fglEnable, fglDisable	- enable or disable server-side	GL

	  SUBROUTINE fglEnable(	INTEGER*4 cap )

	  cap  Specifies a symbolic constant indicating	a GL

	  SUBROUTINE fglDisable( INTEGER*4 cap )

	  cap  Specifies a symbolic constant indicating	a GL

	  fglEnable and	fglDisable enable and disable various
	  capabilities.	 Use fglIsEnabled or fglGet to determine the
	  current setting of any capability. The initial value for
	  each capability with the exception of	GL_DITHER is GL_FALSE.
	  The initial value for	GL_DITHER is GL_TRUE.

	  Both fglEnable and fglDisable	take a single argument,	cap,
	  which	can assume one of the following	values:

	  GL_ALPHA_TEST		   If enabled, do alpha	testing. See

	  GL_AUTO_NORMAL	   If enabled, generate	normal vectors
				   when	either GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3	or
				   GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 is used to
				   generate vertices. See fglMap2.

	  GL_BLEND		   If enabled, blend the incoming RGBA
				   color values	with the values	in the
				   color buffers. See fglBlendFunc.

	  GL_CLIP_PLANEi	   If enabled, clip geometry against
				   user-defined	clipping plane i.  See

	  GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP	   If enabled, apply the currently
				   selected logical operation to the
				   incoming RGBA color and color
				   buffer values. See fglLogicOp.

	  GL_COLOR_MATERIAL	   If enabled, have one	or more
				   material parameters track the
				   current color.  See

	  GL_CULL_FACE		   If enabled, cull polygons based on
				   their winding in window
				   coordinates.	See fglCullFace.

	  GL_DEPTH_TEST		   If enabled, do depth	comparisons
				   and update the depth	buffer.	Note
				   that	even if	the depth buffer
				   exists and the depth	mask is	non-
				   zero, the depth buffer is not
				   updated if the depth	test is
				   disabled. See fglDepthFunc and

	  GL_DITHER		   If enabled, dither color components
				   or indices before they are written
				   to the color	buffer.

	  GL_FOG		   If enabled, blend a fog color into
				   the posttexturing color.  See

	  GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP	   If enabled, apply the currently
				   selected logical operation to the
				   incoming index and color buffer
				   indices. See

	  GL_LIGHTi		   If enabled, include light i in the
				   evaluation of the lighting
				   equation. See fglLightModel and

	  GL_LIGHTING		   If enabled, use the current
				   lighting parameters to compute the
				   vertex color	or index.  Otherwise,
				   simply associate the	current	color
				   or index with each vertex. See
				   fglMaterial,	fglLightModel, and

	  GL_LINE_SMOOTH	   If enabled, draw lines with correct
				   filtering.  Otherwise, draw aliased
				   lines.  See fglLineWidth.

	  GL_LINE_STIPPLE	   If enabled, use the current line
				   stipple pattern when	drawing	lines.
				   See fglLineStipple.

	  GL_MAP1_COLOR_4	   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord1,
				   fglEvalMesh1, and fglEvalPoint1
				   generate RGBA values.  See fglMap1.

	  GL_MAP1_INDEX		   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord1,
				   fglEvalMesh1, and fglEvalPoint1
				   generate color indices.  See

	  GL_MAP1_NORMAL	   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord1,
				   fglEvalMesh1, and fglEvalPoint1
				   generate normals.  See fglMap1.

	  GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1  If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord1,
				   fglEvalMesh1, and fglEvalPoint1
				   generate s texture coordinates.
				   See fglMap1.

	  GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2  If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord1,
				   fglEvalMesh1, and fglEvalPoint1
				   generate s and t texture
				   coordinates.	 See fglMap1.

	  GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3  If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord1,
				   fglEvalMesh1, and fglEvalPoint1
				   generate s, t, and r	texture
				   coordinates.	 See fglMap1.

	  GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4  If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord1,
				   fglEvalMesh1, and fglEvalPoint1
				   generate s, t, r, and q texture
				   coordinates.	 See fglMap1.

	  GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3	   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord1,
				   fglEvalMesh1, and fglEvalPoint1
				   generate x, y, and z	vertex
				   coordinates.	 See fglMap1.

	  GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4	   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord1,
				   fglEvalMesh1, and fglEvalPoint1
				   generate homogeneous	x, y, z, and w
				   vertex coordinates.	See fglMap1.

	  GL_MAP2_COLOR_4	   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord2,
				   fglEvalMesh2, and fglEvalPoint2
				   generate RGBA values.  See fglMap2.

	  GL_MAP2_INDEX		   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord2,
				   fglEvalMesh2, and fglEvalPoint2
				   generate color indices.  See

	  GL_MAP2_NORMAL	   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord2,
				   fglEvalMesh2, and fglEvalPoint2
				   generate normals.  See fglMap2.

