I-1 ) = COSL*D( I-1 ) - SINL*E( I-1 )
               IF( I.GT.LL+1 ) THEN
                  G = SINL*E( I-2 )
                  E( I-2 ) = COSL*E( I-2 )
               END IF
               WORK( I-LL ) = COSR
               WORK( I-LL+NM1 ) = -SINR
               WORK( I-LL+NM12 ) = COSL
               WORK( I-LL+NM13 ) = -SINL
  150       CONTINUE
            E( LL ) = F
*           Test convergence
            IF( ABS( E( LL ) ).LE.THRESH )
     $         E( LL ) = ZERO
*           Update singular vectors if desired
            IF( NCVT.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'L', 'V', 'B', M-LL+1, NCVT, WORK( NM12+1 ),
     $                     WORK( NM13+1 ), VT( LL, 1 ), LDVT )
            IF( NRU.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'R', 'V', 'B', NRU, M-LL+1, WORK( 1 ),
     $                     WORK( N ), U( 1, LL ), LDU )
            IF( NCC.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SLASR( 'L', 'V', 'B', M-LL+1, NCC, WORK( 1 ),
     $                     WORK( N ), C( LL, 1 ), LDC )
         END IF
      END IF
*     QR iteration finished, go back and check convergence
      GO TO 60
*     All singular values converged, so make them positive
      DO 170 I = 1, N
         IF( D( I ).LT.ZERO ) THEN
            D( I ) = -D( I )
*           Change sign of singular vectors, if desired
            IF( NCVT.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SSCAL( NCVT, NEGONE, VT( I, 1 ), LDVT )
         END IF
*     Sort the singular values into decreasing order (insertion sort on
*     singular values, but only one transposition per singular vector)
      DO 190 I = 1, N - 1
*        Scan for smallest D(I)
         ISUB = 1
         SMIN = D( 1 )
         DO 180 J = 2, N + 1 - I
            IF( D( J ).LE.SMIN ) THEN
               ISUB = J
               SMIN = D( J )
            END IF
  180    CONTINUE
         IF( ISUB.NE.N+1-I ) THEN
*           Swap singular values and vectors
            D( ISUB ) = D( N+1-I )
            D( N+1-I ) = SMIN
            IF( NCVT.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SSWAP( NCVT, VT( ISUB, 1 ), LDVT, VT( N+1-I, 1 ),
     $                     LDVT )
            IF( NRU.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SSWAP( NRU, U( 1, ISUB ), 1, U( 1, N+1-I ), 1 )
            IF( NCC.GT.0 )
     $         CALL SSWAP( NCC, C( ISUB, 1 ), LDC, C( N+1-I, 1 ), LDC )
         END IF
      GO TO 220
*     Maximum number of iterations exceeded, failure to converge
      INFO = 0
      DO 210 I = 1, N - 1
         IF( E( I ).NE.ZERO )
     $      INFO = INFO + 1
*     End of SBDSQR