NAME fgluQuadricOrientation - specify inside/outside orientation for quadrics FORTRAN SPECIFICATION SUBROUTINE fgluQuadricOrientation( CHARACTER*8 quad, INTEGER*4 orientation ) PARAMETERS quad Specifies the quadrics object (created with fgluNewQuadric). orientation Specifies the desired orientation. Valid values are GLU_OUTSIDE and GLU_INSIDE. DESCRIPTION fgluQuadricOrientation specifies what kind of orientation is desired for quadrics rendered with quad. The orientation values are as follows: GLU_OUTSIDE Quadrics are drawn with normals pointing outward (the initial value). GLU_INSIDE Quadrics are drawn with normals pointing inward. Note that the interpretation of outward and inward depends on the quadric being drawn. SEE ALSO fgluNewQuadric, fgluQuadricDrawStyle, fgluQuadricNormals, fgluQuadricTexture