	  GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1  If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord2,
				   fglEvalMesh2, and fglEvalPoint2
				   generate s texture coordinates.
				   See fglMap2.

	  GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2  If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord2,
				   fglEvalMesh2, and fglEvalPoint2
				   generate s and t texture
				   coordinates.	 See fglMap2.

	  GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3  If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord2,
				   fglEvalMesh2, and fglEvalPoint2
				   generate s, t, and r	texture
				   coordinates.	 See fglMap2.

	  GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4  If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord2,
				   fglEvalMesh2, and fglEvalPoint2
				   generate s, t, r, and q texture
				   coordinates.	 See fglMap2.

	  GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3	   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord2,
				   fglEvalMesh2, and fglEvalPoint2
				   generate x, y, and z	vertex
				   coordinates.	 See fglMap2.

	  GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4	   If enabled, calls to	fglEvalCoord2,
				   fglEvalMesh2, and fglEvalPoint2
				   generate homogeneous	x, y, z, and w
				   vertex coordinates.	See fglMap2.

	  GL_NORMALIZE		   If enabled, normal vectors
				   specified with fglNormal are	scaled
				   to unit length after
				   transformation. See fglNormal.

	  GL_POINT_SMOOTH	   If enabled, draw points with	proper
				   filtering.  Otherwise, draw aliased
				   points.  See	fglPointSize.

	  GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL   If enabled, and if the polygon is
				   rendered in GL_FILL mode, an	offset
				   is added to depth values of a
				   polygon's fragments before the
				   depth comparison is performed. See

	  GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE   If enabled, and if the polygon is
				   rendered in GL_LINE mode, an	offset
				   is added to depth values of a
				   polygon's fragments before the
				   depth comparison is performed. See

	  GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT  If enabled, an offset is added to
				   depth values	of a polygon's
				   fragments before the	depth
				   comparison is performed, if the
				   polygon is rendered in GL_POINT
				   mode. See

	  GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH	   If enabled, draw polygons with
				   proper filtering.  Otherwise, draw
				   aliased polygons. For correct
				   anti-aliased	polygons, an alpha
				   buffer is needed and	the polygons
				   must	be sorted front	to back.

	  GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE	   If enabled, use the current polygon
				   stipple pattern when	rendering
				   polygons. See fglPolygonStipple.

	  GL_SCISSOR_TEST	   If enabled, discard fragments that
				   are outside the scissor rectangle.
				   See fglScissor.

	  GL_STENCIL_TEST	   If enabled, do stencil testing and
				   update the stencil buffer. See
				   fglStencilFunc and fglStencilOp.

	  GL_TEXTURE_1D		   If enabled, one-dimensional
				   texturing is	performed (unless
				   two-dimensional texturing is	also
				   enabled). See fglTexImage1D.

	  GL_TEXTURE_2D		   If enabled, two-dimensional
				   texturing is	performed. See

	  GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q	   If enabled, the q texture
				   coordinate is computed using	the
				   texture generation function defined
				   with	fglTexGen.  Otherwise, the
				   current q texture coordinate	is
				   used.  See fglTexGen.

	  GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R	   If enabled, the r texture
				   coordinate is computed using	the
				   texture generation function defined
				   with	fglTexGen.  Otherwise, the
				   current r texture coordinate	is
				   used.  See fglTexGen.

	  GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S	   If enabled, the s texture
				   coordinate is computed using	the
				   texture generation function defined
				   with	fglTexGen.  Otherwise, the
				   current s texture coordinate	is
				   used. See fglTexGen.

	  GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T	   If enabled, the t texture
				   coordinate is computed using	the
				   texture generation function defined
				   with	fglTexGen.  Otherwise, the
				   current t texture coordinate	is
				   used.  See fglTexGen.

	  GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP are	only available if the GL version is
	  1.1 or greater.

	  GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if cap is not one of the	values
	  listed previously.

	  GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if fglEnable or fglDisable
	  is executed between the execution of fglBegin	and the
	  corresponding	execution of fglEnd.

	  fglAlphaFunc,	fglBlendFunc, fglClipPlane, fglColorMaterial,
	  fglDepthFunc,	fglDepthRange, fglEnableClientState, fglFog,
	  fglGet, fglIsEnabled,	fglLight, fglLightModel, fglLineWidth,
	  fglLineStipple, fglLogicOp, fglMap1, fglMap2,	fglMaterial,
	  fglNormal, fglPointSize, fglPolygonMode, fglPolygonOffset,
	  fglPolygonStipple, fglScissor, fglStencilFunc, fglStencilOp,
	  fglTexGen, fglTexImage1D, fglTexImage2D